MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 225 Sika deer leader

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Restarting the wolf life: I can see the evolutionary route Chapter 225 Sika deer leader

The broken body, which had lost its head, could no longer stand up and fell heavily into the lava.

A large amount of blood splattered freely from its several fractures, like a gushing spring, a steady stream.

In such a situation, Su Yi, who was far in the protection circle, could not help but wriggle in his throat, feeling a little dry.

The previous intense battle had consumed a lot of his body and mind, and it was the time when he needed to be replenished.

Disregarding the large amount of blood lost in front of him is really a waste of time.

Immediately, Su Yi manipulated her shadow blade, turned it into a slender shadow rope, drove fast, grabbed the stag's corpse, and dragged it to her.

After the magma above the corpse was cut off by the inner frost protection circle, Su Yi couldn't bear it any longer, so he bit down on the fractured position, and happily sucked the blood that was splattered.



It didn't let go of its critical fangs until no more blood was sprayed out, and let out a low roar, apparently fully replenishing the lost physical strength.

At the same time, when Su Yi regained his physical strength, Su Hui, who was in the far east position, also fought the most intense moment with his opponent, the leader of the sika deer.


Facing the opponent's flaming deer's hooves leaping up, Su Hui did not retreat but advanced, a pair of hind limbs tightened fiercely, accumulating strength, and then burst out and catapulted forward.

It quickly crossed the flaming deer's hoof that was close to Chi Chi, and against the fiery burning sensation above, it approached the front of the head of the sika deer.

Without hesitation, he swung out his wolf claws and slashed towards the opponent's chest.

The enemy in front of him is also worthy of being the leader of the sika deer. It has the richest combat experience in the entire clan, and even drove a leopard out of its territory, so it is not without a way to deal with an opponent who is attacking quickly.

Sensing that the opponent's offensive form was going backwards, the head of the sika deer immediately switched his actions, retracted the flaming deer hooves that should have fallen ahead, and used his hind limbs to quickly retreat.

As a result, its two flaming deer hooves happened to confront the sharp wolf claws that were coming.



A violent sound came out, like a sound of steel clashing.

The powerful impact, reaching the top of the deer's hoof, was transmitted to the inside of the entire body, causing the figure of the head of the sika deer to shift backwards in a wide range.

The preparations for retreating made earlier, and the remaining power, prevented it from being thrown away by the force, but instead took a few steps back more calmly.

Su Hui on the other side received a relatively weak impact, and just stayed in place. It lifted the wolf claw on the right, and absorbed the flame of the deer's hoof attached to it into its own body, turning it into its energy.

In general, the sika deer leader in front of him, except for the temporary advantage in combat experience, all the numerical values ​​were crushed by Su Hui.

Its flaming deer hooves are covered with flames that are only deep red in color, while the flames produced by Su Hui Wolf's body are orange-red flames, which are more intense in the classification of flames. The upper layer can therefore absorb its flames and use it for personal use.

Su Hui would not give the opponent time to recover. After a burst of flames erupted, he charged forward to the opponent, trying to give the opponent a strong sense of pressure.

The leader of the sika deer in the distance was not to be outdone. It ignored the numbness of the forelimbs that had not yet dissipated, and wore a pair of antlers, shining scarlet rays of light, to meet the giant wolf that came.

Seeing that the opponent was about to use that scarlet light again, Su Hui couldn't help but raise a sense of vigilance. While approaching quickly, he could prevent the opponent from making a sudden attack.

It tightened the muscles of its whole body in preparation for being able to dodge in time when the red rays were stimulated.

However, until it came to the side of the sika deer leader, the other party had not yet displayed this ability.

Although Su Hui was a little puzzled, he didn't think too much. In the low air, he made a rapid twist, switched directions, avoided the dangerous antlers, and attacked the body of the leader of the sika deer from the side.

Unexpectedly, the leader of the sika deer was only half a beat more than himself, so he quickly changed his body and pushed the red antlers to Su Hui's position again.

In desperation, Su Hui resorted to the last resort, withdrew back, switched positions again, and approached the enemy from another angle.

But every time it did this, the head of the sika deer could always keep up with his actions, and pushed the mighty antlers in front of him, making it difficult for Su Hui to attack and forced to change direction.

After many confrontations, even Su Hui, the least intelligent among the wolves, generally knew the opponent's fighting thoughts.

The leader of the sika deer did not intend to stimulate the crimson light above his head, but wanted to use the flaming sight of that powerful potential energy as a means of deterrence, so that the opponent's giant wolf could not get close to him in a short time, thus effectively forcing the opponent back.

Whether it is Su Hui or the leader of the sika deer, both of them know that this is just a tactic to delay the army.

Waiting for it to be unable to maintain the crimson light above, or when its physical strength is exhausted, it will lose its original check and balance effect.

Su Hui can naturally wait for this moment to come, but his own character and combat style are not suitable for this kind of more conservative form of attack.

As a brave fighting member among the wolves, it did not hesitate for a moment, and immediately formulated the fastest solution.

There is no tactic to speak of, the only thing is to use your own strong physical fitness, take certain risks, and conduct a head-to-head confrontation with the opponent's offensive.

Stepping on the magma, Su Hui leaped forward, raised his wolf claws, and galloped away towards the position of the head of the sika deer.

For the attack of the giant wolf, the leader still adopted the original battle plan, and pushed his slender antlers to the front, intending to push back the sharp claws of the giant wolf.

It's a pity that Su Hui is no longer evading this time.

The crimson light shone on his face, facing this strong potential energy, Su Hui waved his wolf claws and slapped it down.



The sound of the explosion was transmitted to the surroundings, and a cloud of smoke emanated from the middle of the two, drifting everywhere.

Su Hui took the lead in withdrawing the smoke and stabilizing the overall figure. The position of his right front paw was slightly injured. The fur on the surface was completely torn apart, exposing charred flesh, and the sharp claws in front also showed a few cracks.

Relying on his own control of the muscles, Su Hui quickly contracted the muscles, forcibly coagulating the ruptured wound and preventing the continued loss of blood.

At the same time, the head of the sika deer on the opposite side was in an even worse physical condition. The slender antlers on the top of his head had already broken into pieces, and only a broken horn remained.

A large amount of blood spurted out from above, staining the leader's head and the fur on his back.

The strong energy explosion not only destroyed the horns of its head, but also blew up the scalp and flesh above it, until the pale skull could be vaguely seen.

After a while, the smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the shaky figure of the head of the sika deer. It seemed that it had not recovered from the explosion, its brain was in a mess, its vision was loose, and it was not focused.

Seeing such a wonderful opportunity, Su Hui didn't intend to wait for the other party to react. It endured the pain from its forelimbs, forcibly broke out its bodily functions, and approached the head of the sika deer at a lightning-fast speed.

Facing the attack of the giant wolf, it did not react at all, still maintaining its previous posture, neither attacking nor dodging.

In this way, the earlier energy explosion may have eroded into the depths of his brain, otherwise it would not have been so long that he has not fully reacted.

For the enemy in front of him, Su Hui naturally does not have any compassion. The battles in nature are often life-and-death, and being too kind will only harm himself.

It leaped forward, swung its sharp dewclaws, aimed at the opponent's chest, tore the fur on the surface, and penetrated deep into its muscles.



Bright red blood splashed out, and with a little meat foam, swayed in all directions.

Su Hui's blazing wolf claws cut a large scar on the head of the sika deer's chest.

The two sides were already covered with flesh-and-blood Mohu. Through the wound on his chest, Mohu could see the throbbing internal organs, which was enough to see the depth of his injuries.

The severe pain quickly surged into his heart, causing the sika deer leader, who was still unconscious, to officially wake up.

It looked at the pain source's chest, and the flesh and blood floating on the ground, took a deep breath, filled with an incredible look.

The sika deer leader has not yet imagined that he could lose consciousness during the confrontation, thus causing irreparable losses.

Its steps are vain and difficult to move backwards, wanting to avoid the opportunity to fight first. With its current physical condition, once it comes into contact with the giant wolf, it will either die or be injured, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Licking the blood foam on the wolf's claws, Su Hui looked at the opponent in front of him. Although the leader was already awake, with his current physical condition, it was difficult to pose a threat to him with an accidental blow.

The flames on its body exploded, and it was ready to end the opponent's life and bring the battle to an end.



With all his strength, Su Hui almost formed an afterimage, not to mention the current sika deer leader, even in its heyday, it would be difficult for him to compete.

When it was just backing away, it approached it and stabbed the wolf claws neatly, facing the previous scar, and continued to penetrate inward, breaking the remaining flesh and blood, as well as the hard sternum, and hit the inside of the chest cavity.



A lot of blood poured from the abdominal cavity to the throat until the mouth of the head of the sika deer erupted. It could feel the severe pain in the chest cavity, as if a force was destroying its internal organs.

That's exactly what happened. Su Hui's sharp claws pierced into it easily, crossed the reddened lungs, and approached the middle-sized position, the beating heart.

The huge wolf claws were tightly clasped above the heart, and it pulled outwards, taking the fresh, twitching heart away from the body and into the outer area.

The head of the sika deer looked at the giant wolf in front of him in horror, and the blood-spitting organs on his claws. Without exception, this was his heart.

It looked at the blood in the chest cavity, and then looked at the heart of the wolf claw, filled with fear and panic.

As Su Hui swallowed his heart and swallowed it into his abdominal cavity, the leader of the sika deer collapsed to the ground as if he had lost his soul, without any life.

According to Su Hui's expectations, even if the elite-level creatures lost the supply of their hearts, they should still be able to survive for about a minute. It is estimated that the scene in front of them was too shocking, causing them to die early.

Licking the blood from the corner of his mouth, Su Hui raised his head and looked at the distant area, the only remaining adult female deer, and the group of young sika deer in the book title.

Su Hui was thinking about whether to deal with them. In terms of food intake, the group of sika deer that he and his younger sister dealt with would be enough for a few wolves to eat.

Xu Shi saw the scarlet eyes of the giant wolf, although she was quite afraid, but for the sake of the children behind her, this female sika deer resolutely stood in front of them and looked at Su Hui.

At this moment, there is only one thought in the heart of the female sika deer, that this group of offspring must be protected.

Su Hui couldn't understand so much. He thought that the opponent had the will to fight against himself, so he stood up, stepped over the corpse of the leader of the sika deer, and prepared to go to meet the opponent.

At this moment, the wolf roar of his elder brother sounded from the rear.



That's the meaning of calling himself back. It seems that Big Brother Bai intends to let go of the herd of deer in front of him.

Su Hui shook his head turned around, held up the corpse of the head of the sika deer, and walked back.

The entire back was exposed to the enemy defenselessly, as if he was not afraid of the opponent's attack at all. This was his confidence in his strength.

The female sika deer in the distance is still shivering and firm in place. Although it does not understand the action of the giant wolf, it does not dare to expose the figures of the children to the enemy's sight.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming, who has been paying attention to the battlefield, sighed helplessly. He couldn't help but sigh that the wisdom of the sika deer group is low.

Even his obvious laissez-faire behavior couldn't understand, he still stayed where he was, not daring to move.

As the leader of the team, Su Ming will naturally consider more issues than the combat member Su Hui.

There are two reasons for him to do this. First, he does not over-hunt, causing food waste. Second, he does not excessively destroy the original ecological cycle. Considering the recyclable use, there is still a possibility for the deer to multiply and grow.

There was no other way. Seeing that the deer hadn't moved, Su Ming had to take the initiative to step forward and pass by Su Hui, who had rushed back. Facing the suspicious look of the other party, he came to a more advanced position.

Taking a deep breath, he burst into a fierce wolf roar at the deer in front of him, and released a little pressure to cooperate with the current action.

After Su Ming's actions, the female sika deer was completely frightened, and she hurriedly took the children behind her towards the dense woods, hurriedly fled away, and disappeared.

After solving the current matter, Su Ming was relieved, dodged back to his companions, and explained their previous behavior to them. +Bookmark+

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