MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-~ untitled chapter

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Most of the materials for the portal are stones with many patterns carved on them, and some miscellaneous things are packed in large wooden boxes and are being carefully lifted off the ship.

Yubayashi Xueying didn't know much about these things, so he only read it for a while and then lost interest in watching it again.

"Is there a total of two portals?" Habayashi Xueying asked the old **** stick.

"It's two, just enough to make a pair." The old magic stick asked, "Where are you going to put it?"

"One must be in Quel'Dannis City, and the other...I want to take it to Kalimdor." Habayashi Bloodhawk thought for a while and said.

"Are you going to Kalimdor?" Sorens was very surprised when he heard Habayashi Bloodhawk say that he was going to Kalimdor for the first time.

"Yes! It's Kalimdor, and you need to go there too, um..." Habayashi Xueying thought for a while and said, "Old guy, let's see who are proficient in magic and go there too!"

"Why do you bring so many people to Kalimdor?" Sorens asked.

"We didn't go for fun, we were going to find a way to alleviate the hidden magic, but I don't know much about magic, so we need people who are proficient in magic to go together." Habayashi Xueying explained.

"Is that so..." Sorance asked after thinking for a while, "Is it the magic hidden you mentioned at the Catherine School of Magic?"

"Well, that one!" Habayashi Xueying nodded.

"Why do I feel that you are so anxious about this matter?" Sorance asked strangely.

"The sun well is a fatal weakness of the high elves. We cannot let the fate of the high elves be bound by such a dead thing. We must break the shackles and free the high elves from this curse!" Habayashi Xueying Look very firm.

Sorens frowned, it was the first time he had seen Blood Eagle Habayashi have such a determined expression, and it was also the first time he had seen Blood Eagle Habayashi so decisive about a matter.

"Tell me a more practical reason!" Sorance said after pondering for a while, "Because I think you still have a lot to say."

Habayashi Blood Eagle glanced at Sorens, then sighed and said, "The world doesn't have much time for the high elves! Old liar, would you believe me if I said I knew something about the future?"

"Trust!" Sorens said without hesitating for a moment and nodded.

"..." Habayashi Blood Eagle was stunned.

"Why?" Habayashi Blood Eagle said after a while.

"I've been following you for a long time, and so far, you've done a lot of things, which may seem like coincidences, but when you think about it carefully, there are many things that seem to have been planned by you a long time ago." Solons shook his head Said: "If it is just a coincidence to explain it, it would be too coincidental."

"..." Habayashi Xueying suddenly realized that he really couldn't escape the eyes of the old **** stick for many things.

"We only have ten years!" Habayashi Xueying finally decided to tell the old **** stick something related to the future: "I am a soft-spoken person, and no one may believe what I say, but I hope you can help me!"

"Boy, just say what you have to say! What are you doing sneakily?" Saurons said with a frown.

Yubayashi Xueying looked around, and then said to the old magic stick: "The old guy, come to my office and talk about it! There are some things that I don't want too many people to know."

Sorens nodded and signaled Habayashi Blood Eagle to lead the way.

It didn't take long for a group of people to come to the office of Habayashi Blood Eagle together. Several Griffin Knight guards saw Sorens and Habayashi Blood Eagle entering the office, so they consciously guarded the door and the surrounding area from the outside. anyone approaching.

After Habayashi Xueying finished what he wanted to say to the old **** stick in the office, the old **** stick's expression also changed.

"Boy, how much truth do you have in these words?" Saurons asked.

"It's 100% true, but there may be some changes in the future!" said Habayashi Xueying.

"Is there any change?" Sorens asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"There is a saying that when a butterfly **** its wings, a huge tsunami may be set off on the sea thousands of miles away. This theory is called the butterfly effect by others."

Habayashi Xueying said: "Similarly, this theory can also be applied to what I am talking about now. When everyone's behavior no longer follows the original track, then it may really change the future. result."

"The Butterfly Effect? ​​Why have I never heard of this saying?" Sorance asked after thinking for a while, "Where did you hear it?"

"You don't need to know where I heard it from." Yubayashi Xueying said: "You just need to know that there is this theory."

"So you came to Hinterland to develop this base, so you kept building such elf villages in Hinterland, so you planted countless bread trees?" Solons asked: " Do you regard this as the last refuge of the high elves in the future?"

"Humans have many countries, and their people have many places to retreat. But the high elves have retreated here from Kalimdor. If Quel'Thalas cannot stay, then the high elves will have nowhere to go. I must Grab a safe place for the high elves first," said Habayashi Xueying.

"So that's how it is!" Solons said thoughtfully, "No wonder... I finally figured it out. Before, I never understood why you were always trying to make money, but you invested all the money you earned in Hintland here.

At first I thought you had ambitions to be king, and I even thought you had some plans with the Windrunner family, but I really didn't expect that these things you did were actually for these reasons. "

"Now you know, I hope you can help me!" Yubayashi Xueying said.

"This is preparing for the future of the high elf race. Regardless of whether what you said will happen in the future, it is always true, and I am also a high elf!" Sorens stood up and walked out the door. .

"Old guy, where are you going?" Habayashi Xueying asked.

"You told me too many things today, I need to sort it out, and I also need to readjust what I'm going to do next." Sorens didn't look back, he waved his hands and walked out the door.

"You need to speed up the matter of the death knight!" Habayashi Xueying shouted.

"I know!" Soren Siyi didn't look back, he opened the door and went out quickly.

"Why is this old guy in such a hurry this time?" Seeing that the old **** stick went out in such a hurry, Habayashi Xueying shook his head and muttered to himself: "Although I say that the high elves don't have much time, I'm not in a hurry anymore This moment!"

There is no one to talk to Yubayashi Xueying, and Yubayashi Xueying has nothing to do. When he was bored, Yubayashi Xueying remembered the book that the female death knight gave him.

Habayashi Blood Eagle took out the book from his body, and the words written in it were the Death Knight Training Manual.

These words were written in the lingua franca of mankind, and Habayashi Xueying was stunned after only reading these words.

Death knight training manual? Habayashi Blood Eagle's eyes widened. And then there's a ecstasy inside him, and it's really **** sleepy and the pillow comes. He couldn't wait to open the book to read the contents, and sure enough, the death knight skills written in the book were basically the same as the death knight skills in the game.

As for the skill of the undead army that Habayashi Blood Eagle is most concerned about, there are actually two skills in the book. One is called the resurrection of dead bodies. It is a skill commonly used by those orc death knights. The condition is that there must be corpses around the death knight.

The other is called Summoning the Undead Army. This Summoning the Undead Army is actually summoning ghouls to participate in the battle. Summoning ghouls to participate in combat does not need to be in the presence of corpses, but it is not completely unconditional. He needs you to catch and subdue ghouls in the world of the dead first, so that ghouls can become your servants. You can call them out to help in combat.

Then, for other miscellaneous skills, Habayashi Blood Eagle roughly flipped through it, but in the end his goal stayed on a very important skill, that skill was a replica of Black Blade's Gate, but in the book it was not called The Gate of the Black Blade, it is called the Gate of the Castle, it is for the death knight to retreat safely at any time

A skill of your own castle.

But if the death knight wants to use this spell, he must have a castle where he lives, either build it himself, or share a castle with other death knights.

Habayashi Blood Eagle turned the book to the end, and finally saw in the last part how to build the Death Knight Castle and some requirements, and there is also a planning and design drawing.

Build a castle? Habayashi Blood Eagle tapped his fingers on the table.

Speaking of castles, the place where Habayashi Blood Eagle actually has a castle is the Taniguchi Fortress of Quel'Danis that is under construction, and it is the first thing that Habayashi Blood Eagle thought of.

However, after Serious consideration, Habayashi Blood Eagle gave up the tempting idea of ​​transforming Taniguchi Fortress into a death knight castle. Habayashi Blood Eagle decided to build Taniguchi Fortress according to the original plan.

After thinking about it, Habayashi Blood Eagle believes that the current people's acceptance of death knights is not high, and there are many high elves and humans living in Quel'Danis Valley, there are as many as 30,000 people. There are quite a few Wildhammer dwarves living there.

If I was too impatient and built the Death Knight Castle there, it would probably cause them unnecessary misunderstandings. Habayashi Blood Eagle doesn't like trouble, and he doesn't want to ask for trouble, so he also thinks that it is not suitable for Quel'Danis and the dock, so Habayashi Blood Eagle finally suppressed the idea of ​​​​immediately building the death knight castle. It has reached the bottom of my heart.

Now that he has decided not to build the death knight castle for the time being, after Habayashi Blood Eagle read your book for a while, he decided to pick one or two skills to practice and see if this book is really a training manual or not. Fake.

But if he wants to practice the skills of the death knight, Habayashi Blood Eagle can't read the book roughly like before. He has to read and study it carefully, especially about the energy composition of the death knight in the preface of the death knight training manual. part of the explanation.

The power used by the death knight is the power of runes, but the source of the power of runes is soul power.

Habayashi Xueying remembered that in the concept of magic of the high elves, arcane is the root of all magical powers, and any form of magic is just an arcane simulation of arcane magic.

And Jerrick's research results also believe that the rune power used by the death knight is a branch of the dark magic in the orderly power of the arcane.

Even with these basic understandings, Habayashi Blood Eagle was still confused after studying alone all night. These twists and turns of magic theories made him dizzy, and he couldn't figure out the inner relationship between rune power and arcane power. relationship, and how to transform arcane magic power into rune power through arcane simulation.

Later, Habayashi Blood Eagle gave up, and he simply went directly to study the simplest skill of the death knight, Death Grip.

Death Grip is the signature skill of the death knight, but it is also the most basic and primary skill used by the death knight. It is like the stealth technique of a thief. A death knight who does not know the skill of death grip is ashamed to call himself a death knight.

Yubayashi Xueying tried several times after watching it but failed, so he could only give up his efforts. He felt that it was because he hadn't mastered the energy conversion skills yet.

Habayashi Blood Eagle can't practice alone, UU Reading He thought for a while, then found a pen and a blank notebook and began to copy the death knight training manual, he wanted to give the original to Jerrick, Maybe this will speed up Jerick's research.

Habayashi Blood Eagle copied the book for three days before she finished copying the dead self knight's training manual, but this copying is completely different from just reading it. Just copying it once made her understand it deeper. .

After Habayashi Xueying put away the transcript and the original, he understood some of the theories in his heart. He thought about it and then tried to use the death grip on a vase.

However, this time it is not like the attack of the Griffon Knights under the former Habayashi Blood Eagle, which caused the activities of the ghouls to be suspended. Maybe it is usually the habit of Jerry and his arcane mages coming in. !

They didn't expect that this time there would be a class that could attack and react at any time, so the ghouls seemed to panic for a while, and the looming and fast-moving shadows in the dense fog of death disappeared immediately.

But Habayashi Blood Eagle and the others were in danger, because Jerrick told him that he sensed more ghouls moving around.

"It's time!" Habayashi Xueying couldn't help but swear.

He suddenly understood, grandma, this time he really fell into someone else's trap. As soon as he came in, there were so many ghouls surrounding them, what else could this be if it wasn't a trap set by others long ago?

"Jerek, can you **** not think about anything? We are running for our lives now, so prepare your magic at any time! We are ambushed by others!" Habayashi Xueying was so anxious that he had been thinking about the problem in silence Jerick growled.

This guy is completely a research expert. At such a critical moment, he still wonders whether he can figure it out.

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