MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2308 Familiar with the environment

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With this in mind, it's not too late for Qingyu to see the sky outside.

Seeing this, Qingyu's lips opened, and she said immediately.

"Six, anyway, I'm free now, so I'll take you out for a walk first! Or maybe let you familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment, so that you don't get lost."

"Well, yes, Brother Qing is working." Ye Qingmeng nodded immediately after hearing Qingyu's words.

After all, Ye Mengmeng has never seen military camps! I don't know what it is.

Also, I don't know if I will see her brother Xuan in the barracks! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Mengmeng started to look forward to it ...


The barracks are huge!

After Qingyu waited for Yemeng Meng to go around the military camp, Yemeng Meng came to such a conclusion!

Looking around, surrounded by high mountains, clear water and blue sky, in the open space in front of me, at this moment, there are many soldiers wearing armors neatly arranged.

Even now, on a hot summer day, these soldiers are still wearing heavy armor, holding sharp weapons there, struggling to exercise.

The cry of ‘hehehehe’ was neat and loud, making people look up and uplifting.

In addition to the empty training ground, other places are also guarded by soldiers.

One person in five steps, one post in ten steps, and many sentries standing on top of it.

Around, there are also many patrol soldiers patrolling.

Looking at the tight guards all around, Ye Mengmeng couldn't help but be vigilant.

After all, this is an army barracks, and the military plane is heavy. At first, I was really daring. In order to mix in here, he did not hesitate to deceive the young man.

Until now, the boy did not know her identity.

If known, she is a woman ...

Thinking of this, Yemengmen dare not think about it any more.

After all, now that she doesn't come in, she has already come in. She can't retreat now, isn't she? ?

Besides, she left here before she could find Brother Xuan, she was really uncomfortable ...

Ye Mengmeng thought so in his heart. Qingyu walking by the side didn't know Ye Mengmeng's thoughts. At this moment, Qingyu just walked around with Ye Mengmeng dutifully, and then introduced the surrounding environment.

"There is a martial arts field, where soldiers practice martial arts and fight every day. This is a horse farm, and all the horses in the barracks are locked there. The kitchen is on the far left, and all of us are lined up to eat there. The camp where the soldiers live ... "

Qingyu spoke, while walking, introducing the surrounding environment.

Hearing that, Ye Mengmeng just nodded gently, and silently remembered the surrounding environment.

You know, she ’s a idiot. If she gets lost in the future, it ’s not good.

With this in mind, Ye Mengmeng was walking while her beautiful eyes were looking at the soldiers from time to time.

Although she has n’t seen her brother Xuan for many years and does n’t know what her brother Xuan looks like now, Ye Mengmeng believes that as long as her brother Xuan is standing in front of her, she will definitely recognize him .

After all, when her brother Xuan was young, she grew up to be outstanding and handsome.

Having the fine inheritance of her godfather and godmother, when she grows up, she must look beautiful.

I do n’t know if her brother Xuan would recognize her if she saw her! ?

In this regard, Ye Mengmeng could not help but be a little excited ...

After all, she had imagined countless times before that she and her brother Xuan met again, no matter which one, if she just thought about it, she would have an involuntary heartbeat.

Or, she misses her brother too much ...

Even thinking about this in Yemeng Meng's heart, she even lowered her head to gather her eyes and frowned.

Qing Yu naturally did not know about Ye Mengmeng's thoughts.

Qingyu introduced the surrounding environment and said that the saliva had dried up, and suddenly felt that the people around him were too quiet, and suddenly felt wrong.

Feeling here, Qingyu could not help but turn around and look at Ye Mengmeng.

I saw the teenager next to me. At this moment, he was bowing his eyes, his eyes frowning, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Qingyu's face was first frowned, her lips opened, and she couldn't help saying.

"Little Six! Little Six !?"

Qingyu spoke, calling several times in a row, and Ye Mengmeng responded.

As soon as Mei Mei raised her eyes, Qingyu's eyes full of doubts and surprises, Ye Mengmeng's face was surprised before she said.

"Yeah, Brother Qing, are you calling me !?"

"Yeah, little six! What's wrong with you !? What were you thinking about just now ?? I just called you several times, but I didn't see you promise !?"

Qingyu said, saying this, the eyes falling on Ye Mengmeng were all puzzled.

Hearing that, Ye Mengmeng's face was frowned first, and then her red lips opened, and she said.

"Brother Qing, I'm really sorry, just now I was thinking too much about things, so I can't hear you calling me, not next time!"

Ye Mengmeng spoke, apologizing.

After hearing that, the corner of Qingyu's mouth was just a slight tick.

"It's just a small matter, you don't need to apologize. Just now, you said that you think too much about things, what is it about !? Is it the brother Xuan who misses you !?"

Qingyu asked, softly.

After all, this boy came here because he was looking for his brother Xuan.

As for the brother Xuan, what kind of relationship did this teenager have, he didn't ask.

However, even if Qingyu didn't ask, it was clear.

Presumably, that brother Xuan is very important for this teenager! ?

Otherwise, this young man looks spoiled, and at a glance, he knows that it is a big family.

Even now, simple clothing, but it is difficult to hide the boy's natural nobility.

Such an extraordinary temperament, presumably this boy is not an ordinary person.

And brother Xuan in his mouth, who is he? ?

He wanted to see Brother Xuan in this boy's mouth.

After all, it is very important for this young man to be able to let the young man come to find it at any cost! ?

Just thinking in Qingyu's heart, Ye Mengmeng heard Qingyu's remarks, and her face was stunned first.

Maybe, this boy is a tapeworm in her stomach, knowing that she can't do it! ?

Amazed in my heart, Ye Mengmeng never concealed her lips, but just promised softly.

"Well, yeah, I'm thinking about my brother Xuan! I haven't met my brother Xuan for many years, and I don't know. After the brother Xuan met me, do you remember me !?"

"I haven't seen you in years !? Then this time, Qian Liyi came to see your brother Xuan, why ?!"

Qing Ye frowned when he heard Ye Mengmeng's words, and he couldn't help asking.

After all, an old friend who hasn't seen each other for many years wouldn't have been looking for it unless there was something important. ?

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