MTL - Quick Transmigration with Female Lead Aura-Chapter 97 The end of the world female match counterattack (15)

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Shen Ran really saw Qin Yue in the happy community. He was still the leader of the team two months ago. He led dozens of people, and now he is actually around. Only followed by a broken arm Li Ming.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yue’s parents were betrayed, and even Qin Yue could not avoid being betrayed.

He didn't want to see Qin Yue very much. Before that, he liked to sway in front of Jiang's sister. There was nothing to send something to please Jiang sister. Every time I saw Jiang sister's eyes lit up, it was a bad heart!

It’s just that people’s eyes are not very good. They are actually mixed with Yao Xiaoyue’s people. Of course, his brother is the same.

Qin Yue did not expect that Shen will specifically come to him, and Shen Dongming and Shen Ran are cousins, he was surprised, said: "Come in, let me come to see me something?"

Shen Dongming shrugged and looked at the sly face and said: "Do you want me to avoid it?"

Shen Ran glanced at him: "You don't need to avoid, brother, you have to have a long brain, don't just grow up in IQ."

Shen Dongming blinked: "...what?! Is there such a conversation with your brother?"

Even Qin Yue was confused and looked at Shen Ran, and he was puzzled.

Suddenly snoring, the shortest body he walked to the side and sat down to the side and saw the mountain road: "You all know Yao Xiaoyue, right?"

Shen Dongming suddenly realized: "Are you coming for Yao Xiaoyue?"

Qin Yue frowned and asked: "You also know Yao Xiaoyue? Is there any festival with her? Yao Xiaoyue, this woman's mind is not simple, but it is not a general leisure class. What loss did you have in her hand?"

Shen Ran look at Qin Yue, I did not expect this man to have some brains, Shen Dongming especially did not understand: "I see Yao Xiaoyue very good, before we encountered a lot of danger on the road to the north, she helped a lot, no It’s like a bad guy. And Yao Xiaoyue doesn’t mean she saved Qin Yue and Li Ming?”

Qin Yue chuckled a bit, some disdain, "Yao Xiaoyue did not save me and Li Ming, even without her, I can handle a few zombies." He did not pay attention to Shen Dongming, asked Shen Ran: "You take the initiative for her." Come to me, is there any relationship between Yao Xiaoyue and Jiang Nian?"

Shen Dongming is even more puzzled: "How is it still involved in Jiang Nian?"

I don’t blame Qin Yue for thinking of Jiang Nian. He and Shen Ran have been together for a while. This little boy has a look at every person who is close to Jiang Nian, as if he wants to hide them in his heart. If he finds something, he will definitely remove it. The most important thing for Shen Ran is Jiang Nian, who can let the heart mourn and can't let go of it. Who else can Jiang Nian be?

I suddenly looked at the idiot and looked at Shen Dongming. "I told you that after the bodyguard hid me in the car, it was Jiang’s sister who saved me and took me back to the emperor, right?"

Shen Dongming said: "Yeah, what happened?"

"So I hid in the van and saw my sister Jiang’s good friend stepping on her shoulder and climbing on the van. Then, regardless of Jiang’s life and death, she deliberately dropped her, but she ran over the wall. What’s more interesting is that she I didn’t have a heart. When I saw my classmates, I still cried so much that she wanted to live alive for her sister Jiang’s death. She said that Jiang’s sister was trying to save her. She would cherish her own. Life, but also to see the world for Jiang sister! Do you mean anything?"

Suddenly smiled coldly: "If it wasn't for Jiang's sister, when he was in the midst of a thousand miles, he provoked strength and escaping with me. I was afraid that both of us would die in the van and be eaten by zombies. No whole body, where will there be today? Shen Dongming, will your power be as powerful as today? Qin Yue, even if you can reach the Imperial Capital safely, can your parents live to wait for you to come back? Hundreds of thousands of people in the district, still do not know how many people can escape to live!"

Both Shen Dongming and Qin Yue are shocked. It is obvious that the good friend of Jiang Nian, who is said in Shen Ran’s mouth, is Yao Xiaoyue!

Qin Yue shook his fist and condensed on the surface. It was inevitable that when he was still in A city, Yao Xiaoyue deliberately revealed his injuries to gain sympathy. He said that she was betrayed by friends and finally escaped. At that time, he I felt that something was wrong, so I kept a little more worried, but I didn't think that things were more complicated than he thought. Yao Xiaoyue was not betrayed, but betrayed others. She was deliberately murdered, and the person killed by Yao Xiaoyue was Jiang Nian!

It is certainly clear that a trusted friend betrayed what it is.

Qin Yue’s heart was cold, and the back actually shocked the cold sweat. If Jiang Nian really died in that small alley... This may not dare to think about it. Without Jiang Nian, perhaps he has become a lonely man at this moment.

"It turned out to be like this. Yao Xiaoyue still told us that her friend had betrayed and escaped..."

Shen Ran: "What? She really has a face to say!"

Shen Dongming’s heart was also sinking. Jiang Nian’s ability before he felt it, or relying on Jiang’s practice of abilities to improve his speed, he did not die on the way to the north, and he returned to safety. After the district, especially after hearing the uncle to talk about what Jiang Nian did, he understood the power of Jiang Nian and admired her.

He also thought that Jiang Nian would be so profound and righteous, and would help everyone because of her return, because her heart is good, because she has expectations for human nature, and because she has a lot of good things around her, she will be happy. Bright, but do not want her to have experienced betrayal, facing life and death.

Shen Dongming shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect Yao Xiaoyue to be such a person. She was very active in helping us all the way. I thought she was a good person. I really didn't expect it."

Shen Ranhehe: "So I said that you have no long brains in your age. Anyway, Yao Xiaoyue is a terrible woman. It is obviously killing people but still looking confident. I will not let her approach Jiang sister. I tell you these, too. I don’t expect you to do anything, you just don’t want to see your brainless sisters who are being used by people!”

Shen Dongming touched his nose and felt helpless: "You can rest assured that since I know that Yao Xiaoyue is not clean, I will not let her approach Jiang Nian. When I go back, I will tell her to let her go."

Qin Yue coveted, in order to make a last resort, he should find an opportunity to get rid of Yao Xiaoyue.

This woman did not take her seriously before, and she was embarrassed by her. Since she threatened him, she naturally could not stay.

Shen Ran sees Shen Dongming and Qin Yue both understand, he clap his hands and stand up: "It doesn't matter, anyway, you want to die, don't pull my sister Jiang, I am gone."

Shen Dongming said helplessly: "Don't you go to the hospital? Where are you going?"

Where else can I go? Of course, I am going to find his sister Jiang! I didn't expect to have a few fools around me, and he actually knew them, it was a shame in life!

And Yao Xiaoyue can't take advantage of her when he comes to the Imperial Capital. He still has to tell her to know that she has to tell her both the things that Shen Dongming and Qin Yue are doing. Let her be prepared. The man’s words are not credible. !

Jiang Nian is not surprised by the arrival of Yao Xiaoyue. Yao Xiaoyue is a born-again person. He has been playing for more than a decade in the last days. He is not only clear about the Chinese pattern, but also has an understanding of the world pattern. There is no problem with self-protection.

"She will come when she comes. If I dare to provoke me, I will call her to cry."

"Good sister Jiang, I will help you beat her!"

At this time, he hated that he was just a brain evolutionary, so he did not need Jiang’s sister to take it. He solved her privately.

The evolution of the brain domain is also the same. There are only two evolutionary brains discovered in the entire safe area. There are only two professors, Shen Ran and Yang. Therefore, after Professor Yang and other scientific researches from all over the country return to the Imperial Capital, they will let He entered the institute to follow the study in order to study the vaccine to solve the zombie virus in the shortest possible time.

Shen Ran also wants to be a useful person, like a sister like Jiang.


Qin Yue was completely resentful of Yao Xiaoyue. The only thing he was fortunate was that he was smart enough and was not deceived by Yao Xiaoyue’s poor means. Otherwise, he couldn’t think of the consequences, and there was a cold sweat on his back.

Of course, he did not want Jiang Nian to misunderstand him. He did not believe that this matter would be stunned by Jiang Nian and did not tell her, so after Shen Ran was taken away by Shen Dongming, he came to Jiang Nian.

She does not seem to be different from before. It seems that she has not been affected by the appearance of Yao Xiaoyue. Even his eyes are the same as before. The smile is warm, bright and hopeful.

At this moment, he was suddenly not afraid of it, and he had a lot of peace of mind. "Jiang Nian, you know what you said?"

Jiang Nian nodded: "Well, what happened?"

Qin Yue seriously said: "I know Yao Xiaoyue is a gas station in City A. At the beginning, Yao Xiaoyue said that she was betrayed by her friends and wanted to go north with us. In exchange, she told us about the experience of inspiring the abilities. Later I discovered that she deliberately deceived. I just drove her away. Later, when Shen Dongming, that is, Shen Rangtang, was attacked by a mutant snake, Li Ming broke half of his arm and the injury had not healed. Shen Dongming’s team There are healing abilities, so we will go to Beijing with them, although Yao Xiaoyue is also there, but we are not all the way, and she has nothing to say."

Jiang Nian was quiet for a while, smiled and said: "You explain so much?"

Qin Yue stayed a bit: "...I am afraid you misunderstood."

"I misunderstood what." Jiang Nian shook his head and said: "I have a festival with Yao Xiaoyue. I also know who Yao Xiaoyue is. Don't worry, she will calculate what I can do later." Let Yao Xiaoyue Unforgettable, it may be her space jade, I am afraid that Yao Xiaoyue is still not dead.

Qin Yuewei smiled, humming.

He performed well in front of Jiang Nian, and it looked harmless. Turning his back, he began to calculate how to make Yao Xiaoyue disappear completely.

However, this opportunity is really hard to find. After Yao Xiaoyue was persuaded by Shen Dongming, although he was extremely resentful, he was not smart and noisy. Instead, he did his best in front of Shen Dongming, saying that he was only misunderstanding and hoped that Jiang Nian could Forgive me, since the military can not accommodate her, then she can only go out and find another way to live.

Turning Shen Dongming into a dizzy turn, I thought I was doing something wrong, but I thought that "I want to live well for Jiang Nian". This is also the mouth of Yao Xiaoyue. He shuddered and thought about it.

After Yao Xiaoyue left the military, he joined a team of powers. The team leader is also one of the strongest players in the future. Nowadays, there are already hundreds of people. Apart from the abilities, most of them are ordinary people. Yao Xiaoyue of the third-level water system. It became a hot character in the team. She performed well, at least much more than a woman who was crying and crying, being shivered by a zombie, and being unable to resist her shoulders. No, she is more than a man. To be strong, naturally attract people to pay attention.

Yao Xiaoyue is also used to catching people's hearts, but in just half a month, she became the deputy captain of the squad leader. The people in the team praised her and trusted.

After hearing the news that Li Ming was coming back, Qin Yue was increasingly trying to get Yao Xiaoyue away.

This woman is pretending to be a slap in the face, and she will be flustered.

It’s a pity that there has been no chance. Until a few days later, the safe area experienced a crisis in the whole area. The mutated zombie did not know where it came from. The southern part of the city was almost full of mice, and went to clean up the zombies and save the survivors. The team of the team almost disappeared! Fortunately, there is a grid isolation, otherwise the consequences of running like a city are unimaginable.

However, this is not a long-term solution. Hundreds of thousands of people in Chengbei District are facing danger. Shen General took the initiative and not only sent troops to go, but also convened a team of powers in the security zone to go forward together.

Jiang Nian, Qin Yue and Li Ming are also among them.

Yao Xiaoyue also came with the team. She is not afraid of zombies. These zombies are at most one or two. They are winning in a large number, fast, and can eat. Her water system sprinkles a water area. When the abilities are released, they can kill a group of zombie mice. The third level will be more powerful. The bones and fur will be harder than before. At the fourth level, it is almost the rat king, but this is the beginning of the world. These stinky mice don't evolve so fast.

So she vowed, this time, she wants more people to see her powerful, let them know that she is not worse than Jiang Nian.

However, this time she was really wrong, although the main threat was a group of zombies, but she forgot that this is a dangerous area, except for mice, there are dogs and cats, and there are two zoos in the south of the city. Countless pet stores... In addition to these, of course there are zombies!

So she is destined to pay for her underestimation.

Just after she took a group of people to seduce the zombie mouse to the big earthen pit that the soil abilities slammed and burned it, she took the person deeper into the inside, but someone said that the military side let Acting together, don't be alone in fear of dangerous clouds, but unfortunately they have been blocked by Yao Xiaoyue: "It's just a zombie mouse. We just like the recent mice, attracting nearby mice and doing it all right, don't be afraid."

After attracting two waves, I really didn't encounter any big problems. The wariness naturally faded a lot. Unfortunately, when they went deeper, they set aside traps and waited for the mouse to vote for the net. By the time I came with the mouse, there are still a few more huge animals!

The accident is sudden!

"The trough, big! Is that a tiger? Is it a zombie tiger?"

"What to do next, zombies, cats and dogs are extremely powerful, isn't the tiger more powerful?"

"Mom, don't run fast and do something!"

Yao Xiaoyue almost retreated when the zombie tiger appeared. The man had not said that she had already run out of her legs. A dozen people did not dare to delay, and they retreated. However, they did not run far, and they rushed. Stop, actually there is a zombie tiger in front of you!

Yao Xiaoyue’s heart is awkward, it’s over!


Qin Yue has always let Li Ming pay attention to Yao Xiaoyue’s movements. Li Ming has left for a while. When he finally came back, he deceived him in his ear and said a word. Qin Yue’s eyes flashed and said: “They are now Where is the person?"

Li Ming sneered a little: "Yao Xiaoyue wants to invite the merits, and goes with the people to go inside. I also met two zombie tigers, and I don't know how to write the dead words."

Qin Yue pondered: "I will go first, you will inform the Li team."

"Well, you are careful."


Li Ming came back and spent a lot of time. Qin Yue used to spend a lot of time. When he arrived, the war there had already entered a stage of white-hot, and there were several dead bodies lying on the ground, and Yao Xiaoyue was working with a man. Dealing with a zombie tiger, but also distracted to deal with the zombie mouse at the foot, seeing more and more difficult.

Yao Xiaoyue was shocked. If you continue to do so, it is her that is not sure.

Just when the zombie tiger once again came, it was supposed that she had blocked the water curtain. The man condensed the fire power on the long knife, but did not want Yao Xiaoyue to think about it. When the man slashed the knife, he suddenly received it. Start the water curtain, turn around and jump into the alley! The man's face changed greatly, and the pressure gathered, but because of the threat of the zombie tiger, he dared not look back and looked at it. He could only fight hard! But he didn't want to be so cheap, Yao Xiaoyue, and followed the Yao Xiaoyue to chase the past.

Qin Yue’s heart is cold. This Yao Xiaoyue really does not repent. Of course, the man is not a good thing. After the end of the world, he has done a lot of bad things with his abilities. He has a teleport and followed the past.

Over there, Yao Xiaoyue consciously got rid of the zombie tiger. He just breathed a sigh of relief. He saw that the man actually followed him. He followed the zombie tiger who was chasing after him, and he was even scarred. He couldn’t wait to see her eyes. Eat her.

"You actually betray me?"

Yao Xiaoyue looked at him coldly and sneered: "You have not betrayed your brother? Is there anything worthy of my trust for people like you?"

"You want me to die, I want you to die!"

However, the zombie tiger has already caught up. The man can't wait for the other to slash and scream, and yell for help. Yao Xiaoyue throws out a few water polo and beats the zombie tiger back a few steps. The man seizes the opportunity and kicks the zombie tiger. To Yao Xiaoyue, Yao Xiaoyue hated it, and immediately fled to avoid it. However, at this moment, she suddenly felt that she could not move, and her foot could not move one step, just like what was bound in the body!

Space is forbidden!

She is very familiar with it. This is the space imprisonment of the space abilities. In the late period, this method has long been eccentric. Although the space abilities are scarce, they are not without them. They not only have storage space, but also It can be teleported, and when the means is higher, the space can be confined and higher. All the rules in the space are made by the abilities. In the space he creates, he is the law.

The zombie tiger rushed to her, and she screamed wildly, jerked her head and saw Qin Yue standing on the roof.

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