MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 849 Only a filthy person like you likes a boar den

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"Legend of the Ranger of Azeroth (!

Moreover, from the perspective of the location and defense of the Goblin Ratchet City, it is not a dangerous place. There are at least three directions to attack when entering Ratchet City, and among these three directions, the north and west directions are very conducive to cavalry attacks. direction.

What's more important is that the defense force of Ratchet City is not strong, and the trade route from Ratchet City mainly goes westward into the middle of the barren land, and then bifurcates in four directions, forming a crossroad. Although the directions of the routes are different, each route is threatened by three centaur forces occupying three large oasis in the barren land.

Thinking of this section, Habayashi Xueying looked up at the old **** stick, but saw that the old **** stick was also looking at Habayashi blood eagle.

The four eyes are facing each other.

"I think Willix is ​​right!" Sorance said, "The wild boar are probably afraid that you, a shameless bandit, will **** their remaining underpants."

Sorens actually wanted to take this opportunity to severely scold Habayashi Blood Eagle for revenge. It's a pity that he couldn't find a more vicious word to swear after searching his guts!

The old magic stick was suddenly very angry that his vocabulary was too small, especially the vocabulary of cursing people was really pitifully small. After thinking about it for a long time, he just came up with two words such as shameless and robber. The sum of these two words is not as heavy as Habayashi Blood Eagle's pants, which is not a dirty word to describe the poor wild boar, so he looked at Habayashi. The blood eagle became more and more unpleasant.

Yubayashi Xueying secretly laughed in his heart again, the old man wanted to use this to scold me, but also to find something serious, a little bit murderous, okay? Just choose these few words? Not to mention giving me a critical blow, even tickling is not enough!

But Yubayashi Xueying didn't dare to touch the bad luck of the old **** stick at this time, so he said with a sneer: "I don't necessarily want to grab the wild boar's underpants, but I will definitely grab their territory!"

"Let's talk about it! You are still a bandit, a shameless bandit who even snatched the wild boar's pants!" The old **** stick said with a sneer.

"Hehe!" Yubayashi Xueying laughed awkwardly, the old magic stick has a small vocabulary of swearing, so he scolded him indifferently, but being scolded by others in person, if he is happy, he must not be very happy!

So he hurriedly changed the subject: "I want to install a portal in this cave to transfer the remaining 1,800 evil branch troll policemen of Hinterland to 1,200 people and half the number of Hinterland standing army Call here. long does it take for mages to install the portal?"

"Install it here?" The old magic stick said displeasedly: "Wu Qi is slandering the ground, why are you installing it here?"

"There are some reasons, I will tell you in detail later." Habayashi Xueying said: "You first estimate how long it will take to complete!"

"Half a day to a day!" The old **** stick said calmly.

"So fast?" The fact that it only took such a short time to install the portal was really beyond Habayashi Blood Eagle's expectation. It took a lot of time for the magic Chen on the ship to go to Xingtlan.

"How fast?" The old magic stick looked at Yubayashi Xueying contemptuously and said, "The magic lines of these portals have been carved, as long as they are aligned with the lines and installed, and then filled with enough magic power, it's that simple How long do you want to install?"

Although the old magic stick said it was extremely easy, but Yubayashi Xueying knew that it would definitely not be so simple. If it's that simple, wouldn't anyone be able to install it? Why do you have to be a legal professional to install it?

If it was so simple, with the **** nature of the old magic stick, he would have told himself how to install it, how to infuse magic power, and then drive himself away. Get into this wild boar's den!

"Can the installation be completed in the shortest possible time?" Habayashi Xueying asked.

"What's the matter?" The old **** stick was impatient.

"Let's talk about it after we go out! You must not like this wild boar nest." Yubayashi Xueying smiled wryly.

"Hmph! Only a filthy person like you likes a wild boar's nest!" The old **** stick raised his chin, turned around and walked outside first!

...Old man, old stick of death, you are enough! You have scolded a lot, and your anger has not subsided yet? Is it interesting to yell at me for my little shit?

Yulin Xueying cursed at the back of the old **** stick in his heart, and at the same time had to laugh and follow the old **** stick out of the cave. At this time, Yubayashi Xueying can only comfort himself secretly, when you only have one super legal system professional, then whatever he says is what he says!

When the group reached the entrance of the cave, the old magic stick stopped and turned to look at Yulin Blood Eagle. Habayashi Blood Eagle stopped in his tracks wisely, and turned his left and right back. The old **** stick just looked at Habayashi Xueying coldly and didn't make any other comments.

"I don't want too many people to know that we have a portal in Kalimdor!" After the others left, Habayashi Bloodhawk said to the old **** stick.

The old magic stick didn't speak any more, he was waiting for Habayashi Xueying's further explanation.

"The centaurs on Kocal Ridge have been dispatched, and there are quite a few of them. They are probably coming towards us!" Habayashi Xueying said again.

"How do you know he is coming for us?" asked the old magic stick.

"That girl Sylvanas said!" Habayashi Xueying said: "She has already set off with her Frostwolf Alliance and winged vehicles. If I guess right, she should be planning to Once the centaurs have entered the valley, block the entrance of the valley immediately."

"If it's what the little girl said, it's somewhat believable!" said the old **** stick.

Sorens already understood why Habayashi Blood Eagle was in a hurry to build the portal. If it was true what Habayashi Blood Eagle said, then that little girl Cirvanas obviously planned to wipe out that group of centaurs.

And Sorens is also very clear about Habayashi Blood Eagle's character, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com This kid is a life-saving person, cherishing his own life as well as the lives of his subordinates and high elves. As long as there is a war, as long as there is a possibility of death, he will try his best to maintain direct contact with the enemy. It is really unavoidable , He will also think of all possible ways to let his side maintain the absolute superiority first, that is to say, he often said that his favorite fight is fighting with more people and fewer people.

Now that Cirvanas has taken away Windrunner's Frostwolf Alliance, only Habayashi Bloodhawk's Santo Guards are left here. Seeing how eager this kid is to build a portal, it's probably this time There were a lot of centaurs coming over, this kid must have felt that his side was at a disadvantage, so he was in a hurry, thinking that he should quickly build the portal and call more of his men over! He has always only liked to beat people with more people.

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