MTL - Rebirth – City Cultivation-v2 Chapter 1138 God baby shocked (first more)

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The vast and lonely space, the blue body is like a sapphire earth, and its feet slowly rotate. An ancient warship with a length of nearly ten miles is in the void of the universe. The upper body is made of unnamed star gold. Thousands of Jindan monks, wearing silver armor, are densely packed on both sides. These are the Protoss from the Promise, and there are dozens of Yuan Ying elders who are old and old, standing on the battleship.

The Son of God is easy to carry his hands, proud of the void, and the vastness of the breath is unbridled and radiating in all directions. A blue thunder is intertwined in his body, and countless stars are centered on it, like a black hole, attracting endless power. .

He faced Chen Fanhua as a glimpse of Jin Hong, only a faint shot. Hundreds of thousands of stars entangled in the air, turning into a taiyin yin and yang fish, like a black and white halo, welcoming Chen Fan.


In the universe.

The light is bursting and the energy is lasing. The gods and the black and white halo hit the air, exploding the beam of energy, which blooms like a fireworks over the universe. The horrible black and white energy is intertwined with Chen Fan’s thoughts, and the void is bursting. This is a battle outside the earth, completely showing the power of the two.

Billions of people on earth are looking up and watching this scene nervously.

Ordinary people can't see the battle of the top of the space. Only some of the great monks who have been trained at the level of the Yuan Ying, or the Jin Dan-class powers use special magical powers to see the sky and witness this battle.

"Kid, you are a bit resistant. You can make such a strange soul and soul. I think it seems to be a kind of god-in-law who is condensed into a god. It is like a sacred spirit. It is a genius. You are not willing to kill you. It is a pity that you killed my four younger brothers. How can he be unbearable, after all, it is my Promise God. Anyone who dares to violate the Promise has to pay the price. But if you wish to worship under me, as a follower, this Your Highness can tell you in front of the church, and you will sin." Easy to say.

He is a void.

At the foot of the countless stars turned into a long bridge of the gods, black and white two gas as the yin and yang fish turn behind his back. The strength of the easy-to-dry, far beyond the six gods that Chen Fan had seen before, even the sun **** is weaker than him. Strictly speaking, the easy work at this moment is a true god. No matter the magical power, mana, and cultivation, they are all at the peak of Yuan Ying.


Chen Fan's face is blank, his black hair is black, and his eyes are swallowing the golden light of Zhang Xuchang. The dragon-shaped dragonfly is in his hands, hunting and illuminating, sharp to the extreme gods, and smashing the void. The invisible pressure of a stock has come from the gods, and the world of pressure has shivered.

"Why are you looking for a dead end?" Easy to sigh, but Junmei no face has no mercy, full of indifference. But like the same god, stand proudly for nine days.


Yi Gan once again evolved the yin and yang fish, and collided with Chen Fan’s dragon long scorpion once.

That yin and yang fish is one of the most prosperous supernatural powers, called the 'polarity circle'. It is said that one day, the yin and yang can be refining into chaos, and when the Taiji is back to the endless, even if this magical power is cultivated to the peak. At that time, when you hit a circle, you can turn thousands of miles into powder. A continent is inclusive.

‘The stab is stabbing. ’

Chen Fan is unparalleled and extremely sharp. The dragon-shaped dragonfly is the first handle of the "Wanhua Shenbing" of Chen Fan refining. After several years of tempering, it can be said that the sharpness is extremely extreme. Chen Fanti is in his hand, and the void is naturally cut by the gods. .

But the **** is in the yin and yang fish, it is like slashing on a group of cotton, the yin and yang fish are soft and tight, and the toughness is strong. Chen Fan has a knife to cut off the water, and the gods shine with the golden mans, but they can never cut the yin and yang fish. In two halves. Instead, the road is black and white, turned into a god, gradually spread along the gods, to entangle Chen Fan in the unpredictable yin and yang.

"I am the 'infinite circle', it is to take the dead air under the nine secluded, and the enthusiasm in the eternal Jupiter, the two meet together, tempered for three thousand years before refining this pair of black and white gods, which merged with me The whole law field of life and death is based on the principle of the chain of the chain. Even the gods of the Yuan Yingying peak will be entangled in my infinite picture, and there will be death and no life."

He underestimated.

But the Promise Circle was overwhelming, and Chen Fan was hugged around and turned into a huge black and white ball. I can still see Chen Fan's figure before, and now I can only see a golden light. In the meantime, from time to time, there is a sacred blade that cuts out, but the water from the knife is broken, and the black and white air circulation is uncertain. How can it not be cut off? In the end, even a little bit of Jinmang can't see it. Everyone is completely blocked in it.

"The three pillars of this hand 'the Promise Circle', the fire is pure, I am afraid it is enough to compare with the "Yin Yang Eye" of the Second Highness, the "Qinglong Alchemy" under the Great Hall." A face with a dry face, wearing a white robe, the elders laugh.

The Promise Circle, the Yin Yang Eye, the Qinglong Alchemy, and the Promise Galaxy's Promise Galaxy, are one of the most prosperous supernatural powers, but the true god-level sacred power, which is incredible.


In the void, you can see the black and white air and the vertical and horizontal, with a sharp whistling sound, very high speed, even the void is cut open.

The first ancestor of the blood family who watched the battle on the ground, Ampang Tianjun, Lingyun Daochang, etc., all looked mad. Lingyun Daochang is even more bitter:

"The gods are too big, easy to dry but the third **** of the Promise, is the true mature God. Unlike the previous six sons, just entered the Yuan Ying, they are very deep in the Yuan Ying field, go Far-reaching, far from being a general Yuan Ying strong can compete. Shen Jun only sent a avatar, how is his opponent?"

"Lingyun predecessors, this son is easy to work very strong?" Ah Xiu asked in a hurry.

"Before, he and the ordinary Yuan Ying, it is a world of difference." Ling Yundao long silent moment, said: "You have not cultivated Yuan Ying, do not know, even at the level of Yuan Ying, the strength of the peak and the first entrant It may be ten or even a hundred times different. It is like a wild dog facing an elephant."

"Ah, why?" Beiqiong sent everyone to be astonished.

Ling Yundao said quickly.

Yuan Ying is the same as Jin Dan. It is also divided into three or six, etc. The weakest is naturally a pseudo-yuan baby. The practice is incomplete and the rules are incomplete. Only half of the 'Yuan Ying' can be cultivated. Have the power of Yuan Ying to truly resonate with the law. The ‘the domain of God’ is the best illustration. There is no one who knows the ‘the domain of the gods’. This is actually the standard supernatural power of Yuan Ying.

Next, there are three kinds of initial, middle and late Yuan Ying.

With each level of improvement, the cultivation of mana is also very different. It is difficult to compete with the high-ranking monks in the lower first order. After all, the other side is deeper than your realm, and it is naturally necessary to cultivate a supernatural power. The most powerful is the late Yuan Ying, many gods, such as Yin Haishen, Nalan Shen, and Manya, are at this level.

But the Son of God is different.

In the period of Jindan, the Son of God was transformed into a golden dragon. Once they entered the Yuan Ying, they would master the ‘God’.

What is ‘God’?

That is the existence above the law, also known as the ‘God-level rule’. The power to override the common law is the existence of the power of the gods. The power of God is far superior to the general law, and the supernatural powers that are cultivated are far more powerful than the common law. If the Son of God is easy to do, he will master the two gods of ‘life and death’. Therefore, his ‘Infinite Circle’ is far more powerful than the average Yuan Ying.


Among the many stars in the Xinghai, see if a sect is strong, in addition to looking at the ancestors of the gods, but also the number of gods in his door. The more the number of gods you have, the deeper the bottom of the door, and the stronger the future potential, because the Son of God is much stronger than the Yuan Yuanying. Such as easy to dry can easily crush the gods Yin Hai.

Of course, this is only a general situation and there are still exceptions. For example, the last generation of Chen Fan, however, was repaired into the Golden Dan seven products, but he was able to cross the Son of God and step into the Yuan Ying, and even more pressure on his peers.

A variety of blood, magic, magic, spiritual treasure, body skills, arrays, etc., can change the strength of comparison.

But now, Chen Fan is obviously suppressed by the Son of God. Even easy to stand proud and empty, double sputum silver plaque, one hand behind the back, just extend a hand to control the ‘infinite circle’, then suppress Chen Fan. The endless circle composed of black and white and two gas is more and more tight. From the previous 30 feet, 20 feet, to the current five feet, three feet, it is almost a point, Chen Fan into a meatloaf.

Whether Axiu, Jiang Churan, or Tang Yan, Su Yanghao, etc., they are nervously looking at the sky.

Although they could not see the thrilling scene, they could see Chen Fan falling into the trap from the faces of the people around him. And many Yuan Ying monks, but also the face of fear.

The black and white ball has shrunk from the original size to the current three or five feet. It is conceivable that the pressure is so strong that I am afraid that a Tianbao will go into it and it will be crushed.

This is the hegemony of the Promise of the Third Prodigal!

"If Chen Shenjun is in the body, he can still fight with Yi Qiang, and rely on one soul to separate himself. It doesn't help." Ling Yundao shook his head, his voice was full of desolate.

The Promise of the Promise is getting smaller and smaller, and it will suppress the flat Chen Fan.

Even the son of the gods is easy to shake their heads and sigh, the tens of thousands of baby elders standing on the Promise Star Boat, the face is even more revealing. Suddenly, a bright golden light suddenly emerged from the black and white balls.

The golden light, so sharp, so dazzling, even the rich black and white ball that can crush a star can not be covered.

Everyone looked up and only saw it.

One, two, three... In the end, countless golden glare came out, and the whole black and white sphere was transparent. In the end, it was even more faint to see a tiny Yuan Ying who was like a child. In the center of the black and white ball, the eyes are slightly closed.

The god-infant body is made of gold. It is only seven or eight inches in size, but it has nine feet. It has eyes on the forehead and navel, like a god-in-law that has fallen from nine days.

At this time, Shen Ying suddenly opened his eyes!

PS: The first one is more, the author continues to write the second one, it may be very late, everyone will look up again ^_^

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