MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 256 collapsed highway

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Restart Wolf Life: I can see the collapsed highway in Chapter 256 of the Evolution Route


Away from the stream area where they rested before, the wolves walked all the way back and headed west again.


Walking through the muddy path covered by weeds and through the dense woods, Su Ming and the other wolves came to a brand new area.


Through the gaps between the branches and leaves above, they saw a high-speed passage that broke from the middle.


It is almost difficult for Su Ming to imagine what kind of power can completely divide the high-speed passage with a width of dozens of meters.


Reminiscent of the battle wrecks found by the wolves earlier, and the close distance between the two locations.


This can't help but make Su Ming guess the connection between this expressway and the previous battle.


Perhaps the two sides in the battle fought all the way from their original positions to the high-speed passage area, which also interrupted this large passage.


Thinking like this, Su Ming gradually slowed down his walking speed, and contracted the king's breath to the surface of his body to prevent it from being detected by high-level creatures.


He looked around from time to time, keeping an eye out for nearby situations to prevent sudden attacks from creatures.


This is not Su Ming's excessive worry. In fact, no one can guarantee whether such high-level creatures are still in the nearby area.


It has been nearly an hour and a half since the wolves set off, covering a distance of more than 100 kilometers.


It can be clearly said that this place is no longer under the jurisdiction of human beings, and it is also far away from the capital area.


Naturally, human beings will not waste time to solve this difficult high-level creature, and even this may be the other party's territory.


Walking carefully among the trees, Su Ming led the team all the way. According to the map, the wolves needed to cross this expressway.


If it were the past, it was enough to just walk under it safely. However, nowadays, the high-speed wreckage that has almost collapsed will obviously not allow the wolves to pass through so easily.


Either, find another way and bypass the ruined area, or go straight ahead and step over the wreckage of the building.


For these two choices, it is difficult for the wolves to make a correct judgment for the wolves who do not yet know the surrounding terrain, so Su Ming believes that they should walk out of the woods before making a choice.


"First Evolution"


While walking forward cautiously, Su Ming used his keen sense of hearing to pay attention to the movements around him.


He could clearly hear the sound of branches and leaves fluttering in the distance, and the sound of herbivores walking.


This is a good signal. First, it can indicate that the high-level creatures here allow weak creatures to live and reproduce here. Second, it can also indicate that there are no large predators nearby, so there is no need to worry about attacks.


After walking forward for a while, the wolves arrived at the edge of the woods after about tens of minutes.


Raising the wolf's claws and pushing aside the branches and leaves in front of them, the four wolves finally walked out of the forest area. What caught their eyes was the expressway they had seen before. , more able to feel the misery here.


This is a passageway built above the river, and there are several oval load-bearing columns in the lower area to support the entire passage.


Normally, if you want to pass through the bottom of the channel smoothly, you only need to walk along the grass on both sides of the river.


It is a pity that the collapse of the high-speed passage blocked the river area below with mud and rocks, which also made the original route difficult to walk.


A huge force smashed the entire passage from the middle, split into two halves, a large amount of cement and gravel scattered and poured into the river in the section, and the original load-bearing column also broke into four pieces. Cut, collapsed in the grass.


In addition, Su Ming also detected the traces left by the fierce battle for the first time.


On the surface of the relatively intact load-bearing column on the right side, there was actually a dark red bloodstain, which had apparently dried up for a long time, and was almost attached to the wall.


Not far from the blood stain, there was a thick white bone scattered. It looked like a joint somewhere in the limb of the creature. The remaining flesh on the outside was almost eaten away, and it was difficult to survive, even the blood that flowed out. It is also absorbed by the grass and turned into new nutrients.


Slowly leading the wolves into it, Su Ming fiddled with the bone and turned it over to the side of the fracture.


It can be clearly observed that the fracture surface is quite uneven, as if it was forcibly torn apart by a huge force. It is completely different from the neat fracture of the building wreckage that Su Ming had seen before.


Although it is still impossible to gain more confidence, with the existing knowledge, it is possible to infer the attack methods of the two high-level creatures.


One has extremely sharp minions that can easily cut through anything, and the other has fierce power and can pull apart the opponent's body.


Obviously, this broken high-speed passage and the bones in front of you are the latter's means.


Following the position where he found the white bones, he looked all the way to the distance, and he could see that there was a bloodstain on the top of the load-bearing column in front of the left.


After some comparison, Su Ming noticed that there were obvious differences in the eruption degree of the blood stains on both sides, and the newly emerged blood stains almost covered most of the area of ​​the load-bearing column.


This seems to indicate that the party with the sharp claws is at a disadvantage and has suffered a lot of damage.


It seems that, if nothing else, this battle should be won by the power side in the end.


Taking back the thoughts in his mind, Su Ming and the other wolves stood in front of the collapsed ruins again, thinking about the option of leaving.


Due to the accumulation of cement and gravel, the small river channel was basically blocked, so that water flowed into the lawns on both sides, and an area similar to a lake on one side was vaguely formed.


As for the two sides of the river, there are large mountain ranges, and it is difficult to see the end. In this way, let alone bypassing traffic, even whether the wolves can get out has become a problem, so the first choice Completely abandoned by Su Ming.


Then the remaining plan is to force through the ruins.


It is obviously not that easy to step on this piece of cement and gravel smoothly, not to mention its steep height, even if the wolves step on safely, who can guarantee that these residues can withstand the weight of the wolves and not. As for the second collapse.


This kind of behavior is too dangerous, so Su Ming decided to use another method to pass this place.


He first made the other three wolves back away. Amidst the confused expressions of several members, Su Ming slowly approached the front of the ruins, closed his eyes, and listened to the movement in a radius of dozens of miles.


It was only after it confirmed that there was no sign of a powerful alienated creature in the end that it continued its original actions.


The thunder potential energy in the body is brewed, and it is gathered above the front paws.


Immediately, thunder erupted, turning Su Ming's pair of sharp claws into a sharp sword of thunder, as if it could cut through everything in the world.


At the same time, the battle lines on both sides of it lit up, emitting bursts of blue brilliance, causing a lot of muscles in the body to bulge, containing strong potential energy.

When everything was ready, Su Ming opened his eyes. There was a lot of thunder and lightning all over his body, which kept hitting the nearby water surface, causing all the fish and shrimp inside to be blown up by the electricity and suspended above the river.


Fortunately, he had previously made the other wolves retreat quickly, away from the position of the river, so he did not hurt his companions.


With a sense of thunderous momentum, Su Ming stepped away, only to hear a soft "whoosh" sound, he broke through the speed of sound, turned into a stream of light, and hit the wreckage ahead.




! "


The sound like an explosion sounded, and the collapsed cement pile in front burst open, and countless thunders wrapped around these rubble, swallowing them completely, leaving no residue.


A large number of stones leaped into the sky, and then scattered in all directions. Even Su Hui, Su Yi, Ling, and the three wolves encountered falling stones.


Of course, this was nothing to the three of them. Su Hui sprayed a blazing flame into the air, and turned the group of rubble that was about to split into a pile of powder residue, which was splattered in the sky above.


After the explosion, the dust quickly dispersed, revealing the scene inside.


The cement rubble that was still piled up in the river disappeared, replaced by Su Ming's figure. He stood impressively above the river, and there were a lot of broken rubble on both sides.


Using his own strength, Su Ming used brute force to completely remove the collapsed ruins that were blocking the front, and also allowed the river to become smooth again.


A large amount of river water can't wait to rush forward, pouring into the dry river, adding a touch of vitality to this place again.


Turning back and calling out to the three partners, Su Ming stepped across the river and continued to walk forward.




The further he went west, the more Su Ming could see the traces of the battle between the two high-level creatures. The high-speed passage area was still not the end of the battle between the two. They fought each other while walking away.




There are 2,000 words left, which will be completed in the evening.


The situation in the residential house was quite mixed, with excrement that had been accumulated for a long time everywhere, exuding a stench.


Many furniture items have been vandalized by wild cats and dogs, and the original shape cannot be seen. The kitchen is the most serious area. All kinds of condiments have been scattered by them and dropped to the ground. The frozen food originally stored by humans It was pulled out of the refrigerator, and only bones were left.


It can be seen that these stray cats and dogs are really hungry.


Su Ming even saw human corpses in one or two residential houses, and looked at the torn sleeves. It should be an elderly person who is too old.


For some reason, they did not leave with the relocation team, but chose to stay in the village and continue to maintain their original life.


Maybe these old people never dreamed that the original docile cats and dogs would change their temperament greatly, and their original wildness erupted, treating them as meat, and biting them alive to death.


After checking the situation in the village at random, the wolves set off again, passing through the village and heading west.


Before leaving, in order to avoid unnecessary plagues caused by the remains of stray animals, Su Ming asked his younger brother to burn them all to eliminate future troubles.




It was noon, and the scorching sun hung high in the sky, illuminating the earth.


The violently rising high temperature made the wolves walking among the dense bushes feel a little sultry.


They all spit out their tongues from time to time to dissipate the heat in their bodies to ease the rise in temperature.


After two consecutive battles and an hour-long rush, the water in all members' bodies was quickly depleted.


Considering the long run and the state of the other three wolves, Su Ming immediately decided to find a water source location as a temporary resting place for the wolves to supplement their respective states.


Gradually stopped walking, Su Ming focused all his attention on his ears, listening to the sounds around him, collecting all kinds of information.


Soon, the sound that was previously ignored by his brain appeared in Su Ming's hearing.




There is the sound of the wind blowing the leaves.




There is also the chirping of insects.




Of course, there is also the sound of small animals running.


All kinds of voices poured into Su Ming's mind one after another, forming a special symphony.


In order to deal with this large amount of information on weekdays, it will inevitably consume too much of Su Ming's mind, making him unable to do the rest.


Therefore, only in the leisure phase, when there is no battle, can the other party calm down, release the automatic frequency shutdown, and activate this ability.


Finally, in the midst of the noisy sound, Su Ming finally found the sound he wanted, and the clear running water sounded.


Following the direction from which the sound came, he raised his eyes and looked at the area on the right. Although the sound of the water was quite weak, he was sure that there was a small stream or river here.


Turning off this ability, Su Ming turned to look at the other three wolves, told them his judgment, and encouraged them to rest immediately. UU reading www.


Knowing that there was a stream ahead, the three wolves, who were still a little tired, immediately cheered up, followed behind Su Ming, and quickly ran towards the area on the right.


After passing through several groves and walking again for dozens of minutes, the sound of water flowing in Su Ming's ears finally became clear, which proved that they were about to reach the location of the stream.




Hearing this, the eyes of the other wolves also showed excitement. Their throats that had been dry for a long time were desperately seeking the nourishment of clean water.


Impatiently pulling away the bushes, what caught the eyes of the wolves was a clear river, flowing from east to west, with no end in sight.


On the opposite side of the woods on the left side of the wolves, there are two or three creatures that look like hares. They are drinking water with their heads down and licking into their abdominal cavity.


Xu Shi noticed the footsteps of Su Ming and other wolves, and they all stopped to drink water, raised their heads, and looked into the distance.


Looking at the creature on the opposite side, the huge figure, sharp minions, and strong breath suddenly reminded the hares of the scene of being chased by predators in the past. .


The wolves didn't react at all to the behavior of the hare in front of them, and even the most restless Su Hui didn't come forward to chase.




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