MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 954 The scourge arises when there is no heart

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Zhang Ling was staring at the flags of the students holding some of the tour groups, and some of them were playing the banner of Tiannan University. It was really a red flag, and the flag was raging. At this moment, Zhang Ling really had a feeling of overwhelming, mountains and plains. It seems that the whole world is full of this **** little red flag.

But this is not the most hateful. The most hateful is the face of Li Yundong's smile, and his face is gentle and courteous. It is like a gentleman, a gentleman, even if his death is right, he can't help but praise. Boya and modest, and good posture, can be such a person, doing things like this is a bit of a tooth.

Zhang Ling took a deep breath and forced the anger to say to Li Yundong: "Li Zhenren, have yours, count you! Actually play fatigue bombing!"

Li Yundong smiled slightly and said: "Zhang Zhenren, I just want to save Ziyuan. Zhengyi is the practice sect of our Chinese practice community. I don't want to have conflicts with you, but you are determined not to let go, I have to come out. Under the policy. I also hope that Zhang Zhenren will forgive me."

Li Yundong said something soft and hard, although Zhang Ling looked a lot better, but she did not give in. Zhang Ling coldly snorted and said: "Li Yundong, I know that you are a big love, think To save Ziyuan from repaying her life-saving grace, I also respect your love. But I tell you that dogma is a dogma, a rule is a rule, a sect is a sect, if there is no rule, it will not be a square, if not a square How can we stand on the ground?"

Li Yundong smiled and said: "I understand, I know that you will not be so easy to agree, so I am coming again..."

He said, he turned back and nodded to Zhou Qin and others. Zhou Qin smiled slightly and took the second batch of students up the mountain.

Zhang Ling looked at the students who passed by the mighty people. She gnashed her teeth and said: "Li Yundong, let's walk and see who can't hold it!"

After that, she snorted and turned her head and turned away.

The other Taoist priests also followed, and Zhang Liufang glanced at Li Yundong and looked back at the back of his master. He couldn’t help but sigh and sighed and left behind them. .

Li Yundong looked at their backs, smiled slightly, smiled confidently, and Zhou Qin, on the side, asked with some worry: "Master, can this really work?"

Li Yundong smiled and said: "Do not try, how can you know if you can't do it?"

Zhou Qin sighed with a sigh of relief and said: "That can be a bitter for the Aster. When she stays in the Faction for a day, she suffers a day of sin... Master, she is locked in the three big arrays. Is life dangerous?"

Li Yundong shook his head and said: "No, although Zhang Ling is not a top-notch man, she is an extremely intelligent woman. You see that she is angry when she discovers that Aster has stolen the sun and the moon. I did not choose the most extreme punishment method, but closed the asters in the squad. At that time, she could actually kill the asters. She had reason and power to do so, but she did not, why? Because of Zhang Ling At that time, I had already vaguely guessed that this matter would be related to me, so she did not kill the killer. Therefore, she chose to keep the asters in the three big arrays. I didn’t want to make things happen without a maneuver. I want to wait. After a while, look at the situation and make a decision."

Li Yundong said slowly: "If I didn't live, then she would definitely be rude to Aster, maybe it would really shut her for a lifetime. But now that I am alive, I will definitely not sit back and ignore it. Zhang Ling is also aware of this, but she is clear in her heart, but she can't tell others. If I return the person to me, where is the first teacher and her own face? So, Zhang Ling needs a step down. Reasons..."

Zhou Qin’s face was strange, and she resisted laughing. It reminded me of the fact that the students took turns to camp in the main peak of Longhu Mountain in the past few days. “Don’t you have to toss this master? You are not afraid to toss yourself. Got bankrupt?"

Li Yundong moved the students of Tiannan University to take turns to toss and reunite the Taoist priests. Although the effect is high, the cost is equally amazing. Although such a large-scale organization activities naturally require several travel agencies to participate in the help, they also I got the best price for these travel agencies, but the daily cost is still a very scary number. Although Li Yundong has three cents, the current Sanxian is in the store review, Li Yundong and others have almost zero economic income. Every day, there is no progress, even a Jinshan will be eaten, not to mention Li Yundong did not accumulate how many homes.

If Zhou Qin did not contact Shen Wancai later, Li Yundong temporarily hired him to borrow two million, I am afraid that he could not even get the money to launch the event.

Although Shen Wancai has a wealthy family and is an apprentice of Li Yundong, Li Yundong knows that the money and debts are good, and the debts of the people are still difficult. When Master’s owed the apprentices, there are too many people’s debts. How can the apprentice teach, how to bring them?

Therefore, Li Yundong was not forced to do so. He really didn't want to find Shen Wancai to borrow money, even though Shen Wancai repeatedly stated that the money was sponsored with filial piety.

Li Yundong listened to Zhou Qin and said this. He smiled and said: "Zhou Qin, if I am locked in, you are trying to save me, how much accounting is this?"

Zhou Qin suddenly felt silent. She knew her own. If Li Yundong was in the middle of it, she must have tried to kill the mountain for the first time. If it is hard, it will be soft. I will try my best. Even if you are out of your own life, you will not hesitate to pay for it.

Zhou Qin sighed in the heart, could not help but some envy of Ziyuan, her eyes slightly lowered, a touch of sorrow quickly passed, but soon she returned to normal, laughed and said: "Master, you Rest assured, if we are there, we will be able to save the Aster."

Li Yundong smiled and patted Zhou Qin’s shoulder and said, “I hope so.”

At this time, Zhang Ling was discouraged to return to his own temple. Zou Ping followed her behind, and many of the disciples of Zhengyi also followed.

When Zou Ping looked at Zhang Ling with a black face, he could not help but persuaded: "Master, do you want to tell the head of the house and let him come out?"

Zhang Ling angered: "When is it now? Is the head of the day disturbed enough? It is the best time for him to break through the ninth weight of the thunder, how can he go to him because of this trivial matter? ?"

Zhang Kongyun on the side listened to the bitter smile: "This mountain is so noisy, it is noisy during the day, and it is noisy at night. Even if it is settled, it is difficult to be spared. I am afraid that the head will be affected."

Zhang Ling’s face changed indefinitely. She bit her teeth and said: “Li Yundong’s hand is too embarrassing. He wants to force us to give in!”

At this time, Zoup said tentatively: "Master, or else... let's call the police?"

Zhang Ling is furious: "Do you want to confuse people, do you think that we are not enough to lose people? Let other sects know, we have to face people in the future. I am being taught by a group of students. We are like this." Just go to the police? It’s really a laugh!”

Zou Ping’s face rose red and he dared not say anything.

Zhang Ling’s face was dark and uncertain. After thinking for a while, she suddenly thought of something. She said, “Yes, Deng Yu and Deng Jiao? Where are they?”

Zou Ping said: "They are all in the apse..."

Zhang Ling stared at Zou Ping tightly and said: "How are they performing in these days?"

Zou Ping thought for a moment and said carefully: "I have been meditating all the time, and I am very good..." She laughed. "Master, you know the temper of both of them. You are very good, and where can you provoke something?" What about it?"

Zhang Ling slowly nodded. She said, "That's good. We are teaching the current teachings. If you want me to see it, you have to fall on them."

Zou Pingyi, Qidao said: "Master, why do you say that?"

Zhang Ling snorted: "You will know when you arrive..."

Zou Ping thought for a moment, suddenly, his eyes lit up, but then another sorrow floated on his eyebrows: "Master, is this just not good? Deng Yu, Deng Jiao, two sisters, they have not experienced the eight classics. Fight, if there is any scorpion, what can I do? Master, or let the head of him..."

Zhang Ling immediately glanced at her with a stern look: "What do you say? When is this a thing that is going to get you to gesticulate?"

Zou Ping suddenly cheeked red: "I am sorry Master... I, I am just..."

Zhang Ling sees that Zou Ping has also got a red eye in these days. Although she is also a practitioner, the practitioners can’t stand the days of being bombarded and tired for a few days and nights, not to mention that she is only a repairer. The young girl who wants to join the WTO is only a junior college student and a senior female college student.

Such a beautiful and beautiful girl who was originally beautiful, but with two dark circles at the moment, all the blood inside the eyeballs, Zhang Lingxin soft, could not help but sigh: "You, still think things too simple. Can you tell people how to do it with people? You see that even if the fox is born, the practice world is in danger of dying. Is the head of the Quanzhen martial art out of the way? We are teaching the palm of the hand. Has the doorman ever been out?"

Zhang Ling gave her disciples a lesson and said: "Pinger, we are teaching now that although we are carrying the name of the Chinese Taoist school, we have already been a strong foreigner, and the virtual fire has risen. You Look at our whole education up and down, a large number of Yangshen, there are few golden bodies, thunder robbery is rare and pitiful! In the past, there was also the head of the master, Mingli, and Wang Yuanshan secretly guarded the law, enough to protect the status of Longhushan unwavering. But that In the battle of the wilderness, Wang Yuanshan was killed! The destruction of the ruthless world was even more ruined! Now the sun and the moon are all stolen. We are already teaching the cards in our hands! The only deterrent Only the younger brother is left!"

Zhang Ling’s sad face and worries, she said: “Now there are other sects who want to take us instead. There are Xuantian factions outside the plot. This kind of internal and external difficulties is really something that we have never had in the Dragon and Tiger Mountains for thousands of years. If you have a big dilemma at this time, if the head of the game fights with Li Yundong again, and does not say how powerful he is, no matter how invincible he is, even if the head wins, it will not add much brilliance to our Dragon and Tiger Mountain. Come, are there any masters who have returned to the foot of our Dragon and Tiger Mountain? We don’t need a reincarnation king to add our aura! But if we lose, then the entire ancestral foundation of Longhushan will be shaken. Have you ever thought about this?"

Zou Ping was too dazed, and Zhang Ling said that she naturally knows a lot, but she did not expect that the situation is now in dire straits. In her opinion, Zhengyijiao is still extremely powerful, as long as Give them some time. As soon as they teach, there will be a large number of masters who will grow up and they will become the core of Zhengyijiao.

But now it is precisely this kind of embarrassing situation that the first one is facing, and such a heavy burden cannot be borne by the head of the family. Therefore, it can only fall on two young and delicate shoulders.

Killing Zou Ping did not think that the two Bianlian, who had been picked up by the lotus pond in the Ling Palace, had become the life-saving straw of Zhengyi, and she did not even think of it... the division of Zhengyijiao And the turmoil, it is also because of these two Lotus and Li...

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