MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 205 2 fights

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With the collapse of the floor, the original towering building turned into a ruin, and the hot magma erupted to the center, swallowing a large amount of gravel and steel bars, forming a new terrain.

The blood-red light shrouded the surroundings and was reflected on the outside of the helicopter, making the faces of the people who were watching become extremely red.

They looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. Whether it was the sudden collapse of the building or the ejection of a large amount of magma, it was enough to reverse their original world view.

"Just kidding? What happened to Donghui Tower? It was still standing there dozens of minutes ago."

A girl with glasses, maintaining a surprised expression, said in surprise.

"Are you a classmate who used to take classes in Xiyuan Building?"

The dusty-faced boy on his right instead asked aloud.

"Yes, did you escape from Donghui Building?"

Seeing the other party's tattered clothes, the girl seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes, I ran out of that hell."

As if remembering something terrifying, the boy lowered his head and said tremblingly.

The conversation between the two aroused the attention of all the students present. In fact, except for this tired boy, the rest of the students in the plane were taking classes in Xiyuan Building. The fire that broke out in Huilou, they would never have noticed the crisis lurking in the school.

They all looked at the boy's position, waiting for his words to continue.

"Classmates, what happened to your Donghui Building? Why are you the only ones who ran out? Where have all the teachers gone?"

The girl with glasses asked in a low voice.


"Everyone is dead, killed by that monster."

The boy raised his dusty cheeks and said in horror.

"Monster? Isn't it a fire? Given the situation in our city, there shouldn't be any alienated creatures?"

The girl with eyes asked in confusion.

"Haha, because it's not a simple alienated creature, it's a monster that combines humans and creatures."

The boy covered his forehead, recalling in his mind the scene where the teacher and classmates were burned to death by the monster.

The sudden change at that time left no one with time to deal with it, and no one could have imagined that the usually quiet classmates would turn into cruel monsters.

"Huh? What's that?"

The girl is still puzzled and is about to continue to ask questions.

Suddenly, the classmate by the window let out a surprised cry: "Hey! What is that?"

This caused all the students to turn their attention to the outside. They each leaned in front of the window and looked at the scene below.


In the center of the fiery magma, there is a figure that looks like a human being, and is slowly swimming in it, as if this is not magma, but sea water.

"Hey, is that a human?"

"No, it's impossible. Have you ever seen a person swimming in lava? Besides, can this be a person who can withstand the impact of the collapse of the building?"

"That's right, unless this guy is a power user, or an alienated creature."

Due to the influence of the airflow, the helicopter as a whole was still in turbulence, and it has not yet been able to leave the place safely, which also gave the students in the cabin more time to observe the scene below.

As the mermaid dived into the magma and exposed its sharp tail, the students in the cabin changed their perception of it again.

"Ha!? What creature is that?"

Some students widened their eyes, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

"Fuck! Awesome! Has this kind of thing even appeared?"

Others took out their smartphones and took pictures. Perhaps they wanted to record the scene in front of them, or they wanted to use it as a talking point to show off later.

With the leadership of this person, more and more students took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the scene below.

With the help of the mobile phone, they could even see the specific appearance of the creature more clearly.

"Hugh~ This is still a woman, and her figure is amazing."

"That's right, that's right, it's a pity she has scales blocking her."

The two male students whispered in a low voice, unaware of the disgusted expressions of the female students beside them.

"The upper body is human-shaped, and the lower body is animal-shaped, isn't this the same as what Donghuilou described? Is it the monster?"

Among them, some people noticed the abnormality of the creature below, and quickly asked the student earlier.

At this moment, the boy who had been attacked by the creature also leaned over to the window, his eyes widened, and he carefully observed the scene of the magma below.

"That's right, it's it, it's it... Why hasn't it died yet, didn't this monster even get hurt when the building collapsed?"

Seeing the mermaid monster again, the boy's emotions became extremely excited, and he even banged on the seat, constantly venting his emotions.

This move made everyone subconsciously stay away from him, for fear of stimulating each other again.

"Don't worry, the power users will solve it, we have to trust them."

Only the girl with glasses beside him patted his shoulder and comforted him in a low voice.


It's superpowers! "

At this time, a student happily pointed to the area below and shouted at everyone.

"There? There? Why didn't I see it."

"The opposite, the opposite of that monster."

For a while, the stalemate atmosphere became active again.

In today's era, whether it is a star or an actor, it is no longer the object of people's worship. Instead, the superpowers stationed in various cities, they definitely guard the safety of the masses, so they are worshipped by most people. What's more, even the battle scenes were filmed by the crowd and uploaded to the Internet, causing a lot of waves.

Huaxia Kingdom is also happy to see such a scene. This not only inspires the spirit of the masses, but also promotes the existence of power users. Therefore, not only did it not stop the spread of the video, but it was secretly promoting it.

Under this action, most of the masses have come to know most of the power users in their city, especially among the students. They look up to the existence of power users and hope that one day they will be able to awaken their abilities and be able to fight side by side with them. .


That is Chen Tian!

Our first superpower Chen Tian in China! "

"real or fake!?"

"Eh? Where is Chen Tian? Let me see!"

"I just watched the video of Chen Tian fighting the Alienized Siberian tiger yesterday. His lightning ability is so cool. I didn't expect to see a real person today. I really want an autograph."

"Maybe there is a chance, maybe after we get off the plane, how about running to the school gate and waiting for Chen Tian to come out?"

"Hey, I advise you to die. Didn't you see that the door was surrounded by the super department? Where is there any chance to approach."

"Yeah, it seems so."

When the two were low, there was a sound from the other side.

"Look, there are four giant wolves over there, just beside Chen Tian."

As soon as these words came out, many of the students present looked down at the four giant wolves with different hairs.

"It's too big, isn't it? It's about to catch up with the lion."

"I've seen videos of alienated Tibetan mastiffs. The Tibetan mastiffs in there are almost twice as big as before, but they don't have the horror of these wolves."

"In other words, why is there a wolf next to Chen Tian, ​​is it the summoned beast of a certain power user present? It's the same as Chen Li and Wang Ziming."

The two mentioned by the student, one has the ability to summon otherworldly elves, and the other has the ability to summon otherworldly orcs. Both are quite rare and unique superpowers. About two to three times of the same level, after all, they have summoned beasts to fight together.

Unfortunately, according to the relationship between the otherworldly races, the relationship between the elves and the orcs does not seem to be much better, so even the relationship between the two has become extremely bad, which also caused a headache for the senior management of China.

"Impossible, there are only these two power users of the Summoning Department. If they are the first to awaken, I don't believe that the super power department will give up this excellent publicity opportunity, and you should all know the power users present. ?"

"[Virtual Shadow] Zhao Ziyang, [Soil Energy] Zhang Peng, [Pure Water] Wang Zilai, [Burst] Chen Xin, tell me, who can have the ability to summon."

"Impossible, but why would the giant wolves below reinforce us humans?"

"I don't know. Besides, I can't tell if it's an enemy or a friend? Maybe it's the reinforcements called by the monster."

"Look, they're fighting!



During the discussion between several people, the confrontation below finally ended, and the mermaid took the lead in launching the offensive, condensing a large number of lava fireballs and attacking the direction of Su Ming's team.


The two battle lines on the body lit up with a dazzling blue light, and the full power poured into Su Ming's body.

He jumped, raised his wolf claws, exploded the tense muscles on his limbs, swung forward, shook off the oncoming lava fireball, and threw him back into the depths of the magma, blasting a deep pit. .

Chen Tian, ​​who was beside him, also clenched the iron rod in his hands, opened the fireball in front of him, changed its trajectory, and turned around and shouted at Zhao Ziyang beside him.

"Old Zhao, go and help Zhang Peng and the others, they may not be able to avoid such attacks."


Zhao Ziyang didn't hesitate, turned around immediately, came to the front of several people, waved his two knives, matched his strange pace, and waved away several fireballs.

"Thank you, Brother Zhao."

Zhang Peng gathered a small earth wall and said to it gratefully.

It wasn't long before the three of them recovered, and they really couldn't protect their own safety under such circumstances.

Zhang Peng actually felt a little guilty, because since the battle, not only did their E-level power users not help much, but they were always taken care of by Chen Tian and Zhao Ziyang, which prevented them from retreating.

"Small things, it's your kid. Study hard. This kind of big battle is rare. Pay more attention to my actions with Chen Tian. If you learn it well, you can save your life in the future."

With Zhao Ziyang's reminder, Zhang Peng was agitated, and instantly receded his guilt, and hurriedly said seriously.

The battlefield is the battlefield, but there is no other time to think about other things. The most important thing is to survive now.

Stepping on the fireball, Su Ming jumped up, and with the help of such offensive means, he actually settled near the mermaid.

Come to think of it, even the mermaid never thought that its own lava fireball not only did not repel the opponent, but instead narrowed the distance between the two.


A harsh sound wave emanated from its mouth, attempting to block the opponent's actions.

However, this trick would have no effect on Su Ming, who was at the same rank.

The pure white figure fell from the sky, waved its sharp wolf claws, and patted the mermaid on the shoulder.



Blood splattered and scales dropped.

The mermaid hurriedly retreated and covered its injured right shoulder. There was a deep claw mark above it, and blood was constantly flowing out.

The amazing thing is that the blood of the mermaid is not the original blood red, but a strange blue-blue color, which is consistent with the enchanted snow leopard that they met earlier.

The scales of the fallen body were not immersed in the bottom layer of the magma, but the outer side of the scales was emitting shimmering flowers, allowing these scales to float on the upper layer of the magma.


Su Ming waved his wolf claws and brought a large piece of tyrannical thunder flowers. The mermaid's defense was quite good. If it weren't for that layer of scarlet scales, its body would have been penetrated by its own thunder.

During the confrontation between the two, Su Hui's flaming figure also flew over to reinforce Su Ming.

It exposed its sharp fangs, and with flames, it pounced on the position of the mermaid.

In the face of the menacing attack, the injured mermaid chose to avoid the opportunity to face it head-on.

It quickly condensed a magma wall and directly blocked Su Hui in the outer But where did he know that Su Hui's frontal attack was just a sheep attack, and the real offensive was already lurking in behind the mermaid.

A shadow blade emitting a cold glow had already circled around its back, and slashed down quickly, hitting the scales on its back.



The huge impact, the unsuspecting mermaid, deflected towards it and almost fell into the magma.

A spark was wiped out by the shadow blade on its back, and some of the scales were almost chopped off.

Before waiting for the mermaid to rest for a while, the magma wall in front of him was actually cut open, revealing the figures of Chen Tian and Su Hui.

They rushed towards the front of the mermaid, wielding wolf claws and iron rods, followed by the shadow blade behind them, attacking the scales on their backs again.

At the moment of crisis, the mermaid burst out with its extreme potential. First, it shouted a sonic noise far beyond the previous one towards the surrounding area, which stopped their offensive, and even caused the two helicopters far in the sky to be bumpy.

Afterwards, he pushed his hands to the left and right, and the magma around his body suddenly swept around like a huge wave, forcing the three who were about to approach him to retreat.

However, the mermaid suddenly realized that there was a creature that was not affected by its offensive at all.

When he noticed it, it was too late. Above the sky, the white shadow of the bearer Thunder shook the magma wave around him, facing the panicked look of the mermaid, and pierced into its injured shoulder.

With the pulling of Su Ming's claws, Thunder shredded his internal muscles, penetrated the bones he suggested, and actually shredded half of his shoulders and arms as a whole.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!



! "

The merman's heart-piercing screams sounded.

A lot of cyan blood splashed around, some spilled into the magma, and some dripped on Su Ming's pure white hair.

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