MTL - Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man-Chapter 2539 This is also a 10 points important thing

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Facing the direction set by Chen Jianghai, Smith could easily understand it.

If Qiuhai Group wants to take the high-quality route, the corresponding product prices will increase a lot, but everything such as after-sales service will be perfected.

This kind of route provides a service and quality, and at the same time it is also a luxury route. This kind of route is very popular among the middle class and above of Laomi.

Chen Jianghai's purpose is already very clear, what he wants to harvest is the leeks of the rich people like Lao Mi.

When Smith learned this, he immediately became excited.

"Boss, your idea really surprised me, but don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter well."

In fact, he has always wanted to integrate into Lao Mi's high-level circle, and in fact he did.

It's just that the group of Lao Mi's really top-notch people don't look down on Smith.

But if Smith can really sell products to people like them, then this is also a touchstone for Smith to open up high-level circles.

"That's it for today. I'll ask someone to arrange a place for you. During this period of time, you can come to our Qiuhai headquarters to communicate more. Our Qiuhai Group also needs to accept the ideas of your old rice people. Maybe you can give us some Suggestion."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, and Smith nodded generously.

Laomi and Huaxia are two cultures, and how to adapt to the two cultures is also a very important thing for products.

Sometimes for some products of Qiuhai Group, we should also listen to the opinions of others.

What Yue Hongsheng is most worried about now is actually about the European affairs.

Qiuhai Group has already made up its mind to enter the European market. If Wendy, the president of Nokia, really wants to use this matter as a threat, maybe their Qiuhai Group will not be so easy.

"Mr. Chen, do you need me to get in touch with Wendy?"

After Smith left, Yue Hongsheng asked.

"No need, they will take the initiative to come to us. It is not their intention to block our channels, and they will not really do it. Their real goal is our smart phone technology. Let Duan Yongping come back After all, he is responsible for this matter."

"Maybe we'll have to cooperate better next time."

Chen Jianghai smiled and looked at Yue Hongsheng. Today's confrontation with Wendy gave Wendy some choices.

The price to be paid for these choices, Chen Jianghai and Yue Hongsheng had to think clearly in their hearts in advance.

"Mr. Chen, if Nokia is really willing to pay us patent fees, what price should we offer at that time?"

Yue Hongsheng followed up and asked.

"According to the current sales volume, Nokia mobile phones can sell nearly 10 million units per year, and our patent fee should not be too high. According to the current market situation, the price of one of their mobile phones is at least 5,000 yuan. A few hundred patent fees are not too much."

Chen Jianghai laughed and said, "However, Nokia uses our technology to develop smartphones, and at the same time, the target is our pioneer V3 mobile phone."

"So this patent fee should be calculated according to the market price of our pioneer V3 mobile phone."

Listening to Chen Jianghai's calculations, Yue Hongsheng quickly began to calculate in his mind. If judged according to the market price of Forerunner V3, the basic price is 10,000 yuan, and the patent fee charged in 10,000 yuan should not be too high. It can't be too low either.

"Well, let me set a price. The price of the operating system is 500 yuan, and the patent fee for the chip can be reduced. How about 300 yuan?"

With a flash in Yue Hongsheng's eyes, he immediately gave a basic fee price.

Chen Jianghai smiled. These specific patent fees must not be calculated in this way. Yue Hongsheng obviously did not understand the market conditions, but Chen Jianghai himself did not think about how to divide them.

"The specific cost determination is definitely not calculated in this way. If it is just a simple calibration price, then we are afraid that the loss will not be small. Personally, I still recommend dividing according to the percentage. This specific percentage does not need to be too high, even if it is a percentage. Third, we can all get a lot of money from a mobile phone, not to mention that this is still a business that considers volume."

Chen Jianghai said with a faint smile, Yue Hongsheng quite agrees after hearing this, three percent is not much different from three hundred dollars.

But this is judged by Yue Hongsheng's price of 10,000 yuan for Nokia smartphones in advance. If the price is higher by then, will the patent fee also need to rise?

"We will wait for Duan Yongping to come back to discuss the specific matters. Before that, we are mainly responsible for the Canton Fair."

"The Canton Fair is coming soon, how is the development of the LCD TV?"

Chen Jianghai turned around and asked.

The main products that Qiuhai Group will put on the shelves at the next Canton Fair are LCD TVs and fluorine-free refrigerators. Refrigerators are already fully prepared.

But for the LCD TV, Chen Jianghai knew that he might not be able to get it for a while.

So before the Canton Fair, Chen Jianghai didn't want to make this product perfect, but he had to do it.

"The research and development department is working continuously and working in three shifts. The general design plan has been prepared, but the physical product has not yet been produced. Many people have come from Eastern Communications, and even a group of people from Huawei. Everyone is very concerned about this. The new products are actually very interesting, but how to do it, no one knows yet.”

Yue Hongsheng said with some embarrassment.

"That's it..."

Chen Jianghai frowned. According to the current progress, he would not be able to keep up with the Canton Fair.

He couldn't help feeling a little worried, but only for a while. Even if this product can't be produced, it doesn't mean that Qiuhai Group will lose its advantage in the Light Fair.

"Let's prepare the second plan." Chen Jianghai followed suit.

"Alright Mr. Chen."

Yue Hongsheng nodded, and then walked out directly.

Chen Jianghai is a person who likes to take risks, but being adventurous does not mean that he has no second set of preparations.

At present, Qiuhai Group is moving towards a high-quality line. At the Canton Fair, just launching the previous products will be able to support the facade. The LCD TV product is just a bonus item.

Chen Jianghai, who was flipping through the materials, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com then received a call from Qi Yijing.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

Qi Yijing's respectful voice came from the other end of the phone.

As the director of Xijiang TV Station, he created a number of programs during his tenure, and these programs also helped Xijiang TV Station become a powerful presence second only to CCTV in national ratings.

Even when Super Girl was broadcast, the ratings of Xijiang TV surpassed that of CCTV.

But only insiders know the situation behind it. These programs are all inspired by the mouth of Qiuhai Group CEO Chen Jianghai, and Qiuhai is behind it.

Speaking of it, it was Chen Jianghai who made Qi Yijing what he is today.

So for Chen Jianghai, Qi Yijing has extra respect.
