MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 5 Blackmail me?

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Li Yundong’s expression is really wonderful. He can’t face the collapsed teacher and classmates. He runs the little fox like a fire and burns his ass.

The little fox has not figured out the situation. He was dragged by Li Yundong and asked inexplicably: "What happened?"

Li Yundong only took the little fox out of the classroom two steps, and he heard a burst of earth-shattering laughter in the classroom.

The laughter made Li Yundong's cheek burnt hot, and there was a seam on the ground. He could not wait to get into it immediately.

Come on, don't leave this class, don't be embarrassed here!

Li Yundong slammed his feet and took the little fox, and ran back home during class time.

Along the way, Li Yundong pulled the little fox and ran wildly. The little fox was stupid and found that it was wrong. When the two people entered the door, the little fox was in the low pressure. He looked at Li Yundong and asked weakly: "Is it wrong for me to say something wrong?"

Li Yundong wants to cry without tears: "What do you say?"

The little fox pouted and grievances: "There are no mistakes made by people... Cucumber is cool and sweet, it can be a fire!"

Li Yundong was mad. He grabbed the cucumber that he had been holding in the hands of the little fox. He screamed and screamed: "Fire, Laozi will drop your fire! Believe me, I will kill you with a cucumber!"

The little fox was scared by Li Yundong, and his tears stunned and looked up at him, but he quickly bowed his head and fell down with tears. The heart couldn’t help but say: The master said that Wrong, the people under the mountain are murderous and dead, and they scream and kill. This guy is especially abominable, hey, wait until I lie to you to build a foundation, see that I don't squeeze you out!

The little fox had a sorrow in his heart, but his face looked like a pity, and Li Yundong’s heart was soft.

"Okay, don't cry, cry again and become a little cat!" Li Yundong said a very old-fashioned words, wanting to reach out to help the little fox wipe the tears, but the little fox is beautiful and poor appearance. Let his heart tremble, his hand lifted, but stopped in the air.

The little fox noticed that Li Yundong’s anger had disappeared, and he boldly raised his head: "You don't blame me?"

Li Yundong’s mouth was pumping, and he smiled and said: “No strange!”

This chick really doesn't know where it came from. How can it be like this?

Where did you get such a gimmick this year? National treasure level!

Listening to her tone, it seems to be coming out of the mountain? Country girl?

Hey, where is the country girl so beautiful?

Li Yundong had a cranky thought inside his head.

But when he thinks about it, he can't avoid thinking about something that bothers him.

Li Yundong sighed and hugged his head and walked around the living room with his head: "Hey, how can this be done? How can I go to class tomorrow? If I go to class tomorrow, I can’t be laughed at?"

The little fox looked up, wrinkled his nose, waved his fist, and pretended to be a fierce look: "Who dares to laugh at you? I will help you beat him!"

Li Yundong looked up and down at Su Shi, although the little girl was not short, but the bee waist was hip-heeled, and the limbs were slender, and the look was a gimmick with no hands.

He laughed happily: "You?"

Su Shi is also a three-tailed fox, the mana is equivalent to the realm of spirituality in the realm of practice. Compared with the masters who are hidden in the dust, she is quite inferior, but compared to the mortal, she is Powerful incredible existence.

As soon as I heard Li Yundong’s tone, I looked down on myself. Su Shi said: "You look down on me?"

Li Yundong was a little angry when he saw this girl. He resisted laughing: "Of course not. You can scare a lot of people by buying a cucumber. You didn't see you running in. Our class is scared from your teacher to the students." How can someone dare to mess with you?"

Su Shi was furious and angered. He grabbed the cucumber in Li Yundong’s hand and went to Li Yundong: "I am dying you, you will say it again!"

Li Yundong laughed and turned, and he ran away. Su Shi was chasing after him. Two people were playing around. Li Yundong was chased into the bedroom, hiding at the foot of the bed, shaking his hands and laughing: "The hero is forgiving, the hero is forgiving. The little one is wrong."

Su Shi bit his lip and took the cucumber to Li Yundong. This squeaking, the cucumber broke into two pieces.

Li Yundong’s eyes were fast, and he cut a piece of cucumber that had been broken down into his hand. He smiled and went to Su Shi: “Hey, stupid? Is it broken? I will let you marry me again!”

Su Shi was stunned by Li Yundong. It was the place where she was most afraid of itching. She suddenly giggled and laughed and replied: "Well, you dare to fight back! Woman I am doing today for Heaven!"

The little fox was naughty, and it was a bit confusing with Li Yundong. When Li Yundong’s cucumber slammed into the softest part of her chest, she screamed and reacted. She held her chest and glared at Li Yundong. .

Li Yundong also found that he had made a mistake in the place, and he smiled a little. He didn't know what he should say at this time. He and Su Shi had a big eye for a moment.

Li Yundong secretly regrets that he is so light and thin, if he scares away the beautiful little girl, it can be greatly bad.

In the heart of the little fox, he secretly thought that he was so happy with this guy, and still felt a little happy? And now looking at this guy is not as **** as it was just now?

No, this guy has served people Yuan Jindan, and he is very strong in yang. If I am attracted by my yin, I will start to ask for love before I build a foundation. What should I do?

Then my plan is not a bubble?

No, I still have to stay away from him in the future, and wait until he has a good practice.

Thinking of this, the smile on Su Shi’s face gradually converges. She thought about it and put down the cucumber in her hand and said, “I, I have no place to go, but you can’t bully me like this...”

This sentence said that Li Yundong was very pitiful. He looked at Su Shi’s eyes and became soft and warm. He stood up and coughed. He said nothing, “You are hungry?”

After this was finished, Su Shi’s stomach was screaming.

The little fox had a red cheek and a little head, but the heart was inside: nonsense, I kept you for three days, can you not be hungry? I didn’t have time to eat, I just wanted to buy you food to please you, I didn’t expect you to appreciate it! Really mad at me!

Li Yundong smiled and said: "Hungry? Nothing, just as I am hungry, I get some food!"

The little fox is very surprised: "Will you cook?"

Li Yundong was divorced from his early childhood. Although his character was lazy, he was forced to make a living by himself. He was proud of his sleeves: "Hey, let me marry me!"

Said, he went out of the bedroom, went to the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator, suddenly dumbfounded.

I saw a mess in the refrigerator, like a wind and a cloud, almost all of the things that can be eaten were swept away, even a bottle of rotten ru is no exception!

"My family thieves?!" Li Yundong's mind subconsciously flashed such a thought.

The little fox saw Li Yundong open the refrigerator and squatted there. He remembered that he had finished eating all the things inside. His face was a little hot, his face was awkward, and his toes were moved one inch and one inch. The mosquitoes called the general swearing: "Yes, I ate..."

Li Yundong took a deep breath and subconsciously wanted to say: "You starve to death? There are two Orleans roast chicken, three bottles of coconut milk, a bag of cake, four bags of bread, three boxes of jelly, half a watermelon, and a bottle of rot. Ru, have you finished eating? Didn't you die?"

But Li Yundong looked at the pitiful appearance of the little fox, but he held back and sighed: "The clever woman is hard to be without rice. There is no food in the house. I can’t do anything better! Let's go, Go out and buy food!"

The little fox saw that he did not pursue the meaning, and quickly nodded, followed by Li Yundong.

Li Yundong looked back at her and asked strangely: "You are not waiting for me at home?"

The little fox head shook like a lang drum, grabbed Li Yundong’s clothes with his hand, as if he was afraid of being smashed by Li Yundong, and said pitifully: "I will go with you."

Li Yundong looked at her like this and smiled and said: "Okay, but don't look like this, it seems like I am like you."

The little fox put his heart down and raised his face with a sweet smile.

The two went out and walked to the vegetable market next to them in about seven or eight minutes.

Just entering the vegetable market, Li Yundong saw a big smack of selling vegetables and smothered him.

"You little fox, slut, owe the aging mother's money, dare to bring a little white face and run back?" Not yet close, the big cockroach selling vegetables smashed.

Li Yundong saw her like a shrew, and her brow wrinkled and stood in front of the little fox: "What? Can't you talk well?"

The owner of the food stall pointed at Su Shi and said: "She just bought my food and ran away without giving money! This little ** is not good at a young age. What can you do in the future?"

Li Yundong was so angry that he took a look at the owner of the food stall: "How much, I will give it."

The owner of the food stall saw that Li Yundong was not astonishing, but his eyes were bright and afraid of people. His eyes swept away, like a sharp knife, and her heart trembled, not dare to look at him.

She had a heart and mind, but after all, she was able to make a fortune by doing business, but she could see the little fox hiding behind Li Yundong’s pitiful look, and the men around me looked at her drooling, and she couldn’t help but breathe. Don't hit a place.

When the owner of the food stalls suddenly remembered that he was pregnant, his own man had once been out of the way because of a seduce by a fox. When he was not worried about the children in his stomach, he was afraid of divorce immediately.

Although this has been going on for a long time, the owner of the food stall has always been unforgettable, and the woman who looks beautiful is tempered.

She heard that Li Yundong was willing to lose money, her eyes turned, her palms spread out, and the lion opened her mouth and said, "One hundred!"

Li Yundong smirked: "Will you buy a cucumber and carrot for one hundred? Are you putting gold on your cucumber? Or is it silver on the carrot?"

The owner of the food stall has a drum: "What? She was stealing this time, she was going to make a penalty of ten!"

Li Yundong angered: "With a penalty of ten, it will not be a hundred! You have a radish, a cucumber, ten pieces? What black shop you opened!"

The owner of the food stall saw more and more people around her, and she felt a little worried about her heart. So soon her son rushed up, holding a sharp knife that cut vegetables, and said: "Mom, who? make trouble?"

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