MTL - Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love-Chapter 2312 Old hen guarding calves

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Bai Wu spoke, and when he said that, it was even more excited.

After all, being a captain is different from being a soldier.

When soldiers are in order to meet the enemy again on the battlefield, so the requirements are very strict and indispensable.

I am only a soldier, and I am only responsible for the soldiers ’food every day. Moreover, you don't need to ask for too much cooking.

After all, the food in the barracks is just enough to eat.

Even if you do n’t cook, it ’s okay to wash and cut in the old days.

If it weren't for his ambitions, it would be a good job to be a leader!

It was in Bai Wu's heart that he thought, Ye Mengmeng heard Bai Wu's words, his eyes flashed!

You know, she followed her mother to learn cooking since childhood.

Just because her mother had told her that if she wanted to catch the man's heart, she had to catch the man's stomach first.

As long as you cook well and raise your favorite man's mouth, in the future, the man you like will be inseparable from you.

Since then, since childhood, Ye Mengmeng has been with her mother since childhood and learned to cook.

Thinking about it, when I grow up, I personally cook for the man I like, and let the man I like eat the dishes I cook.

Unfortunately, she is good at cooking now, but her brother Xuan has never eaten her own dishes.

But anyway, come to Japan anyway!

In the future, as soon as she finds her brother Xuan, she can cook and cook for him.

Thinking about this, Ye Mengmeng's red lips opened, and he couldn't help but say.

"Exactly, I can cook too! As long as I can stay, even if I am a captain, I am willing!"

Ye Mengmeng said with joy.

However, when they heard Ye Mengmeng's words, Qingyu and Bai Wu were surprised.

Then, as if thinking of something, Qingyu and Bai Wu both opened their lips and said in unison.

"What !? Little Six, you still cook !?"

Qingyu and Bai Wu said in unison, the eyes falling on Ye Mengmeng couldn't believe it.

After all, just now, they just wanted the boy to stay, so they made the boy a leader.

They never thought that this teenager would cook.

After all, as a leader, you do n’t need to know how to cook, you just wash and cut.

Never thought, this boy now says that he can cook! ? It was somewhat unexpected.

Just when Qingyu and Baiwu were surprised, Yemeng Meng was listening to Qingyu and saying goodbye to them. They just thought it was funny.

"Why !? Don't believe it !? Well, it's better than now, I will show both hands and cook for you, how about it !?"

Ye Mengmeng opened her mouth, and when she said that, she raised her brows gently, and her brows were a little bit proud.

You know, she couldn't guarantee anything else. She was very sure of her cooking skills.

So thinking in Yemeng Meng's heart, Qingyu looked at Yemeng Meng's self-confident look, and couldn't help but tick.

"Okay, it ’s almost noon anyway. It ’s better for you to show off your hands with Primary Six. In this case, you can just say something to Chef Li. If Primary Six is ​​cooking, and you think of the kitchen as a soldier, it ’s simple. too much."

Qingyu said, laughing softly.

Although he is a minor vice general, it is just that the kitchen is not under his jurisdiction.

Plus, he also wanted to try it for himself, this teenager's cooking skills!

Just thinking in Qingyu's heart, Bai Wu aside, even nodded in approval of Qingyu's words.

"Yes, yes! Let Xiao Liu show you both hands and let's see! I've been in the barracks for so many years, and eating these dishes in the barracks, I'm almost tired of eating."

Bai Wu spoke, and his brows were almost knotted when it came to the food at the barracks.

Although he has been a child of a poor family since he was a child, he does not picky eaters.

However, the food in the barracks is too unpalatable, and it is almost as good as the pig food.

Even if this young cook is average, at least he can taste something new, right? ?

Just thinking in Bai Wu's heart, Ye Mengmeng heard the words of Qingyu and Bai Wu, and immediately tickled.

"Okay, you guys take me to the kitchen first!"


There are many soldiers in the barracks, so whenever you eat, the kitchen is the busiest.

When Yemeng Meng followed Qingyu behind them and came to the kitchen, it instantly became the focus of everyone's attention!

"Yo, little lieutenant, who is this cute little brother !? How long does it look so good !?"

"Yes! Lieutenant General, this little brother looks so good, looks like a little lady, alas ..."

"I'm so big, it's the first time I've seen such a handsome guy! Oh, look at this tender skin, what really looks like, oh, it's like an egg just peeled It's so white ... "

When Ye Mengmeng entered the kitchen, everyone around him stopped the work on hand, and the eyes that fell on Ye Mengmeng were astonishingly sighing.

Ye Mengmeng's face suddenly became ashamed that he was the focus of everyone instantly.

Although, she was born Emperor Royal since she was a child, no matter where she goes, it is the focus of everyone.

But now, being stared at by a lot of men with such amazing sighs, Ye Mengmeng just feels uncomfortable.

Or when she noticed Ye Mengmeng's unconsciousness, Qingyu stood aside, frowned, and said immediately.

"Lao Gao, Lao Zhao, Lao Wang, what did you say !? What a cute little girl, little girl !? Pay attention!"

Qingyu spoke, a little more serious in her tone.

After all, as a man, who would like to be said to be a cute little girl! ?

Therefore, Qingyu thought that Ye Mengmeng was uncomfortable because he was said so.

Besides, this boy is covered by him, how can other people be bullied! ?

Just thinking about this in Qingyu's heart, everyone around him was stunned when he heard Qingyu's words.

After all, everyone has been in the barracks for many years, and he knows best about the character of this young admiral.

This young admiral has a good temper, so everyone will dare to say anything in front of this young admiral.

I never thought that today's mate would show such seriousness.

Everyone was surprised when they came to understand. This young man, but the lieutenant is covering it!

As a result, everyone dare not talk nonsense.

Compared to smirking, everyone who continued to perform his duties, Bai Wu aside, looked at Qingyu's old hen protecting the calves, but shook his head helplessly.

After all, he is used to it now.

He's a dead man, now he cares about this boy!

Even if he grew up wearing open crotch pants from an early age, he can only look beyond the reach.

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