MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 210 popular network

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As the door opened, Chen Tian walked into the room quickly, held the smartphone in his right hand, and came to Su Ming with great joy.

Looking at Chen Tian who walked in excitedly, Su Ming was very puzzled, especially about the hot search thing he said earlier.

The four wolves just assisted the capital to solve the crisis that broke out, how could it be on the hot search because of this?

Su Mingke remembers very clearly that from the time he arrived on campus to the depths of the teaching building, he had never been seen by any ordinary person, let alone filming, at most, he had been noticed by the personnel of the super power department. Second-rate.

Xu Shi noticed the doubts in His Excellency Wolf King's expression, and Chen Tian immediately placed his mobile phone in front of Su Ming's four wolves and let him observe the pictures on the screen.

The screen on the phone seems to be a video. Although the pause button has been pressed, Su Ming still sees the scene around him. It is the inside of the campus where he fought yesterday.

The angle of the other party seems to be shot from the sky, so the possibility of it being a drone will be higher.

Su Ming secretly thought that he must be paying too much attention to the mermaid, but instead ignored the subtle situation in the sky.

"Look, Your Excellency."

Chen Tian stretched out his right hand and pressed the pause button in the center. Immediately, the video changed to playing state, the screen began to move, and a lot of sound came from the phone.


"Look at..."


First there was the faint sound of the propeller turning, and then there were the exclamations of young men and women, accompanied by the movement of the picture, until they condensed in the magma erupting from the ruins. These noisy words came to an abrupt end, as if they were shocked by the scene in front of them. arrive.

In the picture, a monster in the shape of a mermaid rushed out of the lava and revealed in front of everyone. It was the C-level demonized superhuman who was solved by Su Ming yesterday.

Su Ming could definitely feel the surprise of the photographer and his companions. They froze in place. After a long time, they spoke again about their feelings.

Interestingly, the video that Chen Tian gave to Su Ming to observe even had the existence of a barrage.

After the image of the mermaid was revealed on the screen, a large number of barrages also floated above the video. It seems that humans still have great interest in this unknown creature.


Great body!

Although it is an alienated creature. 】

[In the front, although people's XP is free, I still recommend you to see a doctor. 】

[Don't say it, this creature really arouses my XP, orcs control ecstasy!


[Speaking of which, no one finds it strange? Why does this alienated creature have a human upper body and a fish's lower body, as if it were a legendary mermaid. 】

[It's not like, I feel it's right, maybe this is a brand new intelligent race, and it's hard to say. 】

After a short glance, Su Ming found that although the first few barrages were off the main body, some smart people still found the problem.

As long as it is a human with normal intelligence, it is impossible to have no doubts about the other appearances of alienated creatures.

With the guidance of this barrage, it seems that the follow-up barrage also discusses the strangeness of the mermaid. Su Ming did not pay too much attention to it, but watched the content of the video.

"Look at the superpowers!


There was a tone of surprise from the photographer, and the picture was shifted to the opposite side of the mermaid, in the team of Su Ming and his party.

"That's Chen Tian!


The exclamations of the young women came out, as if they had seen their idols.

At the same time, the video was also covered up by a large number of barrages, with Chen Tian's name floating above them, and some with a heart behind them.

Strictly speaking, Chen Tian's appearance is not bad, his height is up to 1.85 meters, his face is tough and refreshing, and he looks like a sunny boy, which can make people feel good, and then cooperate with the title of the first person in China. , it is no wonder that it can gain such a huge popularity among women.

Seeing the barrage in the video, Chen Tian touched the back of his head embarrassedly, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, don't mind, Huaxia is extremely martial now, and even worships superpowers. I was promoted by the official use of resources. , so it has a high reputation in the society.”

Hearing this, Su Ming shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't care.

He lowered his head, continued to browse the video in front of the viewer, and the screen continued to play. Except for Chen Tian, ​​the other four were also continuously shot by the photographer, and the barrage of the corresponding fans also floated above, but the popularity can never be compared with Chen Tian. .

In the end, the photographer passed the five superpowers and focused on the figure of Su Ming and the four wolves.

"It's a wolf!"

"Four giant wolves!"

"It's too big, isn't it? It's almost the size of a lion."

In the video, there is a discussion between the photographer and his companions, and they seem to be wondering why there is an alienated giant wolf at the scene, and what is the relationship with Chen Tian and others.

With their guidance, the barrage above also discussed the identity of the four wolves of Su Ming.

【Wow! So handsome, that white wolf, pure white, double ecstasy of white hair control and Furui control!

[Don't say, these wolves are all in my heart, especially the silver wolf and the white wolf, they are majestic and handsome. 】

[Hey...Little Wolf, let my brother kiss. 】

[Before, be careful, I don't want to see your body. 】

[Hahaha, you Furui control, have you ever thought that someone can bite your head off with one bite? 】

[Indeed, just looking at the strongest white wolf in the center, it may be slapped with one paw and you will be gone. 】

[By the way, no one wonders why these four giant wolves are on our side, are they going to help Chen Tian and the others fight against magma creatures? 】

[I don't know... Generally speaking, there will never be a situation where humans and alienated creatures coexist peacefully, let alone cooperate. 】

Whether it is the photographer in the video or the barrage floating above, they are constantly discussing the purpose of the wolf pack's appearance, but after all, they can't find the actual reason.

The two parties in the video will not wait for their discussion to finish. Soon, the mermaid on the opposite side will take the lead in launching the offensive.

Several fiery fireballs smashed into Su Ming's side. Except for Su Ming's four wolves and Chen Tian, ​​who were still at ease, the rest of the power users were competing in front of them.

[As expected of Lei Shan Chen Tian!

[The Shadow of Illusory Zhao Ziyang is also good!

[The strength of those four giant wolves is on par with Chen Tian!

Fans of various power users swiped up a barrage of praise. Among them, there were also people who had paid attention to the four wolves of Su Ming earlier and noticed their strength.

In the picture, Su Ming not only dodged the oncoming fireball, but also used it as a relay point to leap to the position of the mermaid.

Such a highly skilled action won the admiration and exclamation of the video shooters and a large number of barrages.



Does this work too? 】

【So strong...】

[It’s just like Qinggong, the last time I saw it was in the video of Daoist Zhang from Longhu Mountain. 】

[The nature is different, okay, one is based on super power, and the other is based on physical fitness. 】

[It's hard to imagine, being able to make jumps while ensuring dodging, it's simply... ]

When he saw that Su Ming was not attacked by the sound waves of the mermaid at all, but tore open the opponent's scales at close range, the photographer was already speechless in surprise, and after the barrage fell into a brief silence, it burst out. Lots of exclamations.

[This... is simply not an order of magnitude battle. 】

【It's so handsome. 】


[As expected of the white wolf I am optimistic about. 】

[Clean and unhurried, he had the upper hand from the start. 】

The mermaid at the top of the screen covered her injuries and began to back away in a hurry. Her panicked look made some people in the barrage feel pity.

【Ah, the lovely mermaid lady is injured... 】

【cute? ! 】

[Fool, right? This is a very devastating C-level alienated creature. It is going to be released, enough to destroy our city. You can pity this monster. 】

[That's right, this is the case now, how can there be people so naive and unable to distinguish reality. 】

Fortunately, most of the barrages were still sober, and instead of being guided by this person, they scolded the other party.

As the screen continued to move, the other four wolves and Chen Tian also entered the field one after another, rushing to the battle to assist Su Ming's actions.

【Wow! The ability of that gray wolf is really unique, it turned out to be manipulating shadows. 】

[I think that the giant wolf that is covered in fire is more handsome, it is simply a replica of the Ghost Rider. 】

[So strong, to be able to break the magma wall, Chen Tian's strength seems to have improved a lot compared to the video a few days ago. 】

Although the performance of several of them is not as gorgeous as Su Ming's, they still attract the praise of the barrage. There is no doubt that Chen Tian is the most praised, after all, he is the first person in China.

In the video, the mermaid, who was at an absolute disadvantage, launched a sonic offensive in order to deal with the situation, and temporarily stopped the incoming Chen Tian and Su Hui.

It's a pity that it didn't see it. Earlier, the higher the sky was Su Ming, the lightning flashed, and with a neat stab, half of the mermaid's body was instantly torn apart and scattered on the magma.

Of course, it seems to take into account the psychology of the viewer. For the **** scene, the video shooter adopted the model lake treatment, so that the viewers cannot see the scene of the mermaid's flesh and blood model lake, but can only vaguely see half of its body. was cut.

In response, a series of barrages floated above the screen.

[Can I remove the mosaic, I am also a person who has seen strong winds and waves. 】

[+1, Mosaic affects the look and feel a bit. 】

[Everyone, consider the ability of others to accept. To be honest, some people just can't bear the **** scene. 】

[Yeah, I think this is pretty good. 】

This group of viewing bullet screens was also divided into two groups, one group advocated removing Mohu and the other group believed that it should be kept as it is.

However, at the next moment, when the video showed that Su Ming was at ease after landing, he was immediately covered up by various barrages of admiration.


[Brother Wolf is really strong!

[The way he licks his paws is too cool. 】

[I have no literary literacy, and can only express my emotions in a lie. 】

[Me too. 】


! 】

[It’s still easy to fight until now, I almost doubt whether the mermaid on the opposite side is a C-level creature. 】

[There is no doubt that it is definitely C, I have seen the content of the previous bulletin. 】

[That can have the combat power to crush the C-level, this white wolf might...]

[Don't say it, in the future, Lao Tzu's idol will be this big brother wolf. 】

Looking at the surprise and admiration for Su Ming's strength floating above, Chen Tian couldn't help but sigh.

"Your Excellency, you have many supporters now, and your popularity is not inferior to mine."

Su Ming nodded slightly, as if he didn't care, and continued to watch the video in front of him.

In fact, what are the benefits of increasing popularity among humans?

Su Ming believes that it is very little, not as useful as the increase in real combat power, and has the right to speak with human beings.

In the picture, the mermaid screamed heart-breakingly, a lot of blue-blue blood splattered all around, while Su Ming threw off the blood on the claws and bit the enemy in front.

Under the influence of [Lei Ju Heart] and [Thunder Speed ​​Battle Pattern], Su Ming's speed was as fast as lightning, and he could hardly see his moving figure. The shots were followed up several times, and several times After losing it, it was only when he came to the vicinity of the mermaid that he locked on Su Ming's figure again.

"So fast."

"Well, it's the same as teleportation."

The surprising dialogue between the photographer and his companions was transmitted one by one through the mobile phone.

At the same time, at the top of the video, the barrage also discussed the topic of Su Ming's speed.

[It's too fast, it's like lightning. 】

[I didn't expect the white wolf to have such a strong speed. 】

[I'm afraid, even the speedy Mingen is not its opponent. 】

[Have you seen the blue light on both sides of its body? I feel related to this. 】


I'm sorry, I haven't finished it yet, the remaining 300 words will be filled up immediately.

I have to say that Xu Lin has never been harsh on the treatment of the four wolves of Su Ming, and has always arranged them at the highest level, even where they temporarily Follow the young scientific research The pace of the personnel, what caught Su Ming's eyes was an extremely spacious room.

The walls on the four sides are decorated with warm-toned tan yellow, which will not look too bright or too gloomy.

On the ceiling, there are hidden headlights, which can not only ensure the sufficient light source in the room, but also leave the maximum space.

Four large and soft sofas are located in the four corners of the room, ensuring absolute privacy while giving each member enough independent space.

Xu Lin knew about Su Ming's character, so he didn't add too many other items, and only kept this comfortable and spacious room.

After leading Su Ming and waiting for the wolf to enter, the young researcher said with a trembling tone, as if he was still a little afraid of coming into contact with the giant wolf.

"Lord Wolf King, do you have any special requirements for the evening meal? Our base has a variety of meat products, such as beef, pork, duck, chicken, duck, goose, venison, etc. Only can provide you with it.”

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