MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 823

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Hearing the shout of the victim Liang Qibing's squadron leader and the signal from the victim Liang Qibing, he immediately sent an early warning signal into the air.

Under the launch of the signal transmitter, the magical fireworks burst into colorful flames in the sky, which looked extremely beautiful, but now no matter whether they were elves or orcs, soldiers on both sides would not appreciate these beautiful fireworks.

Facing the swarms of high elves who were about to fly overhead to rescue the knights and be intercepted, the squadron leader didn't know what those high elves were going to do, and whether they would place a huge amount of plunge orders again.

But no matter what these high-ranking manager self-help knights want to do, if they are picked up by others, the squadron leader can be sure of one thing, that is, the arrival of these guys will definitely not be a good thing.

In order to deal with the enemy's single combat unit in the air, the people can come up with many ways. They can use restraint to create dense fog and use it to conceal large forces. So people have also developed a smoke bomb. When the troops are in action, they will also provide a good concealment effect for the recipients.

Drop smoke bombs, drop smoke bombs and send gas bottles, the squadron leader yelled.

Being intercepted by others in a difficult situation, the patients began to drop smoke bombs around themselves one after another, and were soon submerged in the gushing thick smoke, covering all the wolf cavalrymen who were subject to them.

The captain of the Wolf Cavalry Squadron could finally breathe a sigh of relief while controlling the sitting cable. No matter what the senior managers were dropping down on the knights, at least now their troops could finally hide themselves behind the smoke. In the middle, even if there is a loss, it should not lose too much.

The thick smoke from a large number of smoke bombs continuously blocked the world of the high elf rescue knights flying high in the sky, and also blocked the sight of the high elf rangers ambushing in the jungle on both sides of the road, so people from both sides of the road There are fewer and fewer buildings to sneak attack on.

But the nineteen knights who were circling high in the sky, this time they came not to drop bombs, but to drop them into the iron bureau.

Although these orcs didn't end at the moment, the higher elves wrote the plot of the script and walked away, and the soldiers picked up soldiers and released a large number of smoke bombs, which was indeed beyond the expectation of all the higher elves.

However, the Sixiu knights would not give up on the task they needed to complete. After circling twice in the sky, dozens of rescue knights threw a large number of cavalry into the smoke, and then turned around. Return to Hangzhou.

That's right, this time it's the mission of the knights, which is to put in a lot of iron muscle power.

In the script designed by the high elves, the smoke bombs should be dropped by the people who do not drop the smoke bombs. They should be chased by the interceptors, and the high elves should have dropped them after entering the woods during the sneak attack on Jinling, but no one would have expected to receive them. But the people dropped the smoke bombs before they did.

However, despite the large number of smoke bombs dropped by the recipients, the large number of iron cavalry dropped by the high-level elf rescue knights from high altitude also made the recipient wolf cavalry in the thick fog miserable.

It’s not that they were harmed, because the embarrassing people were all dressed in full suits to present awards, even if the rescue knights threw themselves into the cavalry and fell on them like raindrops, at most they could only take pictures with jingling clips , it is impossible to cause them much actual harm, but they are not so lucky to sit in jail.

Those heavy iron donkeys that fell from the sky fell on the jail, and directly pierced into the flesh of the gate. Those without self-respect will fall on the nearby ground. Those sitting corridors just moved a lot, and they easily stepped on the iron horse. screams.

It would be fine if it was just that, but the situation is not just that bad. With the smoke, the door kept stepping on the posts posted by the rescue knights, and the prison door began to fall down with poison.

Everyone fell down, and naturally the feet of the shouren who picked up the ice door were also on the ground, and then there were many muffled groans of shouren in the grand smoke.

The recipient released a large number of smoke bombs, although they blocked the sight of the high elf rescue knights and the high elf rangers hiding in the jungle on both sides of the road. But the same thick smog also blocked their own sight, and the posts were covered in thick smog. As long as those recipients were a little careless, **** little holes would be easily pierced out of their feet and feet. Even if the whole body fights, the soles of their feet will not move.

As more and more people went to jail, the number of people poisoned in the heavy fog also began to increase.

But everything was not going well for the shouren wolf cavalry in the thick smoke. Those high-end elves hiding on the road and on both sides of the jungle didn't know that a thick smoke blocked them. Everyone's affairs also affected the golden elf ranger their judgment.

What if I can't see anything? One of the nightwalker members of the team leader asked the third younger brother beside him that he was the leader of Love, but if the question was rejected, they first set off a smoke bomb.

It turned out that in the original plan of the high elves, they did not expect that the recipients would release smoke bombs.

In the original plan, the first wave of high-energy elves rescued the knights with their hair burst, but it was mainly for those who were driven off the road by the wolf cavalry and stepped on the poisonous war that they were not in the bushes and jungles on both sides of the road, and then the high elves rangers Immediately, taking advantage of the sudden preview of the orcs, he panicked and acted as a mount to attack the orcs with bamboo and bamboo swords, turning them all into infantry.

When the second wave of rescue knights came, they threw iron Jilin on the road, forcing the subjects to be unable to return to the blocked road. Finally, the high elves who were ambushing on both sides of the road began to encircle and suppress the subjects who were forced to enter the Poison Needle Town on both sides of the road. .

But none of the top managers would have guessed that the thin people would be the first to fire the smoke bombs.

So now it is impossible for anyone to see far in the dense fog, and the dense fog will also cause the high-end elves to cast natural gas, and there will be a slight error. A high-end elf entering the dense fog poses a threat.

The third brother is the way when the night walker ordered the receiving team to the cradle. He knew that the orc wolf cavalry had already sent the Jade Emperor signal, and then the main forward force of the receiving person would arrive soon, but is he giving up now? ? He was indeed a little reconciled.

We also set off smoke bombs, the leader of the mountain bike night walker said, pointing to the direction where the people came. Release smoke bombs behind the orc troops to expand the range of smoke, and put all the iron mud there to form a separation zone to prevent the source of resistance. excellent book

After the squadron leader of the orc wolf cavalry scolded angrily, he hurriedly urged the mount to run towards the turning point of the road.

In the eyes of the squadron leader of the orc wolf cavalry, the wolf cavalry of the pathfinding squad passed through safely, so it can be proved that there should be no problem with that bend.

Moreover, this corner is always within sight of the two wolf cavalry who are ready to send the signal of encountering the enemy at any time, so there should be no danger, unless the two orc wolf cavalry are blind.

But what the squadron leader of the Orc Wolf Cavalry didn't know was that if the two wolf cavalry with the signal transmitter really ran to the corner and stood there, it is estimated that what they saw when the Orc Wolf Cavalry support squadron rushed there was very likely. It won't be two alive and kicking wolf cavalry, more likely to see only two cold corpses of orc wolf cavalry and two wolf corpses lying in a pool of blood.

Because at that time, thirty mountain lion nightwalkers and ten orangutan rangers were ambushing in the nearby woods, and the leader of the mountain lion nightwalkers was also annoyed because they didn't get a bite of meat. The two orc wolf cavalry are welcome to run up to the gun.

In fact, even now, the corner of the road is not necessarily safe, because sometimes what the eyes see is not necessarily true.

Seeing that a hundred orc wolf cavalry were about to run to the corner.

Suddenly, the wolves of the five orc wolf cavalry running in the front howled one after another, and then they all knelt on the ground with their front paws almost at the same time, but the inertia of the forward charge caused the few orc wolves riding on their backs to groan. The cavalrymen couldn't hold back their charge all at once, and were knocked down a few meters in front of their mounts by their wolves, which naturally evoked ghosts and wolves howling and exclamations.

It was the fallen orc wolf cavalry who howled miserably, and those who screamed were the wolf cavalry who followed them.

The squadron leader of the orc wolf cavalry and the rest of the orc wolf cavalry were surprised and hastily stopped the running mounts. They looked at the few orcs in front of them who rolled on the ground and screamed in horror.

At this moment, are the elite cavalry fully reflected in this sudden outbreak? If they weren't elite cavalry, they don't know how many people would fall into those insidious high-level cavalry because they were too late to absorb the charge of the cavalry. Go into the trap set by the elves.

It is not a trivial matter to suddenly fall to the ground on the back of a wolf running at high speed. It is just a normal thing to break an arm or a leg. It is the most terrifying throwing method in the world, because this kind of throwing method often directly breaks the necks of cavalrymen, and the chances of being able to fall like this and still be safe are extremely rare.

While the captain of the Orc Wolf Cavalry Squadron was shocked, he was also secretly glad that he was a few steps behind just now, otherwise it would not be his subordinates lying there now, but himself lying there up.

"Shaman! Where's the shaman? Are you here?" The leader of the orc wolf cavalry squadron turned his head and shouted at the team behind him.

This kind of injury that directly broke the neck can't last for a few minutes. If you don't get medical treatment immediately in a very short period of time, then there is no hope of survival at all.

But... no one answered the words of the leader of the orc wolf cavalry squadron.

The orc wolf cavalry behind the leader of the orc wolf cavalry squadron were like dominoes, turning their heads one by one to look back, until the last orc wolf cavalry couldn't look back.

Then, someone finally replied: "The captain shaman didn't follow up!"

At this moment, the squadron leader of the Orc Wolf Cavalry suddenly remembered that he came out too hastily just now, and he didn't think of pulling one or two shamans over. For a while, he watched the orc wolf cavalry men in front of him who fell to the ground die slowly, and the captain of the orc wolf cavalry squadron felt extremely guilty.

When the last wounded orc wolf cavalry man was fuming because of his serious injury, the squadron leader of the orc wolf cavalry finally grabbed the arm of one of the two pathfinder wolf cavalry beside him in a rage. The collar roared furiously: "Didn't you say that your captain passed here? Why are there so many poisoned barbed wire on the road now? Tell me! What is going on?"

The orc wolf cavalry who was caught by the collar was one of the two orc wolf cavalry who were waiting to send the signal of encountering the enemy at any time. He was already pale at this time, but he really didn't know what was going on. ah.

He had also walked here before, but at that time he just reached the corner, and saw that there were ten high elves Frostwolf Rangers ahead, and there was nothing on the road he passed!

Later, their captain led six brothers to pass by here, but there was no abnormal change, but why did there suddenly appear such deadly barbed wire?

"Squadron leader...I...we don't know what's going on...I just...went from here to that corner...but nothing happened back and forth..." The orc wolf who was caught by the collar of the orc wolf cavalry squadron leader The cavalryman stammered in fright.

"Aren't you two guarding there all the time?" The squadron leader of the Orc Wolf Cavalry pointed at the place where the two pathfinder wolf cavalry were just now, and angrily cursed: "This place is completely within your line of sight. Within, UU Reading How could you not know? Are both of you blind? Could it be that these poisonous caltrops grow out of the ground by themselves?"

I'm in the squadron, but we really don't know what's going on. We've been staring at us all the time, making sure that we haven't seen anyone coming here since our captain passed by. The wolf cavalry is about to die of fright.

This is not a small matter, it is a matter of several brothers losing their lives. If these brothers died because of their own negligence...

Guarantee, what kind of guarantee do you have?

Squadron leader Lang Xianping, the recipient, turned his head to the right to look at the few heads who fell on the ground and panted slowly, turning into a weakly breathing brown cable, and the expression on his face quickly changed.

The caltrops attached to these snug brown and blue claws have made their claws swollen terribly. These prisons only stepped on those high elves and left the iron Jilin for such a short time, but now he has begun to breathe weakly. These toxins are simply more terrifying than the venom of the most poisonous snake he has ever seen.

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