MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 215 Alienated Jackal

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The latest website: The moment he noticed the sound, Su Ming retracted the thoughts in his mind, activated the [Lightning Heart], condensed above his eyes, and watched the scene ahead.

The other three members also sensed the abnormality, and they all stopped and looked at the smoke area vigilantly.

Su Hui ignited the fireworks all over his body, intending to push back the strange visitor.

Su Yi manipulated the shadows scattered nearby to form five sharp shadow blades, maintaining an attacking stance at all times.

Ling Ze frowned and gathered the Frost Potential Energy in his mouth in case of emergency. In its current state, it was too reluctant to meet the opponent.

The four wolves did not move, but responded by not moving, and made countermeasures according to the behavior of the other party.

Judging from the fact that he has not yet felt the coercion, the comer is not a creature of the king's rank, but he still cannot be paralyzed by this.

When he hasn't figured out the opponent's Quan Mao, there is always nothing wrong with being cautious, and this is also an opportunity to train Su Hui and a few wolves.

It is quite rare to be able to face off against such a powerful elite creature. I believe that after this journey, the combat power of the three members will increase again, and they will be much more handy in dealing with unexpected battles in the future.

"Tread, step, step."

This sound, like a sudden splash of water in the calm sea, gradually approached the vicinity of Su Ming and other wolves.

Pushing aside the smoke in front of them, the figure of the other party finally appeared in front of them.

It was a creature with red and white hair, and its size was roughly the same as the wolf brother of the group. It was a large-sized species.

The face of the other party looks like a wolf, but the pair of pointed ears on the top of the head can not help but remind people of the appearance of a fox.

The hot magma did not have any effect on it, as if it were normal.

At the same time, the number of opponents far exceeded Su Ming's prediction. It was completely different from the large predators. It was synergistic hunting, with as many as two.

Facing the four wolves present, there was no trace of timidity, and they just stared at Su Ming and them recklessly.


Soon, the information panel unique to this creature flashed out.

【Name】: none

【Species】: Alienation Jackal-Adult

[Rank]: Elite Six

【Strength】: 21.6/25

【Agility】: 21.4/10

[Ability]: Blazing Ray, Flame Claw, Haste

[Alienation]: True Flame Breath (19%)

[Flame Ray]: Due to the strange energy of the creature, the child hole area has undergone a little mutation, and a flame potential energy is formed in the body. It can use its own consciousness to stimulate the flame, which is released from the eyes and burns. opponent's body.

[Flame Claws]: The creature has a little mutation due to strange energy, forming a flame potential energy in the center of the abdominal cavity, which can be attached to the surface of the claws, turning into blazing claws, tearing and burning the remains of the opponent.

[Rapid]: Due to the strange energy, the creature has a little mutation, the muscles become more powerful, and the speed of the internal nerve connections is accelerated, thereby increasing the speed of the creature's actions and reactions.

It is indeed a creature that lives in the volcanic area, and its strength is indeed much stronger than that of the creatures in the Leize area.

Unexpectedly, the opponent you met for the first time can have the strength of the elite sixth-order, which is enough to dominate a region if it is replaced by other locations.

Seeing the opponent's ease and tacit assignment, Su Ming approached Ling and guarded him with Su Yi.

He didn't plan to take action directly, just as he had thought earlier, Su Ming planned to use this battle as a battle training for Su Hui, Su Yi, and Ling Sanlang.

Although Ling, who has the Frost attribute, is already a little exhausted.

The two alienated jackals, like seasoned hunters, did not show the slightest panic. They stepped out and slowly approached Su Ming and the four wolves, blocking the possibility of the wolves escaping. .

This is also the reason why Su Ming has contracted the breath of the king, otherwise the two alienated jackals would have disappeared without a trace as early as the moment they smelled the breath.

Facing the approach of the alienated jackal and its fierce eyes, Su Hui couldn't hold back any longer, and took the lead in launching the offensive, which hit the opponent's full set. Flaws, one hit kill.

Seeing Su Hui's actions, the two alienated jackals also got up, and the one who was closer, waved their claws and seemed to be preparing to fight Su Hui head-on.

The farther side is watching the actions of the rest of the giant wolves to ensure that they can block the reinforcements of the rest of the wolves as soon as possible.

There is no doubt that the intelligence of the two has not reached the level comparable to that of Su Ming under the intensification of alienation, but it has also exceeded the scope of normal beasts.

Unfortunately, they miscalculated two points.

First, Su Hui's rank is at the sixth rank of the elite. As an evolutionary species, his strength will only be stronger than that of the alienated jackal.

Second, Su Yi has the means of long-range attack. Even if he stops him in place, he can still control the shadow and attack the opponent.


Screams sounded, and as expected, the confident alienated jackal was repelled into the distance by Su Hui's wolf claws.

A trace of blood dripped from its left forelimb, the result of its carelessness.

Hearing the tragic sound of his teammates, the alienated jackal, who was responsible for blocking Su Ming and other wolves, also lost his previous stability, so he couldn't help looking back, wanting to check the status of his companions.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Shadow Blades that had already sneaked to the top of his head fell down and slashed at the opponent's body and limbs.




The tragic cry sounded again, but this time the location was in another area.

Su Yi attacked unexpectedly, and unexpectedly formed a good takeover. The alienated jackal on the opposite side was cut off by the shadow blade due to the lack of response, and a pair of forelimbs were cut off.

Now, even the basic mobility ability is completely injured, and it is almost a lamb to be slaughtered.

The crimson blood flowed into the magma, but it was quickly evaporated, and the pair of sharp severed limbs followed suit, turning into charred flesh, which settled at the bottom.

Su Yi's actions and judgment were good. It would not give the opponent time to recover. He quickly controlled the shadow blade around him, approached the opponent again, and slashed towards his head from top to bottom.

In the face of the fatal blow, the alienated jackal burst out with an amazing desire to survive. It forcibly dragged its severely injured body, half-bowed, and its eyes condensed with fiery flames, shooting at the incoming shadow blade.



Su Yi's figure trembled slightly, and one of the shadow blades he controlled was burned by the opponent's blazing ray. The shadow on the front half disappeared completely, leaving only the broken body.


It seems that the remaining broken shadow can no longer be maintained. This afterimage actually exploded directly, dissipating without a trace, and a large number of cracks appeared on the wreckage of the expressway on the right.

At the time of danger, relying on its own abilities, this alienated jackal completely reversed its form. Taking advantage of the opportunity, it quickly turned around to reveal that the scorching child hole was aimed in the direction of Su Yi.

Just when Su Ming thought that he needed to be dispatched, Ling silently dispatched. From his mouth, he breathed out a wide range of frost, covering the body of the alienated jackal and blocking its sight.

Suddenly, the temperature near the Alienization Jackal dropped rapidly, and the surface of the body was also covered with a thin layer of ice.

However, in the magma environment, these ice layers cannot last for too long and dissolve in less than a moment.

However, this also bought a crucial time for Su Yi. Before waiting for the alienated jackal to escape the frosty environment, the four shadow blades silently approached his neck.

During the period when the other party did not respond, he slashed towards the head of the alienated jackal in four directions. If it was at its peak, it might have been avoided, but at this moment, in its incomplete state, how could it be possible to notice the arrival of the crisis.



The sharp blade cut through the fur, penetrated deep into the flesh and blood, cut off the hard cervical vertebra, and cut the connection between the head and the body.

The next moment, a large amount of blood splashed and poured into the magma, and the dead head also turned into a charred piece of meat, slowly falling, and settled in the depths of the magma.

As Su Yi and Ling cooperated to resolve this seasoned opponent, the battle on Su Hui's side also entered into a fierce collision.

With the help of her more powerful ability, Su Yi formed an evenly matched situation with the seasoned alienated jackal.

Except for the forelimb injury caused by the initial misestimation of the opponent's strength, the Alienization Jackal and Su Hui battled here, and there was no injury.

Clearly avoiding the claws of the flaming giant wolf, the alienated jackal took a step back, observing the opponent's movements, and was about to wait for an opportunity to act, but caught a glimpse of his companion's broken body.

Alienation Jackal's heart tightened, and he was quite surprised. He couldn't think of how his companion could be solved in a short period of time.

The thoughts in his heart could not help but let the body that was supposed to move forward pause for a moment.

Of course, such a crucial opportunity would not be missed by Su Hui. A fiery gathering flame erupted from his body, like a shooting star, heading towards the opponent's side.

Without hesitating for a moment, Su Hui stabbed the alienated jackal's throat with his sharp claws, and opened his wolf's mouth, revealing sharp fangs, and pounced on the opponent's neck.



Presumably, the alienated jackal, who is the opponent, could not have imagined that Su Hui's offensive had a double interlace of sheep attack and strong attack.

First, it is predicted that the opponent will inevitably dodge, the too obvious sharp claws stab, and then use the opponent's dodging phase to pounce on him and bite on his neck.

This trick was used by Su Ming when dealing with mermaids. Unexpectedly, Su Hui remembered it and successfully used it in actual combat.


! "

The eyes of the alienated jackal excite fiery rays, trying to repel the opponent pressing on it, but in the end it just created a small hole in the nearby magma, which was quickly filled.

Following his eldest brother's movements, Su Hui stepped on his opponent's body, bit him, and pulled out his head together with its ridges.


Losing the most important brain command, the body of the alienated jackal gradually stopped moving, the function in the body was rapidly lost, and it was swallowed by the magma, and there was no trace.

Su Hui loosened his fangs, dropped the corpse in his mouth, let it fall into the magma, and slowly rushed towards the position of Su Ming's three wolves.


A large number of thunders wrapped around Su Ming's wolf claws, isolating him from the surrounding magma.

Su Ming was cleaning up the mess for Ling and Su Yi's side, dug up the alienated jackal corpse buried in the depths of the magma, and took away the core of life hidden in the other's abdominal cavity.

Although a few wolves no longer need to be used, it is a pretty good choice whether it is to collect some for the tribes in the protected area for advanced needs, or to trade with humans.

Soon, with the help of Lei Ting, Su Ming found the charred corpse. He opened the other's abdominal cavity and took out the life core that was somewhat dry on the surface.

Looking at Su Hui who was walking here, Su Ming knew that the younger brother had already killed another enemy.

He repeated the previous method, found the corresponding scorched corpse, and under the attention of his younger brother Su Hui, took out its life core.

Looking at the big brother's actions, Su Hui remembered only after realizing it that he seemed to have forgotten to dig out the opponent's crystal.

With the two cores in his mouth, Su Ming returned to the wolves.

This time, the core color is red, which happens to correspond to the fire attributes of the two opponents.

He gestured to Su Yi with his eyes, and the other party immediately understood. He lowered the shadow cloth hanging above his head and slowly opened it. There were already a lot of items stored inside, such as [healing liquid], alienated Longjing tea, flash grass, etc., from human beings. resources in exchange for it.

Putting down the core of life in his mouth, Su Ming became more and more convinced that the ethnic group really needed something similar to a backpack as storage space, and it was not an option to always use Su Yi's shadow cloth.

At present, the best solution is to find humans to customize, relying on their technological means, they can always create the most suitable storage items for the wolves.

It seems that after going back this time, he still needs to talk to Xu Lin more.

When the little sister took back the shadow cloth, the team moved forward again, crossing the corpse of the alienated jackal under their feet, and walking towards Changbai Mountain.

According to the map in Su Ming's mind, their current location has not even reached the entrance of Changbai Mountain, and they are still only in the surrounding area.


Black fog shrouded most of the sky, making the environment here unable to distinguish between day and night, which also made it difficult for Su Ming to estimate the passage of time.

"Devouring the Starry Sky: Sign In to God"

Fortunately, Lin Zeming will not return here until three days later, which means that the wolves have enough time to complete this task, so there is no need to worry too much about time.

The scorching high temperature and the unchanging sight are killing the hearts of the team members.

After walking again for about ten minutes, the scene that caught my eye turned around. The front was no longer a level of lava without waves, but a somewhat strange island.

It is also not correct to say that it is an island, because its area is too small to be called an island.

In short, above this strange land, there are no animals or plants, and it is so lonely in the sea of ​​magma and fire.

When the wolves got closer, they realized that there was no biological reason.

It turned out that this small island was composed of car wrecks and steel bars, so naturally there were no signs of flora and fauna.

This is most likely the cause of the high-speed road that collapsed above, and the current situation has just formed.

Through the wreckage of the car, Su Ming could even see the charred corpses of the shapeless human drivers, enough to imagine the scene before their death.

Read The Duke's Passion