MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 845 install here?

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"If my guess is correct, there should be a girl's mouth after entering the entrance of the cave. There are two passages on the left and right. Which side did they seal?" Yulin Xueying asked.

"Both sides are sealed, should we send someone to blow up the blocked stones?" the guard officer asked.

"Are the members of the Frostwolf Alliance of the Windrunner Legion still there?" Habayashi Xueying asked, because he had never seen Cirvanas leading the Frostwolf Alliance to leave. It may also be related to Cirvanas' choice of marching route.

"They're all gone! They were all evacuated before the fire burned out, and now only our guards and the mages responsible for installing the portal are here." The officer of the guards said.

"The old magic stick... oh... no, is the old chief priest, Mr. Saurons still here?" Habayashi Xueying asked.

"The officiant is still here!" said the guard officer.

"It's good that he's still there," Habayashi Xueying nodded and said, "Can you hear other sounds on the blocked stone wall? For example, the sound of the wild boar moving stones inside."

"Can't hear it! We listened there for a while with beast eyes, and it was very quiet inside." The guard officer said.

Nothing? It shouldn't be! The fire has been extinguished for a while, and during the time when the fire started, the oxygen in the cave should not be exhausted, so how could there be no movement? What the **** are these boar people doing? Habayashi Xueying was suspicious.

"Go and explore for a while!" Habayashi Xueying was still cautious after all.

"Yes! Your Excellency." The guard officer saluted and walked away.

After a while, the officer of the near engineering team came back and reported that there was no movement in the cave.

"Blast it with explosives!" Habayashi Blood Eagle finally ordered to act.

"My lord, if we use explosives, I'm worried that the cave will be blown down!" The guard officer said, "If this is the case, then we might as well just seal the entrance of the cave like we did in Hinterland, and wait a month or so." Come back in two months and open it."

"Sealed?" Habayashi Xueying thought for a moment, then shook his head and said: "No, we don't have that much time this time, we must install the portal as soon as possible, and let the Quel'Danis Standing Legion send people to garrison here, and then We set off for Feralas at once."

"Are you in such a hurry?" the guard officer asked.

"Hmm! Very urgent!" Habayashi Xueying nodded and said with certainty: "Now we don't know how the orc war in the eastern continent is going. We won't be able to get the news there if the portal is not established as soon as possible. The war is over, if we haven't reached Feralas..."

Habayashi Blood Eagle stopped talking, organized his words and said: "In short, it will be more troublesome, so the sooner we leave for Feralas, the better, this matter cannot be postponed."

"If it's too urgent, my lord, we can install the portal directly here." The guard officer looked around and said: "Our guards are fully confident in ensuring the safety of the portal before the installation of the portal is completed. It is the fastest way. Because now we are completely unable to understand the specific situation in the cave."

"Installed here?" Habayashi Xueying was thinking.

In fact, it’s not that he hasn’t considered installing a portal outside the cave. What he has considered is that he doesn’t want too many foreigners except the high elves to know that the high elves have a portal in Kalimdor, and he doesn’t even want to use the portal in Kalimdor. The gate was attacked by other races when it was just beginning to be built, so he decided to install the portal in the cave with the only clean water source.

In this way, apart from the fact that it is more difficult to send out the bulk materials brought by the portal, it is safe and secret. However, things backfired, nine out of ten things were unsatisfactory, and what Habayashi Blood Eagle didn't want to happen still happened.

Fortunately, the purpose of the secret march was to avoid the overlord centaur clan in this barren land, and the purpose of the sudden attack was to complete the actual control of the Valley of Trials before the wild boar and the centaur reacted. However, the wild boars have not been completely resolved yet, but the centaurs on the Kocal Ridge have been dispatched on a large scale, which is really a headache.

It would be embarrassing if Cirvanas couldn't stop the centaur from coming, and his side couldn't capture the cave where the wild boar was hiding. At that time, when the enemy is attacked, I may have even more headaches, and more importantly, there will be a pair of eyes peeping in the dark, which is even more troublesome.

It's fine if it's just like this, but this girl Cirvanas hasn't even discussed the battle plan with him until now, so he has no idea until now.

"Call the old chief priest over here! I have some things to discuss with him." Habayashi Xueying said.

The Guards officer turned to leave.

"Wait a minute," Habayashi Xueying suddenly changed his mind again: "Forget it, don't call him for now, let's go into the cave and have a look!"

After saying that, Yubayashi Xueying walked towards the cave. UU reading

Yubayashi Xueying remembered the general structure and shape of the cave in the game, but he was still not very clear about the reality, so he decided to check it first before making a specific decision.

Hearing the cry of the Habayashi Blood Eagle, the officer of the Guards immediately called a team member to give some instructions, and the team member led the order and left quickly.

The city lord is about to go to the cave to check it out in person, so he has to send people in in advance to take precautionary measures, otherwise, if something unexpected happens, then the guards will be negligent.

If the city lord's guards can't even protect the city lord's safety, then the existence of the city lord's guards will be superfluous. Even if the city lord won't blame them, I'm afraid the heads of Cirvanas and Aurelia's army won't let them go. Especially the leader of Cirvanas's army, the people who are counted by her will not have any good fruit to eat.

When Habayashi Blood Eagle and six personal guards walked into the cave, there were already at least a hundred elf rangers from the city lord's guards with their pets in the cave, guarding the inside tightly.

After walking about a hundred or ten meters, the cave began to fork. Habayashi Blood Eagle looked to the left and right, but could not see the place blocked by stones.

The cave where the wild boar man is located is really not small. As far as the entrance height is concerned, it is about 10 meters high and 20 meters wide. The shape is low and right high, but at the bifurcation of the cave entrance, there is a clear and cold water rushing down from the top of the cave like a small waterfall, and then rushing to the lower side.

Habayashi Blood Eagle is very surprised about the source of this water flow, because the water level is definitely higher than the Nushui River behind the mountains, and the Nushui River is mixed with mud and sand, and the water quality is reddish yellow, but this water source is It is extremely clear.

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