MTL - Quick Transmigration with Female Lead Aura-Chapter 95 The end of the world female match counterattack (13)

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Qin Yue and Shen Dongming and his party said goodbye at the gate of the city. He once again refused the invitation of Shen Dongming and registered with Li Ming into the city. Although Shen Dongming regretted it, There is no reluctance, with Professor Yang and his team going back to the cross, Yao Xiaoyue certainly wants to follow Qin Yue, but unfortunately Qin Yue is the invisible person in the whole process, and Li Ming and the two are not going back.

Yao Xiaoyue was so angry that she could only sneak up behind Qin Yue. What surprised her was that the security zone was in order, all the way, and many people stood on several small squares. Qi practiced martial arts skills, and all the soldiers dressed in camouflage uniforms personally taught, and some people in groups in the playground community weight-bearing long-distance running, even the children are tied with wooden sticks.

And these people, in addition to men, and women, down to five or six years old, up to fifty or sixty.

Yao Xiaoyue was shocked and pulled a woman and asked: "Is these people all powers?"

The woman shook her head and said, "How is it possible? Although there are hundreds of thousands of people in our safe area, there are only one-tenth of the abilities. They are also specially trained by coaches. These are ordinary people. Now it is not. Is the zombie rampant? There are so many dangers outside. Shen General is afraid that ordinary people cannot afford to protect themselves. So they sent people to teach us the skills of self-protection and the other’s zombies. This society is chaotic. Although we have not stimulated our abilities, we have Work hard, have faith, and work hard to defend your homeland! Are you new here?"

"Well, I just arrived today... it’s not the same outside."

"Don't be discouraged, as long as we unite as one, the end will pass."

Yao Xiaoyue did not speak for a long time after listening.

This is very different from the previous Longfei base. At that time, it was a mess. The birth and power of the abilities made the ordinary people have no place to stand, and they were not optimistic. Except for selling labor to make bait, there was no other. Uses, the fight against zombies, the weather against sudden changes, and the fight against shortages have cost most people's efforts. Who will have the mind to teach ordinary people how to be strong?

This world seems to have too many differences.

At least the legendary governor of the Yangtze River did not have this character in his previous life. Is it a rebirth like her? There is also Jiang Nian, since she can know the way to practice her abilities in advance, I am afraid that she will be born again.

When there is a chance, she will have to meet the legendary governor of the river.


Not only did Yao Xiaoyue see it, but Qin Yue and Li Ming naturally saw it. Although they did not know the situation of their previous lives, they saw a lot in this world. They all went north, and they encountered several survivor bases on the road, and even I have seen scenes of people eating people. Some people are so powerful that they are so wicked. They don’t look at people, they are discarded, and women are humiliated...

This time, on the way to the north, Shen Dongming not only brought back Professor Yang, but also some survivors and some squad members.

Seeing more people’s misery, I suddenly saw so many people who worked hard together, and they had to make people happy and moved, as if they saw hope in hell, let alone those who were brought back to the safe area by Shen Dongming. I was so excited and crying and laughing at the moment, saying that I was saved, they were saved!

In this case, I am afraid that even Shen Dongming and Shen Dongxue’s brothers and sisters have never thought of it. The expression is even more excited. How can this situation be bad? Of course, it is best to be the best. In fact, the end of the world is not the zombies, not the zombies, but also the mutated animals and the changes in the environment and climate. The most terrible thing is the human heart and the moral loss.

As long as we are united, how can we not have a place to settle in the last days? How can you not rebuild your home?

Shen Dongming said: "I didn't expect the Dabo safe area to be managed so well."

"Yeah." Shen Dongxue licked his red eyes. "In fact, it is very good now. Although the powers are strong, the strength of ordinary people will not be small. It is the best way to fight against the end of the world!"

They drove all the way through the streets, only to feel that this thriving scene made them feel a lot of comfort.

After knowing the identity of Shen Dongming and his entourage, a soldier who took the initiative to take the initiative actively explained: "In fact, it was only a small area that taught people to practice martial arts. The second end of the virus broke out. Shen General sent several people to protect the head of the river. Safety, she sees many ordinary people relying on brute force and zombies desperately. Some abilities will use their abilities, but unfortunately they are not skilled. This allows them to help those who practice martial arts. I did not expect this training to stop. Not going down, running in the morning and evening, following the practice of martial arts during the day, after training, follow the team to clean up the zombies..."

Nowadays, the world has entered the era of martial arts for all, and the elderly and children know that they are fighting weapons.

All the way to hear this, let Shen Dongming and Shen Dongxue and his entourage become more and more emotional, even Professor Yang said: "This district governor is really a good person with national significance."


There, Qin Yue is also looking for people to inquire about where the happy community is. The people in the entire safe area probably don’t know the happy community. If you ask someone personally, you will know that the most central part of the safe area is where the happy community is. I can hear a lot about the governor of the river, such as her big drooling pig, and her little black cat called Wang Cai, who can crush the head of the zombie with one paw. From time to time, I can see it coming back from a safe area with a fish. I took the street and took it to the Yangtze River to eat, and I admire the dead.

Li Ming was surprised to hear: "Can the mutant animal be tamed?"

They are on the way north, food is collected along the road, and sometimes there are some mutant animals, but those animals are very powerful and dangerous. They attack zombies and attack humans. No one will think that it will be so dangerous. The mutant animal stays around, not right... except for the real strong, I am afraid no one dares to bring the mutant animal around.

Qin Yuedao: "Let's go and see."

However, when they arrived, Jiang’s forefoot had just gone. At that time, there was an accident. Several men who were covered in blood rushed to the side and screamed: “The district governor, the district governor is not here?”

A few children waving wooden sticks in the yard said: "The district head is at the office! We will take you there!"

The children ran at the forefront and took the men to look for Jiang Nian. Jiang Nian had a rare break today. At this time, she also participated in the work of cleaning up the zombies. When she heard someone called Han, she walked out. The door came to see the men who were wounded with blood and asked: "What happened?"

The man hurriedly said: "We met a pet shop when we cleaned up the zombies today. There are about a dozen zombie cats and dogs in it. We were able to cope with them, but some of them have mutated, they are not only speedy. Fast, but also fire! We lost a lot of teammates..."

They went to the Bailai people, the team was broken up, they escaped, and many people were forced into a store, there is no life worry, but if they don’t save, then they will be hard to live. After they escaped, they first went to inform the military and hoped to have a rescue. Here, they also came to Jiang Nian. Jiang Nian is not only strong, but also their spiritual pillar.

When Jiang Nianyi heard it, this matter is no small matter. If these zombies and cats are not cleaned up, the expansion of the safe area is only a big problem. When they are strong, I am afraid that the security zone will be safe.

Jiang Nian said: "I will go see."

She called Wangwangcai and left, and she calmly followed up: "Sister Jiang, you have to be careful."

Jiang read the sound and patted his head.

When she arrived, Jiang Yuan had already followed the team. The 18-year-old boy is now wearing a military green uniform. Although his face is tender, he is determined to be as strong as a pine.

He saw Jiang Nian and quietly gave her a wink.

Jiangyuan’s captain Li’s team all know Jiang Nian. When she saw her, she also said that she was a district governor. Jiang Nian’s heartbeat jumped. If it’s a safe district head, it’s very prestige, but what about the district’s head... ...

"Lee team, what do you want to do?"

Li Qiao said: "We must first ensure the safety of the people inside. If we have a positive conflict, we will suffer anyway, so we are going to send the speed system to the abilities. The zombie cats and dogs that are kept outside with some raw meat are brought to us. Set the traps and then kill them all!"

This method is not bad, but because it is located in the urban area, no one knows where the danger is hidden, so the method of adventure is not easy to use, because it is afraid that it will attract more zombies, but it is counterproductive. It’s just a very moment, it’s the best policy to take the zombie cat and dog away.

They are now hiding in one of the tall buildings, and they can see the zombies and zombies and cats walking back and forth along the road. They are even madly hitting the walls and iron gates.

Jiang Nian said: "I will go with you."

The Li team immediately took a military ceremony. The several soldiers standing behind him also looked at each other. After the baggage ceremony, they listened to the Li team to arrange the starting plan.

Jiang Nian took Wang Wang with his arrangements.


When Qin Yue and Li Ming arrived, Jiang Nian’s forefoot had just left, but he heard from the mouths of several children in the community that Qin Yue knew the zombies were so powerful, not to mention that several of them actually evolved. The ability, that is naturally more difficult, he did not say anything, find a person who is dealing with the wound to take him in the past, that person is to help, naturally unbearable!

When Qin Yue and other people arrived, those trapped in the store had already retired to the safe area, and the doctors and nurses waiting outside were carrying the stretcher for treatment. On the other hand, the dozens of zombie dogs and cats They were all led to a square. The feet of the earthen abilities were stepping on the ground. The square immediately fell into a big hole. The zombies and cats and dogs had already been trapped in some zombies, but they did not know the danger, and they made a loud voice. Those pieces of raw meat! The water system, the thunder system, and the fire system took turns. The power of the thunder and the water was naturally strong. After that, the fire system was followed. The ordinary zombies had already fallen down at the moment. Only three zombie dogs and two mutants that mutated the firepower were able to Mutant speed is the abilities of the zombie cat, and a second-level zombie is still standing. At this moment, they are licking their ears and they have found that the food hiding on one side has begun to attack.

This scene directly made Jiang Nian's big wooden stick useless, and sacrificed the uniqueness of her bottom of the box - another baby in the system mall, a black machete!

Jiang Yuan also held a wooden stick in his hand. The hot flame smashed the wooden stick and swung it all over the place. The rest of the abilities were naturally resorting to the full force.

Jiang Nian has a healing ability in the body, whether it is the zombie dog of the fire department or the zombie cat of the speed department, all who are close to her are cut down by her! But these evolved zombies, not only powerful, but even the bones have become hard, and actually resisted her with a knife, but after this knife, they no longer dare to approach her, as if afraid of what, Start attacking the people next to you!

For a time, the pressure on others is multiplying! Seeing the Li team will be caught by the zombie cat, Wang Cai raised, screaming a paw and directly grabbed a claw of the zombie cat.


Good fortune!

When Qin Yue and others arrived, they saw such a scene. Several zombies were chasing the soldiers. Jiang Nian and the black cat were chasing the zombies, and they were very petite, but they were big. The chopper, the wind and the wind, like a female strong man, one person and one cat, and soon cut the head of the second-level zombie.

Soon, the zombie cats and dogs also fell, but because of fear and want to escape, Qin Yue’s heart moved, and a teleport had flashed in front of an escaped zombie cat. The big hand was a thunder, and the zombie cat screamed. , crashed down.

The sudden appearance of Qin Yue made them even more excited, and of course they were shocked. This man was a thunder strike when it appeared. The zombie cat that had been wrapped around them for a long time was only an understatement, but he did his best. More powerful? What's more, he appears out of thin air, is it a dual-powered person?

This is not enough to be amazing, after all, the district governor is three series! I thought they were very proud of it.

The emergence of Qin Yue greatly eased their pressure, and cooperated with each other to quickly kill the zombies and dogs, completely lifting the crisis.

Qin Yue’s teleportation has already appeared in front of Jiang Nian.

He was dressed in black, dusty, and there was still a **** on the chin that he hadn't had time to deal with. It looked dirty and unexpectedly handsome.

He looked cold and smiled softly: "Jiang Nian, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Jiang Nian looked up at him and smiled. "Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qin Yue reached out and gently patted Jiang Nian’s head with a mild look.

Jiang Nian endured forbearance, or couldn’t help but tell the truth: "Qin Yue, you are just handsome!"

Qin Yue snorted, coughing gently, his ears moving: "............... oh."

When Li Ming rushed to the scene, this side has already been processed. He has no choice but to spread his hand: "Sure enough, the space abilities are fast, and I can't catch up with this chase."

Jiang Nian saw Li Ming, his change seemed to be bigger, and his arms were empty. In such a difficult situation, it is not easy to think about coming to survive. Later, Jiang Niancai listened to Qin Yue, he said that when Li Ming was bitten by a zombie to half his arm, he almost died, but fortunately he did not suffer any major injury, unlike the emboli poisoning, otherwise If you can't die, you will become a zombie. Then he became the one who killed his brother. In the past life, he really became a person who killed his brother's family, so it will become like that...

Jiang Nian said: "You have come at the right time to help us all!"

Li team cleaned up there, and also came to greet Qin Yue, thank him for his help, Qin Yue is cold and faint, "I came to help Jiang Nian, thank her."

"Nature naturally, I will go back to the higher level and report to the governor of the river."

Jiang Nian is swinging her hand. She is now desperate for rewarding anything. Anyway, she will never be the big gold she wants. It is better not to give it, so as not to hurt her heart again and again: "Fortune to catch two small fish Dry, we have to have a big meal tonight!"

Wangcai: "Hey!!!"


Yao Xiaoyue followed all the way with Qin Yue and others. Naturally, Qin Yue helped Jiang Nian and others to repel the zombies. She was surprised: "The woman also joined the army?"

The male wounded with Qin Yuedao said: "What woman? That is the head of the river. She is pleased with our request to save people. She did not join the army, but the district governor joined the army. The younger brother is also very powerful, or the fire abilities! Have you seen it? His fist is with fire and he can kill the zombies with a punch!"

Yao Xiaoyue was shocked for a while and couldn’t speak. She was terrified. Jiang Nian is the head of the river. How can Jiang Nian be the mayor of the river? !

She is an ordinary woman, even if she has evolved her abilities, how can she unite so many humans, how can she create a new safe zone? She can't do this step! This was not possible in the last life!

Yao Xiaoyue only feels that he is dreaming. This Jiang Nian may not be born again. Is she being possessed by others?

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