MTL - Quick Transmigration with Female Lead Aura-Chapter 143

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Jiang Nian has doubts, naturally will not let go, immediately set off to Jiangjia.

It happened to be the weekend. Jiang Tao and Jiang Boxue and Guo Xiuyu were at home. Even Guo Xiuyu and the eldest daughter’s eldest daughter were there. However, Jiang Nian’s eyes were very bad. He did not allow him to approach her.

Jiang Nian didn't have any impression on Shen Lanlan. The most memory still appeared in the memory of the original Lord. When the original Lord was locked up, she often went to see the excitement. Now she rejects her. I am afraid that Guo Xiuyu said in front of her. Less bad words.

As a result, she didn't even have the opportunity to learn from Jiang Bo. Not only that, after she arrived at the Jiang family for a while, Shen Lanlan excused to take Jiangbo to go out to play. Jiang Tao was in a bad mood and was too lazy to control. Guo Xiuyu was very eager to wait for this, and gave Shen Lanlan a stack of money to make her play. Of course, in the face of Jiang Nian, she can only say that the family atmosphere is not good recently, it will affect the children, let him go out to play is the best choice.

If Jiang Nian was only skeptical before, it is almost certain to be confirmed now, because there is a great possibility that Guo Xiuyu is a guilty conscience.

Jiang Nian pretended not to know anything. When he left, he took a hair from Jiang Tao’s collar. As for Jiang Bo’s study, couldn’t she get Jiang Bo’s hair?

In the past, about a week later, Jiang Nian got the paternity testimony of Jiang Boxue and Jiang Tao. The above result really made Jiang Nian open his eyes. She really did not expect Jiang Tao to be proud of his son, three generations. Shan Chuan, the heir to the Jiang family he identified, is really not his own.

After Jiang Nian got this appraisal, he did not go to Jiang Tao. Instead, he copied a post to Guo Xiuyu. This woman is too tempted to make such a thing that Jiang Tao is a big man. I don’t know if it is still There are other secrets. With this paternity test, you can swindle her. The more she panics, the more likely she is to make mistakes. As for the son of Jiang Boxue, Jiang Nian did not care, but it was not Jiang Tao, which is enough.

And Guo Xiuyu received such a courier, really scared a half-dead, crazy to tear the file a crush! Her first thought is Jiang Nian, only Jiang Nian will hate her like that, but if it is Jiang Nian, why is she not directly handed it to Jiang Tao, so that her painstaking efforts for decades will be destroyed, and Jiang Nian Will be the biggest winner...

She thought about going, sitting restless, and fearing all day, she was more and more stunned, and she was ten years old at night.

And just after this day, she received a courier identification every day. She couldn't tear it, tearing one and tearing one, and she was tortured to be schizophrenic. She also hired private privately. Detective, I hope to find out who is blaming, although she thinks that person must be Jiang Nian.

In addition to the relationship with Xiao Zheng, she can not find any breakthrough that can kill her, which makes her painful, like a beast!

Jiang Nian is eating and drinking well. The only worry is that Xiao Zheng is becoming more and more unscrupulous. He sent a gift and liked to go to the room. When Jiang Nian gave him a look, he looked at her with pity, and I was "wrong." If you don't like it, I will change the grievances... Jiang Nian will not be willing to marry him, not to mention the fact that the hand is short and the hand is soft, and Jiang Nian receives the hand cramps, and naturally he is not soft.

She sighed and felt that this was not a solution. She would soon surrender under the bombardment of the big gold... The taste of being caught by the pulse is quite uncomfortable, but it is really so happy! ^-^

Xiao Zheng, who looked at innocents, was actually quite insidious and cunning. He was a sesame stuffing. Knowing what she could not refuse, she stared at her to grind her.

In addition, when she returned to Xiaozhai, the old lady took her to talk for a while, but she did not have anything to evade, saying directly: "Is the kid up to trouble you?"

Jiang Nian thought for a moment: "There is no trouble..." After all, receiving a gift will never be a problem for her.

The old lady patted the table: "Hey, don't tell him good things, I don't know him yet? I can still hold the kid before, and I don't know what medicine I suddenly took, I dare to come to you!" ”

Jiang Niandao: "Grandma already knows?"

The old lady took Jiang Nian's hand to go upstairs. She was very old. She walked very slowly. She was carrying her back and white hair. She said, "Look, you watched the kid grow up, I know that you actually know I feel bad about him, I can't say anything, but when you leave Xiao, I naturally hope that you will be happy and happy, and our family will drag you for ten years. Don't let you indulge in Xiao Zheng because you can't bear it."

Jiang Nian smiled and helped the old lady to say, "Where am I so bully? If I don't want it, no one can force me."

The old lady looked at her and patted her hand and sighed silently.

The old lady took Jiang Nian into her bedroom and took out a mahogany scorpion from the dressing cabinet. It was full of gold and silver jewellery and jade jewellery. At first glance, it was a bit history, and each one was precious. The old lady took out a ring with a ruby ​​inlaid and said with emotion: "This is the wedding ring that my old man has given me. It has been with me for decades..." She looked at it and put it back, then I also took out a jade bracelet. One by one and Jiang Nian said it all the time. In the end, she found a ring from a small donkey. "This is A Zheng’s mother, now I will give it to you."

Jiang Nian stunned for a moment and felt a little hot: " to give it to me?"

The old lady’s heart is like a mirror, with a smile: “If you want to stay, leave it. If you don’t want to stay, give it to Azhen’s future wife.”

Jiang Nian understood this, and the old lady acquiesced in any decision she made.

The old lady closed the scorpion and pushed it to Jiang Nian: "I am old, and I will give it to you for safekeeping."

When Jiang Nian didn't know why, he felt a glimpse of his heart. The old lady was seventy-five years old this year. She was a big man in a decade ago, and she was physically and mentally swayed. It was all supported by one breath. Now the overall situation has been fixed, Jiang Nian can clearly I feel that the spirit of the old lady is not as good as before.

Old and sick, the normal state of man.

Jiang Nian was used to life and death. He sent many people away. He didn't feel sad. He just had some pity for this old lady. She was a middle-aged husband and a lost old man. The white-haired man sent black hair, and her heart was sad. Can understand.

"Grandma, you know that I see the money, I am not afraid that I will take it if you take it."

The old lady smiled and clicked on Jiang’s forehead: “I will stay with my wife today and stay here at night.”

Jiang Nian sighed: "Okay."


Xiao Zheng naturally did not know what the old lady and Jiang Nian had said, but after hearing that Jiang Nian had returned to the old house, his heart was very flustered. He was too scared. He was too afraid of what the old lady would say, let Jiang Nian leave. Got him far. He managed to win today, and finally let Jiang Nian not reject him, if...

He barely dared to think about it and immediately drove home to drive.

When he got home, he saw the old lady sitting in the back yard with a serious look. Jiang Nian was eating snacks next to him. When he saw him suddenly coming back, he accidentally said, "The company boss is taking the lead to be lazy?"

Xiao Zheng took a breath and tried to make himself look normal, but he did not answer Jiang Nian’s words: "You are back, I will let Auntie do some dishes that you like."

The old lady laughed and glanced at him: "Do you need to say it?"

Xiao Zheng: "..."

He looked at the old lady, and then looked at Jiang Nian. Some of my heart was not sure if the old lady had anything to say with Jiang Nian? But it seems that at least there is no jealousy, it is good news.

Xiao Zheng squatted in the middle of Jiang Nian and the old lady. Jiang Nian was like a okay person. The old lady stared at Xiao Zheng several times. Xiao Zheng greeted the old lady’s eyes without shrinking. He would not retreat. He stood firm and said that he would not step back half a step.

When Jiang read the bathroom, the old lady’s serious face looked more serious. She patted the table: “Xiao Zheng, have you been too arrogant recently?”

Xiao Zhengdao: "Grandma, all this is me, you don't have a different opinion about Jiang Nian."

The old lady said: "Is that right and wrong?"

Xiao Zheng shook his head: "No, but I know, I am wrong in your eyes."

The old lady didn't start, and he knew that he wouldn't want to talk to him more. Xiao Zheng sat for a while, got up and went back to the house, and found Jiang Nian on the second floor. The room has been kept in Jiangnian's room. Although she moved out, she couldn't move anything inside. Even every few days, she changed into new sheets and put a fresh bouquet in the vase.

He waited at the door until she came out from the inside.

Jiang Nian saw that Xiao Zheng, who was waiting outside the door, was not surprised at all. He was wearing a suit with a straight suit, and he looked down on the wall and looked indifferent from the inside out. It was not as pitiful as before. Oh.

She leaned on the threshold and looked up at him. Xiao Zheng also looked up. The eyes were full of smiles, and the cold eyebrows softened: "Jiang Nian."

Jiang Nian said: "It is more and more natural that you call my name now."

He bent his lips and walked over to her and said, "Grandma is not embarrassing you?"

“Why should you be embarrassed?”

"Because..." He paused. "Yes, I like you. Grandma has to blame and blame me, it has nothing to do with you."

Jiang Nian said: "Do you think you are wrong?"

Xiao Zheng stared at her and said, "I love you, is it wrong?"

His eyes were dark and deep, and some of them looked at her in a hurtful manner. They pleaded with the wet-eyed puppy and asked for a fluffy dog's head.

Jiang Nian: "I am asking you."

Xiao Zheng: "I am not wrong, I like you, I will not change in my life."

His tone was firm, his eyes were still concerned about her, his fingers had unconsciously brought her clothes, and he was slapped by Jiang Nian. He licked the painful back of his hand, not to mention the pain, but the whole body said pain. .

Jiang Nian said: "Don't pretend to be wronged, I haven't bullied you yet."

Xiao Zheng is serious: "No matter how you treat me, I am willing."

Jiang Nian: "........."

She rolled her eyes and turned to the floor. Xiao Zheng followed her and knew that she was distressed by him. She couldn’t help but sneak her lips and her heart jumped.

After lunch, the old lady returned to the room for lunch break. Jiang Nian read the book in the study room. Xiao Zheng accompanied the old lady. After she slept, she went to the study room to find Jiang Nian. He habitually walked to her side. "What are you looking at?"

Jiang Nian: "I didn't see anything, just take a look."

Xiao Zheng snorted and didn't care. He reached her leg and his head leaned against her knees. Jiang said that he shook his legs, but he hugged it tighter. Then the big man shrank there and didn't talk. Stubborn persistence, as if it can be satisfied.

...this is too embarrassing!

Jiang Nian was a little bit eager to move, looking at his dark head, and did not hold back a dog that he was very poked.

This little **** is still quite big, but she still has some heartbeats. After all, he understands her mind so much, and she is so clever and sensible.

Forget it, wait for her to deal with the Jiang family to clean up this little bitch.


Just when Jiang Nian and Xiao Zheng tossed back and forth, the Jiang family came out with a news that made people stunned. They didn’t know what happened. Jiang Tao and Guo Xiuyu fought, and this time it was bigger than any previous one. Guo Xiuyu and Jiang Tao both entered the hospital, and finally the police came.

After Jiang Nian heard about this news, he thought it was the secret of Jiang Boxue’s secret. However, she only knew what she knew. It was actually when Guo Xiuyu secretly called Yang Hai and was caught by Jiang Tao!

Jiang Tao, this is still tolerated? Immediately after playing with Guo Xiuyu, Guo Xiuyu couldn't stand it. After being beaten up and starting to resist, Jiang Tao was even more angry and said that he would divorce! Guo Xiuyu has to endure not wanting to possess Jiang Tao’s property? Of course, I don’t want to get divorced, but I’m getting more and more angry. She is accompanying this old man and so many people, and she hasn’t got anything to be beaten. Why?

The two people who are resentful have no previous peace. Jiang Tao said that Guo Xiuyu is guilty of being uncomfortable in the room and not worthy of being a wife. Guo Xiuyu said that Jiang Tao is not dead and can't be human and she is widowed. "I don't deserve to be a wife? You are also suitable." Husband? When your wife was seriously ill in bed, did you not derail and be with me? You said that I am not worthy of being a mother, you are also a father? I just said a few words, you are afraid of Jiang Nian The life of the life will kill you, you can't wait to marry her. Now, Jiang Nian is developed and has value. These mistakes have become mine. Are you even more shameless than me! Even if you want Divorce, you have to divide me half now!"

The scandal was poked, Jiang Tao started to lose weight, and others could not pull it.

After such a trouble, they both went to the hospital. I heard that Jiangjia was smashed.

After Jiang Nian got the news, he immediately went to the hospital to watch the fun.

Read The Duke's Passion