MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 834

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Habayashi Blood Eagle and Cirvanas rode Griffins and landed among the troops entering the valley when the troops entered the Valley of Trials. The road for the troops to enter the valley was too rough and steep. The troops marched lightly, and apart from armor, they only carried a bow, a pot of arrows and a small amount of food.

Although their battle pet armor is also brought, but there is only a pot of arrows. With such a small amount of necessary war supplies, it is completely impossible to support a battle. After all, the main force of the army is now rangers, and there are not enough arrows. Supply, is that forcing rangers to fight with melee weapons? This is entirely based on short-cutting the enemy's strengths.

Now Habayashi Blood Eagle and Cirvanas are waiting for the arrows to arrive. As for the logistics food, only a small amount of dried meat will be shipped, but these dried meat is not for people to eat, it is for war pets to eat of.

The battle pets of the Frostwolf United of the Windrunner Legion are all wargs, while the battle pets of the city lord's guard are all dire wolves. These guys are all young masters who only eat meat. Habayashi Blood Eagle knows that those high elves The soldiers would rather let those pets eat meat than they would eat.

But they themselves can only eat the magic water and magic bread they made. Otherwise, if they walked all the way to the cave in the north and only relied on the supply of the wild boars they killed on the road, how could eighteen hundred wolves be able to eat them? ?

What's more, the 1,200 wargs are all big stomach kings as strong as cows? In addition, six hundred smaller dire wolves were added. With so many meat eaters, how could it be possible to supply them by hunting on the road?

But jerky is different from fresh meat. Jerky is not very heavy, but it can guarantee to fill your stomach quickly. Whether it is palatable or not, Habayashi Blood Eagle doesn't care much. Habayashi Blood Eagle believes that those pets I don't care too much about whether the jerky is palatable.

But even with such a small logistical requirement, it is not easy to transport two hundred Griffin Riders, and it takes two hundred Griffin Riders to transport them many times.

Griffin rider air transportation is completely different from ground camel animal transportation. The transportation volume between them is completely different. No matter how the sky flies, the transportation volume will be less than the ground transportation. The advantage of air transportation is that it is fast and affected by the terrain. Smaller only.

From the ground troops into the valley, the 200 Griffin Riders were transported until late in the evening. Among all the logistics materials, at least 70% of the weight of the materials were dried meat for pets. Of course, these Except for the arrows, most of the materials were purchased from Ratchet City.

After the supplies were delivered, it was getting late, Habayashi Blood Eagle and Cirvanas decided to rest for the night before continuing to march tomorrow, and at the same time let the Griffin Knights rest for the night, and tomorrow they will not be too tired.

Because from the gap in the Valley of Trials to the cave in the north, the distance in the game is only a few steps, but in reality, it takes at least three days of marching distance to reach it.

Habayashi Blood Eagle and Cirvanas counted the supplies transported by the Griffin Knights at night. After calculation, all the supplies delivered by the Griffon Knights in one afternoon are only enough for the current ground troops to fight for three and a half days. , and among all these war materials, there are only two bed crossbows and thirty ballistas that can be assembled for attack.

These two bed crossbows are the combat equipment Habayashi Bloodhawk and Cirvanas decided to need when they made their battle plan. Habayashi Bloodhawk and Cirvanas believed that the main resistance to attacking the cave would come from the entrance of the cave. .

At that time, the resistance beyond the entrance of the cave was completely covered and competent by the bows and arrows of the high elves alone. In Cirvanas' words, the arrows coated with poison, the Frostwolf Alliance alone can make this group of idiots who have no brains in fighting and only rush forward with blood fall five steps away from the high elves.

This can show how arrogant Cirvanas is, and at the same time, it can also be seen how much Cirvanas despises the incident that happened between the wild boars and the Kocal centaurs in the Valley of Trials. A war where no one is orderly like primitive people.

Go back and write again, it’s ok with the co-workers

But Yulin Xueying doesn't know how to read minds, so the pre-contact person went to see Willix by the bedside after dinner, while Xiu Erlan naturally asked Jerry to go to the aircraft carrier conference room for interrogation.

Rain forest snow cloud, rose in heart, naturally not afraid of Xievanas asking the bottom line. Jerrick is not the old magician Solans, if it is the old magician, Soros and Lin Xueying will definitely be worried, and they will definitely follow. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese in a second m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

But although Jerry is a student of the old magician Sorens, he is completely different from the old magician. Beta and Lin Xueying feel that there is no need to worry about it.

When Yulin Xueying came to the bow, Willix was sitting on the deck eating, and naturally there was the gleaming gold coin in front of him.

Yulin Xueying walked over, Williskes didn't even raise his head, Yulin Xueyin looked up at the sky and asked Willix, are you sure you can reach Jinchi City tonight?

Lord City Lord Milix, absolutely sure, Willix said with certainty.

Have you been here and never left? He and Lin Xueying continued to look at the sky and asked.

Yes, Lord Willix said again.

And have you seen the return of the scouting gryphon riders? Asked with Lin Xueying.

Without the particles, he began to say, what happened to my purebred lord? Usually at this time, they should come back and change to another team. Willix held a piece of bread, looked up and looked around, but soon looked down at his gold coin.

In Yu Linxueying's long-distance fleet, two aircraft carriers will send out a rescue knight of 10 people every day. The team will take off to rectify the fleet and investigate whether there are any hostile forces posing a threat to the fleet in the front, rear, left, and right directions.

Under normal circumstances, the Griffon Knight team that went out for scouting and cruising would come back on time, and another scouting team would go up to take over the reconnaissance rule. There has been almost no change since the sailing.

Unless there was a strong storm like the day before to rescue, if the risk of taking off was too great, they would not go out, and almost never made any turn, but today that team has been out for so long, why hasn't it come back?

Could it be that they were in trouble, and Lin Xueying couldn't help feeling a little worried? It's just that even with Lin Xueying, she can't even imagine now, what else could threaten the entire 10-man Griffin Knight team.

Lin Xueying and Lin Xueying waited at the bow for another half an hour, but they still did not see the rescue knight team who went out to investigate, and Lin Xueying was even more worried when they came back. So he decided to send at least 30 rescue knights from the aircraft carrier to take off to find them. Take a look at what kind of trouble they have encountered.

He and Lin Xueying turned around and walked back, when they were about to command the community to notify everyone, they bumped into each other head-on, and the embroidery was over. It turned out that the unloading was over, because he had just asked Jie Yueke about the female king knight, and he was about to come out to find Habayashi Xueying.

But when he saw the expressions on Lin Xueying's face, he knew it was not the time to ask those questions: "What's the matter, what happened to brother-in-law?" Thank you Teacher Wang for asking with concern.

"Responsible for going out to reconnaissance for the fleet, met a Griffin Knight, the team has not returned yet, they must have encountered something."

Yulin Xueying walked briskly, and said: "We must go up to find them immediately. It has been more than half an hour for Wei Kui to go out. We can't delay any longer. We must find them as soon as possible to rescue them. We are exhausted." If so, they are in danger.

He didn't come back for more than half an hour. When the embroidery was over, Dacheng suddenly stopped Yulin, Xueying Jibu ran to the command room, and at the same time urgently ordered the messenger to be on alert.

At that time, Yulin Xueying and Xiaowa did not want to run to the combat command room of the aircraft carrier. When the embroidering is finished, teach the command while running the whole volume to all the owl rangers to release all the owls. I want them to check the entire fleet, front, back, left, and right, and tell them to check the multiple distances as far as they can. All rescue measures on the aircraft carrier must be prepared for emergency liftoff.

I laughed when I heard the voice, I was so anxious, and felt that the situation might be serious at this time, so he didn't say anything, and played with hope. At that time, only the prince was in command and ran around.

When playing with Lin Xueying and Xiu'er, when they ran to the combat command room, there were already many combat officers from the Hinterland Sea Cucumber Department in the aircraft carrier combat command room.

When Lin Xueying and Xiu Wanwan just stepped into the combat command room, the Zhengzhou Fleet started to ring the alarm, and at the same time, there were the sounds of various crew members running hurriedly.

Seeing Lin Xueying and Cirvanas coming in, the combat commanders didn't show politeness as usual, they all raised their heads and gave them a distant nod as a greeting.

Teacher Yulin Xueying and Teacher Xiuwan naturally didn't care about these small details. The two hurriedly stepped into the combat command room. Before they arrived, Yulin Xueying hurriedly asked: "What's the situation? What happened? "

We have sent another Griffin Rider Beckham to check it out, but so far, no news has come. A combat command officer of the Shintaro Naval Staff Department answered Habayashi Xueying. starter

How long have you been dispatched? Habayashi Blood Eagle asked.

20 minutes to go out! Said the sea cucumber officer.

20 minutes? so long? Yulin Xueying, this time she was truly taken aback.

It was just the first time the team went out to investigate, and they didn't come back for more than 30 minutes. He was lucky enough to think that there might be some small things that delayed him. But this one is different. The second team went to look for their team, and they went out for more than 20 minutes, but no one came back to report.

Then this means that the second team that went out either failed to find the first scouting team, or they found the first scouting team, but they couldn't come back.

No matter which of these two possibilities it is, it is obvious that he is not a good thing. Moreover, all 20 Griffin Knights were trapped, which shows that this is no small matter.

Yulin Xueying and the officers thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the only way to go, because even if they were in this round, they couldn't think of a better way to solve the current situation.

Now there is no news group, and no one knows what happened, let alone whether it is serious. It's better if nothing happens, if something happens, maybe a little delay will cause a lot of people to lose.

Five minutes passed quickly, and after gathering the news from all the owl rangers, a magic owl ranger finally found some useful information. The owl ranger noticed a very faint fluctuation of abnormal magical energy southwest of the fleet.

But that place is too far away, and it is also the magic energy fluctuation that the owl ranger felt when he flew over with the eyes of the beast to detect the senses, not the magic energy he felt there, so the judgment given by the owl ranger is very cautious. He used something like this word.

At that time, Xiu Wan knew that this was definitely not a word that the owl ranger deliberately used to shirk responsibility, a word that was rarely used in military reports, but that he really made an accurate judgment by Hufa.

Owl rangers are all rangers who mainly specialize in intelligence work. Uncertain words such as should, maybe, and seem to be used in intelligence reporting work are very taboo.

So when the show was over, I decided to sit on the Griffin and go to that direction to scout first. UU Reading The Griffin will definitely fly farther than the Owl Ranger using the Eye of the Beast to share the body of the owl, and I will go there in person There, it is more certain whether there are abnormal magic energy fluctuations.

After all, the Ranger Beast's Eye spell has a time limit, so the distance the owl can fly is also limited. There must be a time limit for the Griffon's flight, but that is a completely different concept from the short few minutes when the Owl Ranger uses the Eye of the Beast.

But Yulin Xueying doesn't know how to read minds, so the pre-contact person went to see Willix by the bedside after dinner, while Xiu Erlan naturally asked Jerry to go to the aircraft carrier conference room for interrogation.

Rain forest snow cloud, rose in heart, naturally not afraid of Xievanas asking the bottom line. Jerrick is not the old magician Solans, if it is the old magician, Soros and Lin Xueying will definitely be worried, and they will definitely follow.

But although Jerry is a student of the old magician Sorens, he is completely different from the old magician. Beta and Lin Xueying feel that there is no need to worry about it.

When Yulin Xueying came to the bow, Willix was sitting on the deck eating, and naturally there was the gleaming gold coin in front of him.

Yulin Xueying walked over, Williskes didn't even raise his head, Yulin Xueyin looked up at the sky and asked Willix, are you sure you can reach Jinchi City tonight?

My lord Milix, I am absolutely sure, Willick

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