MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 268 The battle is over

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On the lawn, two streams of light flashed rapidly, they moved like thunder, almost no afterimage, mixed with lightning and flames, like the scythe of the **** of death, quickly harvesting the lives of creatures along the road.

Cut in the waist, beheaded, pierced through the abdomen, burned, all kinds of corpses collapsed on the ground, paving the way behind them, forming a road of death.

Eyes wide, looking at the scene in front of him, the leader of the monkey group is almost unbelievable. It is completely unimaginable that the strength of the giant wolf clan can be so powerful.

There is no doubt that it had indeed misestimated the strength of the other party before, and its clan had also paid the price for it.

A tremor emanated from the leader, spreading to the whole body, and a violent sense of fear emerged spontaneously.

It only feels that the two giant wolves in front of it are not at all, but the extremely coercive giant beasts.

The sense of oppression given to him by these two giant wolves is not inferior to the coercion given to him by the high-ranking Tibetan monkeys in the monkey group.

It was only at this moment that the leader of the monkey group realized that they had provoked the wrong target, and the strength of the wolves was far beyond their comparison.

Unfortunately, by the time it reacted, it was too late.

The four wolves dispatched all the way to crush the Tibetan monkeys they encountered, so that they had no ability to resist.

The two kings headed by the battle strength even aimed at the leader of the monkey group far away in the center, and flanked them from left to right, making it impossible to escape.

Faced with such a crisis, the leader of the monkey group showed a touch of remorse. If it could return to the previous moment, it would definitely choose to retreat here, not to have too much intersection with the wolves, and to sacrifice all the lives of the same kind for the sake of two **** humans. The price is simply too worthless.

It is a pity that there is no if in reality, and what has happened will not change in any way.

The leader of the monkey group must bear the consequences of angering the wolves.

The fear in his heart made him take a step back, wanting to leave his companions behind and escape.

However, the route of travel of the blazing giant wolf actually completely blocked its retreating path.

Seeing that there was no way to retreat, the leader of the monkey group had no choice but to hold the iron rod in his hand tightly, watching the two giant wolves keep approaching.

Endless despair swallowed its heart, and death seemed to be imminent for it.

As an alienated creature who has awakened wisdom, the leader of the monkey group understands the importance of life better, and it does not want to die on this nameless land.

Unwilling emotions erupted, gradually covering up his despair.

Even if there is only a slight chance, he will try his best to escape from the crisis in front of him.

Condensing the wind energy and attaching it to the top of the iron rod, the leader of the monkey group looked at the position of the thundering white wolf, and slammed it out, releasing a thick wind blade.

At the same time, its mouth did not stop, quickly inhaling a large amount of breeze, converging into a ball of air cannonballs, and spraying it to the position of the blazing giant wolf on the other side.

Naturally, the leader of the monkey group did not expect that he could rely on these two attacks to eliminate two powerful giant wolves.

It just wants to delay the speed of the two to find a way to escape.

However, the next scene is to make his abacus completely empty.

Facing the wind energy attack from the leader of the monkey group, neither Su Ming nor Su Hui planned to dodge.

Although the opponent is the enemy of the elite's peak strength, it still cannot be compared with the king's rank, let alone the king's combat power of the evolutionary route.

Dazzling blue light appeared on both sides of Su Ming's body, and violent Leisi spread over his wolf claws.

The stimulation of the two major abilities made it burst out of the potential of the body and released its true strength.



Beyond the speed of sound, he seemed to have really turned into a streamer, and he could not see a trace of afterimage.

The thick wind blade, in front of its charging potential, is not worth mentioning at all, and it is difficult to block it.

Meng Ran slammed out the front claws, shaped like a thunder thorn, and a single blow penetrated the entity of the wind blade, completely shattered it from the central area, and dissipated into the air.

Previously, the wind energy attack, which had caused a lot of blow to the human side, could not make a splash in the eyes of the king.

On the other side, Su Hui, facing an air bomb the size of his head, was also not too far behind.

This offensive not only did not make Su Hui retreat, but instead stimulated the **** courage in his heart.


! "

With a high battle cry, Su Hui ignited the blazing flames on his body, speeding up his march by a bit, and slaying the air bombs that were attacking in front of him in a charging posture.

It did not use the sharpness of the wolf claws to quickly break open the area outside the wind potential energy like Su Ming did.

On the contrary, Su Hui actually used the most violent way to directly confront the air bomb.

With a blaze of flame, it took on a charging posture, and it slammed into the air bomb in front of it.



The explosion sounded.

For a while, the dust was flying, and it was impossible to see the scene inside.

It didn't take long for the shining fire to light up from the inside, breaking through the dust cover, and continuing to sprint forward with unabated energy.

Facing the impact of the explosion, Su Hui's body did not suffer any damage, and even the intensity of the flame on the outside did not drop sharply, as if the previous impact was not a bomb, but a ball of cotton.

The leader of the monkey group was dumbfounded, no matter how he guessed, he could not predict that it would be the situation in front of him.

Not only did his own attack not have the desired effect, on the contrary, it made the two wolves fight like chicken blood, and their actions became more swift.

It stood anxiously in place, with a helpless look in its eyes, and unless the Monkey King came to rescue it, it was really hard to escape.

Looking at the two giant wolves getting closer and closer to their position, it was quite a phenomenon of breaking the pot.



With a roar, the leader of the monkey group once again gathered the wind energy, slashed out, and attacked the two wolves in the distance.

Knowing that there is no effect at all, but still carrying out an unconscious attack, as if to vent his unwillingness.

The two wolves running fast did not give each other any chance to escape. They faced the attack of the leader of the monkey group, bursting with thunder and flames, breaking them one by one and dispelling their thoughts.

The leader of the monkey group, who had lost some of his sanity, even grabbed a small fellow beside him and threw it frantically at the giant wolf that came.

I want to use the flesh and blood of my companions to delay the attacking trend of the wolves.


! "

The sharp wolf claws pierced into the flesh and blood, cut it off at the waist, and put aside the blood sausage hanging on the top of the head, Su Ming and the two wolves used actual actions to prove that the other party's approach had no effect.

Although the leader of the monkey group made a lot of actions to delay the speed of the two wolves, it was obviously a waste of time.

Lightning flashed, and in an instant, Su Ming's figure was already close to the position in front of him.

At the same time, a translucent panel also emerged, revealing all the information of the leader to Su Ming's eyes.


【Name】: none

[Species]: Alienated Tibetan Chieftain Monkey - Adulthood

[Rank]: Elite Eight

【Strength】: 22.7/25

[Agility]: 21.6/10

[Abilities]: Haste, Mengli, Yufengquan, Chasing the Wind, Armor of Wind Rock

[Alienation]: Fury of the Storm (1%)

[Rapid]: Due to the strange energy, the creature has a little mutation, the limbs become more powerful, and the speed of the internal nerve connection is accelerated, so that the creature can release a running speed far exceeding the normal speed.

[Meng Li]: A little mutation caused by the strange energy of the creature stimulates the potential ability of the body, thereby releasing the true power of the creature, which can instantly burst into a powerful force that is many times greater than itself.

[Royal Wind Fist]: The creature has a little mutation due to strange energy, and a wind energy potential energy is formed in the body. , forming a strong fist wind, attacking the opponent, crushing it into pieces.

[Armor of Wind and Rock]: The creature has a little mutation due to strange energy, and a wind-attribute potential energy is formed in the body, which can be released on the outside of the body to form a thick layer of wind armor, which can resist most elite-level offensives.

Not beyond Su Ming's expectations, the leader of the monkey group really possesses a brand new ability.

That is the alienation ability that he has seen in other Tibetan monkey panels, the armor of wind rock, the effect should be similar to the armor ability he has encountered in the past, it belongs to the ability to condense its own potential energy on the body surface to form a new layer of armor ability.

Only in terms of elite-level defense, it does have a good effect. A few months ago, the elite brown bear had such an ability to make Su Ming's pair of sharp wolf claws useless. A lot of cost, just solved it.

Of course, this is only at the elite level. If it faces a king-level offensive, its defense will be as fragile as a piece of paper.

Withdrawing the panel in front of him, Su Ming stepped forward, bursting with swift power, and swung a sharp claws.

At the same time, the figure of the leader of the monkey group in front also froze slightly. Feeling the crisis, it immediately stimulated the potential energy in the body, condensing it on the outside, forming a layer of thick armor, trying to block the incoming Su Ming's attack.


! "

A metal-like collision sounded through the area.

A crack appeared on the sturdy wind armor of the leader of the monkey group, and it gradually spread over time until it was covered all over.

As soon as he moved, the armor wrapped around his body disintegrated, like pieces of rubble, fell off his body, fell into the grass, and turned into powder.

The leader of the monkey group's eyes widened, staring at the scene in front of him in disbelief. The ability to be his killer was easily destroyed by the other party in a short period of time.

It waved the iron rod in its hand in a panic and hit the giant wolf near Chichi, trying to push the opponent back.

Facing the enemy's offensive, Su Ming fearlessly stretched out his wolf claws and confronted him.


! "

After a loud bang, the leader of the monkey group stepped back a few steps and almost fell to the ground. The power transmitted from the top of the iron rod made it impossible for him to compete.

At the same time, the iron rod it held also became somewhat bent, apparently the result of being hit by the giant wolf.

It's a pity that the leader of the monkey group at this moment has long been unable to take care of it too much, it even has no time to stand firm, and the figure of the white giant wolf emerges in front of its eyes again.

Condensed the potential energy in the body, gathered it into a mass of energy, and threw it frantically to the position of the giant wolf, just to slow down the opponent's marching pace.

Stepping into this air offensive, Su Ming remained calm and steady, maintaining his original speed.

The opponent's panic attack not only lost the potential energy it should have, but also reduced the accuracy a lot.

This also makes Su Ming, walking in this offensive, seem to be extraordinarily comfortable, just like strolling in the courtyard.

Even if there is an occasional airflow energy, driving in front of him, he can easily swing his wolf claws and tear this potential energy into pieces.

It didn't take long, Su Ming quickly approached the front of the leader of the monkey group, condensed the thunder potential energy in his body, and prepared to quickly solve the opponent.


With a strange cry, the leader of the monkey group stepped back in panic, instinctively trying to escape from the giant wolf in front of him.

Apparently it had forgotten the existence behind him. Just as it frantically blocked Su Ming, Su Hui also quickly approached the position behind him.

The flames on his body ignited, and Su Hui sprayed out an orange-red firework, sweeping towards the opponent's back.



With such a sudden blow, the leader of the monkey group was completely unprepared.

The tongue of fire stained its back and spread along the fur on the surface, turning it into a fire monkey.

Under the pain, the leader of the monkey group didn't even care about Su Ming in front of him. He hurriedly used his potential energy to drive a wide range of breezes and drove towards his back. He wanted to do everything possible to eliminate the flames.

Regrettably, it has yet to detect a fatal message, that rather than extinguishing the flames, the breeze will encourage the spread of the flames.

For a creature who has just awakened wisdom, it is difficult to realize whether the two potential energies intensify together, whether they will cancel or superimpose.

With a gentle breeze blowing by, the flames burst into flames, burying the leader of the monkey group in it.

The severe pain made him lose his original reason, and even dropped the iron rod in his hand, slapped the blazing flame on his body frantically, and ran forward, completely ignoring the two wolves around him. UU Reading

Looking at the leader of the monkey group running towards him, Su Ming did not hesitate at all, jumped up his hind legs, waved his front paws, and stabbed into the opponent's neck.



A huge head leaped out and fell to the ground. With the burning of flames, it finally turned into a mass of coke.

The body that lost its head still ran a few steps forward, staggeringly fell to the ground, and was swallowed by the flames.

This proud leader paid a heavy price for his reckless behavior, which caused a small part of the monkey group's combat power to be lost here.

The two wolves walked to the front of each other's corpse, Su Hui quickly retracted the flames, and then nibbled at the charred meat without hesitation, and the food was very hot.

Su Ming looked at the city in the distance to see if something strange happened.

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