MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2293 envy

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"Year Six !?"

Hearing Ye Mengmeng's remarks, Qingyu's lips slightly opened, and she spoke a little. The next moment, as if thinking of something, his eyebrows relaxed and his mouth tickled.

"Want to come, are you number six at home !?"

"Ha ha, Brother Qing, you're right, I'm sixth at home! There are five older brothers!"

Ye Mengmeng said, truthfully.

Moreover, after saying this, Ye Mengmeng couldn't help but hesitate.

I thought that because she was the youngest at home, her five brothers treated her like a pearl all the time, but now she sneaks out alone, and I do n’t know if her brothers are anxious !! ?

When thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng could not help but feel a little guilt.

Brothers, I'm sorry. Later, when Mengmeng returns, I will apologize to you ...

Just thinking about it in Yemengmen's heart, all of a sudden, I just felt an itchy nose.

One could not help but Ye Mengmeng sneezed fiercely.

"A sneeze ..."

Ye Mengmeng opened her mouth and felt cold all over after sneezing.

She wanted to come. She was washed down by the river before.

Just thinking in Yemeng Meng's heart, above his head, the teenager's worried voice suddenly rang--

"Little six, are you okay !? Is it cold ?! You have been washed down by the river before, but you are still wet! Why do n’t we go back to the barracks soon! After I get back, I will let you get you Have some **** soup to chill !? "

Qingyu spoke, worried.

The anxious gaze fell tightly on the boy in front of him.

The boy in front of me is thin and wet.

If you wear wet clothes for a long time, you will only catch cold!

Thinking of this, Qingyu didn't even think about it, and immediately reached out and took off his clothes.

Seeing Qingyu's sudden move again, Ye Mengmeng's face was stunned first.

It was just that Yemeng Meng had to think more about other things. I saw that the teenager had handed off her blue shirt to her.

"Small six, you're thin. If you have been wearing wet clothes all the time! What if it freezes? If you don't dislike it, wear my clothes first !?"

Qing Yu opened her mouth, and the eyes that fell on Ye Mengmeng were all concerned.

When Yee Meng heard this, Ye Mengmeng moved.

The eyes that fell on Qingyu were all moved.

Because she was just meeting the boy for the first time, but the boy was so concerned about her.

Although she was the little princess of the Xuanyuan Empire, she was endlessly loved once she was born.

Not to mention, there are fathers and queens on the top and all brothers lovingly, and below, there are ladies from various palaces, Qian Jin, taking care of them.

However, Ye Mengmeng knew that except for her father and queen and her five elder brothers, all the people in the palace looked at her identity, so they cared about her so much.

Although she is unbearable, she can see who is treating her from the bottom of her heart.

It's like the boy in front of him, he didn't know her identity, but just saved her by passing by. Now, she still cares about her everywhere and really touches her.

Thought of this, Ye Meng Meng red lips ticked.

"Brother Qing, you are so nice."

Ye Mengmeng opened her mouth, and in her tone, she was moved.

When he heard Ye Mengmeng's words, Qing Yujun's face was a little frowned at first, as if a little embarrassed.

Qingyu touched the back of his head with a smile on his face.

"Don't say that, go out and help each other out. It's yours!"

Qingyu said, laughing softly.

Only then did he say this, and Bai Wu, who stood aside, could not help but speak.

"Ayu, what you said is very nice! Before, I fell into the pit, and my clothes were all dirty. I didn't see you wear my clothes ..."

Bai Wu spoke, and when he said that, Qing Yu's gaze couldn't help but feel a little angry and grieving.

If you do n’t know, see Bai Wu's grieving gaze again, and think he is jealous!

Compared to Bai Wu, who was full of sorrow and annoyance, Qingyu heard Bai Wu's words. Jun face was a little frowned at first, and then, without thinking, he said immediately.

"It was the pit that you dropped last time! It was dirty and dirty, even if I dare to wear your clothes !?"

"You kid, you still hate me !? Wait for the next time you drop the pit and see how I can fix you!"

For Bai Wu's muttering, Qingyu just itched with a big white eye and angry Bai Wu teeth.

Looking at the two teenagers in front of you, my words hurt each other, Ye Mengmeng just thought it was funny.

Although she hasn't been with the two teenagers for a long time, it can be seen that the relationship between the two teenagers is good!

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng could not help but feel a little envious.

Although her father and queen and her brothers were very good to her, as well as the ministers from the bottom, when they saw her, they continued to please her.

However, so far, she doesn't even have a close friend.

After all, the reason why the ladies are good to her is that she is the little princess who is loved by thousands.

Therefore, like the two teenagers in front of them, although they hurt each other, their friendship is really enviable.

Ye Mengmeng thought so in his heart. Qing Yu, who was originally fighting with Bai Wu, looked at Ye Mengmeng and just looked at them quietly, with a smile on his lips, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Qingyu's face was frowned first, and she couldn't help asking.

"what happened!?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I just admire your friendship. Although they depreciate each other, the relationship is so good."

Ye Mengmeng opened his mouth, and when he said this, his envy was hard to hide.

Hearing Ye Mengmeng's words, Qingyu and Bai Wuxian looked at each other, and then rolled their eyes toward each other.


Looking at Qingyu and Baiwu, although their faces were scornful and disdainful, they were just the same gesture, but they looked exactly like twins, but they were funny.

Ye Mengmeng looked with joy and envy, and Qingyu looked at Ye Mengmeng with a frosty look on his face, and his beautiful brows suddenly frowned.

"Don't say that much, change your clothes first! Look at you, your lips are a little purple."

Qingyu said anxiously.

The eyes that fell on Ye Mengmeng were even more distressed than he knew.

Ye Qingmeng nodded slightly when he heard Qingyu's remarks, and there was no delay.

He took the blue shirt handed by Qingyu, and walked towards the grass not far away.

Although it ’s a hot summer day, just before, she was washed down by the rapids and kept immersed in water. Now, all over her body is wet, and if you continue wearing this wet clothes, you will only freeze the body Nothing more.

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng didn't care about other things either, just telling Qingyu they should never come over, and then turned around and walked behind the grass.

Read The Duke's Passion