MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8168 :remind

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"Hehe, don't forget what you said." After I finished speaking, I immediately flew to the eternal flower **** tree!

The strange beast was coiled on the tree, and many Daoist immortals were afraid to bombard it with divine weapons, for fear of destroying the divine tree.

So it is not easy to protect the sacred tree, but also to kill this Mie Ri Zhushen who keeps devouring the sacred tree!

In addition, this strange beast has three heads and six arms, and its tail stretches out for more than a few hundred meters. Anyone who approaches it will be shaken into blood mist by the sound waves!

Now there are dozens of fairy families left in Wulan Immortal Territory. Most of the disciples were sacrificed in this battle. Otherwise, Wulan Xianjun would not have dedicated his treasure to suppress monsters!

"One day, what do you want me to do?" Li Duanyue followed behind and asked.

"I don't need anything." I didn't ask her to help, Li Duanyue is very strong, but I have to do the meticulous work.

"Friend Xian is so impulsive, be careful that you will never return!"

"If you want to express yourself, don't express yourself to death!"

A group of Daoist immortals couldn't help exclaiming when they saw that I had broken into the attack range, even more than a hundred meters away from them.

I ignored them at all, but when I drove straight in, seventeen or eighteen tails of strange beasts rushed towards me!

All the Daoists present at the scene thought that this was the end of me, but soon, their expectations fell through. They were originally lined up in four places, but the tails of the bucket-like attack suddenly curled up with each other, and even made a sonic boom between each other, killing each other on the spot. The end of the tail was blown off!

The blood mist sprayed all over the sky, and the Mie Rizhu God was eating hot food, but at this moment, he howled in pain, and his two heads turned to the sky in great pain!

"I'll go! This luck is too good!"

"what happened!?"

"Why did those tails curl up all of a sudden?"

"This Mie Sun Zhu Shen must have gone crazy!"

"Now! Let's go together!"

"Everyone, get rid of Mie Ri Zhu Shen!"

The immortals of Dao Dao were shocked, and immediately organized an attack, thinking that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"Don't come here! Are you looking for death?" I yelled coldly while flying, but this group of Taoist immortals didn't listen to me at all, and they were scrambling to kill the strange beast!

Even Immortal Wulan and several peak masters were no exception, they all wanted to share a piece of the pie.

However, the evolved Mie Ri Zhu Shen is not Feihong Tacui. After being controlled by me to attack each other and destroying a lot of tails, a new one was born immediately, and it attacked in all directions and flew towards it with lightning speed. The Taoist Immortal!

Because the power is new, my good fortune sword energy does not account for much, so it is impossible to control all the tails and then roll back just now, so the next moment several immortals were immediately blown into blood mist by the sound waves!

Only a few were obedient, and some were lucky enough to escape the attack!

Of course, the tails rushing towards me all self-destructed before reaching me!

Even a strange beast has high intelligence, and I immediately became its target!

It has no time to devour the eternal flower at this moment, and the two dragon heads sprayed the aurora towards me!

While dodging, I threw out the blue golden pagoda, and streams of sword energy were released from the pagoda, continuously shooting into the body of Mie Ri Zhu Shen!

This monster, which was tainted with innate luck and evolved into a flood dragon by the law, could not reject these sword qi. Even though the scales were hard and invulnerable, my sword qi was no different from the laws of this world, so it could breathe in and out. , Into the body of all these sword qi!

I flew around its head to avoid the attack, and even guided its attack away from the infrastructure, minimizing the loss of the fog blue fairyland!

However, Mie Rizhushen's abnormal behavior made the Taoist immortals think that strange beasts would only attack me, and their original fear turned into greed, and they mobilized the divine soldiers to attack the strange beasts one after another!

Although Mie Ri Zhushen couldn't be beheaded on the spot, the pain also distracted him from attacking me and attacking other Taoist immortals!

Now the beams of light shot everywhere, and the sound waves bombarded everywhere, and the fog blue fairyland fell into the prelude of destruction in an instant!

"Stop it all! Don't attack Mie Ri Zhu Shen anymore!" Immortal Wu Lan shouted to stop in fright!

In fact, there is no need to dissuade them, the fairy family also suffered a big loss, and they dispersed in a hurry. After all, several of them who attacked fiercely turned into ice sculptures on the spot!

Feihong Tacui is the body of a god, and Mie Ri Zhushen is the same body of gods and demons, so it is extremely powerful. One dragon head releases the law of ice attribute, and the other dragon head releases the law of magic energy to attack, even if it cannot hit the Taoist immortal, it will hit the infrastructure It is also a destructive attack!

After the golden tower released enough sword energy, it immediately returned to my hand. I was a little empty, and the golden tower instantly became bigger, so big that it almost occupied half of the mountain gate. Instantly fell into depression!

Even the eyes of the whole body are spinning, in addition to letting go of the sacred tree, it even fell into the open space under the sacred tree!

There is no doubt that because it has absorbed my power, the laws inside the body have been assimilated by me. As the main body of the Golden Pagoda, it is naturally capable of controlling it!

The golden pagoda hovered in the air, but the strange beast was lying on the ground, and the Taoist immortals started to die again!

"What are you still doing in a daze! Get rid of this Mie Ri Zhu Shen now that he is dizzy!"

"Yes! Whoever kills it will get the credit!"

Of course, Immortal Wulan doesn’t want the Wulan Lantern to fall into my hands, as long as he kills the Mie Ri Zhu Shen with his own hands, then the promise he made is the same as what he didn’t say!

"Immortal Wulan, what do you mean?" I stood beside the golden pagoda and looked down.

"What do you mean? We took advantage of this Mie Rizhu God to be stunned by everyone, so we naturally caught him off guard!" Wulan Xianjun said coldly.

"Really? I have subdued this Mie Ri Zhu God, are you sure it is a divine beast that is going to attack me?" My face darkened.

The more than forty Taoist immortals present were stunned.

But then, several immortals couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Your divine beast? Haha... You're so lucky to be able to say that, my immortal friend. This divine beast belongs to all of us!"

"Yes! What is your beast? I almost believed it!"

"We are helping you attack this strange beast, how did it become your divine beast?"

There was endless laughter, including Immortal Wulan who also sneered and said: "God Master Jinghong, please remind this fairy friend, don't mess around in our Wulan Immortal Territory, the magic soldiers in the treasure house will let him choose One thing, don’t be so angry.”

Different Daotian Daoji have certain laws and rebuttals, and Wulan Xianjun, who is at home, does not have much respect for other Daotian gods.

The corner of Li Duanyue's mouth twitched, and she said with a gloomy face: "Immortal Wulan, I would like to advise you, if you really plan to break your promise, then I will not mediate for you, even if the fairyland is destroyed by then, don't let it go!" Blame me for not reminding!"

Wulan Xianjun's expression was also serious, and he said: "The destruction of the fairyland? Hehe, even our Wulan fairyland can block this Mie Ri Zhushen. Could it be because of your mouth?"

Read The Duke's Passion