MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2281 Fight alongside

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Although, the little boy's brutal skills and the horrible sigh that emanated from him made Yemeng startle and frighten, but looking at the little boy in front of him, he was unharmed by the enemy, and Yemeng was hanging The high heart finally fell.

Anyway, as long as the little boy is fine, that's fine.

Just when Ye Mengmeng was relieved, there was a fierce confrontation between the little boy and those in black.

Although there are a large number of people in black, one by one with high martial arts skills and extraordinary skill, but the little boys are not vegetarian.

Seeing that the little boy didn't use any weapons, he dropped those black men into the water.

I saw that the original dozen or so men in black were all slammed into the pool of blood under the domineering attack of the little boy.

Facing the little boy's fierce offensive, the menacing black man gradually showed timidity.

After all, this little boy, even if he is thin, is just a martial artist, and a dozen of them are not even his opponent!

Helpless, even if they can't reach this little boy, they will die hard.

Because they are deadpool!

If you can't complete the task, going back is just a dead end.

Why not fight! ?

As a result, those men in black made every effort to pounce on the little boy.

Facing the menacing offensive in black, the little boy's mouth just tickled slightly.

"Oh, I can't help it!"

The little boy spoke, his voice cold and disdainful.

After all, although the number of these people in black is large, it is just that he is not looking at it yet!

With this in mind, the little boy even saw the move, and the offensive was quick and accurate.

Gradually, more than a dozen men in black fell to the ground.

At this moment, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and heavy rain poured.

Around the ground, corpses were everywhere.

The bright red blood stains were all around with the rain. At first glance, it looked like **** on earth.

Looking at the blood flowing continuously along the rain toward his side, Ye Mengmeng was even more frightened and backed up.

Although, the blood was not hers, but she felt so terrible.

She should not touch the blood.

Thinking so in my heart, Ye Mengmeng is constantly making up and backing down.

I never noticed, not far behind her, but the fierce river ...

The rain was pouring down, and it had been raining all day and night, and the river had become full and anxious long ago.

The crisp impact sound made the scalp tingle.

But now, Ye Mengmeng's killings that have fallen in front of him and the blood that is constantly flowing towards him, have never noticed the rapids behind him.

Ye Mengmeng didn't know, but it didn't mean that someone hadn't noticed.

Although the little boy always confronted the man in black in front of him, but his eyes fell from time to time to the girl, and he was afraid that the girl would be in danger.

Therefore, when the little boy's gaze swept away, and he saw the situation on the girl's side again, he was frightened, his eyes narrowed.

I didn't even think about it. When the thin lips opened, the anxiously shouting overflowed from the little boy's mouth--

"Meng Meng, be careful behind you!"


Hearing the sudden yelling of the little boy, Ye Mengmeng, who was stepping back, had a look on his face, and then he couldn't help turning his head.

It ’s okay not to look at it. At a glance, Ye Mengmeng was just scared that the three souls were gone!

I saw, just two steps behind her, a ferocious torrent ...

The rain is pouring down, and the water in the rapids is very urgent. If it really falls, even the people with the best water will be washed away.

Moreover, in the rapids, there are so many reefs. If one accidentally hits the reefs ...

When thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng was even more shocked and couldn't help shivering.

Fortunately, the little boy shouted in time, otherwise, she hadn't noticed the danger behind her just now, and fell off ...

Just thinking about it, Yemengmen didn't dare to think about it any more.

Fortunately, it's all right now ...

Ye Mengmeng thought so in his heart, but when Ye Mengmeng looked up and looked at the little boy, a heart almost jumped out of her throat.

Just now, the little boy was confronting several men in black.

If it had been before, those in black would definitely not have hurt the little boy.

But because of the distraction of the little boy just now, those people in black have the opportunity to take advantage.

Looking at the sharp sword cut down on the boy's arm, Ye Mengmeng was shocked.

"Do not……"

Ye Mengmeng said, but he couldn't stop the sharp sword from falling.

Watching that sharp sword, chopped it on the little boy's shoulder, there was a moment of blood splashing, Ye Meng smashed a heart, and it was a stern moment.

That feels like pain in the heart!

If she could, Ye Mengmeng hoped that this sword was cut on her.

Then again, she was distracted because of her ...

When thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng is in the midst of heartache, and more of guilt!

If she had paid close attention to the situation behind her, the little boy would not have been distracted.

Without distraction, the little boy wouldn't be hurt.

All this, blame her ...

I thought that if I obediently stood aside, I would not be a burden on the little boy.

Unexpectedly, he still dragged him down ...

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng felt more guilty and distressed, and more angry.

For the first time, Ye Mengmeng had a murderous mind!

If she could, she really wanted to pick up a sharp long sword and kill all the black men who hurt the little boy!

Just as Ye Mengmeng was so angry, goodbye over there, the little boy was wounded to fight.

Although, the little boy's face was still cold, but Ye Mengmeng still saw it. The little boy was not hurt by the sword just now.

If this little boy can't hold on ...

The thought of Ye Mengmeng never dared to think about it.

Do not!

She can't stand here stupidly, watching the little boy fight alone!

Even if she is dead, she has to fight with these men in black!

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng's eyes were full of panic and fear, but she shot a never-ending determination.

She will fight alongside this little boy!

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng's beautiful eyes swept around.

Goodbye The long sword that fell to the ground not far away, seeing this, Ye Mengmeng's face was a stun, almost never thinking about it, immediately holding the long sword, he rushed towards those black men who besieged the little boy Passed.

"let me help you!"

Ye Mengmeng opened her mouth, and as she yelled violently, the long sword in her hand was severely chopped down behind the man in black in front of him!

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