MTL - Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant-Chapter 414 Chang's consumption

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After five days, Long Xuan casually left Shangdu and went to Yunguan.

Half a month after the death of Long Xuan, the Nanzhao Qizhe Wang who wanted to avenge his mother took the Qingjun side as an excuse to start a soldier. At this time, the Nanzhao Jianing Emperor highlighted the shortcomings of Kaizhe Wang’s exile and bitter cold. Kaizhe Wang opened the waterfront, and Luo Zhe’s 100,000-week-iron ride, and the soldiers entered the Nanzhao territory without blood.

Qizhe Wang, together with the soldiers, had long been arrogant to the Nanyan kings who were dissatisfied with the political affairs of Beiyan. They seemed to be only yī\'yè, and the war was ignited throughout the Nanzhao.

Together with the domestic war in Nanxun, Sima Qingsha quickly sent troops to Nanxun to help.

Just after Beiyan’s army set foot on Nanxun’s territory, Da Zhouping’s Zhang Emperor Xuan’s rate of 500,000 Yun Guantie rode out of Wushuangcheng, and the Dongshang Elemental Emperor led the army of 600,000, attacking the North Yanchun crossing.

Together with the North Yan war, all the countries immediately camped, and a chaos in the world was officially opened. Because this amnesty is caused by the king of Qizhe, in the future, the history books of all countries will be the same, saying that this war is the battle of Qizhe.

Luo Wei was sitting in the study room of Yi Jinyuan. Xie said that he was sitting opposite him. The daily report he got was directed by Long Xuan and sent a copy to Luo Wei.

"It looks pretty good now," Xie said. When Luo Wei looked at the battle report, he said to Luo Weidao: "The North Yan Army seems to have lost very quickly."

Luo Wei said: "Is all winning, not losing?"

Thank you for your eyes. "Do you still want us to lose one?"

"No," Rowe throws the battle report in his hand. "I will not read the good news."

"You will want to see this," Xie said from a pile of battle reports, and took it out and put it in front of Luo Wei.

"what is this?"

"This is written by the world's big brother, I think you will care about this person," Xie said.

Luo Wei’s heart moved, and he took the battle report and looked at it. This battle report was handwritten by Luo Qi and was not written long, but it was all about the defending power of defending.

"Hey, it's very powerful," Xie said to Luo Weidao. "At that time, Yu Xuan said that he was a singer. I still have some unbelief, but now I believe, he is playing, and he is more fierce than the boat. I like to use him more."

Luo Wei looked at the battle report in his hand. The defending champion now leads the Pioneer Camp. There is a war of Mosang in the same year. When the iron rides through the border, the wind and the clouds are everywhere, and people and animals can escape. "He played like this," Rovi said at the end, but frowned. He said to Xie: "Is it too damaging?"

"Ah?" Xie said that he couldn't react to Luo Wei's words.

"He killed everyone like this," Rowe said. "Is it not good?"

Xie said that Luo Wei was in a daze.

"Do I have to find a master of robes to do his merits for him?" Rovi scratched his head and discussed with Xie. "Is this better?"

Xie language somehow, my heart is sour, my eyes are a little moist, Luo Wei to defending, Xie shook his head, not letting himself think again, rushing to smile, said: "You really can cāo heart, snoring Are there undead? The defending champion does not kill the enemy, but also waits for the enemy to kill him?"

"No," Rowe said. "I mean that he is playing too much."

"For the sake of the killer," Xie said, he took out the report of Luo Wei’s hand and put it on the table. He said, "You should not worry about you."

Luo Wei thought thoughtfully. In fact, on the second day, he ordered Long 10 to go to the Huguo Temple, and provided a merit card for the defending. He was afraid that such sincerity was not enough, and he donated a large amount of sesame oil.

Just as Luo Wei and Xie Yu spoke in the study, Zhao Fu ran in and said to Xie: "Xie Daren, Shangshu Province is here, let you hurry past."

Xie Yu took a look at Luo Wei and asked Zhao Fudao: "What happened?"

Zhao Fu said: "It seems to be an accident in Lingnan Chang."

When he was busy, he stood up and asked Luo Weidao: "What can Lingnan Chang have?"

Rowe said: "Don't you know when you go back?"

Xie also knows that Luo Wei and Lingnan Chang did not deal with it, and he was busy with Luo Weidao and hurriedly went.

After Rowe left in Xie, he said to Zhao Fudao: "I still make some fragrant cakes today, I suddenly want to eat."

Zhao Fu was busy to promise, and it was rare that Luo Wei had something he wanted to eat. He had to get it to Luo Wei. Since Long Xuan’s expedition to Beiyan, Yijinyuan has set up a small kitchen here. Today, this Yijinyuan is like an independent kingdom in the palace.

Luo Weizhong looked at the battle report written by Luo Qi for the defending. At this time, his mood was a little better. Looking at the battle report, although he was still worried about defending, he was not as anxious to get angry.

Shortly after the words of Xie, the Lingnan Chang’s yī\'yè was destroyed, and the ancestral home was turned into ashes in the fire. The news that Chang’s old man had no bones was spread in the palace.

After the Queen’s news was received, he passed out and the Fengyi Hall suddenly became a big mess.

Yannian Temple here, Luo Zhiyi is trying to take the dragon to the Fengyi Temple to see the Queen of Chang, Luo Wei sent a small **** to send a message.

"What is the lord?" Luo Zhiyi was busy asking the little eunuch, although the accident was not Swift Roche, but Luo Zhiyi was still panicked.

The little **** said: "Wang Ye invited the Queen Mother to go to Yi Jin Yuan."

Luo Zhiyi was an unsuspecting one. She listened to Luo Wei and let her take the dragon to the Yijin Garden. When she was busy, she took the dragonfly who was still ignorant and went to Yijinyuan.

When Luo Wei saw Luo Zhiyi and Long Yao arrived, he ordered Long Xie to play with Dragons.

Luo Zhiyi had to speak for a few times, and was stopped by Luo Wei. Luo Wei was happy when he was stunned. He looked at the dragon eleven with the dragon scorpion and said to Luo Zhiyi: "What is the aunt's eager to do?" ”

Luo Zhiyi said: "Chang's is destroyed! How can this happen?!"

"I don't know," Rowe said. "I may offend someone."

"Weier," Luo Zhiyi looked at Luo Wei's disregard, and hurriedly said: "The Fengyi Temple is full of troubles. What do you want me to do here? I don't have to worry about Fengyi Temple?"

"What a happy person?" Luo Wei asked.

Shang Xi was busy coming in from the door and standing in front of Luo Wei.

"You go to the Queen Mother's decree," said Rowe. "When the country is in the war, the people in the harem can't be messed up. The Queen Mother has heard the bad news of the Chang family and sent the doctor to the Fengyi Temple to see the disease. The Queen is pregnant now. In the body, the dragon is important, and the people in the harem can't go to the Fengyi Temple to disturb the Queen's fetus."

Shang Xi said: "What if the Queen Mother of Liu is going to go?"

"I don't allow," Rowe said coldly. "The guards in the palace will go to the Fengyi Temple. You will go and watch it yourself. If the Queen Mother of Liu wants to make trouble, let her come to Yijinyuan, and say that the Queen Mother is here at Yijinyuan. ""

"Ten," Rowe called the dragon ten again.

Long Shi turned into the house from the window and shocked Luo Zhiyi.

Luo Wei said to the dragon: "You bring the thirteen, fourteen and the Shanggong to go together. If someone does not obey the Queen Mother, they will kill them."

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