MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 231 death of a tiger

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Restarting the life of the wolf: I can see the death of the tiger in the two hundred and thirty-first chapter of the evolutionary route

After calming down the impact of falling and stabilizing his form, Su Ming looked at the colorful Menghu in front of him.

As an opponent, how could he not understand Menghu's current situation?

It seems that the other party has recovered a little sanity, but it is too late, and he has already fallen into a state of serious injury, and it is difficult to have too much power to recover.

Not to mention, Su Ming, who has the sight of Thunder, can easily predict the trajectory of Menghu's actions in the next three or four seconds.

The situation in front of them, for the wolves, is like catching a turtle in a urn, which is easy.

It's not hard to imagine that Meng Hu's next move is nothing more than using his own black flame to break through Su Ming's block and find a way to survive.

However, in front of Su Ming Lei Ting, the Black Flame, which has the ability to devour, has little effect, and the two can even face off for a short time.

If the intention is to break through, it will inevitably be blocked by Su Ming.

Meng Hu, whose stamina was rapidly declining, didn't think too much about it. He had a bit of Mohu's consciousness, and he had to leave the battlefield as soon as possible.

This battle was considered a defeat, but Menghu's strong desire to survive made Menghu not want to end his life here.

Without hesitation, Menghu rushed forward decisively, a pair of forelimbs ignited with raging flames, and the last black flames condensed in his mouth.

Its huge size, stepping in the depths of the magma, made a strong noise, like a giant chariot.

Of course, Su Ming, who was in the front, would not be deterred by his appearance. He knew that the Menghu in front of him was just fighting a trapped beast. under the condition of exhaustion.

Thanks to the brief confrontation between the two sides, Su Ming had a chance to breathe, which allowed him to recover some thunder energy.

Supplementing the only thunder potential energy in his body into the sharp claws and the child's hole, Su Ming straightened his body, the battle lines on both sides lit up dazzlingly, his muscles bulged, and the blue veins above were clearly visible.

Facing the direction of Menghu's attack, he also stepped up, like a shrinking bullet, breaking through the obstruction of the air, blasting the magma behind him, and approaching the giant tiger at a bullet-like speed.

As a mid-level creature of the king, and Menghu with sufficient combat experience, although his consciousness is close to Mohu, his own fighting instinct is still preserved.

In an instant, its body's perception, clearly aware of the arrival of the crisis, without thinking, swung down the flaming tiger claws, with a strong high temperature, and slapped on Su Ming's position.

At this moment, Su Ming no longer chose to retreat. He took the initiative to raise his wolf claws, leveraged his strength at high altitude, and collided with the powerful pressure above.



Invisible vibrations, transmitted from the two sharp claws, surged to all directions.

Different from the last time, Su Ming's figure remained in place and did not move for half a minute, and the same was true for the giant tiger.

Obviously, this is not because Su Ming's strength has become stronger, but the strength of the opposite Menghu is gradually weakening, and his injuries have lowered his own combat power a lot.

Meng Hu's eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of him in horror, feeling a strong fear of the white giant wolf.

Su Ming showed a firm look, no longer stalemate, let go of the confronting wolf claws, quickly flew down, and prepared to circle around the back of the giant tiger, using the previously opened crack to make a deadly offensive.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Menghu didn't know the opponent's plan of action, but he couldn't let it continue.

It tilted its head back and slammed, spraying the black flames in the outlet, and breathing out towards the position of the white giant wolf.

Su Ming, who was in action, suddenly saw Menghu in his line of sight, from one to two, creating a phantom, as if he was about to spit out something.

The next second, the phantom dissipated, and reality turned again.

However, with the warning of Thunder's sight, Su Ming was clearly aware of what the opponent in front would do next.

Sure enough, as he expected, Meng Hu couldn't hold it in any longer, and wanted to use his last trump card.

As long as you resist this black flame, it is no longer a problem to break the opponent.

Inciting the thunder on his claws, Su Ming moved forward instead of retreating, swung his wolf claws forward, and was wrapped in a large number of black flames attacking from the front.

Meng Hu, who was watching this scene, breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He didn't even look at the opponent's corpse, thinking that the opponent had been swallowed up by the black flames.

Unfortunately, the reality is completely different from what we imagined.

Thunder's wolf claws pierced through the black flames on the outside, tore apart the surrounding circle from the central area, and forcibly opened a passage, revealing Su Ming's intact figure.

He smiled and looked at Meng Hu, the silver-white boy hole was full of murderous aura.

Involuntarily, Meng Hu was frightened by this invisible power and took two steps back. He even forgot the difference in strength between the two, and it was not as big as he imagined.

After reacting, there was a sense of shame in his heart, and he never thought that a dignified giant beast would be shocked by a creature even weaker than it.

The change of emotions was particularly fast, and the sense of shame quickly turned into fuel for anger, igniting the anger that should have been extinguished.

It has lost its judgment. It should be said that it is to restore its own dignity and choose not to be so hesitant.

Mengdi, raised the tiger claws, directly facing the white giant wolf that had just broken through, and slapped away.

The terrifying wind pressure, like a storm, blew Su Ming's hair, but his expression was still as calm as water, looking directly at the attack above, his body was also unmoved and not afraid.

It can be said that the other party's actions are exactly in line with his original intention.

In the current situation, it didn't plan to run away, but instead was angered and recklessly attacked itself, which showed that Meng Hu no longer had much ability to judge.

He lifted the thunder wolf claws just right, blocking the blazing attack from the upper layer, effortlessly.

To increase his own strength, the offensive that was supposed to check and balance each other was actually broken by Su Mingjie first, and he quickly pushed away the tiger claw above.

This is the gap between the two confrontations. For the first time, Su Ming has the upper hand in the power.

Obviously, Menghu's situation is not optimistic, its physical strength has lost too much, resulting in a significant drop in strength and speed.

A large amount of thunder followed the tiger claws at the top, devoured the flames on the outside, and then wrapped the entire claws in it, continuously dissolving with electric shocks.



Menghu let out a roar, it will transfer the remaining flame potential energy to the injured tiger claw position, use the huge flame to disperse the thunder above, but it is difficult to restore the charred tiger claw.

Menghu's body fell forward and nearly collapsed to the ground. Its four limbs were already trembling, and it was difficult to support it, not to mention the charred right front paw, even standing was barely able to stand.

Looking at Meng Hu, who was already on the verge of death, Su Ming made a decisive decision, stepped up, retreated to the left, circled the opponent's huge body, and ran behind him.

Meng Hu was determined to pursue it, but the situation of its forelimbs did not allow it to have any other actions.

With a body that could collapse at any time, Menghu let out a roar, trying to stop the white giant wolf from moving forward.



Obviously, neither it nor Su Ming thought that this roar could stop its actions.

It's just that Menghu still has a glimmer of hope in his heart, and the giant wolf in front of him can be briefly frightened away by his own momentum.

Even if it is for a while, it will have the possibility of recovering its own injuries, and the ability to fight or escape.

Seeing that the body of the white giant wolf was not affected, it gradually disappeared from his eyes.

Menghu's expression changed from expectation to despair, and his mood fell into a dead silence. He deeply realized that the next attack of the other party would pose a great threat to his own life.

It looked at its forelimbs with a bitter look on its face. The limbs that had long been scorched black and out of shape, ruthless, biting the upper and lower rows of fangs, Menghu no longer hesitated, and made up his mind.

Immediately, a large amount of blazing flames emerged on the outside of its limbs, even the charred front limbs were no exception, Menghu overdrawn his body and mind, forcibly squeezed out the flaming potential energy.

The price of this step made its heart beat fiercely, as if it were about to burst.

Resisting the pain in his whole body, it restrained the trembling of its body, and before the giant wolf had yet to move, it turned around, biting at the opponent, and unleashing its own strength to fight to the death. This will be its last offensive. .

For a while, time seemed to stand still again, and the scene in Su Ming's eyes changed again.

Meng Hu, who he thought was difficult to take action at first, actually moved again, and it seemed that he was about to block his own offensive.

Menghu's huge body began to split in two, the original entity remained motionless, and the phantom suddenly rushed backwards, carrying a crimson fire.

Although it is hard to imagine why the other party still has the ability to move, but since he knows its movements, then Su Ming can quickly fight back.

After the evolution was completed, the image shattered, and the world moved again.

Su Ming immediately stopped, tightening his muscles, bulging out, with full explosive power.

As predicted by Lei Ting's vision, Menghu's figure, which was standing still, suddenly jumped up and moved towards the back, where Su Ming was, with great accuracy. .

Su Ming, who had been prepared for a long time, had no fear at all. He loosened his tensed muscles, rose higher, and faced the front. Menghu's huge body was already standing up, and he swung out thunderous wolf claws.

The brutal thunder devoured the blazing flames on the tiger's claws, and combined with Su Ming's rapid strength, it slapped the five-meter-high Menghu into the lava behind.


! "

Menghu, shaped like a giant elephant, fell into the depths of the magma, splashing a large number of sparks, flying in all directions.

After a while, it did not stand, but kept shaking in the magma. Its broken forelimbs were shattered violently by the intensification of the thunder, like withered wood chips, floating on the surface of the magma.

The strong thunder of the giant wolf continued to erode its body along the tiger's claws, and the fur of its forelimbs and even the chest was electrocuted into a charred black and curled shape, and the flesh also rolled up a lot.

The excruciating pain can best describe Menghu's current state. It no longer has the slightest bit of resistance, and it can't even overdraw its potential.

Only under the severe pain, he could clearly see the thunder wrapped around its body until the moment of death.

The pain that filled his whole body even made Meng Hu's consciousness even more sullen. The hope in his heart had changed from being able to escape to ending this pain completely.

At this moment, a white figure came to his side, and without even thinking about it, Meng Hu immediately recognized the identity of the other party, which made him hate and fear the white wolf.

However, at this moment, Meng Hu was looking forward to the other party, eager for him to free himself from this intense pain.

Before he knew it, the pain had wiped out Menghu's will to survive. He only hoped to eliminate the pain in his body, and even death would be much better than now.

Looking at the other party's expression, Su Ming did not live up to Menghu's expectations. It raised its wolf claws and condensed the thunder above it, almost forming a shape like a sharp blade, and stabbed into the opponent's chest.


I'll finish it soon, there are still 600

Su Ming's eyes widened, thinking frantically in his mind how to deal with it.

Judging by Lei Ting's sight, Meng Hu would launch a black flame breath two to three seconds later.

At such a close distance, even Su Ming, who has excellent physical fitness, is not an easy task to avoid.

Through the analysis on the technology panel, it is enough to know that Menghu's black flame has a strong flammability, and even if it touches a little bit, it can burn the opponent clean.

Therefore, no matter which direction to dodge, there is no possibility of completely avoiding the black flame, and it is bound to suffer some damage.

Thinking of this, Su Ming removed the plan to avoid completely in his mind, and started a new round of thinking on how to suffer the least damage.

He deeply understands that if he wants to survive under the black flame offensive, he needs to rely on the thunder potential energy in his body.

With the help of the principle of the natural restraint of the fire attribute of the thunder attribute, the fierce black flames are driven out from the body.

Right now, there is no more chance for Su Ming to test, and only after one fight can he hope to break through the offensive of Black Flame.

In an instant, Su Ming finished thinking, and his crazy brain gave the only answer.

Stabilizing his mentality, he tightened his body and looked at the giant tiger in front of him with firm eyes.

The opponent is already in a state of preparation, watching the opponent's white giant wolf avoid the attack from above.

It breathed out the hot black flames in its mouth without hesitation. According to Meng Hu's conjecture, the opponent had absolutely no possibility of dodging.

Unfortunately, the next picture is far beyond Meng Hu's imagination.

Like a prophet, at the same moment Menghu breathed, Su Ming's front legs jumped up and quickly retreated towards the rear, almost avoiding the spray range of black flames.

Meng Hu's figure paused, feeling a little surprised. +Bookmark+

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