MTL - Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading-v2 Chapter 475 I will not be the second Fushi bran

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【Rebirth 2008: I can make money by reading】【】

As of December 28, Xinghai Group already has 500,000 wafers, which is an inventory of at least 12 months, just waiting for chip production.

If all of them are used to produce Starlight 01, more than 300 million pieces can be produced, worth 180 billion yuan.

However, Xinghai Group is currently vigorously producing EBL lithography machines. There are only 5 lithography machines that can be used to produce chips. At the end of the month, there will be 8 lithography machines. The normal production of mobile phone chips can only produce 15 million pieces in the first month. Mobile phone chips.

Of course, this is not the maximum capacity of an EBL lithography machine!

Normally, if the production of mobile phone chips is carried out 24 hours a day, 100,000 Xingguang 01 mobile phone chips can be produced, and the monthly output can reach 3 million.

Even if there are only 15 million mobile phone chips, Xingguang 01 and Xingchen 01 are distributed according to 9:1, and the ex-factory prices are 600 yuan and 1,200 yuan respectively. If these two chips are used to produce these two chips, the value of these 15 million mobile phone chips will reach 9.9 billion yuan .

Among the 15 million chips, 2 million chips are supplied to Huawei.

Huawei Company purchased 5 million Xingguang 01 and 1 million Xingchen 01 mobile phone chips in the first batch, and Xinghai Group will complete the delivery within two months.

In addition to purchasing Xingguang 01 and Xingchen 01, Huawei Company also commissioned Xinghai Group to manufacture its own chips at a price of 250 yuan per chip.

According to the sales situation of Huawei Company this year, it is estimated that it can reach 100 million mobile phones. The mobile phone chips are all purchased and manufactured by Xinghai Group. Xinghai Group can get tens of billions of orders from Huawei Company.

These tens of billions of dollars of orders originally belonged to Taijidian.

Now, they regretted losing Huawei Company's big order, accepted the threat of Chouguo, flattered Chouguo, and ended up completely offending Huawei Company.

However, Xinghai Group does not compete for chip foundry orders, and only produces its own chips except for chips from Huawei Company. Even for Huawei's chips, it will only be manufactured for half a year, at most one year, this is what Mu Yang and Mr. Ren discussed.

The production capacity of its own chips is insufficient, and the profit of manufacturing other people's chips is not as good as that of producing its own chips, which is also inconsistent with Xinghai Group's positioning: Xinghai Group is a high-tech company, not a foundry!

Will not do the second Fuji bran.

At present, the latest mobile phone launched by Huawei Company is te7, which adopts Xingguang 01 mobile phone chip, and the mobile phone is finalized as te8, and the pre-sale price of the basic version reaches 3,500 yuan.

Using the Xingchen 01 mobile phone chip, named "te9PRO", it will be equipped with the best performance camera, larger screen and other high-end accessories. The price of the lowest version will reach 8888 yuan, and the top version will reach 10888 yuan.

The domestic flagship mobile phone breaks through 10,000 yuan, which is more expensive than the flagship of Pingguo Company, and the market has yet to be tested.

Huawei has obtained the samples of Xingguang 01 and Xingchen 01 very early, and the prototypes of te8 and te9PRO have come out and will be officially launched before the Spring Festival.

In addition to Huawei, VOVO, the representative of domestic mobile phones, also uses Xinghai Group's mobile phone chips.

VOVOX6 uses Xingguang 01 mobile phone chip, VOVOX6MAX uses Xingchen 01 mobile phone chip, and the planned pre-sale price is also 8,000 to 9,000 yuan.

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【Rebirth 2008: I can make money by reading】【】

At present, VOVOX5 has just been launched not long ago, and X6 is laid out because of Xinghai Group's chips. It is prepared for the launch in 2015, and I also want to use Xinghai Group's high-end mobile phone chips to burn fire.

Starlight 01 of Xinghai Group was born, and Xingchen 01 is even more invincible in the world. The two mobile phone chips are too advanced, and their prices are acceptable compared to other high-end mobile phone chips. VOVO wants to use these two mobile phone chips to occupy more more market share.

The birth of Xingchen 01 also pushed the price of domestic mobile phones to more than 8,000 yuan, a few years earlier.

For local tyrants, owning a mobile phone that can be more than five years ahead is willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars.

For those who love vanity, they will sell their kidneys and blood if they fail to do so. There are quite a few people who do such things because of a mobile phone.


three days later,

December 31.

Xinghai Group, Headquarters Base, Laboratory Building No. 9.

The single floor of this building reaches 4,000 square meters, and the laboratory building with a total of 8 floors is used as the aviation laboratory building.

Leng Han held a small meeting with four juniors in the 310 laboratory.

There are a lot of empty rooms in Xinghai Group's No. 9 experimental building. It is not a problem for them to apply for an empty room as an aircraft model laboratory, as long as the experimental building is not demolished.

These five people often stayed up late for a month, and their bodies couldn't bear it.

Leng Han is a girl, and she also loves to dress up and be beautiful, but she usually wears light makeup, but in the past few days, she has discovered that her skin is dry and peeling, and her dark circles are obvious. But what makes her even more worried is that the airplane model planned in early December has not been made, and the task of sending it to the teacher has not been completed. Come out, ashamed."

"Senior sister, our requirements are a bit high, and the deviation from the plan is too big. We can't think of a problem, and it has troubled us for more than a week."

"Sister, today is the teacher's birthday, do we want to exchange gifts?"

"Forget it, I don't have a decent gift, so I'm sorry to give it away. Anyway, we have gained a lot this month, and it's not a failure. We still have to continue this project and try to give it away on the birthday of the teacher's child. What do you think?" Leng Han smiled wryly, this time she set a time limit for the team for half a year, and the birthday of the teacher's child is July 1st.

In fact, they are researching high-end drones, not ordinary model airplanes. If it is an ordinary model airplane, they have already made it using the resources of the Xinghai Group.

"I agree." "Well, I agree."

Leng Han stretched out his hand and said in a puffed up voice: "Well, if five people work together, the benefits can be as much as gold. As long as we work hard, there is nothing we can't do."

She is the team leader of this project team, but all five of them are students of the teacher, with equal status, and no one is superior to others.

As long as the aircraft model in their minds is made, it will definitely shock the aircraft model industry, but it is hard to say whether it can satisfy the teacher, their teacher has an unusual vision.


On New Year's Day, Xinghai Group has a three-day holiday.

Mu Yang’s 25th birthday, without any party, Song Xuelu invited a senior chef to make a cake to celebrate at home. In her words, “Life should have a sense of ritual”, and the two children learned to sing the song “Happy Birthday to You” , rushing to blow out the candles.

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【Rebirth 2008: I can make money by reading】【】

In 2015, just two and a half years after graduating from university.

Mu Yang still remembers that in the past two years in his previous life, he and his wife were still desperately earning money and saving money to buy a house. In July 2014 in his previous life, his wife had a miscarriage.

Now look at the two children who are one and a half years old, with assets exceeding one trillion yuan. Even if the wife has given birth to a child, she is still well-maintained, which is not much changed from two years ago.

However, Mu Yang saw that he was one year older, which also meant that his parents were one year older. His biomedical subject skills had not yet been developed. He tried to study some basic subjects, but he still couldn't use the system experience to upgrade him. Can't figure out why.

He is engaged in biomedicine, and mainly wants to develop some anti-aging and life-prolonging drugs, hoping that his family can live longer.

Of course, life-prolonging drugs are really expensive.

For the rich, the pursuit of longevity is a matter of price. In order to live longer, the rich often spend a lot of money.

It is well-known that old man He received the brain-replenishing injection "Longevity", which costs 860,000 yuan per injection, and the medical expenses can reach hundreds of millions of yuan in a few years.

Since ancient times, longevity has been the tireless pursuit of human beings. In order to live longer, ancient emperors even began to refine elixir. In fact, when it comes to longevity medicine, there are many studies in the medical field, but even in 2022 in his previous life, Mu Yang has never heard of the one that has actually been developed.

However, some micro-aging medicines, such as stem cell "anti-aging" and "Aimuyin", have a slight effect and need to be taken for a long time, but they cannot achieve the ten-year life extension that Mu Yang wants, or even longer.

You don't need a lot of this kind of medicine, just use it secretly for your own people.

Of course, if the medicine that can prolong life for more than ten years is really developed and exposed, it will shock the world even more than the EBL lithography machine, and even Mu Yang will not be able to clean up the situation.

Maybe the bosses above don't care about his wealth. For them, more or less money is the same, as long as they have enough to spend, but they absolutely care about their own lifespan, and they must not be calm.

Drugs such as life extension may not determine the strength of a country's monarch, but the impact it brings is very large. Countries can be used to exchange things that cannot be bought. Those old guys control the fate and wealth of a country. The only thing they cannot control is their own lifespan.

If you are different from ordinary people and can live dozens of years longer, then you are truly "cultivating immortals" and are no longer ordinary people.

Mu Yang's idea is very out of the ordinary, he really wants to open the skill of "biological medicine" to see if he can buy the technology of life-extending medicine.

Another two days later, the Xinghai Group accepted the leave and officially returned to work.

In the morning, Mu Yang made a key scientific research plan for himself in the first half of 2015.

At present, the aircraft engine is officially developed. If the development is successful, it will be developed on the basis of AN05-01. The data has already been released, but he still has to spend time in the laboratory to track the progress, solve some key problems, and speed up the development progress.

It's okay if he doesn't help, after all, the information has been given, but the progress of the prototype is much slower.

The second key project is to develop 1n-process computer chips, but this is just a laboratory product, and I plan to make a few servers for my own use. At present, it is very difficult to solve the technical difficulty of 1n chip packaging, and Mu Yang does not want to market the 1n chip too early, but as a trump card.

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【Rebirth 2008: I can make money by reading】【】

If you want to make commercial computer chips, you will first use 7n, then 4n, then 2n, and finally the 1n process, divided into four grades, with a total cycle of 5-10 years, to ensure that it will always be the number one in the world, not all at once. Throwing out the hole cards, you can only play for two or three years, which is not worthwhile.

At present, Mu Yang doesn't spend much time on computer chips, and occasionally goes to the laboratory to push the progress, and strives to produce samples in the first half of the year.

He is not in a hurry, as it is already being used by a supercomputing center. On the other hand, researchers in the chip project team are busy with mobile phone chips and car chips, and have no time to work on computer chips.

The third key project is rocket design and manufacture.

In the rocket technology he studies, there is a key technology that must be solved, and that is the rocket recovery technology.

The rocket's recyclable technology is a very sophisticated technology.

In the cost of a rocket, the fuel only accounts for 1%, and the parts accounting for 99% of the total value will be thrown away after one use.

If the rocket can be recycled and launched repeatedly, even if it needs a lot of maintenance after recycling, it can reduce the cost a lot.

The SpeX company founded by Musk is famous all over the world because of the invention of recyclable rocket technology.

People praise Musk's rocket as a god, not because of how big Musk's rocket is and how high it flies. No matter how strong these indicators are, they can't shock us, because our country also has big rockets.

But our rockets are all disposable, and even the rockets of ZF all over the world are disposable. At this time, Musk’s rockets are recyclable, which is amazing.

In fact, in 2019, a non-government youth in Huaguo also successfully experimented with rocket recovery. Of course, the technology is far inferior to Musk's, and it is not at the same level.

According to history, Musk's space company successfully recovered the rocket booster this year.

However, in this life, the development of Musk's Tesla is not as profitable as in the previous life. Musk's space company has been affected, and it is estimated that the progress of the recovery of the rocket booster will be delayed.

His space company has been researching this technology, and it will succeed sooner or later. As for how long it will last longer than the previous life, it is hard to say. Sometimes, some technologies are inspired by inspiration.

If Xinghai Group completes rocket recovery technology this year, it may be the first company in the world to successfully recover rockets


But it is also possible that Musk's space company will be the first to be the first. Therefore, Mu Yang still wants to grab the "No. 1 in the world" as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he called Musk.

Xinghai Group owns 17% of Tesk’s shares and is the second largest shareholder. It is normal for Mu Yang to own Musk’s private phone.

At this time, BJ's time is nine o'clock in the morning, and the opposite side is around nine o'clock in the evening, so it is just right to make a call.

Thinking of this, Mu Yang made an overseas call directly. After waiting for a while, the call was connected.

"Hi, Musk, long time no see."

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I'm very surprised. I didn't expect you to call." Musk on the opposite side was really Mu Yang is the richest man in the world, and his wealth is huge, so he can make a direct call. All to be proud of.

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【Rebirth 2008: I can make money by reading】【】

"Musker, I'm calling this time, and I do have something to ask, is your rocket and space company sold?"

Mu Yang went straight to the topic. He really wanted to buy it, not because of their scientific research talents and rocket recovery technology, but because he didn't want Musk to start a Starlink project and pose a threat to Huaguo.

As for how to arrange it after buying it, Mu Yang has his own plans.

Musk's space company must be researching rocket recovery technology and has been testing it, so Mu Yang didn't directly ask the other party how the rocket recovery technology is, so as not to startle the snake.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mu, space is my dream, it is not for sale, just like the Xinghai Group, it is also not for sale belonging to you."

"Yes, I understand."

Mu Yang understands that the other party is not an ordinary businessman, and there are some things where it is useless to bid.

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

On Musk's side, Mu Yang unexpectedly hung up the phone so decisively: My space company is not for sale, and if the bid is high enough, I will sell it too.

He thought that Mu Yang was so rich that he would directly bid to the extent that he could not refuse, and then

It seems that he doesn't want to sell either.

On Huaguo's side, after Mu Yang hung up the phone, he became more determined: get the rocket recovery technology out as soon as possible.

Maybe you won't worry about Musk's Starlink in the future, but it will affect his development and save a lot of trouble.

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