MTL - Quick Transmigration with Female Lead Aura-Chapter 76 Allure Love (17)

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Ms. Zhang is seeing that Hu Ling is too persistent. She almost recognized Jiang Nian and said that she refused to let go. She was helpless and naturally curious about a disease. How can a little girl have such a big charm that she can lead her son to die like this, to death?

Really want to say, Huo Ling grew up to look good when he was young. Every time she took it out, the little girl’s eyes liked to aim at him. The love letter didn’t know how to accept it, but he didn’t open it. During the rebellious period, there was no less time to skip school and fight. It was because there was no early love. Ask him why, he said that he did not like it, and he was in trouble. Later, when I entered the army, I closed my eyes and faced a group of stinky lords. Don’t say anything about making a girlfriend, even a female friend would like to know one.

Now, I grew up, but I like a girl who is really troublesome.

Ms. Zhang naturally wondered what happened to Jiang Nian in the end, so I asked someone to inquire about it. When I asked Zhang Xing, I realized that this little girl looked at the sickness, or the senior high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination!

It was also this time that she realized that Jiang Nian was a neighbor in B City and Huojia’s father, and the relationship between the two was not bad. Huo’s evaluation of Jiang Nian was even higher, saying that she was a shackled person. Can be an example! As for the Jiang family, in addition to the particularly spicy eyes, other things are fine.

Even her little girl’s evaluation of Jiang Nian is not low. She said that although she is sick, she is also a very interesting little girl. When it comes to this, naturally, it’s said that every time Huo Ling comes to B, he will pick it up. Huo Ping was out of school. He had never seen him so considerate before. At that time, they didn't think much about it. Now I want to come. I am afraid that it would be a little bit interesting to Jiang Nian at that time, I am afraid I still don't know.

Actually it is like this!

It turned out that Jiang Nian was not the kind of woman she thought of like a silk flower, nor the woman who had to climb and who could live. Even if she was born weak, she could not be as happy and carefree as other children. However, many restrictions, can not run can not jump, and take a few more steps are a problem, but she did not give up on it, but live more seriously than anyone else!

Such a strong and brave girl is with Huo Ling, Ms. Zhang thinks she should be relieved.

It’s just that the old people are unfair, and the good people are not good at reporting. Otherwise, how can a small girl suffer such a big crime from an early age?

Ms. Zhang wants to understand. Naturally, she no longer opposes it. Originally, I wanted to wait for Huo Ling to come back from the army and come to see Jiang Nian’s. It’s that when Huo Ling came back, she didn’t know when she went. She and her old man discussed it. Then, I will come over first.

Besides, she did not have much dissatisfaction with Jiang Nian. After the doubts in this heart were gone, watching Jiang Nian had more pity and distress.

"Jiang Nian, before Auntie had some opinions on you because of some prejudice, don't be angry, it is Auntie who is wrong. Now Auntie has no other thoughts, I think you and Huo Ling are all good."

Jiang Nian calmed her little heart shivering and promised: "Auntie, you can rest assured that I will take good care of Huo Ling and will never let him down."

... How does this sound too wrong? But it seems that there is no problem. She smiled and patted Jiang Nian’s hand and said, “That’s good. Auntie is relieved. When you have time to come to the house to eat, Auntie will give you a good meal.”

Jiang Nian is not at ease. If it is not for the sake of the family, let her and Huo Shushu fall in love with the city. Is it really rare for her to die and live once? Then how can she be willing! How can Uncle Huo who eats his mouth still spit it out.

"Okay, I know, thank you Auntie."

"Hey, how are you crying? Don't cry, you are all good kids, Auntie will definitely support you!"

"...I am so happy." Auntie is really a good aunt, especially understanding, where is such a good mother-in-law looking for?

Ms. Zhang’s change is of course the most happy of Holling. It’s best for her mother and wife to get along with each other. He doesn’t want Jiang Nian to follow him. Nowadays, it’s natural luck.

Jiang Nian is really hard to accept, because she once again felt the fate of fate!

But what can she do? In the midst of the beauty, she can only eat this bitter fruit with tears, turn grief and indignation into strength, and painstakingly study her "Great Song".

When the big semester is about to end, Jiang Xiaobao and Huo Ping, Chen Yi and Xu Lihai will also take the college entrance examination. As her four front and rear guards, she especially looks forward to another reunion of the fate. She gave it back two days before the exam. They called and gave them a little experience in college entrance examinations. The most important thing is to be nervous. All of them must be mobilized. Others are imagining. At this moment, they have only one goal - the college entrance examination!

"Of course, it doesn't have to be too reluctant. After all, I am afraid that the world will be unable to find a second one like me. You can do what you can, or the greater the disappointment, the greater the disappointment."


Jiang Nian said again: "But you are also the four big guards of my genius before and after, and I have been bathed in the great glory of my genius for several years. I hope I can bless you for a good grade. I will pray for you. , come on."


This devil is growing up with poison? How do you become more and more poisoned after college?

Jiang Nian: "Well, don't talk to you more, I should encourage Chen Yi."

Huo Ping grinds his teeth with a toot phone, and while he is dark, he has waxed his good brother.

Oh, yes, this wonderful singer has now deceived his cousin to him. He will call her in the future, and he will not know if his cousin has bathed in too many wonderful glory, so he will be eroded by the miracle. Mind?

After thinking about it, Huo Ping shuddered. Fortunately, his mind was firm enough, otherwise he would have to be assimilated by Qi Qi, which is a big loss in the talent circle!

Besides, in order to give this wonderful look, they have to fight, or where is this face still? He has been hanging beams and cones for the past year, isn’t it for this day?

Seeing that Huo Ping is so hard to go forward, Huo’s father is naturally very happy, and he also credited Jiang’s thoughts. If there is no stimulation of Jiang Nian, his grandson may still be a slap in the east, a mischievous kid. .

Looking at it this way, although Jiang Nian is a little sick, how is it that a good person has done a good thing and must be thankful.


Jiang Nian called Jiang Xiaobao, Huo Ping, Chen Yi and Xu Lihai in turn. He taught the experience and encouraged him. The big stone in her heart was finally put down halfway. I hope she can motivate them to take a test. good grade!

I hope they can feel her good intentions, and then they also inherited her study notes. When she was in the summer and winter vacations, she gave up the lessons again. The key points were also a lot of questions.

Of course, she can't say anything if she doesn't test well. After all, ordinary mortal people have limited IQ and can't force them. She can understand this kind of reason.

Jiang Xiaobao & Huo Ping & Chen Yi & Xu Lihai:......(╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

For a time, my teeth were so loud that I wanted to rest, and now I can't stop I have to read! Do the questions, you must do the questions! It doesn't make sense to be able to test them well. But most of the books on the book are Jiang Nian's notes, and the taste is really a thief.

After condolences, Jiang Nian reassured his creation again, and he thought about it in a word and a sentence. He hoped that her masterpiece would meet with you earlier and let her genius reputation spread more widely.

However, during this period, a rumor in the school gradually began to rise.

One is that Jiang Nian has a boyfriend, someone saw her and a man walk hand in hand in the school, the second is that Jiang Nian's boyfriend is not someone else, is Huo instructor!

Even when Jiang Nian went to class, he could hear some arguments.

"Jiang Nian's military training has hooked up Huo's instructor!"

Fog grass, this is very excessive, Huo instructor should not be a legendary popular lover? How did it become Jiang Nian’s boyfriend?

"Really fake? Impossible, although the Huo instructor took care of Jiang Nian, but the two did not say anything at all, I don't believe it!"

"I don't believe it, Jiang Nian and Huo Instructor? These two people are so big that they don't even take it!"

"But I heard that someone saw the Huo instructor and Jiang Nian's intimacy. When Huo instructor came to the military training, there was no girlfriend. After Jiang Nian fell ill, he had a girlfriend one day. You are not surprised?"

"No, I don't believe it! I won't believe what you say!"

"Why is my heart hurting?"

... heartache is right for the brothers.

Jiang Wei and Chen Chen actually have some sense of superiority. This heartache is not a matter of fact. When facing the truth, you will also experience what is called “When the street is thundered”, that is, a loud bang, blowing up the human mind. no.

One girl also found Jiang Nian especially and asked her: "You and Huo instructor are fake, right?"

Jiang Nian said: "No."

The girl blinked a bit: ", I don't believe it, Huo instructor won't like you."

Jiang Nian: "The instructor does not like me."

When the other party is happy, he listens to Jiang Nian and says: "Huo instructor, he loves me."


Chen Chen sat next to Jiang Nian, and heard a sigh of laughter. He sneered: "Some people think that they are something, they love to add their own drama. Let’s not say that Huo’s instructor doesn’t like Jiang Nian, it must be I don't like you, don't you even dare to sprinkle the phone number of the instructor? The instructor of Huo’s eyes will only be our Jiangyan, it’s impossible for you. Wake up.”

Jiang Nian looked at Chen Chen, how could this be so strange? "This is what you said wrong. My family's instructor is not awkward."

"Oh, blink of an eye?"

"The yellow card warns, don't tell me baby."


The girl squatted for a long while, and saw that the two of them had come and went for a long while. She slammed her feet and slammed Jiang Nian’s squabble and ran away. It immediately provoked many people to look over. Only when I didn’t see it.

Chen Chen snorted and shook his head.

Just after the class, Holling, who had been away for more than a month, didn’t know when he came back. He was a servant, and his black windbreaker lined up his body. He stood tall and stood tall, and he held a black umbrella and walked on the spring day. The tail, coming against the drizzle.

When Jiang Nian had just finished class, the shower came suddenly. She was stopped in front of the teaching building with her classmates, so she saw Holling standing outside the teaching building and standing under the rain screen.

The whole freshman, probably no one does not know him. He is familiar to many people as a Huo instructor. After the military training, he disappeared completely and only lived in the legend. Now he suddenly appears like this, and suddenly it causes no. The attention of few people, even some people whispered, the active boys also came forward to say hello.

Huo Ling is very popular, not only because he looks good, but also because he is very strong, his ability is good, and because he gives people a feeling of mystery, and his background. Such a man, without special treatment, can naturally provoke countless people to worship.

"Huo instructor, Huo instructor, are you coming back to us to play?"

"Yeah, let's have dinner together at night!"

"No, I will pick up my girlfriend for class."

Everyone: ".........啥?!!"

Looking at the cold and handsome Huo instructor, Jiang Nian was so excited that he wiped his tears, and was tortured by fate for so long, she finally realized the radiance that she had as a female lord!

Huo Ling thinks that today's Jiang Nian seems to be very happy. He has been smirking with his arm for a long time, and he laughed too: "My mom said that it is time to go home together for dinner. Is there time?"

As a close-knit little girl, Jiang Nianzhen said: "Okay."


On the two-day college entrance examination on June 7th, the results of the college entrance examination came out half a month later. Jiang Nian was also preparing for the final exam. Jiang Xiaobao called and cried out of breath, and soon followed her. Dead, the room must be smashed through the microphone.

"Don't cry, let's just say, how many points have you taken?"

Jiang Xiaobao was once again dry, the neighbors who passed by heard it, and said that he did not test well, was mad and mad! Jiang Grandpa, who shoveled downstairs and Jiang, who was washing vegetables in the kitchen, heard it. One threw a **** and ran. One took a kitchen knife and went upstairs. He said in a panic: "I’m stunned, Xiaobao you 咋Alright!"

"Is the results coming out? Don't cry, don't test our home and mine!"

"Wife, you are not good at saying this, what is our mine?"

"What is not good? I mean, we have mines in our homes. We can re-read Xiaobao for a year and two years. It’s okay, this book is slowly reading, not anxious, stupid nothing, we don’t ask You read a lot better, don't go out because you don't know how to be cheated. After all, the genius like your sister is really not much, and one of our family is content."

Speaking of Jiang Xiaobao and his sister, Jiang’s grandmother put a kitchen knife in her hand and wiped her tears. It’s really a pain to sigh his sister. His grandfather was next to comfort his milk, busy saying that his sister is so tenacious, and he will certainly live long and long, Barabara...

Grandma Jiang: "Oh my poor thoughts -!"

Grandpa Jiang: "Hey! Your wife, you want to open some!"

Jiang Xiaobao: ".........???"

Jiang Nian at the end of the phone: ".........!!!"

Not a grandmother, don't cry, she can live another five hundred years!