MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8157 :manage

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"It's not surprising that Dao Ji, who doesn't understand the cold death, will have such a deduction, and now let you deduce this exercise if you are not used to it, but it will be rushed to the shelves, but according to your deduction, there will be a huge progress, so you don’t have to demand too much of yourself.” I comforted.

Shen Qing immediately said: "Don't say that Han Yu's kung fu is so advanced, even if it is my law kung fu, Xia Shen is definitely far ahead of me. In the future, I still have to ask Xia Shen for advice."

"It's not a problem to communicate with each other." I smiled.

Shen Qing was grateful for a long time before she took out the exercises and asked me for their true meaning.

After I asked her to tell her own experience, I gave her the idea of ​​conceiving and deducing it. She felt an epiphany, and after improving it to suit herself, she immediately started to study.

By the time they are mastered, it is time for the strange clouds to emerge.

"I never thought that when I succeed in cultivation, it's time to cross the sky of Qiyun." Shen Qing smiled wryly and looked at the sea-like blue sky in front of him.

"What is the name of this area? What is the name of your friend's God's Domain?"

"This place is bordered by Qiyun Tianduan, but it is darker blue than our sky, so the immortals call it Bihaiyuntian, and my friend calls it Jiuge, and God's Domain is also named after it." Shen Qing said.

"Nine Songs? Good name." I thought to myself that I had never heard of this name before.

"And it's as beautiful as its name, and its appearance is very good-looking." Shen Qing giggled.

Back then, most of the Cosmic Gods were transformed by me, and they all debuted as women in the end, even the Cosmic Demons did the same.

So I wouldn't be surprised that most of the **** masters and demon masters are women.

Seeing me smiling and not speaking, Shen Qing knew that I didn't want to discuss other people's appearance, so she started to mention the transformation of the magic weapon.

"My magic weapon is thirty-six blue chime bells with innate luck, and the magic weapon of the cold perishing demon is a golden Buddha statue with innate luck. Now that my Dao foundation is solid, it's time to sacrifice the magic weapon. What kind of form does God Xia think I should make the Divine Weapon Sacrifice into?" After Shen Qing finished speaking, he summoned a complicated chime bell.

There are thirty-five smaller chime bells hanging around a giant chime bell. It seems that this magic soldier is quite domineering.

"Are you good at using rhythm to attack the enemy? What about Han Perish?" I asked back.

Shen Qing nodded, and said: "The golden Buddha statue of this guy has a powerful golden body. When it spreads, it can shatter all forces. My rhythmic attack can only be done at the slightest bit, which is quite difficult."

"That's how it is. No wonder your two Dao foundations are mixed. The innate luck formed my golden pagoda." I patted my seat on the golden pagoda.

"But it doesn't have a rhythmic attack..." Shen Qing said.

"Who said that?" I knocked a breath into one of the doors, and the next moment, humming sound waves came from the other doors, sometimes like the roar of a wild beast, and sometimes like the tide of the sea The sound of falling.

"Really." Shen Qing looked at the golden pagoda in astonishment, and then said: "Then can I melt the new Dao foundation and change its shape and ability?"

"Of course, it's the first step to make Yinbo have a golden body." I said.

Shen Qing clapped her hands happily, and then immediately started practicing.

After entering the realm of Jiuge Shenyu, under my guidance, Shen Qing successfully evolved the Chime Bell.

"Successful, I will arrive at God's Domain later, and I will definitely try the power of this chime with Jiuge!" Shen Qing said happily.

"Although you have integrated the Dao foundation of Han Fai, but at the same time you have come to the current God's Domain, your Dao foundation will also be weakened appropriately. In addition, you have just recovered now, so it would be nice to be able to draw a tie." I laughed.

"Hmph, no way, I will definitely win the fight and show Xia Shen." Shen Qing looked at my beautiful eyes full of radiance, and I wondered if there was any love between men and women in it?

He quickly looked away and looked at the Nine Songs God Realm.

The blue sea and cloudy sky look like the sky and the earth just at night, the earth is azure blue, and the vegetation is mostly purple blue, which contrasts with the land, but the fruits and flowers are colorful instead, which has a great visual impact under this embellishment.

Moreover, the big tree here is no shorter than the one in Shen Qingshenyu, and it looks more ethereal. If someone sings below, it may be able to shake the sky for nine days.

Along the way, I also encountered some fairylands that Shen Qing is familiar with, but because I was in a hurry, I didn't go in and settle down.

After another ten days or so, we finally arrived at the main temple area.

The three thousand Proving Dao Heavens are vast and boundless, and this is still the movement speed of the quasi-holy class. If it is replaced by an ordinary fairy family, I am afraid that it will not be able to fly for several years or even ten years.

No one will be bored enough to spend so much time, leaving the enlightenment day that suits their own rules.

So when I first came to Jiuge Shenyu, I actually felt that my strength has been weakened a lot. Fortunately, I have adapted to it after the transformation of Sangong and absorption.

In fact, gathering the Dao-based divine power of three thousand Proving Dao Heavens is of course adaptable, but it will not be outstanding. It is far less convenient than resonating with the local Dao-based divine power.

Playing at home has a huge advantage.

After entering the palace complex, several Daoist immortals came up to greet us immediately, and led us to the main hall of Jiuge.

There are not many main gods crossing the realm, which can be described as a rare event in a hundred years, so the reception is quite grand, and the entire immortal family of the main **** domain has moved and participated in the reception.

Dozens of immortals have already stood in the main hall, and they all seem to be full of energy. I set my sights on the throne.

In an instant, my pupils couldn't help shrinking!

What surprised me was not the God Lord Jiuge who had paved the way for Shen Qing for a long time, but the fairy standing beside Jiuge, carrying a sword and wearing a cyan skirt!

The moment the other party saw me, her expression was almost the same as mine. Even though she had countless mysterious experiences, she was still shocked at this moment.

I never expected that Li Duanyue would appear here!

"'re back?" She asked a little uncertainly.

I nodded and said, "Why... are you here? Is this very close to the Creation Heaven?"

Li Duanyue shook her head, and said: "There has been no such thing as the creation of the world for a long time... I have experienced so far, and I have been obsessed with the sword with Jiuge Shenzhu for many years, but I really didn't expect you to appear here..."

"Is there no Creation Heaven? Alas, the world is really unpredictable. It has been an unknown number of years since I came down from the Underworld, and things in the world have changed a lot...Then where are you all?" I asked hastily.

"Either manage their own gods and immortals, or live together in groups." Li Duanyue said.

My mood is very complicated. Although this is similar to what I expected, I still feel a little bit disappointed. It seems that after everyone's ability reaches the Heavenly Demon God, the responsibility is also huge.

It is everyone's responsibility to stabilize the three thousand enlightenment heavens.

"Then you also manage a God's Domain?" I asked.