MTL - Rebirth – City Cultivation-v2 Chapter 1125 Fairy Xiaocheng (fifth)

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"Xianqi finally has to be." Chen Fanxin, looking at the Yuanyuanjing, he saw that the black magic of a pool at this moment has long disappeared. The entire ancient well was faint, and now there is only a faint golden scent, which is floating in the center of the ancient well.

Chen Fan looked at the celestial greed.

The shape of the fairy is erratic, and the golden light is shining, but the inside is like a multicolored change. Through this scent, you can even see a world. The winds and clouds change, the sun rises and the moon rises, and all the people live and multiply. It condenses into a light group. It floats in the void, and all the aura around it is drained. The whole hall is like a water, and it doesn’t dare to move. It is like a supreme.

After seeing Chen for a long time, Chen Chang took a sigh of relief and smiled:

"It’s really nine days of scent, even if it’s not pure, but it’s rare to see nine days of fairy tales in the human universe. It’s really hard for teachers and others to lay down this overall situation.”

This is nine days of scent.

Only the robbing Xuan Xian, or the only secret dangers of the universe, can find the highest energy, far surpassing all the auras, vitality and magical flow in the world. It is the cornerstone of the supreme heaven, and the legend of the world takes a breath. The energy that can live for 10,000 years. Chen Fan's last life, although he has found many energy that is not weaker than nine days, even higher than it.

Such as Hong Meng purple gas, too virtual Xuanhuang power, congenital chaos gas and so on.

But in this world, he is only a low-ranking monk. He was exposed to ‘nine days of celestial scent’ during the Golden Dan period. It was the biggest chance that Chen Fan had met since he was born again.

"One month to build Yuanjing, you can refine a scent of scent. So ninety-nine mouths make a joint force, can refine at least a hundred baht in a month, and even more than that. After all, the power of the squad It is superimposed, and the more it is refining, the higher the efficiency." Chen Fan calculates. He used his current cultivation as a projection.

This scent of scent is enough for Chen Fan to practice for seven days or so.

For up to seven days, he will be able to refine this fairy, and then he will be hungry, only to be quiet and so on. If you master the four or five sacred temples at the same time, you can solve this problem. The more the temples are built, the faster Chen Fan will practice, and the more the Yuan Ying and the Gods will be broken.

"But it's gone, it's a big chance to get one. It's nine days of celestial, other monks, don't say Yuan Ying, even if it's a great power, I'm afraid this life will support it. I won't see a chance to see it once." Chen Fan shook his head and laughed.

When he was in the last life, he still wanted to retreat to break through the real road. The talents of Cang Qingxian allowed him to enter the core cultivation place of Zhenwu Xianzong. Among them, there was a region that connected the fairyland and filled with fairy tales like the corner of the fairy world. It was the opening of the Zhenwu Xianzong ancestor when it was soaring. It is the most precious and most important secret of the Zhenwu Xianzong. It is not the ancestors and the first-class teachers.

"Why is Xianqi precious, because many magical works in the world are passed down from the fairy world. If you only absorb other energy such as aura, there is no way to cultivate these exercises to the peak. Only the military of the earth." In the same way, practicing a simple and crippled version. Facing the same realm, it is far from being natural."

Chen Fan reached out and was as soft as a child. He held the group of light and graceful light, and gently held it in the palm of his hand.

In fact, not only all kinds of magical exercises, but even the realm of cultivation, are themselves.

In the central world of the world, there is no such thing as Jindan. There, there are only three levels of Jindan, which are the three levels of Jindan's seven products to the top nine products. As for the Golden Dan seven products, in the central world of the Galaxy, there is almost no existence. There is a lot of aura in the past ten times, and various exercises, medicinal herbs, legal arrays, spiritual environment and even teachers are more complete. Even a common monk of the edge of the stars can be cultivated into the seven products of Jindan.

For example, the Great Holy Land and the Zhenwu Xianzong, etc., are disciples who are not the gods of Jindan!

For example, Xiaonan Tianjing and the abandoned star field are so rare that the sacred son is only the most common martyr in the major sects. If you can't make a holy jindan, even the core disciples can't squeeze in.

In the last life, Chen Fan was exiled from the Zongmen by Zhenwu Xianzong because he only cultivated the 'Jindan Seven Products'.

Later, Chen Fanyong rushed in, and the speed of practice was getting faster and faster. He was trained to fight against his peers, and even defeated the true Wuzong Tianjiao. He was torn apart in the front of the Cangqing Immortals and became the Cangqing Immortal. The seventh true disciple. However, Chen Fan had already been rooted at the time, and even if he turned back to rehabilitate Jin Dan and condensed into a holy product, he eventually had defects.

"Even the ordinary comrades are the goddess Jindan, so the nine celestial sects can stand proud of the universe and overlook many stars. The other stars are not comparable to the central Galaxy world, except for the top monks. Chen Fan shook his head and sighed. The gap between the Central Galaxy World and Xiaonan Tianjing is like that of the United States and small African countries.

Although everyone is a country, the essence is that modern civilization is different from primitive people.

But Chen Fan knows some more secret news.

"It is said that in the ancient world, people are born, the congenital Jindan is the gods, and the gods are self-sacrificing. Jindan will naturally concise one or several congenital powers, and it will be born to the extreme, far better than the current Yuan Ying. And those chaos devils It is more powerful with the immortals of the immortal world. There is no such thing as a **** or a sacred product. It is a fairy."

Chen Fan’s eyes are shining, this is a rare secret in the world. If it is transmitted to the universe, everyone must be in vain. Born is the fairy gold? The entire universe, for thousands of years, may not have an example, even if someone has become a fairy, it is secret.

"Not only Jin Dan, Yuan Ying, Hua Shen are like this. They are all cultivated into fairy babies and fairy souls, reaching the apex of the world. The power of a fairyland Jindan can be an enemy of the enemy. The fairy king Yuan Ying, more powerful warfare Demarcation of the gods. Therefore, the fairy world is high above, at the apex of the universe, overlooking the heavens and the world. Even if there are more days of arrogance in the world, there will be more fascinating survivors, just rare, like pearls, simply unable to resist. Fairyland."

Some things, only when they reach the realm of the previous world, Chen Fan, gradually became known.

He counted the Tianmen and turned back. He broke into the fairyland several times. What is the reason? I am afraid that few people in the whole world can understand it. However, these Chen Fan did not want to, but he just gently dragged the golden light that bloomed in the palm of his hand.

The immortals of the immortal world and the devils in chaos are born so powerful, that cultivation is a fairy, that they are born with a bath of celestial or innate chaos, the foundation is far better than the ordinary people who absorb the aura and vitality. Family. Just like meat carnivores, it is far more powerful than grazing vegetarian animals.

Many things have been fixed at the beginning and separated.

Chen Fan, this world, could not be built into a 'Xianpin Jindan' anyway, because the foundation is wrong. Xianpin Jindan must be 'scented to build a base' to be able to cultivate. If he does not enter the nine celestial sects, or those few universes, it is absolutely impossible to find 'Xianqi', this scent is tens of thousands. Lingshi is hard to find, you can easily sell the price of a star, and it is still the center of the universe, the top grades of cultivation.

"I have a coincidence, forcibly refining the fairy wheel and turning it, and pushing the most difficult mana to the end. But my soul and body are still lacking, even if I can't be a fairy and a fairy at this moment, but I can make up in advance. Foundation, and promote those exercises to the level of the fairy."

While thinking about it, Chen Fan slowly moved the Qing Emperor's longevity and absorbed the 'seven colorful light group' in his hand.

The Qing Emperor's longevity is the top of the body. When Chen Fan has cultivated to the great perfection, he will be able to reach the perfect body and beautify the god. At this moment, the body is pure, but it can also rival the late Yuan Ying.

This step is already the limit of the Qing Emperor's longevity.

After the five-fold ‘12-day martial arts’ blessing, Chen Fan practiced the longevity of the Qing Emperor, and with the innumerable quasi-prepastic and heavenly medicine, he barely endured the flesh.

But at the moment.

With that scent, he gradually penetrated into Chen Fan's body and was absorbed by his body. Chen Fan’s body suddenly became crystal clear and radiant, like the shining diamond sculpture of the same exquisite, from the inside out, all the bones, meridians, blood vessels, internal organs, all the gorgeous, endless Jinxia With the light of God.

The original "Green Emperor's Longevity", which seems to have been functioning normally, seems to have some wonderful changes, spreading toward an unpredictable realm. At this time, if someone looks directly at Chen Fan’s knowledge of the sea and represents the blue light group of the Qing Emperor’s Long Life, he will find that the symbol of the composition has increased several times in an instant, far more complicated than before, and more complicated. Every cyan symbol shines with golden light, as if it is at the moment.

In fact, at this time, "The Green Emperor's Longevity" is the true Qing Emperor's longevity.

When the Taiqing Qing emperor created this method, the nine-day scent absorbed at that time and the power of chaos outside the void were the real methods of chaos. Only then, the fairy tales in the universe are gradually scarce, and the younger generation can only gradually reduce it and use it as a common practice.


When Chen Fan was tempted to cultivate.

The blood in his body flows like a silver-silver, emitting the roar of the Yangtze River, shaking the entire temple, and even spreading out of the temple, reaching dozens of miles away, like thunder, letting countless passing monsters be frightened. Numerous Jinxia and Shenhong emerged in Chen Fan's body. His whole body illuminates, and the laws of the road emerged out of thin air. The power of countless orders spread out from the void, as if Chen Fan was created by the laws of heaven and earth, so that the suppressed sun **** is incomparable. Frightened:

"What happened? He is just a Jindan. How is the flesh more powerful than my Yuan Ying, closer to the Cosmic Avenue, and there are more rules in it. This is impossible. When I was robbing the law, I also Far from being so perfect, he almost embodies the power of God's power."

The sun **** son wants to break his head and does not understand.


At this time, Chen Fan is in the flesh and is undergoing a dramatic transition.

He jumped directly over the level of the Eucharist and jumped toward the fairy body.

Chen Fan is going to be a fairy in the Jindan period. Once this news is passed out, it is enough to make the whole universe feel ashamed. We must know that there are very few people who can be converted into the Eucharist, and those who can consolidate the immortals, except for the legendary ancient immortals, only the youngest and most powerful of the nine most immortals. It is.

"The stab is stabbing."

When practicing.

Chen Fan’s body even has the cyan law and the like, just like the ferry of the Yuan Yuan, his body is baptized by the power of the bathing rule. The original end is only reached in front of you. The so-called three 'end of the flower', only the flower of the mana is genuine, the other two flowers, one by the 'Jiuyi Shenying' blessing, a push by the twelve days of power, are only half-real Not all true. Even so, the world is rare.

One day, two days, three days...

Chen Fan repairs stop and stops, and every month, he takes out a sigh of scent, if it is a year.

His head was Chen Fan’s head, and a blue flower appeared.

The blue flowers, like glass, are like the green lotus in the fairy world. It is incomparably real. When it appears, the sky is falling, the earth is rushing, and the sound of the law is roaring. There are also five virtual shadows such as Zhuque, Yan Peng and Xuanwu, which emerged from the air.

The emergence of this endless flower represents Chen Fan's body, and it really turns into a 'celestial body', and it is a golden dragon! It is only one step away from Chen Fan’s completion of the ‘Da Jin Dan’, which is the greatness of the fairyland Jindan.

"I will force the body to forcibly elevate from the body to the level of the fairy. In fact, it has not crossed too much. I used to be a perfect consummation. After 12 days of blessing, I can barely compare the level of the Eucharist, so that I can stop halfway. Now After the baptism of the immortality, the body of the flesh is transformed from the Eucharist to the immortal, only to rise to a level."

Chen Fan thought about it.

He gently stretched his arms, and the golden glow of the whole body circulated, and the gods shone, and the fairy glory shrouded like a nine-day 谪仙凌尘. Chen Fan only felt the blood in his body roaring like a huge wave, and the whole temple of the Yuan Dynasty was shaking with his arm. Chen Fan has confidence at this moment. Even if he does not rely on any mana power, it is enough to rely on the power of the flesh to reduce all the infants under the god. At least the gods and gods of Xiaonantianjing, as long as they have not entered the gods, even if they are strong, they can't stop his boxing enemy.

"This is the power of the fairy body. At this moment, I am going to practice the Jindan-class fairy body and cultivate it to the peak of the peak. It is equivalent to the fairy body exercises of the major immortals. It is also equivalent to Xiaocheng." Everything is full of joy.

He was born again, and he never thought that it would be so fast. Originally, he still thought that after re-entering the peak, he would go back and shape the foundation. At that time, the natural thing was half the effort.


Between the opening and closing of Chen Fan’s eyes, there are endless gods and singers, and there are ten golden sensations around the sky, and then there is a golden lotus flower emerging from the air, and then disappears out of thin air. He is like a **** who descends on the dust and is incompatible with the world. The fairy body is the most difficult to cultivate in all exercises, and once it is refined, it is most obvious.

Because the nine-day immortal is different from the mortal, the biggest external difference is the difference in the flesh.

They are covered in celestial spirits, and they all show up in different ways, and they are completely different from mortals. At the moment, Chen Fan has twelve different kinds of gestures. If he is a fairy, there is absolutely no doubt.

"But, with the help of the power of the temple, the soul is also refined into one breath, and this strength is completely pushed to the level of the Jindan in the fairy world, and it is the peak of Jindan."

Chen Fan closed his eyes and continued to practice the practice of immortality.


And at the moment.

On the earth, it is also raging.

There were amazing news from outside the world, and the extraterritorial monks finally came. This time, it is the arrival of ‘massive’, far from the previous slaps!

PS: Five more is finished, ask for a monthly ticket to recommend a ticket ^_^

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