MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 908 Fengshen era

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Zhou Qin heard the sound suddenly overjoyed. This voice was very familiar to her. It was even more worrying for her. She immediately shouted loudly: "Master!"

Yan Hongling and Lin Biao saw Li Yundong appear in their side, and they all looked over and surprised. Lin Biao said loudly: "Master, we finally found you!" Yan Hongling laughed happily: "Come on, just learn These guys!"

Li Yundong stunned her and gave her a look. With her arms in her arms, she and Lin Biao hugged her left and right. After throwing a sentence, she turned and ran: "Zhou Qin, run!!"

Zhou Qin’s impression has not seen Li Yundong’s encounter with the enemy’s turning and running. In particular, Li Yundong has now achieved Ming Wang’s true body, and his strength is unbelievable. However, he did not even fight, but the first time he chose Got the road.

This, what is the situation?

Zhou Qin stunned for a moment, and did not respond. At this time, Su Shi’s figure appeared out of thin air. It was a crisp one. She was anxious and pulled Zhou Qin to fly up and said: “Zhou Qin’s sister, Don't be in a hurry, go quickly, it's too late to leave!"

Zhou Qin was pulled out by her in the blink of an eye and flew out a dozen meters away. She had just left the ground, and she saw the golden iron whip slamming in the hands of the first eyebrow and the hand of a man in the eyes of God. .

This incident suddenly appeared, without warning. In the last second, the golden whip was still in the hands of this person. The next second was already in her original position. If it wasn’t for Susie’s own, only I am afraid that I have been smashed into a meat sauce.

Zhou Qin was shocked and stunned: "Who is this person? What kind of magic weapon? It's amazing!"

Su Shi also had no time to say anything to her. She just gnawed her teeth and chased Li Yundong’s figure. After they flew out for more than a hundred miles, the people behind them gave up tracking, headed by the golden steel whip. The man just screamed and took the lead and flew back.

Li Yundong did not dare to care about it. One left and one right armpit underneath, with Qi Hongling and Lin Biao flying out for more than a hundred miles, this stopped, and the heart was full of anger and shouted: "Why are you here a few? Is it so arrogant?" Know where this is, what age is this? Do you die?"

The blushing red face is struggling with red ears, and I don’t know if it’s being run by Li Yundong’s arm. It’s still irritating, and she screams: “Let me down!”

Li Yundong’s hand was loose. Qi Hongling and Lin Biao screamed at the same time and fell to the ground. Qi Hongling squatted and sighed and said: “Hey, we are looking for you without any danger. You can’t say a word when we see you. Thanks to the words, even scolded us? Have you made a mistake?"

Li Yundong can't smile: "Who asked you to come to me? Isn't this a mess?"

Yan Hongling remembered that her sister-in-law was worried about Li Yundong's fear, and she did not fear the hardships to come to this inexplicable 3,000 years ago to save him, but this **** did not appreciate it at all, she was so angry that she was red.

Yan Hongling wiped his eyes and angered: "Well, we are useless, we add chaos to you, you are big, you don't need others to help you!" She said, she said, Lin Biao, who was crawling up and taking pictures of her own body, said: "Hey, Lin Biao, let's go, let's go back, some people here don't need us!"

Lin Yanran looked up: "Ah? What are you talking about, how can I not understand."

Su Shi, who was on the side, had some worries about watching Hong Hongling and Li Yundong squabbling. I didn’t know how to persuade, but at this time, Lin Biao, who was caught in the middle, was so stupid that she suddenly laughed out. Lin Biao China The words are very good, how can I not understand this time?

The blushing temperament is ruined: "Lin Biao, what equipment do you wear? You can't understand what I said?"

Lin Biao’s smile: “I’ve just stumbled, I didn’t hear it. What did you say?”

阮红菱跺足道: "Well, you can't go with me, there is no sex, no sex, you don't go, I go!" After she finished, she was angry, and she turned her head and turned away.

Li Yundong looked at her back and laughed out loudly and shouted: "Hey, where are you going? Do you know how to go back?"

When Qi Hongling’s pace was stagnation, he suddenly turned his head angrily: “I want you to manage! You were not very fierce just now? How do we get idiots?”

Li Yundong said with a smile: "I still said that I am not. I see all three of you! In the face of the guards, they called their king as the king! The name of the family is called Di Xin! It is not called Wang, this is Zhou Wen Wang Ji. Chang, they rebel in order to pour the sewage into the king to take another name! It is as if the Emperor Yongzheng yelled his brother several brothers called Achilles, Saskatchewan!"

Yan Hongling is another glimpse. She said with dissatisfaction: "How do I know that Zhou Wenwang has rebelled at this time..."

The two of them were fierce, and Zhou Qin couldn’t help but stand up and slumber: "Well, okay, don't be angry, Master is also worried about our safety." She said, she walked over and took the hand of Qi Hongling. Said: "Don't be angry, I think Master is afraid of what happened to you, he can't explain it to Aster."

Said, she turned her head and smiled at Li Yundong: "Is it ah, Master." As she said, she gave Li Yundong a wink.

Qi Hongling did not buy her. This is good, sneer: "Oh, don't say it, you are the same as my sister, there are people of the opposite sex! Hey, I haven't been powerful before, now it's amazing." !"

She doesn't care about her mouth, but after all, she doesn't take another step. She also knows that this place is unfamiliar. If she is separated from Li Yundong and others, I am afraid that I will stay in my life. This ghost place can no longer go back.

However, Qi Hongling has always been a knife mouth, although the heart is soft, but the mouth is not willing to soften.

Li Yundong also knew her temper, and she smiled bitterly: "Well, it's all wrong with me, OK?"

Qi Hongling was ridiculed by a gun with a stick. Li Yundong had to turn his face and said helplessly to Zhou Qin: "How do you think about coming here? How come?"

Zhou Qin looked at Li Yundong: "Master, you and Su Shi suddenly disappeared. Do you know how worried I am with Aster? We thought you were already..." She said, her voice was slightly vibrating, below But it can't be said.

Su Shi at the same time also advised: "Yundong, they are also kind, you don't blame them. People are more powerful, we are a few together, maybe even more powerful!"

Li Yundong glanced at her: "More powerful? What did we still run?"

Su Shi met Li Yundong and he talked with Qi Hongling and Zhou Qin. They were soft and soft, and they were evil and evil. She suddenly pouted and whispered: "I hate to know that I am mad!"

Li Yundong did not pay attention to her little daughter's mind. She turned her head and said to Zhou Qin loudly: "Do you know who was the golden whip?"

He is so loud, it seems to say to Zhou Qin, but actually said to the next side of the red diamond, Zhou Qin naturally knows, very well asked: "Who is that person?"

Although the red dragon on the side was not awkward, he also curiously raised his ears.

Li Yundong looked at Zhou Qin silently and said: "When I am a teacher, this person is a teacher!"

Zhou Qin was shocked: "Ah? Smell the teacher? Is it so amazing?"

At this time, Yan Hongling also refused to worry about Li Yundong, and said: "Then he is the legendary **** whip?"

Li Yundong nodded: "Wen Taishi is a big master who is only one step away from Jinxian. I am alone with him. The outcome is only between five and five. Didn't you see so many powerful helpers behind him? Moreover, you know that you don’t know how many masters there are in the Songcheng City. Moreover, you know that you don’t know the Tongtian Master, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the Predictor, and all three are watching each other!”

Zhou Qin and Lin Biao squinted at the side and listened. I still didn't feel shocked. The younger brother of the Orthodox practitioner, who was born in the sacred sect, was shocked and stunned. "Ah? Tong, Tongtian teaches the Lord, Yuan Shi Tian Zun, the right person, they are also? I, why did I not find out?"

The name of the quasi-speaker is a little stranger to sound. He was originally the second cult of the Western Taoism, and later abandoned the Buddha, so this is the famous Bodhi ancestor.

The two names of Tongtian Master and Yuanshi Tianzun are too deafening. Qi Hongling himself is a Taoist disciple of the Eight Classics, and Taoism is dedicated to the Three Qing Emperors, namely Taiqing Taishang Laojun, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shang Qingtong Tianjiao!

And these three Lord Gods came to the two, this, what is this concept?

This is equivalent to seeing the true God of God who believes in **** Christ, and seeing the true God of God, who believes in Muslims, and sees the Buddha's deity in Buddhism!

Li Yundong said with a smile to Yan Hongling: "I can feel their existence, but you can't feel it."

Yan Hongling also knows that if he can detect the existence of Tongtian Master and Yuanshi Tianzun, then these two guys are not Taoist gods, and one is the knockoff!

Yan Hongling said with some ignorance: "But... they are not good at the Zixiao Palace, why are you running here?"

Li Yundong looked at Qi Hongling with a strange look and said, "You haven't figured it out yet? Don't know what dynasty this is?"

"Shang dynasty!"

Li Yundong said: "Yeah, you don't know that Zhou Wenwang Jichang has already rebelled and is about to attack the Chaoge. Is the Fengshen war already in full swing?"

"Fighting the gods?" Zhou Qin and Lin Biao suddenly said in unison.

Li Yundong nodded and said with a positive face: "Yes!"

Zhou Qin’s heart was moving, and he was thinking about the color: “Isn’t it... Tianji Xuanhu deliberately ran to this age?”

Li Yundong shook his head and said: "I don't know this. However, if I didn't guess wrong, Su Shiji should be the past life of the mysterious fox, and the mysterious fox ran here, it is very likely that I want to swear. When she was defeated and fled, she took her strength and body and re-emerged."

Read The Duke's Passion