MTL - Quick Transmigration with Female Lead Aura-Chapter 88 The end of the world female match counterattack (6)

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The appearance of Qin Yue has surprised many people. At this moment, they are not afraid of it. They have asked Qin Yue what they said, but what? Is he really inspired by the practice of Professor Jiang Nian? It seems to be the same mine as Lao Li! Wouldn't it be?

Li Ming is going to be so excited that he is screaming and replied that it is really true! They have never seen Jiang Nian before, and they don’t know her. How could it be? Most importantly, before today, they didn't even touch the threshold of the power. Now they break through, and it's all because of Jiang Nian!

As for why they came, it was all because of the urinary edge. Others were surprised again. What is the "one edge of urine"?

This is a long story. Li Ming has a good life and how he overheard Ren Yuan’s conversation. How to get rid of the face and have the opportunity to steal the teacher, if not he overheard Ren Yuan’s conversation. Come over, where will there be today?

In this way, I have to thank Ren Yuan and Sun Hai for their big mouths!

Two big mouths: "........."

In fact, I really want to talk about it. Lao Li is the most shocked one. Even the pain of the body is forgotten. He looks at Qin Yuedao with his eyes wide open: "You are also a Thunderbolt? Impossible, how can you possibly Is it a thunder?!"

I saw Qin Yue spread his palms, and the strength of Lao Li and his likes appeared in his hands. He saw a flash of electric light, and a thunder was in front of Lao Li. The ground in front of him immediately broke out a crack, and he immediately shocked him. Go back two steps!

Yao Xiaoyue was equally shocked. This Qin Yue is really powerful. This ability has just been stimulated. The power is not weaker than that of Lao Li. No wonder it will be called the Lord of Thunder in the future. It is easy to provoke!

After the shock, I was annoyed. If I knew that Qin Yue was so easy to motivate my abilities, I knew that there would be today, why should she hide her? If she told Qin Yue earlier, then help Qin Yue to motivate people. It will be her, the person who is grateful to Qin Yue will be her, and what is that Jiang? !

Now that Qin has an abilities, she has no use value for him. She has no chips. It is even harder to get close to him.

Being contemplative, I saw more than a dozen men in green uniforms rushing in and tidying up and running. I saw Zhang Lin’s big hand waving, everyone was like a broken bamboo, and the muzzle was aligned with Lao Li and the monkey. Zhang Lindao: "Li Chengxian, Hou Jin, you are suspected of kidnapping, adultery, looting and looting other people's property, destroying public order and life safety, and sin is very sinful. Now you must take a trip with us!"

How can Lao Li and monkeys and others wait? The two looked at each other and the younger brother who had rushed to the camera gave a wink and attacked!

At the end of the world, who will tell you the law?

To arrest the abilities, the people brought by Zhang Lin are naturally not ordinary. After the fight between the two parties, Lao Li was shot on the spot. The monkey thigh was shot at the sole of his foot and he saw that Li was dead. The monkey was arrested, and the old Li’s men and horses had no heads, and they threw their weapons and surrendered. A farce ended with the death of Lao Li.

When Meng Xun saw that Lao Li was dead, he did not feel cruel and terrible. Instead, he felt that it was a sin! He once again looked at Jiang Nian, who was standing in the distant sky, pulling up his collar and covering his cheek, and bowed his head and walked away.

When Lao Li died, the house he occupied was afraid of being occupied by others soon. Those materials were afraid that they would be robbed. He had to rush before others did not respond.

Lao Li is a very good person. Every time he goes out, he must bring enough people. Now most of his hands are caught at the gas station. There are a few home guards. Meng Xun grabs the dirt and wipes it on his face. A hand, knocked on the door and sighed: "Good news, good news! Good to go and see! Someone at the gas station has announced the method of practicing abilities. Someone has already cultivated Ray by this method. System ability!"

Meng Xun shouted two more words, pretending to go further and further, and surely, after a while, the five men who were in the house ran out and shouted Mengson, and asked him with a bad voice: You said that someone has announced the method of practicing abilities, and some people rely on that method to cultivate the lei ability? Is this true? You give me the clear idea, if I dare to say a lie, I can't spare you!"

Meng Xun said: "Of course, everyone saw it. Even Lei Li is on the scene. He wants to take the master away for him. Don't you believe it?"

In private, many people refer to Lao Li as Lei Lao Li, because he can not release his Lei abilities to force people, and people are arrogant, thus having this nickname.

"How is the situation now?"

"...I don't know this. I am afraid that it will hurt me when I hit it."

"You are really useless!" The few people listened and looked at each other: "Go, let's go and help!"

They haven't motivated their abilities, they have seen the power of Lei Lao Li, and naturally they want to have abilities! How can this golden opportunity be let go? If they are strong, where is it still necessary to be a watchdog for others here? When I think about it, I can't wait to go to the gas station. No one wants to stay at the door. Where else can I care for something else?

When Meng Xun saw the few people running away, he wandered around the house, and then he took the opportunity to turn over the wall. He saw five or six girls in the room, with anklets on his feet, wearing thin, and some even Just wearing a blanket, there are mottled traces on the exposed skin, and he looked at him with a panic. Meng Xun took out the key that had just come from those people. "Lei Lao Li died, and the monkey and the other dozen people were also arrested. The few people who had just watched the door were taken away by me. You are jealous of this. Opportunity, run quickly!"

They stared at Mengxun for a moment, until the anklet was opened, and it was as excited as a dream: ", are you really?"

"A few of the animals in Lei Lao Li are really dead?"

"...we are saved? Are we really saved?"

The shocked and unbelievable eyes made Meng Xun sigh low.

Jiang Nian is right. Nowadays, when human beings are in danger, the human beings should watch for mutual help and tide over difficulties. Some people will do things that are not good for their own interests for their own self-interest!

So he has to be stronger!

Meng Xun looked a glimpse, quickly untied the anklet, and then found a few clothes from the outside and threw in it: "You hurry, now the army is next to you, you will go to the army after you escape, Lei Lao Li also received I have scraped a lot of things, and you have taken a little away. When you have invested in the army, you will not be bullied any more, and you will find a way to go home. You will be faster, and the death of Lei Lao Li will be spread. It’s safe.”

After Meng Xun confessed, he once again found the warehouse where Lei Lao Li stored supplies. He took an axe and cut off the chain. He went in and saw that Lao Li had not done anything bad in the past few days, and he had a whole half of the house. The ground is filled with rice noodles and a bag of bacon sausages.

He opened the backpack and probably loaded more canned meat and compressed biscuits, chocolate candy, etc. When he was full, he pulled the zipper back and took the backpack, but saw a woman wearing a wide men’s costume suddenly ran over. Carefully asked him: "Thank you for saving us. What is your name?"

Meng Xun looked back at her and the woman shrank a little. He hurriedly said, "Don't misunderstand, I don't mean anything else, I just want to thank you..."

Meng Xun shook his backpack and said: "Save you just by the way, don't put hope on others, you live well."

It wasn't until Meng Xun went far, that the woman was taken away by her companions. They hurriedly put on the food and sneaked away from the back door. When they saw the sky outside, they almost burst into tears. Since they were caught by Lei Lao Li, they never again. Without personal freedom, they can’t even count as human beings. Instead, they used to be a tool for venting their desires. They wanted to die. But when they thought of the family that was still alive and dead, they insisted on it. Now they finally climbed out of hell. .

Since they are alive, they will not die, they will take revenge, but they will have to live to see their families!


The squad leader and Shen Ran are sorting out Jiang Nian’s apprenticeship. The stone children’s branches are piled up, and the gold and silver jewellery is a bunch. Then there are some foods. These things are half and half, and Ren Yuan and Sun Hai’s classmates. Sitting and watching, while pouting, muttered: "These people really got the bargain and sold it, but they dare to take the twigs to fill the number, and then the gold and silver jewelry is not worth it now, they really take the shot! ”

The squad leader remembered Jiang Nian’s words: "Don’t say this, Jiang Nian didn’t want to accept anything. She didn’t care what the outsiders gave and didn’t give anything. Jiang Nian just wanted to tell her what she knew, we Spend the hardship together!"

Shen Ran nodded with approval and placed things neatly.

Ren Yuan and Sun Hai did not dare to say anything. Jiang Nian is unselfish and has great love. They are indeed a small family...

When everything is packed up, it is natural to hand it over to Jiang Nian. When Jiang Nian came back, he only glanced at it. The gold and silver jewellery had all the brains in the storage buckle, and it was pretending to cough and cough. The food was handed over to the squad leader and Shen Ran: "The one you brought should not be enough to eat? These two of you look at it."

The squad leader, there were 20 people who came out together this time. When they came out, they went to the school supermarket. There were not many and many things. Although they are not starving to death, the food is consumed every day. No land to replenish supplies, seeing the days behind it is sad, Jiang Nian, although with them, the squad leader really did not want to occupy Jiang Nian's things!

Shen Ran also said: "Sister Jiang, these are all for you, are yours, we are not allowed!"

Jiang Nian saw them refused, and took a few pieces of chocolate and biscuits. He said in a special atmosphere: "If you follow me, then I have some of you. I have already taken the one I have, and the rest of you." Take it and divide it."

Besides, her current reputation is to fight out. Will there be less money for filial piety?

The squad leader and Ren Yuan were particularly moved. The heart of this river is really a big fool. Now, in this world, whoever does not see the food as a sin, she gave them a big hand!

After seeing Jiang’s mind, he decided to carefully divide the candy biscuits and other objects into twenty-three. So there was not much to divide the things. He took his one and Jiang Nian’s one. , holding and running to Jiang Nian: "Jiang Jiang, this is yours, this is mine, I will give you all of mine!"

Jiang Nian looked at the things in front of him and patted his head. The child was too deceived, and the adults were so embarrassed that the big heads were occupied by her. I still don't know! This is probably the legendary being sold and helping to count the money? ==

Suddenly watching Jiang Nianxiao, he ran back and followed the squad leader's fiercely distributed materials: "This is what Jiang sister gave, we must remember to thank her!"

Naturally, this is nature. It is difficult to find a second one like Jiang Nian, and Jiang Dian still has strength. In fact, they have always been very grateful to her, she gave the cultivation method and gave food, how can this be forgotten? This time they not only have dinner, but even have breakfast for tomorrow, save a little bit of lunch and even solve it!

The materials have not been finished yet, Zhang Lin took people with him, and also held two boxes of instant noodles, two boxes of biscuits, two boxes of canned beef and water, saying that it was specially given to her, of course, these may still Too little, but they are in a hurry, the supplies are not much, the soldiers have to eat, the ordinary citizens who come to go to eat also want to eat, can really give Jiang Nian really, but wait until the base will be added.

Zhang Lindao: "Jiang Nian, your cultivation method is very useful. After I brought it back, many people said that cultivation according to your method can clearly sense that there is energy flowing in the body! This is a Major discoveries, we have already reflected your cultivation methods to the Imperial Capital, and also invited you for your work. After the popularization of the 12th Duan Jin of the abilities, I believe that more people will stimulate their abilities and become more More powerful, we will be able to spend this catastrophe!"

Jiang Nian: "This method of cultivation does not inspire people's abilities. Only those who have the potential to cultivate in this way may activate their abilities in advance. So you should not have much hope."

Zhang Lin stunned and said: "Well, I understand. It is very good to have such a discovery at this stage. I thank you on behalf of the organization, Jiang Nian."

"Actually, I didn't do anything. Now that the difficulties are ahead, we should be more united."

Zhang Lin was quite emotional. In the last ten days, he had already seen a lot of people who had to break through the net for a little bit of things. It’s rare for Jiang Nian to be so selfless. When he first came, he thought that this is a cult. If you sit cross-legged and meditate, you can practice your abilities. This is not funny, it is not an ancient practice of internal strength... I did not expect it to be really successful!

The previous suspicions have now become admirable.

Zhang Lin and others once again went to Jiang Nian for a military ceremony, and then assigned a team to patrol the guards near the gas station. Zhang Lin took the person away.

The things I received this time were not redistributed. I gave them to the squad leader and Shen Ran and went to the house to hide them. For a time, the students were all happy, and bluntly followed Jiang Nian was the most correct decision, of course. Forgot to hurry to practice, and to have the ability to stand by Jiang Nian, you can take the people who are looking for you to fight away!

Jiang Nian was not very happy. She looked at the boxes and sighed. Who knows that after a while, Qin Yue also came. He also brought several big boxes. Jiang Nian’s eyes lit up: "You are also coming. Gifting?"

Qin Yue smiled and said: "We only sent two pieces of chocolate before. This is not enough for your help to us to express my gratitude, so this brings something to thank you."

Jiang Nian stretched his neck: "What did you bring?"

“Some chocolate chip cookies and canned rice noodles.”


...... um, in fact, it is also very good, Jiang Nian is very content, although there are a lot of supplies in her storage, but this is not too much, anyway, she will continue to teach the class tomorrow, will the big gold be far behind? ? Of course not! Definitely more than today!

The next day, there were more people than the first day. Although the cultivation method was passed out early, and it is not necessary to practice anywhere, it is not necessary to be here. But even so, there are quite a lot of people coming. Jiang Nian is very satisfied. I don’t know how to wait until the evening to check the supplies.

The dry twigs are nothing, the food and the like are also increased, but the big gold is drastically reduced... only a small hand!

On the third day, it is even more terrible!

Big gold disappeared directly!

The squad leader was very moved. Even Shen Ran was very touched: "In fact, there are still many people with conscience in this world. They all know that Jiang’s sister is good, right, Jiang sister!"

Qin Yuedao: "Jiang Nian, you let them wake up again from the chaos. Although there are bad people in this world, some people have lost themselves in the disaster, but there are also good people, we are united in the disaster!"

Zhang Lindao: "Yes, as long as we unite as one, we will always survive this disaster. I heard that several people have already provoked their abilities during cultivation. They are not very likely to control. I have already reported to my superiors. They are all convened to unite training, we will have the ability to protect ourselves! Jiang Nian, I want to thank you again!"

Jiang Nian: "........."

............ Does she want to break their fantasies and drop the altar? ? ? But she is so vain and praised how to do it... QAQ

Life is probably like this, there must be something to lose, it is difficult to both, and hehe.

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