MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 229 Formal confrontation

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Restart Wolf Life: I can see the official confrontation in Chapter 229 of the evolutionary route

For Menghu as a hunter, if you want to solve it effectively, the formation of the four wolves in front.

Then you need to take the method of breaking them one by one. When the two sides actually go to war, you will inevitably be unable to take into account all the offensives. Therefore, you must sharply reduce the number of enemies at the first moment to lower their counter-force.

Thinking of this, Meng Hu turned his eyes away from the top of the white giant wolf, and kept staring at the three giant wolves who came later.

It deeply understands that if you want to defeat the wolf formation, you must choose the weakest as a breakthrough. Compared with the powerful white wolf, the three giant wolves behind him are better to deal with, just like Menghu used to be. The hunted prey is average.

At the same time, there is a division of strength among these three. The giant wolf on the far right is the most powerful, close to the peak of the elite, the giant wolf with a strange shadow on the left is second, and at the high level of the elite, the silver white at the diagonal rear The giant wolf is the weakest. Although it is also a high-level elite, its physical strength is rapidly depleting. It seems that there is not much fighting power left. As a breakthrough point, it is perfect.

Between his thoughts, Meng Hu found a breakthrough for the wolves, and he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Looking at the situation of the opponent in front, Su Ming couldn't help but become vigilant. It let out a wolf roar in a low voice, making the three partners get closer to him to avoid being attacked by Menghu.


Under Su Ming's organization, the formation of the wolves became even tighter. They slowly protected Ling, who had not yet retained his combat power, at the center, thus breaking Meng Hu's original breakthrough plan.

Shaking his head regretfully, the large Menghu took his attention away from Ling's body and focused on Su Yi's body.

Except for the weakest Ling, Su Yi was the one with the lowest combat power among the other three wolves.

Aware of the predator's sight, Su Yi suddenly felt a sense of crisis in her heart. She hurriedly controlled the shadow blade on top of her head back in front of her, switched its form, and turned it into a shield. At the moment of rescue, ideas drawn from the weapons of mankind.

Unexpectedly, the speed of the large Menghu far exceeded the expectations of the wolves, and its body turned into a brown-yellow afterimage, like a whirlwind. before.

Such an unexpected blow caused the other three wolves to have yet to react. Only Su Ming, who had the sight of thunder, was able to perceive it keenly.

Relying on the prediction of the large Menghu's movements, he barely followed the opponent's action, his whole body lit up with blue light, followed closely behind, waved his wolf claws, and slapped the enemy's back fiercely, trying to block the opponent. action.

Unexpectedly, Menghu in front also has good observation ability. Not only did it not attack the shadow shield that the younger sister had not yet formed, but instead turned around, facing the flame tiger who was about to approach Du Su Ming and waved its forelimbs. claw.



The confrontation between the two parties produced a strong sound, and the aftermath of the sound could not help causing the nearby magma to vibrate with ripples.

Ignoring the intense numbness from the claws, Su Ming took advantage of the air and landed on the magma relatively smoothly.

Opposite it, the colorful Menghu raised its claws thoughtfully, condensing the remaining thunder above.

After a short confrontation, both Su Ming and Meng Hu had a deeper understanding of the opponent in front of them.

There is no doubt that Menghu temporarily has the upper hand in terms of strength, which is enough to suppress Su Ming, who is also the king, but in terms of attributes, Menghu's blazing flames are completely suppressed by Su Ming's thunder, the most obvious evidence is that. Yes, the blazing flames originally attached to the outside of the tiger's claws were basically swallowed up by the thunder.

Maintaining his original calm, Menghu still did not panic at all. It brewed the flame potential energy in its body, gathered it in the position of its forelimbs, and relied on the huge potential energy to eliminate the remaining thunder.

When the two confronted, the three wolves at the back also acted.

Su Yi turned the shadow shield in front of him into a shadow blade again, and quickly attacked Menghu, who had not yet recovered.

Su Hui ignited the blazing flames on his body, forming a flaming meteor, biting at the colorful giant tiger in front of him.

As a member of the clan, Ling naturally didn't want to be protected by the three wolves all the time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it brewed up the frost potential in its body, gathered it in its mouth, and moved towards Menghu, who was near Chi Chi, and sighed loudly. out.

Facing the three upcoming offensives, Hua Lan Menghu was unmoved, as if he was not afraid of the attack of the wolves at all.

A large amount of flame potential energy emerged around him, emitting a strong power.

Under Menghu's control, this strong potential energy gradually took shape, from raging flames to liquid magma, which was wrapped around the outside of the giant tiger's body, like a streamer of armor.

Whether it was Su Hui's bite, Su Yi's shadow blade, or even Ling's frosty breath, they all had little effect on the defense of this layer of magma armor, and could only produce a few tiny cracks.

This was the reason why the opponent had not moved before, Meng Hu had certain confidence in his magma armor.

After the original plan failed completely, it no longer cared about it, completely let go of its means, and showed all its abilities.

Although the three wolves' offensives all ended in failure, Su Hui and Su Yi were not discouraged. They looked at each other, and with the tacit understanding of many battles, they cooperated to attack Menghu in front of them again.

In order to increase his own attack strength, Su Yichao controlled the second brother's shadow, turned it into a thick shadow fist, and together with the shadow blade, attacked Menghu from the left and right sides.

Su Hui also exploded with fierce speed, swung out his wolf claws, and from the other side, attacked the giant tiger in front of him.

Menghu stood on the spot with a calm expression, watching the oncoming attack, it calmly raised the flaming tiger claws, repelled the attacking shadow blade, and then slightly dodged to the side and back, avoiding the top. Shadow Fist.

Su Yi's body froze, and a stream of blood spurted out, and a large amount of blazing flames seemed to ignite inside his abdominal cavity, constantly burning the fresh organs.

The failure of the second attack caused it to suffer the backlash from the shadows. The two shadows it originally controlled were either slowly burned by the blazing flames on the tiger claws, or touched the magma at the bottom, which was being heated by the high temperature. erosion.

As a last resort, Su Yi had to shrink the two shadows in front of him and use Ling's frost protection layer to completely disperse the flames above.

Not only Su Yiyilang was attacked, but also Su Hui, who was the master of the shadow. Fortunately, he was also a fire attribute creature, and the damage he suffered would be slightly weakened, but it was enough to delay its overall offensive.

As a result, Meng Hu, who was his opponent, didn't even need to spend too much effort to detect the bite from Su Hui.

Effortlessly dodging, Meng Hu raised his own flaming tiger claws and stabbed Su Hui's abdomen with the sharp claws oncoming.

Due to the backlash on his body, not only did Su Hui lose his ability to react, he could only watch the tiger claws get closer and closer to him.

At the moment of crisis, a blue streamer appeared in front of Su Hui.

When the light dissipated, what was revealed was his eldest brother, his mighty white figure.

The inside of Su Ming's child hole was still shining with thunder, and he easily predicted the attack form of Menghu in front of him.

The muscles all over his body swelled, and he waved out the sharp claws of thunder, slapped towards the top, and successfully intercepted the tiger claws that should have pierced into Su Hui's abdomen.



Feeling the power transmitted from above, Su Ming took this and took his younger brother Su Hui to step back and distanced himself from Meng Hu.

Facing the grateful look of his younger brother, Su Ming shook his numb wolf claws, dissipating the stamina that had not yet eased when the power confrontation.

He raised his head, looked at Meng Hu in the distance, and met his sharp eyes.


He turned around and let out a low growl at his younger brother, letting him retreat first.

Su Ming had a hunch that Meng Hu's attack this time would not be so simple. After several confrontations, the two had already checked the opponent's strength.

Presumably, this huge giant tiger will use real means to deal with the four wolves of Su Ming.

If the black flame mentioned in the panel, let Su Hui retreat first, it will be a good decision.

Judging from the current strength of the wolves, only Su Ming can resist Menghu's black flames, and the other three wolves will most likely be quickly swallowed up.

Su Ming used advance as retreat, loosened his tense hind legs, and quickly approached Menghu's position to avoid the strong black flames from affecting the three wolves nearby.

Menghu is like an experienced hunter, unhurriedly welcoming the attack from the giant wolf.

It first dissipated the thunder on the tiger's claws, and then gathered a large amount of flaming potential energy inside the mouth. When the white giant wolf was close enough, it was completely released and breathed towards the opponent.


There are more than 1,000 words, which will be completed tonight.

In an instant, the large Menghu actually sensed the attack from the upper layers, relying on complete control over his body and keen speed.

He turned his head slightly, avoiding the deadly offensive, so that the Thunder Wolf Claw only cut through the fur on its surface, and could not penetrate deep into its flesh and blood, or even the inner skull.



Bright red blood flowed out of his wound and dripped downwards.

Taking a lick, Meng Hu didn't care about the injury on the top of his head with the blood left by himself, and looked at the attacking white giant wolf with a smile on his face.

Even if the whereabouts were discovered by the other party, and he himself was attacked, the large Menghu in front of him still maintained his original calm.

This is not only because of its self-confidence in its own strength, but also because it knows that in the battle, the side that loses its calmness is more likely to be at a disadvantage.

Su Ming did not choose to pursue the victory. This was not a rational decision.

He leveraged his strength a second time in the air, backed away, and landed quite smoothly in front of Meng Hu.

Quickly stabilizing his form, Su Ming looked at the opponent ahead with a serious expression, while the large Menghu looked at the giant wolf thoughtfully.

Both sides are using this confrontation opportunity to observe the opponent's form to judge the way they will attack.

In contrast, the momentum that belongs to the kings erupted from above their bodies, rushing to all directions, and a new round of confrontation was started in advance in the invisible realm.

Taking advantage of the current opportunity, before Meng Hu attacked, Su Ming quickly activated the technology panel and read all the information of the other party.


【Name】: none

【Species】: Alienated Siberian tiger - adulthood

[Rank]: The fourth rank of the king

【Strength】: 31.7/45

[Agility]: 31.4/45

[Ability]: Armor of Plaster Flow, Haste, Mengli, Blazing Crazy Claw, Devouring Black Flame

[Alienation]: Heart of Fury (15%)

[Magma Armor]: The creature has a little mutation due to strange energy, and a flame potential energy is formed in the body, which is stimulated by the hair on the body surface to generate a magma armor, which can not only resist the offensive from the outside, but also can Burns the opponent's body as a means of attack.

[Rapid]: Due to the strange energy, the creature has a little mutation, the limbs become more powerful, and the internal nerve connection speed is accelerated, so that it can release a running speed far beyond the normal speed.

[Meng Li]: The mutation caused by the strange energy of the creature stimulates the potential ability of the body, forcing the muscles of the whole body to become stronger and stronger, and can burst into a swift strength and speed that surpasses itself.

"The Guard is Here"

[Flaming Crazy Claws]: The creature has a little mutation due to strange energy, forming a flame potential energy in the body, which stimulates the formation of a strong flaming offensive on the outside of the claws and the, which can Easily rips and burns an opponent's body.

[Devouring Black Flame]: The creature has a little mutation due to strange energy, forming a flame potential energy in the body, which is stimulated by the special organ black flame sac, and breathes out an extremely special black flame, which can quickly burn The opponent's body cannot be extinguished by ordinary means. Only when the creature is completely burned can it dissipate automatically. Therefore, once it is infected with flames, waiting for death is the best choice.

After the preliminary reading, Su Ming had only one feeling about the large Menghu in front of him, which was extremely difficult to deal with.

Not to mention that it far exceeds the strength and agility of the four wolves, the ability called [Armor of Plaster Flow] has already made Su Ming very difficult.

Not to mention his last ability [Devouring Black Flame], this time the wolves have become quite constrained when they are fighting with him.

Su Ming would not take an overly reckless attack when he had not yet figured out whether the thunder potential energy could restrain Menghu's black flames.

Just when he put away the panel, the three wolves in the back finally arrived in time. They activated their abilities, stood behind Su Ming, and confronted the powerful Menghu in front of him.

As a very patient hunter, even in the face of the current situation, the large Menghu did not take reckless actions.

It is also testing the wolves ahead, trying to observe more of their habits or abilities before the battle begins.

Looking at the other three wolves that came, his eyes had already shifted from Su Ming, and he repeatedly stared at Su Hui, Su Yi, and Ling, trying to confirm the difference in combat power between the three. +Bookmark+

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