MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 976 Enemy is difficult to eliminate

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Just as Li Yundong was entangled, the Japanese practice community also fell into a deep entanglement.

The battle of Koyasan made the Japanese practitioners know a young man from the Chinese spiritual circle. Nasu’s battle made the Japanese practitioners realize that Li Yundong’s horror as the top expert in the Chinese practice circle completely played Li Yundong’s name. .

There are tens of millions of Buddhists in Japan, and those who believe in the King of the Ming Dynasty do not know what to say. They have a good soil of believers.

This situation is just like Wu Qingyuan’s 14-year-old Dongdu’s trip to Japan. This genius, who was able to compete in Japan and the world’s top players, joined in the game. Japanese nationality, when he emerged, it was the Sino-Japanese friendship. The Japanese nation is very repulsive to the hostile Chinese player and does not agree with his Japanese nationality.

Wu Qingyuan played chess on the knife-tip flame all day long. As long as he lost one time in the battle, he would immediately lose his bones, but he did not lose, not only did not lose, in the past 20 years, ten times in ten consecutive battles, the strongest seven in Japan. The players all went to the downgrade.

During the period from 1939 to 1956, the Japanese Go game only did a few things: canceling Wu Qingyuan’s nationality and his qualifications for participating in the Japanese Go Highest Tournament, and selecting the strongest players through various chess matches. The player, then sent to Wu Qingyuan, let him shoot, and then choose a new one to let him continue to shoot.

Twenty years later, the Japanese Go game found that this was not a solution. The world of chess was continuously killed by seven big powers. They couldn’t hold it. No one could stop Wu Qingyuan’s footsteps, so they found a community, in one. At the gate of the community, he crashed into the air. From then on, the Japanese Go game community no longer suffered from the ravages of Wu Qingyuan.

However, after several years, especially in the mid-to-late seventies, Chinese Go has risen rapidly. Chess Saint Nie Weiping was born. One person defeated six top Japanese strong nine players in succession, crushing the world’s first dream in Japan’s Go game. .

At this time, the Japanese people’s self-esteem was seriously damaged. They found themselves leading the world for decades or even hundreds of years. Suddenly they were overtaken by the support. They could find someone to beat Nie Weiping and could not find anyone. At this time, they found that A good goal: Wu Qingyuan!

So they began to re-approve everything about Wu Qingyuan, awarded him nationality, awarded him various honorary titles, and eloquently boasted that the world’s first chess player, Wu Qingyuan, was a Japanese from Japan and advocated Wu Qingyuan. It is the strongest in the world, and Nie Weiping is not worthy of comparing shoes with him.

This kind of trick, the island clowns have been playing for thousands of years.

Li Yundong is the reincarnation of the immortal king. Although things are different, the truth is almost exactly the same as Wu Qingyuan.

When the Japanese discovered that the strongest orange yoko in their civil war was vulnerable to Li Yundong, when they found out that their "talking to the fox" was finally defeated by Li Yundong, they realized that The entire Japanese practice community cannot stop this powerful and fearful young man.

But when they found out that Li Yundong was actually a reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese couldn't help but yy excited. The original master of such a strong, is the reincarnation of the Lord God that we believe in in Japan?

Nani? The immortal king is the **** sent by the Chinese Tang Mi, not Japan?

Gossip, the Chinese almost wiped out Tang Mi almost a thousand years ago. If it weren’t for our big Japan, where is the Tang Mi faction still circulating?

Moreover, the Chinese do not believe in themselves now. The number of people who believe in the unimpressed king in China is less than one percent of Japan. This is not the **** of Japan. Which country is that?

This time, the Japanese are much more comfortable. It is no wonder that Li Yundong’s Highness is so powerful! The courage is the reincarnation of the gods of our great Japanese empire!

This is like a slap in the face, self-hypnosis and self-confidence telling himself that it is his predecessors who teach themselves. Japan pays attention to the sequence of merits. It is nothing to shame on losing to its predecessors. Of course, it is natural.

But the biggest difference between Li Yundong and Wu Qingyuan is that Wu Qingyuan is a chess genius. Others are idiots. He does not play chess. He is a mixed waste. He has no value in the world. All the values ​​in his life are It is in the matter of playing chess, so after the Japanese have ratified all his honors and status, he has no refusal and rebuttal, and he is still not surprised or dissatisfied. He still plays chess honestly and studies chess.

But Li Yundong is different. Although he is a great genius in practice, he does not leave Wuqi like Wu Qingyuan.

Li Yundong is a kind of love. He was eager to become stronger in order to practice Su Shi. Therefore, he can also make all kinds of horror things for Su Shi. Therefore, when the Japanese added Wu Qingyuan’s honor status, Wu Qingyuan rebelled, but the Japanese wanted When Li Yundong was added to various honorary statuses, he happened to meet the secret of Tianji Xuanhu in Susie.

So... the Japanese practice circle has a complete cup.

This group of Japanese people was once again repaired by the secret of Li Yundong because of the relationship between Li Yundong. When they returned to Japan to mourn, the Japanese practitioners were really doing things in the various branches of the country. There are no sects that do not do anything!

Even if it was the least-created Ise Shinto, and under pressure, he had to do a white matter that he did not need. The two gods and the clouds were crying in front of the gods.

But they cried, but many Japanese practitioners did cry, and their hatred of Li Yundong instantly burst into a critical point.

The mysterious soul of the mysterious fox has been completely scattered. They want to find the revenge of the mysterious fox. It is impossible to find the vengeance of the mysterious fox. Even if you are looking for trouble, you can only fall on the head of Su Shi, but you can fall on Su Shi’s head and fall on Li Yundong’s head. the difference?

The Japanese practice community can inquire clearly, and offends Li Yundong's people. Some of them are still alive and well, but because of Su Shi's sake, Li Yundong has been annoyed...has been extinct and is not alive! Looking for trouble with Su Shi?

Gossip, Zhu Jun, calm down!

Japan’s spiritual circles had a deep hatred of the enemy and the soil of China. Before because of the extremely strong power of Li Yundong, they had to surrender, and they lost their pro-China team to find out that the reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty was so overwhelming, they were yielding, but now The reincarnation of the pro-China advocating Ming Wang turned back and slammed them!

The previous time, it can be said that the predecessors have smothered themselves, but they can squint and smile, but this time? This time I can't say that my dad has flattened himself.

Can people be brazen and shameless to this point?

Therefore, the Japanese can no longer find any reason to tout Li Yundong. The Chinese and the Chinese team immediately took the upper hand. If they were not hurt, they really felt that they could not beat Li Yundong. Do your best, plunging into China to retaliate against snow and hate.

At this time, a young monk was crying loudly in an old monk in the Hong Kong Shinjuku Base Camp in the Japanese practice community.

In the shadow of the white-walled gray tile, this young monk looks very young, about fifteen or six years old, with a clear eyebrow and a clear root, while the old man in front of him is very old and two eyebrows are white. Almost down to the ear.

The young monk was holding the old man and cried: "Why is the former Royal Highness, why is this? Master, isn't he saying that there is no danger in this? Why did he not call me if he greeted him, then he left me?" ”

This old screamer is Yuqian Yucha, the leader of the Pure Land of the Emperor of the Pure Emperor, and one of the pure sects of the Emperor of the Pure Land of the Emperor of the Eight Dynasties, which is extremely high in both cultivation and qualifications.

Yuqian Yucha sighed on the shoulders of the young monk and said: "Dongming, I am showing, because he wrongly believes in a person who can't be trusted! If it is not my special status, I am afraid that I will be with him." That's the same!"

The young monk named Dongming, who looked up, looked up and showed a face with a red eye and a white face. If it wasn't for his voice, it was a man. It was like a girl.

Dongming and I saw that the old man in front of him is not an ordinary person. He is a member of the Japanese royal family. The Japanese royal family has struggled for power within the ages. Although the loser is not killed, he often chooses to shave himself.

There is no surname for the Japanese royal family. Before the monarchy came out of the house, there was no surname and name. There was only one royal title. After the monk was born, the four names were all empty. The former name was naturally replaced. Therefore, after the defeat of Yuqian Yucha, the family was shaved. I gave myself such a name.

He is of noble origin and has a high talent. After decades of practice, he has reached the unpredictable realm of the ghosts. He has been repaired by the lords of the Pure Land. This time, many masters of the Pure Land have followed the lords to Zhina. He originally acted as The leader of the Royal Shadow Hall also has to follow the expedition, except that Yuqian Yucha has left the royal family, but after all, he used to be there, so his special status allowed him to escape and not follow the big troops to Zhina.

After the return of the Pure Land Zhenzong team, the staff was reduced by nearly half, and the lord was also destroyed. Even the bodies were put together and brought together.

In this temple, there was a big wave immediately. Although the sect of the Pure Land of the Pure Land was so powerful, it was shocked as a god-like figure in the sects. It was a sacred one, and it was in the face of the mysterious fox, not to mention defeating it by one's own strength. Li Yundong of the **** of heaven.

Pure Land Zhenzong was furious and uplifted. Yuqian Yucha was even more regrettable. He knew that this would be the result, and he would force the Sovereign.

Dongming is a loved one of the true landlord Ito Saji, and is considered to be one of the leading figures in the future of Japanese practitioners. Ito George’s intention to protect Dongming’s show, so he did not let him follow the trip to Zhina, but he was afraid of having What is three long and two short, ruining the future of the Pure Land.

But he did not expect that although his idea saved the Dongming show, he took it in.

Dongming’s show was born at an early age. When I was five years old, I wouldn’t speak. When my mother held him on the incense, she accidentally met the book of Ito’s opening ceremony. At that time, Dongming’s show pointed to Ito’s opening. Speaking, and one is the Dharma verse, with the image of the dragon and tiger in the sky.

At the sight of Ito, he was shocked to be a man of heaven. On the spot, he accepted the show of Dongming as a disciple. For more than a decade, he closed his door and taught carefully. The two have close ties and love the father and son.

Dongming, my show eyes are red, crying and shouting: "Your Majesty, why don't you let me go to support the revenge for Master? One day as a teacher, life as a father, this killing the father's hatred, is also to swallow in the stomach ?"

Unlike Yishen Shinto, Shinsuke and other pro-China factions, Yuqian Yucha is an authentic sect. Although his name is elegant, he is a person who is extremely violent, so this is cruel. Killing the shadows of the theater, many human weapons.

Yuqian Yucha has always rejected the pro-China theory of Ge Xiguangyi and others. His approach has always been simple, conquering, conquering, and conquering!

Even if you can't conquer it now, you will be wounded, carefully hiding, looking for opportunities, and then conquering!

Yuqian Yucha’s eyes stared at Dongming’s show, and an old-fashioned face revealed an indescribable murderous murder. He said slowly: “Because you are too weak, your opponent is too strong! Please remember the name of your opponent, and he will grow with you forever!"

Dongming, I showed a handsome face on the face of a handsome show: "Is that the devil named Li Yundong? I must knock him down in the future!"

Yuqian Rain Tea slowly shook his head and said: "No, your real enemy is not called Li Yundong."

Dongming, my show leaned forward, widened my eyes, and said murderously: "What is that?"

Yuqian Yucha said in a word: "China!"

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