MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2268 Gentle petting gaze

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"Whoo, you just want to wash your hands, then you go!"

Ye Mengmeng opened his mouth and said, while loosening the little boy's sleeve.

As long as the little boy is not about to leave.

Ye Mengmeng thought so in his heart. The little boy listened to Ye Mengmeng's words, goodbye Ye Mengmeng's sigh of relief, his deep cold eyes flashed first.

Then, thin lips opened, and she couldn't help asking.

"You are scared, will I leave you !?"

The little boy said, as if asking casually.

However, when he heard this little boy, Ye Mengmeng almost didn't think about it, and immediately nodded.

"That's natural!"

Ye Mengmeng said, and then, almost without thinking, blurted out.

When he heard Ye Mengmeng's remarks, the little boy's delicate face was a little frowned at first.

I just feel that my heart is sweet and sweet.

However, the little boy's face never showed.

The thin lips opened and asked again.

"You're afraid of me leaving, you're worried, I'm gone, you can't survive in this deep forest, or something else !?"

The little boy spoke, and when he said that, he couldn't help but twitch a little.

Because he was worried that everything was his own affection.

Perhaps this girl was afraid of him leaving, just afraid that she couldn't survive in the woods, not ...

Thinking of this, the little boy's heart couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Ye Mengmeng didn't know about the thoughts of the little boy.

At this moment, when he heard the little boy's remarks, Ye Mengmeng just frowned slightly at the beautiful Daimei, and her red lips opened.

"Why do you look at me like that !? Is it such a person in your eyes !? Worried about you leaving just because you're worried that you can't survive in the woods! Yes! I'm also worried about this, after all , I have never been alone, and I have never lived in the wild, but these are not what I worry about most. I worry about you leaving. I worry about it. You now have no memory. Although you have martial arts in your body, it ’s only the last time. The men in black appear menacing, and when you look at the posture, you know that you have received special training and want to put you to death. You do n’t know. You left in a hurry yesterday. I worry about you for a long time. I worry that you will meet again. To those in black, I worry that you will be hurt or you will be in danger ... "

The more he said, Ye Mengmeng's beautiful Daimei could not help but frown.

The meaning of worry between Meiyu was not concealed.

Although, Ye Mengmeng knew that his worries were unnecessary in the eyes of this little boy.

After all, in the eyes of this little boy, she is the most useless.

However, she still could not help worrying about the little boy.

Ye Mengmeng thought so much in his heart, but he didn't know what he said, and it shocked the little boy!

The little boy only felt the sound of ‘嘭’, as if there was a huge stone, which was thrown into his original calm heart lake, and stirred up ripples.

The girl in front of her was sincere, without falsehood.

In addition, the anxiety of the girl's eyebrows was anxious, and she did not hide it, letting him know that this girl really had him in her heart.

Although he also knew that this girl had him in his heart, he just regarded him as a friend or little brother, but he didn't care.

At least now, the girl had him in his heart, and he was satisfied.

Thinking of this, the little boy could not help but tick.

Ye Mengmeng, who was afraid of being annoyed after earnestly expressing her expression, suddenly laughed at the corner of his mouth when he saw the little boy standing in front of him.

Seeing this, Ye Mengmeng's face could not help but hesitated.

"Um, what are you laughing !?"

Isn't it so funny what she said just now! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng's gaze fell on the little boy, could not help but wonder.

However, compared to Ye Mengmeng's confused face, the little boy's mouth just tickled slightly, and his lips laughed.

"I'm just happy."

"Ah !? Happy !?"

For this little boy, Ye Mengmeng's face stunned again, apparently, I don't understand why this little boy is happy.

Listening to Ye Mengmeng's words, goodbye Ye Mengmeng's ignorant look, the little boy is not annoyed, the deep cold eyes just fall on Ye Mengmeng quietly, in the eyes, a gentle smile that is difficult to hide .

"I'm happy because you have me in your heart and you care about me and make me feel so happy and warm."

The little boy said, softly.

Although, he has lost his memory now, but he is satisfied with the girl who is so concerned about him next to him.

No matter what this girl is, who is she pretending to be in her heart, as long as she knows he has him in his heart, he will be satisfied.

Thinking of this, the little boy smiled deeper.

But I don't know how nice the smile on his face is.

The sun was shining directly over the little boy.

At this moment, although the little boy was funny in his clothes and had long black hair, he was just casually covering his body. At first glance, it looked like a kid stealing adult clothes, but it was hard to damage the boy's natural beauty.

Especially now, the little boy's face is stretched with eyebrows, his mouth is smiling, his face is so kind and charming.

It looks like the sun in March, but it is bright but not hot.

The most intriguing is the gentle and doting gaze in the little boy's eyes.

The little boy was born beautiful, especially the deep cold eyes.

Only in the past, the little boy's eyes were deep, not angry and prestigious, giving a feeling of being difficult to get along with.

But now, the little boy's eyes are stretched, and the gentle smile in his eyes has even dispelled the inherent coldness of his body.

Looking at the little boy with a warm smile on his face, Ye Mengmeng couldn't help sulking.

It felt as if there was a small stone that had been gently thrown into her heart.

Moreover, the feeling of such palpitations and the gentle smile in the little boy's eyes gave Ye Mengmeng the feeling that he was so familiar.

Although, after many years, she still remembers that once, her brother Xuan looked at her with such a gentle and petting smile.

But it was unexpected that the little boy in front of him not only looked exactly like her elder brother Xuan, but also the gentle eyes of the pet now!

In this case, are people similar? ?

In this regard, Ye Mengmeng is not clear.

My heart was surprised and doubtful, but Ye Mengmeng shook his head fiercely and waved away all the thoughts that should not be in his brain.

Hey, why did she compare this little boy with her brother Xuan again! ?

If the little boy knew it, he would be angry again.

Read The Duke's Passion