MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 244 Huang Mingquan

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"Well, you go on."


With the approval of the legion commander, Huang Mingquan thought for a while before continuing to talk. After all, it was an incident three months ago, and some memories have become blurred.

"I remember that we arrived at Changbaishan Airport on September 4th. After visiting the gift shop for a while, we heard a strong noise, and the ground continued to vibrate slightly."

"Someone shouted at that time, saying it was an earthquake, run!"

"The three of us have never experienced such a thing. We can only instinctively follow the crowd and run out of the gift shop to the outside location, but when we came to the outside, we realized that the fact is not as simple as an earthquake."

"Even if the distance is quite far, we can see the distant location. When the huge mountain burst, it continuously sprayed a large amount of magma into the sky, accompanied by small flints, swaying to the earth."

"Sir Lin, you may not believe that even the Changbaishan Airport, which is so far away, is still unable to be spared. Soon, a huge flint smashed into the waiting room of the airport."

"It was a scene like hell. The boulders flattened the entire waiting room in an instant, and a lot of blood gushed out from the inside. Occasionally, some stumps were still twitching slightly. The flames eroded the people who survived. They Crazy screaming and running around, trying to put out the flames on his body, before waiting for the airport staff to come forward to help, new flints fell into it, turning this place into a large sea of ​​fire."

Halfway through, Huang Mingquan's eyes became extremely painful. If possible, he did not want to recall this memory.

"It's not that no one thought about using a plane to escape, but they were either smashed in half by flint on the way to take off, or they were smashed by flint before boarding the plane. Within a moment, the few planes left in the airport were gone. Destroyed all, cutting off everyone's hope of leaving."

"To be honest, we were also lucky. Following the crowd, we ran to the tower to temporarily avoid the erosion from the flames below. At that time, the magma flowed very fast, and in a short while, it rushed from the volcano to where we are. in the airport.”

"Apart from the group of us who ran to the heights, there was also a group of people who ran to the forest outside the airport to escape this crisis."

Hearing Huang Mingquan's remarks, Lin Zeming nodded silently, which was consistent with their investigation results up to this point.

According to the experts who investigated at that time, the movement of the crowd was divided into three tracks from the center of the airport, one stayed in place, presumably died on the spot, one came to the forest outside, and the last ran to the tower at a high place.

Although the whole process was obtained from the mouths of experts who have passed the investigation, in a rigorous manner, Lin Zeming re-recorded the descriptions of those who had experienced it personally.

He opened his mouth and said to Huang Mingquan: "Then what? How did you escape from the airport?"

"According to what we thought at the time, we actually didn't want to leave the tower, because the magma below blocked our escape direction. It was like an island on the sea, and we could only wait for outside rescue."

Huang Mingquan said seriously.

This answer made Lin Zeming even more confused, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't escape.

Moreover, when they waited for their rescue team to arrive, there was no sign of life on the spot, and even the tower in the opponent's mouth had already been eroded by magma, broke apart from the middle, and fell into the depths of the magma.

"Mr. Huang, what happened later?"

Lin Zeming knew that something outside the circumstances must have happened during this period, which would cause the other party to escape smoothly.

"Then... it didn't take long for us to see a giant stork on our head, it fell to the tower, took us all out of the area, and brought us to a small black mountain, so we could survive. down."


? "

Lin Zeming was shocked and could hardly believe that it was the alienated creature who helped the crowd escape.

When did the alienated creatures become so friendly? He couldn't help thinking in his mind.

Even the giant wolves who are partners will not choose to rescue humans without sufficient benefits. After all, this is a troublesome and laborious job.

But on the other hand, if there is such a docile alienated creature, can it be developed into a new partner?

In the current situation, with one more cooperative creature, the power in the hands of human beings can be stronger.

Lin Zeming had a bold idea in his heart, and he hurriedly asked Huang Mingquan.

"Mr. Huang, is the giant bird you mentioned still in the volcanic area?"

Looking at the excited look of the commander of the opposite legion, Huang Mingquan shook his head and denied: "It's gone, it was solved by Your Excellency the Wolf King."


Lin Zeming was surprised again, how could the wolf king conflict with the other party?

"Sir Lin, this is thanks to the help of Your Excellency the Wolf King, otherwise I would still be trapped in the Black Mountains and be used as the other side's prepared food."

Following the previous words, Huang Mingquan said with a look of joy.

This made Lin Zeming, who was still very surprised at first, fully react and sensed something wrong.

"Are you saying that the giant slaughtered bird took all the people you caught as food preparation?"

Huang Mingquan nodded to confirm his guess.

"Yes, this bird is quite clever. It has learned the methods of human beings. Like raising cattle and sheep, it constantly provides us with some raw meat every day, and forces everyone to reproduce. As long as they dare to resist, It will be like killing a chicken to warn the monkey, placing the corpse in front of us, so that we will not be able to resist."

"In this way, except for the three of us, the rest of the people either accepted their fate or committed suicide. If the wolf king hadn't dealt with the giant beasts, what awaits me is a life like a domestic animal, which may be supported someday. If you don't go, choose suicide."

Rao is like Lin Zeming, a battle-hardened legionnaire. After hearing the experience told by the other party, he also fell into silence and could not recover for a long time.

Just the description of words has such an impact, and it is difficult for him to imagine the extent of the impact on people who are actually facing this scene.

To be honest, the person in front of him can communicate normally, and it is not bad that he has no mental breakdown.

"That's it, I understand."

Lin Zeming said in a low voice, and at the same time extinguished his fantasies about giant beasts. Sure enough, there will be no alienated creatures who have a good impression of humans, such as Your Excellency the Wolf King are already friendly.

Due to regulations, Lin Zeming truthfully recorded all the other party's experiences in Montenegro.

After a pause, he asked apologetically, "I'm sorry, although Mr. Huang doesn't want to evoke bad memories for you, but I have to make sure that the rest of the people who followed you to Montenegro, how are they doing?"

Huang Mingquan shook his head pale and said in a low voice, "They are all dead. My friend Peng Ren was brutally killed by Meng Qin because he came forward to resist. His girlfriend Xiao Li and the other two chose to commit suicide by jumping into the lava. Real people are solved by Meng birds."

"It's ridiculous to say that they believed in the Mengqin, but in the end, they were affected by the battle between the other party and His Excellency the Wolf King, and died at the hands of the Mengqin they trusted. It's too ironic."

Talking about this group of human beings who gave up their dignity, Huang Mingquan's eyes all showed contempt.

Lin Zeming didn't know how to reply to Huang Mingquan's words mocking the deceased. He could only write down the information of all the deceased people one by one so that they could report to the capital later.

"Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Huang, it's not too late, let's leave as soon as possible."

Putting away the phone for recording, Lin Zeming looked at the sky above his eyes and said.

At this moment, the time has come to around five o'clock, the sun is gradually setting, and the bright red rays of the sun shine into the whole forest, adding a touch of color to it.


Huang Mingquan also nodded politely and said yes.

During the conversation between the two, the wolves had already moved all the way to the rear hatch of the helicopter, waiting for Lin Zeming to help them open the hatch.

Running towards the rear hatch, Lin Zeming said apologetically to Su Ming.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency Wolf King, it took a little time for the questioning just now."

Su Ming let out a low growl, expressing that he didn't care.

After Lin Zeming opened the hatch, the wolves poured in and took a rest.

Turning around, Lin Zeming beckoned towards Huang Mingquan in the distance, signaling him to come over.

When the other party came to the rear hatch, he opened his mouth to explain.

"Mr. Huang, due to the special structure of the helicopter here, there is only the cab in the front cabin, and most of the vacant seats are in the rear cabin, so I may have to trouble you to squeeze a little bit with some of your great wolves."

Huang Mingquan heard the words and looked inside the rear cabin. The four wolves Su Ming were already lying on top of the carpet and rested, not caring about the other party's situation at all.

"I understand."


There are still a thousand words, which will be filled later.

Fortunately, the situation was not as he thought. Seeing that it was Su Ming's four wolves, he changed his guarded posture, relaxed a little, and said hello to Su Ming, who was taking the lead.

Faced with Lin Zeming's question, Su Ming nodded silently, expressing his response to him and also answering his question.

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved. You don't know, just now the person in charge Xu is still asking me about your news."

Lin Zeming said with a smile, while facing the position of the four wolves.

It was not until he got close enough that he realized that there was a human being floating above the shadow cloth at a low altitude.

Seeing Lin Zeming's figure, the other party waved to him quite excitedly.

"Your Excellency, is this a survivor after the volcanic eruption?"

Lin Zeming asked with some confusion, because in the investigation of their legion, this unprecedented volcanic eruption devoured almost all the creatures in the vicinity, and it is impossible for humans to survive.

Although it was impossible to go deep into the magma, it was only the Changbai Mountain Airport area on the outside. Their helicopter searched several times until it was confirmed that no one had survived before leaving.

Su Ming nodded again, affirming Lin Zeming's doubts.

He gestured to Su Yi with his eyes to let him put the human down, and he would tell Lin Zeming about the specific situation.

After all, the four wolves were not the personal experience of the disaster, only Huang Mingquan was able to tell the real situation one by one.

At the same time, it is too troublesome to write with sharp claws. When communicating with humans on weekdays, if he can use wolf roar or gesture surface, Su Ming will omit the situation of writing.



With a wolf roar, Su Ming raised his claws and pointed at Huang Mingquan, indicating that Lin Zeming could get to know him directly.

With the previous experience in the Lei Ze area, Lin Zeming basically has a certain understanding of the body language of the wolf king.

Therefore, he immediately understood and said to Su Ming, "I understand, Your Excellency."

Then, crossed the wolves and walked to the position of Huang Mingquan behind.

Feeling the gradual decline of the shadow cloth, Huang Mingquan also changed from the half-lying posture to the form of sitting cross-legged.

He stood up quite cautiously, came to the edge of the shadow cloth, squatted down halfway, and carefully lowered his right leg until it touched the lawn on the ground, then he was relieved, and then lifted his left leg out and put it down.

"Do you need help?"

A loud voice came from behind him, causing Huang Mingquan to tremble, almost letting go of his hands that were holding Yingbu.

Fortunately, its arm was firmly grasped, and it did not fall off.

"No need, I'll do it myself."

After responding to the other party's words, Huang Mingquan first let his feet touch the ground, then released his arms and landed on the lawn smoothly.

Although this process was a little too cautious, it also kept him from being hurt a little. This might be the habit he developed during the three months in Montenegro.


Lin Zeming stretched out his right hand and greeted the other party.

Seeing that the legionnaires in front of him wanted to shake hands with him, Huang Mingquan hurriedly patted the gray layer above to make his palms somewhat cleaner before he dared to step forward to shake hands.


After the two parties have been implicit to each other, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Lin Zeming took the lead and asked.

"I'm a legion from the capital, Lieutenant Lin Zeming, this time I was instructed to assist Your Excellency the Wolf King over there in the transportation operation. Could you tell me your personal information so that I can confirm it later."

Lin Zeming was rewarded by the upper management for having completed a transportation job before, and his military rank was raised by one grade, from sergeant to second lieutenant.

Lin Zeming's first introduction obviously made Huang Mingquan relax his unnecessary vigilance. He followed the other party's question and answered.

"Okay, sir, my surname is Huang, my name is Mingquan, I'm from Jilin Province, Liaoyuan City, and my job is a front-end engineer. I took advantage of vacation with my girlfriend to fly to Changbai Mountain area three months ago. Feel the natural scenery, but encountered a volcanic eruption."

Lin Zeming nodded, and while taking out his mobile phone to record, he motioned to the other party to continue talking.

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