MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2284 Two people can only survive one

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Compared to the anxious face of Ye Mengmeng, the little boy who was originally cold, his deep cold eyes could not help but soften.

Although, he has only been with the girl for only a few days, but this girl has taken root and sprouted in his heart.

Before, he knew that he liked this girl and wanted to be with her for a lifetime, even if he knew that this girl had other men in her heart. When he was, maybe he was just a passenger, friend, little brother.

But he didn't want much, but he wanted to stay with the girl.

However, at this moment of life and death, he discovered that the young girl had more weight in his mind than he thought!

Many, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life, just for her well-being ...

Even this girl still doesn't have him in her heart.

However, if he died, this young girl might remember him forever! ?

Thinking of this, the little boy's thin lips couldn't help but gently move, and his deep, husky voice gently overflowed from his mouth—

"Ye Mengmeng, if I die today, will you remember me all my life !? Although, I know that in your mind, there has only been your brother Xuan, but I hope that you can remember it all your life. I!"

The little boy said, although his tone was still cold, but if he listened carefully, he could hear the helplessness and sadness in his tone.

Because it is really uncomfortable to fall in love with someone who does not love you.

He is not afraid of death.

After all, people always die.

And it's worth being able to die for someone you like.

The little boy was thinking so in his heart, but he didn't know how much he panicked and fell into Yemeng Meng's ears.

"Don't say these dead, I listen to fear. You don't die, I don't want you to die."

Ye Mengmeng said, speaking of this, his heart could not help but sternly.

As soon as he thought that this little boy might have to sacrifice himself, Ye Mengmeng felt heartache.

Because she didn't want the little boy to die.

Just now, learning that she might be dying, she was scared and scared.

However, when she saw the little boy who was going to sacrifice herself to save her, she just felt more panicked, and her heart hurt.

That taste, as if the arrows were piercing the heart, she was almost unable to breathe in pain.

Even when Ye Mengmeng was in pain, his big tears couldn't help falling down and staining his cheeks, and finally, he became one with the rain.

Looking at Ye Mengmeng's crying sadness, the little boy felt very distressed.

After all, he didn't want to see the girl look sad.

Although I haven't been around this girl for a long time, every time I see this girl smiling and laughing, he feels so warm in my heart.

This young girl, she was confused, naive and cute, like a white piece of paper, without any filth.

Those clear eyes make people look and they like it.

Moreover, this young girl has a simple mind, and what she has in mind is expressed to the utmost in her delicate little face, so that people don't have to guess to know what she is thinking.

So, with this girl, he just feels so happy, so happy.

Although he knew he was not a fellow traveler with this girl before, he enjoyed the feeling of being with this girl very much, which changed his mind about being with this girl all his life.

Moreover, with this young girl, the young girl felt so familiar, as if they had known each other for a long time.

That warm and sweet feeling made him unforgettable!

I never thought that the happy days were so short.

Today, this girl is held hostage and is in danger.

He knew at last that maybe the man in black was deceiving him, but he didn't dare to gamble.

If he died, perhaps the girl would survive.

If he rebelled, the girl would have no choice but to die!

This bet is too big, he doesn't even have the courage to gamble.

I was worried that this man in black would really hurt this girl.

He didn't want to see the young girl die, and even when he saw the young girl being hurt, he was extremely distressed.

So now, there is only one way before him, and that is ...

"Ye Meng Meng, you live well! Also, please remember me!"

The little boy spoke, and after saying this, the eyes falling on Ye Mengmeng were full of sadness and begging.

Although, he knew that he was not the man the girl liked, but he hoped that the girl would remember him for a lifetime.

Well, even if he died, he would be content.

Thinking of this, the little boy's heart was full of sadness and helplessness.

Listening to the little boy's confession-like will, Ye Mengmeng only felt the sound of "嘭" and was shocked.

Accompanied by a thick panic and fear, like the raging flood, hit her heart severely.

No, she doesn't want this little boy to die, she doesn't!

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng cried even more sadly.

The beanie's tears kept falling from her eyes, which blurred her vision and made her look like a little boy.

Ye Mengmeng just kept blinking hard, tearing off his tears.

However, the old tears blinked, and the new tears quickly rose to the eyes, and the tears could not stop.

With tears in her eyes, her heartache was numb, Ye Mengmeng's red lips opened, but she shook her head constantly.

"No! I don't want you to die! I don't!"

Ye Mengmeng opened his mouth and cried the heartbreaker.

Looking at Ye Mengmeng's sad look, the little boy felt more heartache.

Now, he really wants to embrace the young girl, and he wants to gently wipe away the tears on her face, and he really wants to spend her whole life with her.


Their fate has been exhausted ...

Thinking of this, the little boy couldn't help sulking.

"Ye Meng Meng, if you and I can only survive one, I hope it is you!"

The little boy spoke, a bit helpless and reluctant in his tone.

Because he really didn't want to be separated from this girl ...

Helpless, things are unexpected ...

Before that, he kept his life and death out of the picture.

Moreover, he also firmly believes that he has the ability to protect himself.

I never thought, but I couldn't protect my favorite woman.

Now, if he dies, the girl can survive, and he would rather die!

Just thinking about it in the little boy's heart, Ye Mengmeng was shocked when he heard the little boy's words!

After all, she never thought that this little boy would say such things to her.

Moreover, when he heard this little boy, Ye Mengmeng couldn't help but startled.

Because the little boy's words were exactly the same as her mind at the moment!

Read The Duke's Passion