MTL - Raising Evil Spirits-Chapter 8195 : flying spirit

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"There is a Feiling cave nearby. During the day, many birds and beasts live in the cave. We can go and capture a strange beast for us to send." Long Xie said.

"But what kind of beasts can we capture in this state? The Demon Lord is not the Demon God of our Demon Realm." Yuelong looked at me.

I smiled and said, "It's okay, just go there, and leave the animal hunting to me."

The two witches inevitably had some doubts in their hearts, but since I said so, they didn't intend to veto it, and the three of us quickly flew towards Feiling Cave.

Not long after, a huge tiankeng came into view, and I was shocked. This is a place that is not on the map, and only the local aborigines in the Demon Region can find this place.

After flying into the bottom of the tiankeng, there are indeed many giant caves under the pit. The entrances of the caves are pitch-black, so there is no need to think that there are good places to hide your body inside.

Unlike God's Realm, most of the magic beasts like to come out to hunt at night, so it's not easy to find them during the day.

Yuelong pointed to one of the smaller entrances, and said, "There are flying spirit beast feces here. They should be inhabited by flying spirit beasts, and the hole is not big. There should be flying spirits that are just suitable for us to catch."

I looked at the biggest hole and said, "Is there a flying spirit beast king in this hole? Doesn't that guy fly faster?"

"Maybe, but the Flying Spirit Beast King is fierce. If we disturb it, the consequences may be unimaginable." Long Yi took out a bag, and there were several fragrant flowers in the bag. After she blew, the fragrance of the flowers was blown blown into the hole in the target.

Sure enough, several bleary-eyed law beasts stick out their heads. This flying spirit beast looks like a pterosaur, but it has three pairs of eyes, and its whole body is blood red, which is very fierce.

"Isn't capturing the flying spirit beast king better than these thin flying spirit beasts?" I laughed.

"The Beastmaster is indeed the fastest, but he is also extremely ferocious. Even the God Lord is hard to subdue. We just need a means of transportation, and we are not here to fight." Yuelong muttered.

"Then what do you use to surrender?" I laughed.

"Use this coveted flower." Long Xie saw several flying spirit beasts coming out of the cave, and immediately prepared to lure them out of the cave.

But with a wave of my finger, I extradited the fragrance to the biggest hole.

"What are you doing!?"

The two witches were taken aback, and their faces turned pale with fright. I smiled and said, "Catch the big ones, these are so thin, do you have the nerve to catch them and ride them? And if they are big enough, one end will be enough for us."

As soon as the words fell, a huge head came out of the huge hole. This Flying Spirit Beast King's head was bigger than ordinary flying spirit beasts!

"You're crazy!" Yuelong was shocked and wanted to run away.

I flew towards the Flying Spirit Beast King in an instant!

"Be careful!" Long Xie exclaimed in fright.

Sure enough, the Flying Spirit Beast King was quite powerful, and he spewed out a pile of blood mist when he opened his mouth. The blood mist instantly crystallized the surrounding flowers and plants, all of which were caused by the crystallization of the blood inside!

If the body inhaled the blood mist, it would be the same fate as those flowers and plants. It can be seen that the law beasts have the law ability to use the blood coagulation magic domain.

And being able to use such a high level of coagulation law, this law beast should be at the level of a demon king, no wonder the two witches are so scared.

I tempered the blood coagulation law along the way, and now I have reached the level of the demon king, and now I can break through the more powerful blood coagulation law, so how can I not experience the attack of this blood mist?

The moment I came into contact with the blood mist, the blood in my body stagnated instantly from the rapid flow, and there were even signs of rapid crystallization!

The aggressiveness brought by this super law can indeed make all the demon kings experience the effect of hell, but for me, it is just a transformation process. My skin has just turned purple and golden, and it immediately returns to pure white !

Because the crystals that came out of my body turned into flying ash and floated in the air after my transformation. When I flew to the flying spirit beast king, the blood coagulation law had already been transformed to a more advanced state!


The tail of the flying spirit beast king swung towards me very quickly, and after a loud noise, all the crystals at the entrance of the cave were swept into a mess!

The moment I avoided it, my hand was already on its back, and the law of blood coagulation rushed into its body at high speed, making this flying spirit beast king stop immediately!

After taking over its blood, the law of coagulation controlled its actions, which also made the Flying Spirit Beast King whimper!

A group of flying spirit beasts who came to help out could only hover around the tiankeng and scream.

My spirit of creation is running in the body of the beast king, and the connection between the law and it has reached the point of controlling it. When I stand on its back, this law beast has lost the right to control its own body.

The sound of flapping wings echoed in the tiankeng, and the giant flying spirit beast king flew straight up into the sky, spreading its wings to more than ten feet!

"Okay, you two come up too." I controlled the flying spirit beast king to swoop down, and took advantage of the opportunity to attract the two witches to the beast king's back.

This pterodactyl-like, feathered Beastmaster quickly flew in the direction of the Demon Refining Land, at a speed like a shooting star chasing the moon!

Yuelong was inexplicably shocked. He stroked the back of the Flying Spirit Beast King and said, "Although this fierce beast is not the fastest in the enclave of the Blood Coagulation Demon Realm, it is extremely fierce. Many demon kings are folded in its hands."

"And the flying spirit beast is a herd beast, you see..." Long Xie looked behind him.

Sure enough, dozens of flying spirit beasts were chasing us at a high speed, the scene was very spectacular.

"Let your little brother go back first, and let you go back when we get to the place." I smiled and patted the Beastmaster on the back.

The Flying Spirit Beastmaster understood what I meant, and immediately roared a few times. The next moment, the other flying spirit beasts immediately returned to the sinkhole!

The two witches breathed a sigh of relief, and treated me even more respectfully.

The Flying Spirit Beast King fluttered its wings for tens of feet, and the formed qi shield also allowed Long Yi and the others to breathe and recover, and there was no non-sighted Dao demon who dared to block the way, so we were unimpeded and soon came to a place. An area covered in purple blood mist!

"This is the place where blood coagulation magic is refined." Long Yi said with frowned eyebrows.

I nodded and said, "It looks like it occupies a lot of space."

"Not only that, there is another world inside, and if the phantom **** is cultivated or the supplies are insufficient, it is easy to fall into a blood coagulation state, anyway, you will know when you go in." Yuelong said.

"Yuelong, why don't you go back first, I'll go in with Xiashen, it's hard to imagine any danger when we get inside, and besides, the demon **** of the Holy Heaven Demon Realm is inside." Long Xie suggested.

"I'm not afraid of them, and our devil is still inside, isn't he? She will definitely have a way." Yuelong refused.