MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 202 Mermaid

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Once you step into the campus, it's like walking into a circle of gravity, and the strong breath is so overwhelming that everyone can't breathe.

In the field, only Su Ming, Su Hui, Su Yi, and Ling could stand intact. As for the strongest human being, Chen Tian held an iron rod and used it as a support point, half hunched his body, barely maintaining a standing posture.


Su Ming moved towards the airspace and let out a wolf howl, and then the pressure on the crowd quickly disappeared, allowing the humans present to stand up again.

Chen Tian's eyes narrowed, he could definitely feel the aura emanating from the wolf king, which was competing with the unfamiliar C-level aura, and gradually squeezed the opponent out of this area.

Is this how high-level creatures fight? It is quite unique to have a confrontation with breath before they meet.

Thinking like this, Chen Tian couldn't help but feel a little fascinated, and secretly made up his mind to break through to the C level faster.

Shaking his aching shoulders, Chen Tian folded his hands and said to Su Ming seriously, "Thank you, Your Excellency."

With Chen Tian taking the lead, the rest of the power users also thanked Su Ming in every way, and even the ordinary warriors in the distance responded with gratitude.

Both power users and ordinary warriors understand that without the assistance of the Wolf King, it would be quite difficult for them to enter the school gate.

Su Ming nodded lightly and responded to everyone's thanks. His silver-white Tong Kong stared at the east position, the teaching building surrounded by fireworks.

The crimson flames continued to light up from it, and a slender figure was vaguely visible, standing inside the floor. It seemed to be looking at Su Ming, and it seemed to be looking at the reinforcements who came here.

After a brief confrontation, Su Ming could clearly perceive the roughness and immaturity of this unknown creature's use of breath, as well as its power that was one point weaker than himself.

There is no doubt that the other party has just broken through the king's rank not long ago and has not yet fully mastered his own abilities.

Now is the best time to strike it, this creature can't even use 80% of its own strength.

"Your Excellency, could the previous figure be that C-level creature?"

Chen Tian also approached Su Ming and carefully observed the scene in the smoke.


Su Ming replied with a wolf roar, indicating that his guess was correct.

"Fire, flames, thick smoke, the strength of the other party should not be underestimated, please be careful."

Chen Tian pondered a few words in a low voice, and reminded Su Ming, but he never imagined that the overall strength of this creature that he was afraid of was not enough to compete with Su Ming, let alone his own strength. failed to fully play out.

Without hesitation, Su Ming led the three companions around him and walked towards the fireworks in the east.

He has enough confidence that he can solve the other party by himself.

Seeing that the wolf king started to move, Chen Tian and other five power users immediately followed and walked on both sides of the team to ensure that they could assist the wolf king in the battle at critical moments.

On the other side, Company Commander Wang hadn't rested for half a minute, and immediately ordered the soldiers of his subordinates to spread out in a semi-encircled state around the east teaching building area to ensure that they could reinforce the internal battle at any time.

The seven snipers were in their respective positions, or under the cover of other comrades, they walked to the other teaching floors that were not eroded by the flames, or lay directly on the ground and aimed their guns.

The remaining 90 soldiers with guns, led by their respective platoon leaders, surrounded the smoke area within 50 meters and aimed.

Previously, Company Commander Wang had had tactical communication with Chen Tian, ​​and said that they would use the communicator as the main means of communication to inform them of the information about the alienated creatures, or the floor they were in.

Only now, listening to the harsh 'rustling' sound in his ears, Captain Wang knows that communication can no longer play a big role.


Turning off the communication device in his hand, he looked at the area ahead, the figure of the team walking into the smoke, and only hoped that they could successfully complete the task.


As the team deepened, the surrounding air became more pungent, and there was a strong burnt smell everywhere, and the rapidly rising temperature also caused everyone to sweat and even affected their sight.

At this time, a cold breath swept around, driving away the high temperature and heat in the vicinity, easing the situation of everyone.

Following the guidance of the breath, Chen Tian and others saw the owner of the breath, the giant wolf with silver and gray hair.

At this moment, under the background of the breath, the other party's figure is particularly dazzling, like a star in the night sky.

As the first person in China, Chen Tian has naturally read the information of several companions of the Wolf King. The silver-grey giant wolf in front of him is called "Frost Giant Wolf" in the archives.

The opponent has an extremely powerful ability to manipulate frost, which can instantly freeze the surrounding air and freeze the opponent's actions. With these means, Zheng Xinglong, who is also a D-level, was caught off guard.

Today, Chen Tian finally realized the ability of [Frost Giant Wolf], but he felt it as a friend, not an enemy.

Su Ming walked in front, while inspecting the charred buildings around him, while paying attention to Ling's state.

To be honest, when it reaches the king level, it has a very high adaptability to any environment.

This mere high temperature is not a big disturbance to Su Ming, and it is naturally unaffected, but Ling estimated that it was unbearable for the scorching heat of the environment, so he released his own ability to resolve it.

Judging from Ling's expression, it is relatively relaxed. Maintaining the current state should not consume much of its own potential energy. Su Ming is relieved because of this. He originally thought of letting Ling leave first and let them handle the alienation Biology can.

With Ling's help, the smoke around the team was also successfully dissipated, so that the team members' vision was broadened, and they could see the scene of nearby things without falling into a state of smearing.


A crisp sound came from under Zhang Peng's feet, causing the team that was still on the move to be stunned.

Zhang Peng carefully removed his boots, revealing the object on the ground, which was actually a nearly charred human bone.

Judging from its shape, it seems to be the position of the human body's hand bones, but the palm area was almost crushed by Zhang Peng and turned into powder, except for a few still intact phalanges.


Zhang Peng asked with some doubts.

Chen Tian leaned down, picked up the phalanx on the ground, and carefully figured it out, before he said: "It should be the victim's corpse, which can be burned so thoroughly, the flame carried by the other party should be higher than ordinary flames. A lot, avoid direct contact at that time, and everything will be dominated by Lord Wolf King."


Several power users responded quickly.

Looking at the remains of the hand bones on the ground, Zhang Peng couldn't help but say sadly, "There is still a lot of good time...but the time is stopped here."

Chen Tian put away the phalanx and comforted it: "This is exactly what we are fighting for, which is for the safety of the lives of these students and ordinary people."

"Well... Brother Chen."

With Chen Tian's comfort, Zhang Peng's mentality quickly recovered and returned to his original state of vigilance.


This little episode did not affect the speed of the team, and within a moment, they went deep into the center of the floor, where the alienated creatures were.

The temperature rose sharply again, making it difficult for Ling to maintain the frost, but this also proved that the team was gradually approaching each other.

Through the smoke in front, you can see the red light that flashes frequently, and it seems that a raging fire is burning inside.

It was not until Su Ming's team approached that Ling used frost to disperse the surrounding smoke, and all the members saw the real scene.

The scalding magma spread to the whole area, turning it into a scene like a volcano.

The ceiling above was dissolved by magma, forming a large irregular hole. Looking up, you could see that the center of the entire floor had been penetrated, and only the surrounding pillars were supporting the building.

It can be clearly said that the entire building is extremely unstable, facing the situation of collapsing at any time, if the team wants to fight against it, they need to take this risk again.

At the same time, it can also be speculated that the magma erupted from the highest level area and fell all the way to the ground, eventually forming this sea of ​​magma and fire.

A creature in the form of a mermaid swam happily inside the magma, emitting a sweet laughter, as if to induce everyone here to approach it.

However, the scene around him was chilling. Several figures in gray combat uniforms were inserted above the concrete pillars with several steel bars.

Some figures had their abdominal cavity dug out, all their internal organs pulled out, and died tragically on the spot. Their faces still retained the expression before their death, mixed with fear and pain.

Some had half of their heads cut off, eating up the brains inside, and their hands dropped slightly.

What's more, all the limbs were cut off, like a human stick, slowly bleeding to death.

Among them, there is only one power user who still has signs of life, and he has the most steel bars inserted into his body.

This person's combat uniform has long been torn apart, and a lot of blood poured out from his wounds, almost dyeing him into a **** man, which shows the extent of his struggle.

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Looking at Su Ming's team who walked into it, his originally dark eyes once again lit up with hope.


Swallowing the blood in his throat, he asked with difficulty.

"Yes, hold on, we will rescue you soon."

Holding an iron rod in his hand, Chen Tian replied, and tried to comfort the other party to strengthen his will to hold on and avoid falling into a coma and death.

The man nodded with difficulty, and then said again: "Be careful, it's..."

Before the words were finished, a cold light flashed, and the man's head fell into the magma, which was quickly eroded by the high temperature and wrapped in flames.


The weird mermaid jumped up from the lava, raised its weirdly thin hands, lifted the opponent's head, placed it on his chest, and looked at Su Ming and his team with a smile.



Without waiting for them to react, the mermaid actually regarded the man's head as a ball, waved the fish tail like a knife blade, and slapped the position in front of the crowd, and it should be said that it was the leading position of Su Ming.

Raising the wolf's paw slightly, Su Ming shifted back a little, and took the hot head with ease.

The frost froze and extinguished the ignited fireworks, revealing the man's astonished expression before he died. The moment he saw the rescue team, he thought he had a chance to be rescued, but in fact, the mermaid creature didn't plan to fight from the beginning. let it go.

Now that there are new playthings, the old ones can be thrown away.

Su Ming didn't say a word, the wolf claws exerted a little force, and handed the head of the deceased to Chen Tian's hands.


With a sigh, Chen Tian closed the eyes of the opponent's dead eyes and placed them in the rear area so that they could be taken away after the battle.

"What kind of creature is that, I have never seen a new type of alienated creature in such a form."

Zhang Peng said in surprise.

"Don't say it's you, even I, Chen Tian, ​​have never seen it before. The combination of human form and animal form."


I'm sorry, there are still 600 words, and I will finish it before 1:00. I'm really sorry.

"How is the situation? Brother Chen."

Zhang Peng, the most impatient, saw Chen Tian walking back, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"The situation in the school is not very clear. The super power department will first rescue the students who have not yet been affected. As for our main task is still to deal with the unknown alienated and find the super powers that have entered before. Team members, have a round with them."

"Yes, I understand."

Zhang Peng replied nervously.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Tian smiled, patted against the shoulder, and comforted him.

"I know you haven't experienced many battles, so you'll be behind me later, don't be too nervous."

"Yes, Brother Chen."

After talking with the rest of the team members, Chen Tian came to Su Ming and said earnestly, "Your Excellency Wolf King, I have finished investigating the internal information, dealing with it on the east floor, and we can set off immediately."

Su Ming nodded slowly, indicating that he understood, he called out to the three partners around him and walked forward.

At the same time, Chen Tian and other five power users also closely followed in the footsteps of the giant wolves, came to the cordon, and walked forward to enter the school area.

The guards first glanced at the four giant wolves with great deterrence, and then saw Chen Tian who was following behind, and had some guesses in their hearts.

He quickly pulled away the yellow cordon behind him and said to Su Ming with a smile, "Your Excellency the Wolf King, please come in."

As a member of the super energy department, he naturally learned about the news of the cooperation between humans and the giant wolf clan dozens of days ago, before people in other fields, so he successfully became the identity of the four wolves of Su Ming. .

Quite smoothly, Su Ming, four wolves and five Chen Tian, ​​this unique team finally came to the gate of the school.

The gun company that cooperated with them on the other side, also led by Captain Wang, came slowly.

The pungent burnt smell in the air became stronger and stronger, and a wanton strong aura spread toward the surroundings, overwhelming most of the creatures present.

This is the strong aura suppression that belongs only to the king.

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