MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 220 Xanadu

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Magma area, above Montenegro.

From the previous excitement, Huang Mingquan, who had completely calmed down, was seriously watching the words of the giant wolf.

[I need you to stay on this mountain for at least two to three days, can you do it? 】

In this regard, Huang Mingquan said with some embarrassment: "Yes, yes, but without food and water, I'm afraid I can't support the moment you return."

[You don't have to worry about this, the corpse of the goshawk over there should be enough for you to eat, right? 】

Following the guidance of the white giant wolf, Huang Mingquan once again looked at the body of the giant goshawk. Due to its own heat resistance, it was not dissolved by the magma, and the preserved area was quite intact.

Even after being devoured by Su Hui, Su Yi, and Ling Sanlang, he still had nearly half of his body to eat.

For the human being Huang Mingquan, it is enough to eat for five or six days, regardless of the degree of decay.

Swallowing a sip of water and firming up the belief in leaving, Huang Mingquan affirmed: "Enough, my lord."

【very good. 】

After getting the reply he wanted, Su Ming didn't stop for a moment, turned and dodged to the position of the three wolves.


He let out a wolf roar, picked up the corpse lying in the magma, and led the team back to the summit of the Black Mountain.


He released the wolf's mouth and threw the goshawk corpse in front of the surviving humans. Su Ming signaled it.

Huang Mingquan also nodded to show his understanding, and immediately approached the position of the goshawk's ruptured abdominal cavity, took out the flesh, and ate it raw, just like a primitive man.

In order to survive, he overcame psychological and physical discomfort, forcibly controlled his throat, and chewed.

Seeing that the other party was gobbling up the food, Su Ming also turned around and came to the side of the three companions.

After this battle, the two wolves who were mainly dispatched to meet them, Su Hui and Su Yi, both suffered injuries to varying degrees.

Among them, Su Hui will be slightly lighter, and he has the ability to walk and fight, while Su Yi is already seriously injured.

In order to treat the injuries of the two wolves in time, Su Ming did not intend to drag it any further. He first signaled his little sister Su Yi to temporarily put down the shadow cloth hanging above.

After the shadow cloth was spread out to reveal all the items inside, Su Ming quickly stepped forward and picked up a special glass bottle with a blue-blue liquid flowing in it. liquid】.

Su Ming rejoiced in his heart that he had prepared in advance, otherwise the injuries of the two wolves would be quite unfavorable for the subsequent battle, and would even drag the team down.

Taking off the screw cap of the bottle with great care, Su Ming let the two injured wolves lie down and carefully poured the liquid in the bottle onto their injured area.

Due to the rarity and practicality of the [Healing Liquid], Su Ming did not intend to use it too much, but adopted the method of saving as much as possible, so he let the two injured wolves share one bottle.

Throwing off the glass bottle in the mouth, Su Ming lifted the wolf claws and gently wiped the injured area of ​​the two wolves to speed up the healing.

As for both Su Hui and Su Yi, they both showed comfortable expressions, silently enjoying the treatment from their elder brother.

Soon, the fluid applied to their wounds is absorbed into the skin, activating the body's ability to heal.

The three claw marks on Su Hui's body gave birth to tiny granulation buds that drained the necrotic flesh and healed quickly.

All of Su Yi's charred and curly hair fell off, and a large number of smooth and shiny gray-white hairs grew out.

At the same time, inside the abdominal cavity, the viscera that suffered the impact gradually returned to its original state, and no blood flowed out anymore.

In just one minute, the two wolves returned to their physical peaks from their injuries.

As expected of the [Healing Liquid], it is an item treasured by all humans.

Looking at the physical condition of his partners, Su Ming nodded with satisfaction, raised his head and motioned Su Yi to put away the shadow cloth, and then let out a wolf howl, announcing the departure again.



After all the members were ready, Su Ming got up first, stepped up, and left in front of him. The fierce thunder spread all over his limbs, helping him isolate the magma on the ground.

The other three wolves were not bad at all, they activated their abilities and followed the white figure in front of them.

Under Huang Mingquan's somewhat astonished sight, the four wolves' team gradually disappeared until there was no trace at all.

Here again, he was left alone, swallowed the meat in his mouth, and after feeling a sufficient sense of satiety, he stood up, looked at the location where the wolves had left, and clenched his fists.

Huang Mingquan firmly believed in the agreement with the giant wolf, and the other party would be able to lead him out of this hell.

For this reason, he also has to rely on the remains of the corpse next to him to support him until the day the other party returns.

Thinking of this, Huang Mingquan began to act, dragging the goshawk corpse to a cooler corner to prevent rapid decay, using the space on the top of the mountain to exercise his body, and after having the goal of hard work, his life became more special. Busy.


The magma flowed past, emitting hot turbid air, floating above the sky, blocking the outside scene.

This can't help but make the creatures trapped in the volcanic area unable to distinguish whether it is day or night, or the passage of time.

Walking at the front of the team, Su Ming pondered silently in his mind. According to the calculation of his biological clock, five hours should have passed since he arrived at Changbaishan Airport in the afternoon and arrived at the location in Montenegro.

This means that it should be around seven o'clock in the evening. Although there is no physical problem in the long-term battle, it will consume a lot of the spirit of the wolves, especially Su Yi and Su Hui.

Therefore, Su Ming believes that the goal of the current team should be to find a place where they can rest on the premise of achieving a relative progress, just like the Montenegro they met earlier.

It is a pity that alienated mountains like Montenegro are actually quite rare.

Under the leadership of Su Ming, the wolves walked all the way for more than two hours, but looking around, what caught the eye was still the unchanging scenery, the crimson magma that was constantly boiling.

Thanks to its extremely high temperature, most things can be completely dissolved by it and disappear.

The human buildings or traces of human beings that existed in this area in the past have been swallowed up and have not survived.

It was as if nature had once again regained its own territory from the hands of humans.

Seeing the increasingly tired expressions of the three wolves in the back, Su Ming knew that their spirits were gradually depleting, they had reached their limit, and they urgently needed a place to rest.

He concentrated the thunder potential energy in the Tong Kong, and wanted to see the distant scene through these sharp eyes, trying to detect the area where he could stop.

What Su Ming didn't expect was that this unexpected move really made him realize the vision buried in the magma.

There seems to be a paradise, even the magma is isolated, it is difficult to erode it.

There are all kinds of bright flowers blooming everywhere, bright green weeds cover the whole ground, and it seems that you can still see bees flying among them.


Su Ming gave birth to a shocking emotion, and he even doubted whether the scene in front of him was a mirage.

Soon, he calmed down and rejected the previous idea.

Obviously, this is not a mirage. One is that he is mentally sound, not tired, and the other is that it is located in a volcano, not the sea or desert, and the sky is also blocked.

Putting away the thunder potential energy in Tong Kong, Su Ming's line of sight returned to normal. He initially speculated that the location of Xanadu was within one kilometer of himself, and the distance was quite close.


Su Ming turned around and let out a wolf howl, informing the three wolves behind him about his discovery.

The three wolves reacted differently when they heard the big brother tell about the beautiful scene ahead.

Su Hui showed a look of joy, and a lot of motivation emerged in his heart.

Su Yi was excited at first, but then she thought to herself about the possibility, she shook her head, and finally chose to trust her elder brother's judgment.

Ling looked at his spouse's face from beginning to end, with a hint of pride and admiration in his eyes.

With this new energy, under the leadership of Su Ming, the wolves team exploded with unprecedented speed.

It only took them five minutes to come to the front of this mysterious paradise, and they also discovered the reason why the magma was isolated.

What caught Su Ming's line of sight was not the beautiful scene before, but the rows of incomparably tall giant trees. They were like a line of defense, blocking the hot magma on the outside, thus preventing it from eroding the garden. possibility.

I see.

Su Ming suddenly realized that the strange thing was not the garden, but the giant tree that guarded them.

Leaping forward, Su Ming first approached the giant tree and figured it out carefully.

The height of the trees is much higher than that of the giant wolf, and it should be around fifty meters.

The texture of the trunk is spiral, and the appearance is quite hard. After being beaten with wolf claws, no traces are left.

At the same time, it noticed that the underlying tree roots were able to slowly absorb the magma into the ground.

Perhaps this is the reason why such trees can resist stubbornly under the magma.


After a while, the technology panel was displayed, analyzing the information of the giant tree in front of him.

[Alienated Korean Pine]: Rare six-star, mutated plant in the volcanic area, with dense branches and leaves on the top, the overall trunk is dark black, quite hard, can be slashed by ordinary swords, without any smell, relying on absorbing magma to form Long nutrients, if they are separated from the volcanic zone, it will be difficult to survive, and the outer bark can completely isolate the magma.

Note: The bark position is quite hard and can be used as a raw material for armor.

Note: The wooden layer has full toughness and is an excellent material for bows and arrows.

It did not exceed Su Ming's expectations, and sure enough, these trees use magma as the nutrient for survival, so they have alienated structures that can isolate magma.

Although the system also gave two comments below the analysis, this is of no use to Su Ming, who is a giant wolf, unless this information is reported to be traded with humans.

Now that the mystery in the heart has been solved, there is no need to stay too much. Under the leadership of Su Ming, they began to look for the entrance to the garden.

The four wolves walked along the surrounding trees and found a relatively narrow gap, which ensured that the magma could not flow in, and could just accommodate the size of a few wolves.

After spending a little effort, the four wolves all entered this paradise.

Stepping on the dense weeds and smelling the fragrance of flowers around him, Su Ming only felt that the scene in front of him was both unfamiliar and familiar, as if it brought him back to the days in the reserve.

Who could have imagined that there could be such a special area in this hot volcanic area.

The four intruders did not break the peace here. The hare raised its head from the grass and sneaked in again, and the bees continued to collect the nectar below.


Su Ming's ears twitched and he heard an incredible sound, the sound of flowing water.

Unbelievable, in this small garden, there is still a stream, shouldn't its source area be dissolved by magma?

Following the guidance of the sound, Su Ming came to the edge of the stream. The water flow did not appear to be turbulent, but rather stable.

This stream flows all the way from the area of ​​​​flowers, and finally reaches the small lake at the end, and then flows out from another gap in the lake, forming a specific cycle.

Su Mingben was still a little puzzled, why such a beautiful scene was not taken in by the goshawk before, and used it as a nest and a place for captive human beings.

He didn't understand the reason until he sensed an aura that looked like an elite high-level person in the depths of the lake.

It seems that this area is owned by famous flowers, and it is also the object that the goshawk does not want to In this way, the biological strength in the lake must not be inferior to the goshawk at the top of the elite, otherwise it will be Unable to push the opponent back.

Su Ming stood on the edge of the lake without fear, drinking the cool lake water comfortably. The strength from the king gave him the confidence to meet the attack of the opponent at any time.

However, the creature at the top of the elite did not seem to hold any ill will towards Su Ming, so he acquiesced to his behavior without taking any action.

Su Ming shook his head, since the other party has no fighting spirit and doesn't want to provoke them, so he doesn't plan to take the initiative to attack, so he can be peaceful like this.

This is the best choice for the four wolves who want to stop and rest for one night. If the battle starts, it will not only destroy the original environment, but also destroy this special terrain, making the wolves have to search again. New resting place.

Thinking so, Su Ming turned around and returned to the front of the three companions.

After a long battle, their bodies and minds are already quite tired, and they are now lying on the grass, resting comfortably.

Among them, Su Yi and Su Hui, who were the most tired, quickly entered their dreams and regained their lost energy, while Ling held up his spirits, looked at his partner who came back, and rubbed his hair affectionately.

Su Ming knew that Ling, who was of the Frost Attribute, had no less consumption today than the other two wolves.

He approached Ling, patted his head lightly, smoothed his hair with his tongue, and soothed him to sleep.

After all the members went to sleep, Su Ming also fell down silently, closed his eyes, and entered the light sleep stage. While ensuring sleep, he also took adequate precautions. Once a creature approached the wolf pack, it could Wake up the first time.