MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8144 : false line

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"Dao-based energy? I don't know where the fairy friends come from?" Fairy Lu Chen wondered.

"It doesn't matter where it comes from, since it is the power of heaven and earth, what do you call it here?" I thought to myself, it seems that the immortals here have other names, but I have traveled all over the ancient universe of the underworld, and I have come into contact with many demon gods of the universe. Nor is it uncommon.

"Xianli or divine power." Fairy Lu Chen finished answering, and before I could continue to ask questions, she immediately said again: "Xianyou, I have already answered one of your questions, shouldn't I be rewarded with some immortal power and innate luck?" Is it?"

"You're a little clever, okay, let's prove that what I said is true." I chuckled, pointed at the golden pagoda, and drew a dao foundation power and a few wisps of Qi from it and circulated it to Fairy Lu Chen.

Fairy Lu Chen was just trying it out at first, but she didn't expect to be surrounded by these golden threads, and her body immediately shone with gold. She only felt extremely comfortable all over her body, and even blushed because of the forced injection of power.

All the Daoist immortals couldn't help but stare.

"Fairy, is it real fairy power?!"

"It's true, and it's not just fairy power, but also divine power with luck!" Fairy Lu Chen replied quickly.

"Is it divine power, not fairy power?"

"He can actually improve people's divine power, how divine is he?"

A group of Taoist immortals were shocked.

From their discussions, I immediately understood their understanding of fairy power and divine power.

The one with luck is called divine power, and the one without luck is called immortal power. In other words, other monster systems should be similar.

"Friend Xian quickly ask the second question! I will definitely be able to answer it!"

"Yes! As long as you want to know, I don't have to worry about knowing everything from Qiyun Tiandu to Moyuan!"

Daoist Zhengdao was eager to try one by one. They knew they couldn't beat me, so they could only choose to obey at this moment.

Including Fairy Lu Chen, who stared at me for a moment, for fear of missing the question.

"Very well, those who stay are equivalent to agreeing to my conditions, but the question may not be easy to answer. The first question, how many years have passed since the end of the ancient battle of Hades?" I immediately asked.

I have been in Mingtian Ancient Eternal for so long, how many years have passed since the Daoist Heaven?

"I heard from the old immortals that there are about seventy-eight shield stars."

"Sixty British endings!"

"At least 37,500 tanks, right?"

A group of immortals expressed their opinions, I was completely confused. No wonder Qin Shihuang of the earth requested that the books be the same, the cars should be on the same track, and the weights and measures should be unified. These immortals come from different enlightenment heavens. Of course it is difficult to piece together the concept of time.

I stretched out my hand to stop them from continuing to talk, but I couldn't give nothing, so I could only give each of them a few pieces of divine power at random as a sign of encouragement.

Everyone cheered for a while, but I couldn't get the slightest sense of time from it. No matter how good my brain is, I can't calculate it without a reference.

"Second question, is there anyone who knows me? Or do you know any immortals who have participated in the ancient universe of the underworld and the cosmic battle?" I asked the question again.

As a result, this question really stumped everyone.

"I think Xian's face is very familiar, but I can't remember it for a while, let the old man think about it..."

"Yes, I also feel as if I have seen it somewhere..."

I thought to myself, it seems that the trend of history is rolling forward. Even after the decisive battle with Xia Ruize, there may still be countless cosmic demon gods talking about this matter, but as time goes by, I am afraid that it has become the case many years ago. something happened!

Not to mention whether they will talk about the cosmic war with the subordinates after they come back!

"You Xianyou are embarrassing us, how can we know those strong men or leaders in God's Domain?"

"That's right, who has participated in the cosmic battle, which one is the strongest in each star sea? How can we know such an existence?"

A group of fairy families were in a dilemma, Fairy Lu Chen quickly raised her hand and asked, "I've met once, do you know if it counts?"

I smiled helplessly and said, "If it's just a one-sided relationship, it won't be of much use to say it."

A group of immortals inevitably ridiculed her for being greedy.

Fairy Lu Chen inevitably blushed and said, "But I know where he lives in seclusion! This news may not be useful to me, but it may be important to Shangxian! Isn't it counted?"

The Taoist immortals were all stunned.

My eyes lit up, and I said, "If you can take me to meet the other party, of course you have answered the question, and I will give you a special reward."

"Really?!" Fairy Lu Chen inevitably became excited.

I nodded, then looked at the other fairy families, and asked, "The last question, do you know about Chuangshitian?"

The immortals once again looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they had never heard of this place, and I couldn't help feeling sad.

It seems that Zheng Daotian's reputation has declined over the years, but he doesn't know what role Zheng Daotian played in the space war.

However, there are no absolutes in the world. Han Shanshan made so many incidents back then, kidnapped three thousand world demon gods, and the immortal family who mixed with so many Daoist heavens controlled the major Daoist heavens, it was inevitable that she would be punished collectively.

However, it stands to reason that Xingyun was teased by me. After all, they have no time for war. It has not been long since Xingyun has been running smoothly. Even if it is revenge, it should wait for everyone to settle down.

But I don't think Zhidaotian is safe, so the desire to go back is even more urgent.

"Since there is no one who can answer this question, except for Fairy Lu Chen, please go back. Of course, I won't let everyone go home empty-handed. Let these divine powers form a good relationship!" After I finished speaking, I waved my finger, One after another divine power fell into the bodies of all the immortals present.

Originally, the expulsion order made many immortals feel unhappy, but now they are all smiling.

After a while, the immortals either bid farewell to me and left, or left after thanking me. This is a worthwhile trip.

After all, there is only one golden pagoda. Although some immortals really came to the golden pagoda, most of them came here to pick up the cheap.

Fairy Lu Chen who stayed behind was not restrained, and quickly asked about my origin.

I didn't bother to hide it, and said: "I came from the ancient universe of Hades, and I am the last **** of the universe in the universe battle."

These words made Fairy Lu Chen giggle: "Xia God is really good at joking, even if you don't tell me, I know, in fact, you have already hidden in the golden tower, right? You are so shrewd, can you If we achieve this step, we will not be wronged if we lose the golden pagoda, so don't use such a reason to deceive me."

"Hehe, whatever you want, as long as you say you want to take me to see that God of Heaven, that's enough." I laughed.

Fairy Lu Chen said quickly: "Then if I really find the right place for God Xia, what reward will I get? What I want is not just divine power."

Read The Duke's Passion