MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 802

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These small gunboats and gunboats captured from other pirate gangs are all parked in Booty Bay, and sometimes the five small gunboats are used to participate in transactions with several troll forces in Stranglethorn Vale. .

And those gunboats are almost useless, and most of them have become tools for members of the Blood Skull faction stationed in Booty Bay to go out to sea to play and fish.

In the past, Habayashi Blood Eagle looked down on these small ships, because these small ships could not sail long distances. Even small gunboats could only perform missions in the coastal waters, and they could not sail long distances.

Because small gunships are too weak against wind and waves, they are easily overturned by huge waves in the deep sea if they sail far away, so not only Habayashi Blood Eagle looks down on them, but even the fourteenth class don't look down on them.

However, now that the Blood Skull Pirates are determined to establish a base on Harquero Island, these small gunboats and gunboats have shown their vital role.

With these five small warships, there is no need to deploy medium-sized warships in the aircraft carrier formation to guard the base. As long as the base is built, the small warships and the coastal fire prevention guns in the base are fully capable of guarding the base. Even if the enemy comes to a large armored warship such as a battleship, they can support it for a period of time and wait for the rescue ship to arrive.

As for the larger number of gunboats, they can usually patrol the coast of Harquero Island or perform some simple tasks. For example, transporting prisoners of war ashore is one of the jobs these gunboats can do.

Fourteen commanded the small boats transporting prisoners of war to transport the Zul'Aman troll prisoners of war on the aircraft carrier to the shore first, so that the aircraft carrier would be free first.

At the same time, he sent a Griffin Knight to Booty Bay, and asked the garrison there to park all the small gunboats and gunboats in Booty Bay, and after purchasing enough supplies in Booty Bay, they first drove to the wild coast. Near the Bloodsail Camp.

After that, it will drive straight towards the opposite Harquero Island. After the Jieshi aircraft carrier has emptied the Zul'Aman troll prisoners of war on board, it will immediately drive to the middle of the strait between the wild coast and Harquero Island, and then Escort the supply skiffs and gunboats here with Gryphon Riders.

In fact, according to normal circumstances, the five small gunboats are fully capable of escorting those gunboats across the strait to Harquero Island.

However, due to previous inattention, these small gunboats and gunboats did not have enough artillery operators. Now it is very difficult to drive these boats to Harquero Island only by the personnel left behind in Booty Bay.

Therefore, the fleet composed of so many small ships transporting supplies, in the eyes of all Booty Bay pirate forces, is all a big piece of fat, so there must be enough force to **** it.

After another hour, it was full light.

Booty Bay began to be crowded with people, and those who should sell things came out to sell things. Many merchants and fishmongers in the market began to sell their goods in piles.

However, the usual noisy shouting in the market soon weakened, because many members of the Blood Skull Pirates appeared in the market today, and they frantically swept up the goods in the market like throwing money.

Many vendors didn't even have to shout. As soon as the goods were put out, a member of the Blood Skull Pirates came over to discuss the price, and then bought all the goods, and only asked the vendors to ship the goods. Go to the boat of the Bloodskull Pirates parked at the pier.

Blood Skull's sudden sweep of the market once caused the prices of various materials in Booty Bay to rise slightly. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the members of the Blood Skull Pirates to sweep the market. After an hour, all the members of the Blood Skull Pirates disappeared from the market.

But then, they all appeared on the pier again, busily directing the vendors to deliver their goods to the gunboats.

Blood Skull's big moves for two consecutive days made all the pirates in Booty Bay panic, and no one guessed what the Blood Skull pirate group was up to.

Although those greedy pirates could not guess the intention of the Blood Skull Pirates, but when they faced so many ships of the Blood Skull Pirates in the pier, many pirates could not help the temptation, quietly The ground sent people to stare at it.

When all the ships of the Blood Skull Pirates were loaded with cargo, the ships set sail at the same time.

To the excitement of those greedy pirates, there are not many operators on the blood skeleton pirate ship carrying so much cargo, and even the five small gunboats are obviously insufficient. This is completely a big fat ship. sheep.

But even in the eyes of all the pirates in Booty Bay, this transport fleet is indeed a big fat sheep, but these greedy pirates dare not move for a while, they still treat the blood skeleton pirates The regiment maintained sufficient vigilance.

Because, too many unwary pirates have been destroyed by the Blood Skull Pirates in the past, and the Blood Skull Pirates displayed terrifying sea power outside the Booty Bay port yesterday morning, so they can't help it. Careless.

When the supply fleet of the Blood Skull Pirates sailed out of the port of Booty Bay, many light boats also quietly left the port and followed them secretly.

To their surprise, there wasn't any warship of the Blood Skull Pirates waiting for **** outside the port. This made some pirate gangs in Booty Bay very excited. They were all thinking about whether to do it, but they were worried that they would fall into the trap of the Blood Skull Pirates again, and in the end they would lose a lot of money by stealing chickens.

(Let’s modify it here first! Too sleepy.)

Just as the various pirate gangs were hesitating, Changbao Bay sent out another big news. The blood bank building pirate gang released a number of kidnapping missions specifically for venture capital companies.

These tasks require that the kidnapped targets are not powerful people, but engineers from some venture capital companies, but their bounty is three times higher than the usual bounty for this type of kidnapping task, and any individual and any Groups are welcome.

But there is only one condition, as long as they are alive and dead, there is no bounty.

As a result, all the big and small pirate gangs in Booty Bay suddenly started to get busy. They were not very busy, preparing to grab the supply team of the pirate gang in the blood storehouse, but busy with receiving missions and traveling missions.

Because no one will be the Pirates of the Fool Reservoir Building. Although there are many teams, most of the goods they transport are living things. It's not safe to hide in Booty Bay either.

Bloody Skull is still in the group, but he dares to destroy other people's group hate characters in Booty Bay. Besides, it doesn't mean that so many materials have to be sold. It's easy to be caught by the hanging building from.

And those missions are different. These missions have a high bounty value, but they are not very difficult. Completing one can allow a pirate group to live comfortably for a while. Besides, the mission is only now risky, and the investment company must not be prepared. It is very simple to go out and complete several tasks at the same time.

So instead of taking the risk of letting the Blood Skull Pirates hunt down and kill the group, it is better to take on the mission of the Blood Skulls. They think that the Blood Skull Pirates are definitely a rich man, and the bounty is so high for releasing so many missions at once. That's really rich and powerful, and it's much more cost-effective to take money with them in a friendly manner than to fight sand with them.

When the aircraft carrier transported the battle ax ashore, it was already close to noon. At this time, a rescue knight came to report that there were many pirate ships following the supply fleet.

This time, the aircraft carrier was immediately launched to the waters in the middle of Harquero Island in the South Yellow Sea, and at the same time, the Iraqi Griffin Rider was launched to drive away those ships that were not tracked.

To be honest, first throw a few bombs down to give them a warning, and if they dare to follow, they will be blown up.

The Griffin Rider during the Iraqi period took off on the aircraft carrier and flew to the busy coast. After that, the aircraft carrier also began to turn around slowly, and then the woodland headed towards the middle of the strait, gradually disappearing from everyone's sight.

14 did not follow the aircraft carrier, he still commanded small boats on his own gunboat to send people ashore one by one, hoping to free up one ship as quickly as possible.

This gang of ruthless pirates has to be on guard from time to time. Once they really dare to rob current affairs, they would rather not send people ashore first, but let the entire fleet return to the door frame coast, and send all those thieves to the coast. grab it.

If they fled back to Booty Bay to hide in current affairs, they wouldn't mind taking the fleet straight to Booty Bay to arrest people. Anyway, now in Booty Bay, their fists are far bigger than Blackwater, and Blackwater probably wouldn't dare to stop them. Well, if you don't give this small gang a little color, they won't be able to play on Taobao safely, but they can't maintain a strong posture, otherwise those gangsters won't be afraid of blood skulls.

The transportation and supply team had just arrived at the wild coast. Not long after the original camp was turned over by snow, they saw that the test questions during the Iraqi period were flying from the direction of South Korea. Battleship, drop a map.

This map marks the location of the fleet and the meeting of the aircraft carrier so that the transport fleet can meet the aircraft carrier while traveling to Kazakhstan Island. The aircraft carrier is responsible for escorting them to Jaguero Island.

For whom was the ten-cornered small boat following the transport fleet, and when they saw the group of Griffin Riders flying in the distance, they were scared out of their wits and ran away alone.

If the rescue knights didn't seem to want to let them go, the stone griffin knights suddenly separated, and each griffin knight chased a small boat. Those small boats were the fastest, but how could they compare to the rescue knights flying in the sky? The knight is fast.

Just when they were all desperate or regretting, the search and rescue knights did not drop bombs, but shot a white cow stick on the boat, and then flew to **** the transport fleet.

Tremblingly, those malicious pirates pulled out the ship class plugged into the small boat, but when they opened the note, there was a line of words written in the passage.

Disappear immediately, this is only the first warning, and also the final warning, and it is discovered that your forces and the middle school skeleton team will perish, UU Reading It is useless for you to hide in Booty Bay.

The warning from the Skeleton Pirates was very arrogant, but the pirates who received the warning turned pale with fright and ran back to Long Island Sound in their small boats.

Xue Kulou destroyed other groups in Tangbao Bay not once or twice. Haimen believes that the Blood Skull Pirates can do what they say. Although the lord has already sent back that grumpy and cruel troll, a bigger fleet came to the blood bank building yesterday!

Xue Kulou destroyed other groups in Tangbao Bay not once or twice. Haimen believes that the Blood Skull Pirates can do what they say. Although the lord has already sent back that grumpy and cruel troll, a bigger fleet came to the blood bank building yesterday!

As long as this fleet stops at the port of Booty Bay, even if Blackwater returns, they will feel a serious threat. Then they will go to Cry Liao and they will send people to work on those small and medium pirate groups. I am afraid that even the Blackwater pirate group I will also turn a blind eye and close one eye as if I can't see it.

At noon, the transport fleet finally arrived at Harvey Road under the **** of the aircraft carrier.

At this time, I was greatly relieved. Fortunately, nothing happened, and I arrived safely. Now, everyone who should go ashore should be able to be sent ashore before dark.

14 Although they sent an aircraft carrier to **** them, they were actually just a little worried. If the transportation team was blackmailed by other pirate groups, they could indeed lead the fleet to Booty Bay and wipe them out.

But in that case, the contradiction between the blood hole and the black water will definitely be worse, and more importantly, it will seriously affect the construction of the base he will talk about. This is a fact, and I especially don't want to see it. Arriving safely like now, no one has any troubles, that is the best thing.

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