MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 798

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If the Quel'Thalas high elf army completely solved the troll army that came out of Zul'Aman City, then it would only be a matter of time before Zul'Aman City was finally attacked by the high elves.

Now even if Zu Jia and the others are transferred here immediately, facing the situation where the general situation is over, even if Zu Jia and the others have awesome military talents like Doomhammer, even if they have three heads and six arms, they are already powerless.

"Hmm..." Habayashi Xueying tapped his fingers on the desk in front of him and said to himself: "It's time to transfer Zujia back! Who should change it? Um... Forget it, let ten Four, let's go! That guy is more fun than anyone else..."

Stranglethorn Vale, Booty Bay.

Booty Bay is a free trade city. Although there is a certain legal order here, the management is actually very loose. In Booty Bay, you still rely on your fists to talk.

Zu Jia has been the representative of the blood skull pirate force in Booty Bay for some time, and here Zu Jia and the other six hundred dark pine trolls under him are actually quite contented.

Ever since Habayashi Blood Eagle led an army disguised as the Blood Skull Pirates to suddenly appear in Booty Bay, and within a few days, all the Bloodsail pirates in the vast sea area of ​​Booty Bay were taken away by lightning. After the base was uprooted, the Blood Skull Pirates became famous in Booty Bay. Now, in the entire Booty Bay, there is no one who does not know the name of the Blood Skull Pirates.

The Bloodskull Pirates are already the second largest pirate group in the bay after the Blackwater Islands. As soon as the Bloodskull Pirates appeared, Fourteen, who had been active in Booty Bay beforehand, suddenly became a **** pirate. In the name of the Skeleton Pirates, they took over all the tasks issued by the Blackwater Pirates for the Bloodsail Pirates, and completed all of them within a short period of time. The Blood Skull Pirates not only received a large amount of mission bounties from the Blackwater Pirates, but also formed a de facto alliance with the Blackwater Pirates.

Now in the waters of Booty Bay, as long as the ships flying the blood skull pirate flag, other pirate groups dare not make any decisions at all. Blood skull pirate ships can almost walk sideways in Booty Bay.

Most pirate groups will choose to take a detour when they see the ship of the Blood Skull Pirates. Only the Bloodsail Pirates hate the Blood Skull Pirates to the bone, and they have been deliberately trying to get revenge.

However, because they were hit by the thunder of the Habayashi Blood Eagle, all the medium-sized and above warships were lost in a short period of time, and the rest were only those small gunboats that could only sail in the coastal waters. The small aircraft carrier formations that often run rampant in the waters of Booty Bay have no choice but to sigh in vain.

However, although the Blood Skull Pirates and the Blackwater Pirates have united into a de facto alliance, Booty Bay is a den of pirates after all, and it is a place where big fists talk, and the alliance between pirates is actually not completely trustworthy. Yes, so the Blood Skull Pirates and the Blackwater Pirates are friendly on the surface, but they are actually quite dirty.

Fortunately, when Captain Fourteen left, he left Zu Jia a lot of thieves in Booty Bay.

Fourteen established an intelligence organization similar to a spy agency for those thieves, and has been lurking in Booty Bay for a long time.

Zu Jia only knew a few of them, and these people often passed on information for Zu Jia, and Zu Jia asked them for help many times. Zu Jia felt that these people were quite mysterious, as if nothing could be done in Booty Bay. Can't hide it from them.

Under normal circumstances, what kind of information Zu Jia wanted, as long as Zu Jiaji went to find them, he would often get the answers Zu Jia wanted very quickly. These answers were not only fast, but also often extremely accurate.

Zu Jia didn't know much about this intelligence organization, but he also knew some gossip. He heard that there were not only humans in this organization, but also trolls and even a small amount of goblins.

But Zu Jia has never seen those people, or Zu Jia may have seen them, because there are too many such people in Booty Bay City, Zu Jia has no idea which one of them is a member of this spy organization.

Of course, because of the existence of this espionage organization, Zu Jia really took people to fight several times after receiving the information. Naturally, the people he went to fight were those who wanted to influence the blood skull business, or wanted to fight blood. Man with skeleton idea.

Generally, the Blackwater Pirates, who are the management of Booty Bay, often turn a blind eye to these things because of their relationship with the Blood Skull Pirates. invisible.

However, there were a few times when Zu Jia really went too far. He brought hundreds of his men who were fully armed like an army, and wiped out a few small pirate groups who wanted to attack the blood skull directly in Booty Bay. group.

This made the Blackwater Pirates lose face in Booty Bay. After all, Booty Bay is still under the jurisdiction of Blackwater Pirates, and some necessary order is still needed.

What Zu Jia did was tantamount to hitting the face of the Blackwater pirates face to face, so Zu Jia had also received several warnings from the Blackwater pirates, and finally heard that it was the people in the spy organization who came forward to settle it.

Although the matter was settled, Zu Jia also heard that he was named by the Blackwater Pirates, as if he was included in some unpopular blacklist or something.

I heard that as long as I make the same mistake a few times, I will definitely be expelled from Booty Bay, because I always bring a lot of trouble to the management of Blackwater Pirates in Booty Bay.

Zu Jia also heard that Zu Jia would have been killed by the Blackwater pirates long ago if it wasn't for the sake of the Blood Skull Pirates, but Zu Jia didn't care, he still went his own way.

Since Fourteen left, Zu Jia was the biggest leader of the Blood Skull Pirates in Booty Bay, so Zu Jia seemed to be a black boss with close relations with the authorities in Booty Bay, so he always called forward every day when he came in and out. Afterwards, he still eats meat and drinks in taverns and other places every day.

Zu Jia is actually quite satisfied with his current life in Booty Bay. He drinks as much as he likes and eats meat every day. Many people who come in and out see his group with awe in their eyes. A sense of accomplishment.

A day like this was never imagined by Zu Jia before, and a day like this was also beyond the imagination of those compatriots in Zul'Aman. Zu Jia felt that the group of dark pine trolls in Zul'Aman would definitely not know , in fact, trolls can also live like this, and Zuga began to really like the identity of this pirate.

Fourteen hadn't come to Booty Bay for a long time, and Zu Jia thought that Fourteen should be something important that the master wanted him to do, so Fourteen could not come back for a while.

Now in Booty Bay, the transactions with those various places are basically done through Zujia. In addition to the transactions with the thorns and the trolls about the beasts, there are also some other pirate groups. There are few trade contacts with the Blood Skull Pirates, but the biggest trade list is the beast trade of the giant trolls in Stranglethorn Valley.

Zu Jia has handled these things many times, and he feels very relaxed doing these things now, and he has also sent people to ship back the goods received in Hinterland several times, everything is in order, Zu Jia feels that it is not at all Difficult, just do things according to the rules, no matter whether Shishi comes or not, Zujia feels that he is fully capable of handling everything.

(I'll change it when I'm done)

Now the goods that are going to be transported back to Sintland are almost ready. I have been thinking about the day when the goods will be shipped back to Sintland for the past few days. something in order to continue trading with all parties.

Today, the master was thinking of taking a group of credulous subordinates to drink and eat in the tavern he frequented as usual. When he walked out the door, he saw the human thief who often came to pass information to him.

Seeing that human thief knew he had something to do, he was a little excited, because he hadn't beaten anyone for a long time, and now basically he didn't see any short-sighted little thief to provoke them. The owner's hands were itchy.

You guys go first, I have something to discuss with this brother exclusively, and I turned around and said to the few cronies who followed behind him.

Those trolls who gradually became clear saw the appearance of the human thief, and knew that the master had something to discuss, because this was not the first time this happened. This human thief was very mysterious, and every time he talked with the master, he just There are only the two of them, and everyone else is known outside and cannot eavesdrop.

In fact, they are also very curious about this human thief, but no one knows his identity. It seems that only the owner knows the identity of this person, but the exclusive never tells them. Whenever they want to ask, the owner always asks The adults scolded, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't inquire about what you shouldn't know, don't call, and relatives have been lost after a long time.

So at this time, after they heard the protagonist speak like this, everyone yelled at each other tacitly, and met to go to the tavern, leaving only the host and the human thief there.

Let's go into the house and ask the human thief.

The human thief nodded, affirming the exclusive proposal.

The exclusive didn't say another word, turned around and walked back to his residence, the human thief followed behind the protagonist silently.

The two entered the residence of the master's house. The master's house and the people around him dispersed and closed, then dragged their hands and bit their teeth and asked what was the matter? Is it going to chop people up again tonight, and what kind of blind thieves dare to provoke us? I haven't used a knife for a long time, and my hands are itchy.

Don't mention killing people, every time you stab a big mouse, we wipe your **** for you, and tell you to kill people, can't you do it cleanly? It is necessary to make it so obvious. In the Blackwater Pirates territory, we must take care of the face of the black one. Fortunately, the master is not here, otherwise you would have been transferred back to Xintlan, the human said.

Please, I'm too lazy to figure out what the owner said.

It is indeed troublesome, but if you don't trouble us, there will be even bigger troubles, the human thief smiled wryly.

Okay, I will do it this time, cleanly and neatly, I won't cause trouble for you, I want to go to see the master's house now and said with a smile.

The human thief shook his head and said, I can't satisfy your request this time, no one messes with us.

It's not to go to see the owner's house. He was very disappointed when he heard that he said, "It's not to see people. What's the matter with you when you come here? Every time you come here, you ask me to kill people. Why can't you go back?"

The Fourteenth Master is coming back, the man said out of nowhere.

14 is coming back, I asked a question during the summer vacation, then curled my lips, and then I came back when I said I'm coming back, it's not a big deal.

And the master asked you to organize the goods in Shantideva, and then you took your people who went back to the team of Kuixing, and the fourteenth master brought another one to replace your side team. It was already halfway, and they went with you It's time to go back with the formation here now, the human thief said again and again. UU reading

The master asked me to go back to my home in Sintraland, and asked suspiciously, why did something happen?

I don't know, the master didn't say, the human thief shook his head and said.

Oh, well, I'm really reluctant to leave this Booty Bay. I can't do whatever I want when I arrive in Sintraland, I said with an exclusive sigh.

We'd love you to go back, you've caused enough trouble. You go back, we can at least get close to the human thief and said with a smile.

Jealous of you, this is jealousy of the lord who said that you people who can only live with each other in the shadows are jealous of me.

There is indeed a little bit that makes human beings smile bitterly, so we still hope that you will leave quickly.

Do you know who else came with Shishi? The master suddenly asked again.

The two broken teeth of the shoe came, the human thief said.

4 gunboats and an aircraft carrier, the owner said with wide-eyed eyes, such a big battle.

Yes, the human thief said again.

Strange, why so many groups came this time, the master said to himself, is the master going to do something big here?

Strange, why so many groups came this time, the master said to himself, is the master going to do something big here?

I don't know about that, the human thief shook his head and said.

It's a pity, the master sighed and shook his head.

What a pity? the human thief asked.

Wouldn't it be a pity to go back to Sunderland when something was going on and I couldn't take part in it? The master said.

You are addicted to killing people, the human beings are really filial, the master told you to go back, maybe it is the war that requires you to cut people, but it is still not over.

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