MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 935 Ming Wang melee

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Li Yundong’s loud noise, shaking the sky, the world is quiet!

All the practitioners of the Chinese and Japanese factions were shocked, and they could not believe their ears!

The immovable King is the embodiment of the Buddha's anger. He even said to the Buddha that if you are a Buddha, even if you are the ancestors of Sanqing, I will kill you?

Is Li Yundong crazy? That is the Buddha! ! His strength comes from the Buddha! Is he not afraid that the Buddha of Heaven will bring him back to the prototype?

Ise Shingo and Ise Izumo are even more glaring at Li Yundong. They can’t imagine it at all, and they can’t understand Li Yundong’s behavior.

Before the Second World War, Japan was a country with extremely serious religiousization. Even after the Second World War, the Emperor was pulled from the position of God. However, the influence of religion in Japanese life is still very deep. The power of Japan’s major martial art is still family-style. inherited.

The practitioners like Ise Shinko and Ise Izumo are equivalent to the inner chambers of Shion, Yu Hongling and Mao Yuxi. From the moment of the mother's womb, they are destined to be practitioners, so they are such great priests and goddesses for the sects. The service and beliefs are extremely ingrained. They can’t imagine that they will one day be a big fan of the Amaterasu: whether you are a **** of the sun or a bodhisattva, I can’t kill it!

Ise Shenguang opened his mouth and said with a strange voice: "Ming Wang Shizun... Is he crazy?"

Ise is out of the cloud and stares at the sky. She practiced at an early age and did not understand any so-called love in the world. Therefore, she could not understand that Li Yundong was able to resolutely defend the Buddha with the **** of heaven. Resolutely decided to turn the face with Buddha!

Ise is out of the cloud. The heart of the iceberg is suddenly shaking. She looks at the burly man holding a delicate body in the sky. She suddenly feels that this man’s tall figure is even More than the Buddha of Heaven!

But this thought was only a moment, and soon she whispered: "Ming Wang’s Royal Highness is afraid of self-destruction..."

Li Yundong's Ming Wang Fa is from Buddha, but he is now breaking with the Buddha in the crowd. If the Buddha returns to the power of the King, Li Yundong is even more powerful, and it is definitely not the opponent of the Buddha and the ancestors of Sanqing.

Li Yundong has absolutely shocked the Chinese and Japanese practitioners, so that Zhou Qin and Shiyuan have shaken their hearts and made the gods of the heavens furious.

If Buddha heard the words of Li Yundong, there was no movement for a time, but the four great Bodhisattvas of Manjusri, Puxian, Dizang and Guanyin were angry, and the five hundred arhats and three thousand King Kongs had their magic weapons and spells in the hands of Li Yundong. The skull is covered with a face.

Li Yundong did not hesitate. He turned his backhand and held the girl in his arms behind him. The other hand held a big handprint with one hand and screamed, and slammed the past according to the magic weapon of the sky!

This palm, the power is no less than the palm of the sacred fox before the Buddha, the crowd saw a huge golden palm suddenly appeared in the sky, this palm stood in midair, like a golden Buddha wall There are countless spells and magic weapons bombarded on it, only a burst of golden waves, like a muddy sea, no more movement.

Li Yundong held the palm of his hand, and the head of the head continually steamed a blue-blue gas. These breaths floated into the air, and immediately turned into the image of the gods who did not move the Ming Dynasty. The whole body was black and blue, and the whole body was covered with blue flames, three arms and six arms.

Li Yundong’s true deity is sitting cross-legged in the air, and his six arms are all pinching his fingers. He keeps his eyes closed and his mouth chanting the sutra. The eyebrows of the eyebrows are open, and the blue flames of anger are boiling. .

The body of the uncle, who is not moving, sits in the air and holds three big handprints. They are the seal of the law, the three seals of the King Kong, and the imprint of the king. These three big handprints stand in front of him, and they are like a The Scorpio Divide, regardless of how the magic weapon and the magic of the Buddha of the Heavenly Mana, has been unable to break through its barriers.

Speaking of these four great bodhisattvas, five hundred arhats, three thousand brocades, although all of them are gods, but each of their gods has different responsibilities and abilities, so the mana is different. Some of them are for the sake of educating the world, and some are for the sake of Surrounded by beings.

Ming Ming Wang is a **** created by the Buddha to resist the evil demon. They represent the highest and strongest power in the Buddhist practice. The four Bodhisattvas, the five hundred arhats, and the three thousand King Kong are also powerful, but they fight with each other. Pk and the special existence of the Ming Wang Yibi, it is equivalent to the police of the district public security encountered special forces in the most sinister and most difficult environment, the strength is not in a grade.

Li Yundong's Ming Wang Fa was under the siege of the Manchu Buddha. Although Sanqing's ancestors stood on the golden terrace of Yutai, they did not take a shot, but this amazing scene still shocked everyone in the Chinese and Japanese spiritual circles.

They did not think that Li Yundong was so strong that he could fight so many gods and Buddhas with his own power!

There are even desperate practitioners who tremble: "Don't you move the king to succumb to the devil? Is it true that the devil has reached such a point?"

Many practitioners shouted at this moment: "Buddha, do you want to watch the world's true law extermination?"

They are clamoring, such as Tao as lang, it is the deafening sound of the sky can not be blocked.

The figure of the Buddha sitting on the nine-story lotus platform is in the middle of the cloud. Everyone does not know what the Buddha looked like when he saw the strongest general under his command. They only saw that the Buddha had been silent, but never How long, a distant Buddha sound came from a distant horizon.

This time, after only hearing the sound of the Buddha, the clouds slowly appeared in four figures.

Headed by a three-headed and eight-armed body, the body is blue, with all kinds of weapons in hand, carrying a flame, and stepping on the sky, it is "rewarding the greed and the three poisons and the three realms", so it is called the five kings of the Ming Dynasty! !

The next one is followed by the appearance of the body, all over the blue, the eyes are red, the hair is black and red, such as the three flames, a pair of giant eyes like a bell, the two-headed snake is intertwined, his hand is holding a diamond, the other hand knot Full of wish to seal, smashing the seal, the flames of the whole body are like the moon wheel, and the people sitting in the green lotus stone seat, the prestige, it is the military scorpion Li Ming Wang who can surrender the five evil spirits!

Once again, a figure is also green and black, with a sullen shape, six sides, six arms and six feet. Sitting on the stone seat of Sather, carrying a flame, six arms holding weapons such as cymbals, bows, ropes, swords, arrows, sticks, etc. It is the King of Great Delight who can surrender the devil in the people!

Finally, a figure that appears again is three-sided, six-armed, five-eyed, wrath-shaped, and the treasures of the whole body, the flames are burning like fire, holding five weapons, diamonds, longbows, swords and other weapons magic weapons, foot lotus, it is King Kong Yaksha King who can surrender all the magic of the earth!

The four Ming Wang appeared, and Li Yundong’s pressure immediately multiplied on the field!

Among the five great kings of the Buddha, Li Yundong, who lives in the head of the five great kings, can surrender all demons. Unlike the other four great kings, he can only surrender some of the magic, but if the other four Ming Wang join hands, the victory is unpredictable.

Everyone saw that after the four Kings appeared, the King Kong in the hands of each King of Ming Dynasty slammed down like Li Yundong and thundered. At the same time, the bowstring was plucked in his hand, and every string of bows rang, and a fierce light arrow was shot. , bombarded on the big handprint in front of Li Yundong.

Although they only have four people, the long bow pulls the strings intensively like the tens of thousands of people simultaneously pulling the bowstrings intermittently. The flying arrows falling in the sky are densely rainy, and they cover the sky. They are so strong that they are so strong that they even The air that has been squeezed around is distorted and deformed, and it seems that it will fall apart!

Li Yundong saw that the four Ming Wangs appeared at the same time. They talked to themselves and slammed them. When he screamed, the Ming Wang’s body waved Jin Gang Hui Jian and King Kong’s slings, and it was like this rain and fierce anger. King Kong welcomed the past.

Everyone saw only the five great kings smashing into a ball in the air. The sky was shaking and the brilliance was scattered. The five figures in the sky were sometimes twisted into a ball, sometimes they touched away, each drifted far away, and then various handprints Against the air.

They only looked stunned and dazzled, and the former battle of the wilderness seemed to have become a child's house.

As the so-called **** fights, mortals suffer, many practitioners can not withstand the power of the five great kings in the air to kill the melee, have fallen to the ground with pain in their chests.

The power of the Five Kings is really amazing. The power between them can almost instantly drain the air around them, making the practitioners in the field extremely painful, and the chest is like a huge stone.

Li Yundong took an enemy four. Although he was the head of the five great kings, he still seemed extremely strenuous. He clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes roared, his eyes were cracked, his mouth biting and bleeding, his mana ratio Any one of the four great kings is far higher than a single one, but he alone resists the four kings, but his fists are hard to beat four hands.

Zhou Qin and Ziyuan looked at the earth-shattering Ming Wang battle in the distance. They were so nervous that the two hands were filled with delicate and delicate sweat. The two men looked at each other and could not say a word. Even a breath of the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, fearing that Li Yundong was disturbed, which made him distracted.

However, at this time, the celestial mysterious fox behind Li Yundong returned to the faint sorrow. Although she was seriously injured before, she was still awake, knowing that Li Yundong was actually an enemy for Su Shi and the God of Heaven, and even resolutely decided. The Buddha broke apart!

Tianji Xuan Fox looked at Li Yundong with great shock. She couldn't believe that there are men in the world who are willing to give everything for the beloved woman!

Tianji Xuanhu decided to look at Li Yundong’s unrecognizable figure. She suddenly said: "Li Yundong, do you really want to save Su Shi?"

In this sentence, Deng hits the most soft key of Li Yundong. His body trembles fiercely. The Ming Wang, who is sitting in the clouds, slams in a fierce manner. In an instant, the golden body is broken. The countless arrows and the diamonds of the four great kings suddenly will not Li Mingdong’s body was shattered, and Li Yundong screamed and fell from the air.

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