MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 270 Promote to King 2

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[Restart Wolf Life: I can see the evolutionary route] []


Beside the stream, the four wolves sat cross-legged, closed their eyes, and digested the benefits brought by the tea.

A refreshing air flow entered Su Ming's abdominal cavity and slowly surged upwards until his entire body was up and down.

As if the body's meridians were opened, the hot air surrounded Su Ming's body, constantly absorbing the floating energy.

The strange energies that were difficult to perceive before can now be easily seen. They are shaped like stars in the dark night, scattered in every corner, emitting colorful rays of light.

Looking around at the stars of light, Su Ming quickly discovered the blue light energy that matched his own potential energy.

This group of blue light energy radiates countless lace from the periphery, which is extremely domineering, like the king of light energy. If ordinary light energy dares to approach, it will be torn into pieces and swallowed up by it.

Because of this, their surroundings are quite empty, and there is no other light energy at all, which also facilitates Su Ming's search.

Without hesitation, he immediately guided these thunder light energy into the inside of his body, speeding up his own evolution.

A steady stream of warmth flowed through his body, making Su Ming feel extremely comfortable, as if he was in the hot spring, forgetting all his troubles.

At the same time, the muscles of his limbs became firmer, his muscles and bones moved slightly, his figure was raised a little bit again, and even his wolf claws became much longer.

After the benefits brought by the alienation of Longjing tea, Su Ming is absorbing the lightning energy floating around at a very fast speed, constantly strengthening his own strength.

He definitely felt that the power and potential energy filled in his body had almost boosted his combat ability by 20-30%.

Without the help of Alienized Longjing Tea, it would take Su Ming to spend at least three or four days of hard work to achieve it completely.

It has to be said that such alienated items are indeed rare things for humans or alienated creatures.

It can greatly improve the overall strength of the creature in a short period of time, making its growth rate far exceeding the level of other similar species.

Similarly, this also confirms that humans attach great importance to wolves and can trade such items.

About half an hour later, the tea fragrance dissipated, and the efficiency of the four wolves absorbing energy began to gradually decrease sharply.

Su Ming closed his eyes and slowly opened his eyes, looking into the distance, the full thunder potential energy inside his body made him feel extremely satisfied.


Following what he thought in his mind, a translucent panel emerged and appeared in front of him.

【Name】: Su Ming

[Species]: Ancient War-marked Wolf-Adolescence

【Rank】: King 2

【Strength】: 28.6/45

[Agility]: 29.1/45

[Ability]: Thunder Battle Pattern (body), Sharp Claw, Thunder Gathering Heart

[Evolution Route]: Evolving to Thunder Thunder Wolf (26/48)

Condition one every day, run with all your strength for five hours.

Daily condition two, absorb moonlight for four hours.

Necessary condition one, swallow the biological core thirty-five (35/35).

The second necessary condition is to devour one (1/1) of Lei Minghe.

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[Restart Wolf Life: I can see the evolutionary route] []

Necessary condition three, bathing inside the Thunder four times (4/4)

[Thunder War Pattern (Body)]: The patterns engraved on both sides of the ancient war pattern wolf's body have undergone a new change after the fusion of Lei Suguo and Lei Minghe.

Whenever the war pattern is activated, it can increase the strength and physical energy to seven times, and at the same time increase the speed of the creature and the connection of nerves to seven times.

[Sharp claws]: The creatures have undergone a little mutation due to strange energy, and the entire front claws have become quite sharp. Cutting hard substances is like cutting thin paper, and it can easily shred the body of the prey.

[Heart of Thunder Gathering]: The creature has undergone a little mutation due to strange energy, and a thunder potential energy is generated in its body, which can pass through the core of the abdominal cavity and stimulate all parts of the body, greatly enhancing the senses, strength, and agility.

After reading it in general, Su Ming was very happy.

Thanks to the previous few days of training and the effect of this alienation Longjing tea, he has successfully advanced to the level of the second-order king, and he is getting closer to the upper limit of the ancient war-marked wolf race, which also proves that he is about to reach the edge of evolution.

If it can continue like this, Su Ming may really be able to evolve to the level of thunder and swiftness before returning to the reserve.

Between his thoughts, the other three wolves also absorbed them one after another, opened their eyes, and there was a hint of excitement in their eyes.

Just by exuding potential energy from them, Su Ming could perceive that all three have been improved accordingly, and their strength is far greater than before.

Especially the two wolves Su Yi and Ling, their strength has almost reached the limit of the elite peak, and then they only need to follow the steps and take the advanced alienation fruits they need, and then they can successfully break through to the king level.

After cleaning up the silver bowl, Su Ming picked it up, turned around, and gestured with his eyes to let Su Yi put the silver bowl into the shadow cloth, and then set off on the journey again.

It was already afternoon, and two hours had passed since the four wolves bid farewell to Yan Ze and Bai Lianming.

The team of wolves was completely out of the scope of Zhangjia City and entered a brand new mountain forest area.

The whole mountain is not so peaceful. Although there is no intervention from the Tibetan monkey group, it is still in the era of separate divisions.

Each alienated creature with a certain strength occupies a certain hill and governs the rest of the creatures under the territory.

They fight with each other, just to spread the territory and win more food to reproduce their own group.

However, this tense atmosphere did not last long, and with the arrival of the wolves, it completely dissipated.

This group of lord creatures does have good strength, but it is only relative to the alienated creatures in this place.

In front of the more powerful four wolves, they are like ants, and it is difficult to have the ability to compete.

The forest that was still noisy before, I don't know when it started, became a lot quieter and quieter.

Every alienated creature is looking forward to the fact that this group of strange visitors can leave this land as soon as possible.

To say that this group of rebellious creatures can recognize the reality so quickly is naturally impossible.

After they witnessed the death of the same lord, they realized the gap with the strength of the wolves.

At first, when the four wolves stepped into the forest, a certain alienated clouded leopard who was offended by the territory planned to dispatch immediately to deal with this group of unruly creatures, and to have a full meal by the way.

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[Restart Wolf Life: I can see the evolutionary route] []

Surprisingly, the clouded leopard just got close to the wolves, and was cut into two pieces by the shadow blade that fell from the sky, separated from the center, and a lot of blood and internal organs were scattered on the ground.

This move could not help but surprised the several lord creatures who were secretly observing.

You must know that the strength of that clouded leopard is not weak at all, and even ranks in the forefront of several lords, but such a creature with such combat power is not the enemy of the opponent in one blow, which also makes the lord who originally wanted to intervene. , gradually receded in the heart.

Smart guys have realized the strength of strangers, but there are also reckless creatures who still think they can fight against them.

They lead the group and ambushed above the road the wolves must pass, wanting to ambush the other side, reduce their combat power, and finally solve the four wolves.

However, the next scene was far beyond the lord's imagination.

The powerful wolves have long been aware of the ambush of this ethnic group, and even their hidden locations are completely exposed. In the eyes of the four wolves, they are as conspicuous as stars in the dark night.

The leader, Su Ming, was still walking forward, his eyes swept over the places where several alienated creatures were lurking, but this group of stupid guys didn't even know it, and stayed in place, waiting for the approach of the wolves.

Just as Ling passed by in the middle of the team, the lord creature roared, announcing the start of the battle.


Immediately, several black langurs rushed out of the bushes, waved their claws, and bit the four giant wolves in front of them.


A gust of cold wind whistled past, stroking the bodies of several people.

An inexplicable chill swept over them, and the frost was freezing the body of the black langur.

They still maintained their original attacking stance, with their teeth and claws, but it seemed a bit funny now.

The figure that turned into an ice wither quickly fell from a low altitude and fell heavily into the grass.


With a cracking sound, it finally broke into small pieces of ice slag, without any previous appearance.

"Tread, step, step."

Crossing the broken corpse, the four wolves continued to run forward, never looking at the attackers from the beginning to the end. Their offensive was no deterrent to the wolves.

It was not until the wolves had left for a long time that the remaining observers who were hiding in the dark dared to show their figures and look at this tragic battlefield.

The death of the black langur group gave them a heavy warning, and they must not anger the four giant wolves.


The fierce power displayed by the wolves can be regarded as a complete shock to the nearby lord creatures, so that they no longer have any courage to invade the four giant wolves, and they have given way to them.

The range of the mountain forest is not too large, and the wolves running fast quickly reached the border.

According to the map in my memory, there is no human city within a hundred miles of this place, only a few scattered villages, which are quite remote.

This also gave alienated creatures, good development conditions, many creatures whose overall strength was stronger than that of the city, and also gave birth to super-group creatures like the monkey king.

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[Restart Wolf Life: I can see the evolutionary route] []

There are not too many mistakes in human's prediction of the future world situation. Judging from the promotion speed of alienated creatures, if humans continue to do so, they will inevitably be suppressed by powerful creatures.


Sunset at dusk, sunset in the west.

The bright red glow reflected on the lawn, stretching the shadows of the four wolves in front of them.

On the outside of the mountain forest is an incomparably wide plain, where many herbivorous creatures are living and enjoying the delicious weeds.

For the arrival of strange animals, they have a certain degree of vigilance, each stopped their mouth movements, and looked at the four giant wolves.

The arrival of the mutation not only broke the balance between humans and other creatures, but also completely shattered the relationship between carnivores and herbivores.

They are no longer a relationship between predator and prey, but instead form a state of confrontation.

Through the influence of strange energy, herbivores have the strength to compete with carnivores, and can even crush each other.

In just a few months, herbivores became no longer afraid of predators, but instead defended their own turf and drove out the rest of the carnivores.

This is also the reason why the nearby herbivores are not too afraid of the wolves, because they have the strength to confront them.

The four wolves have yet to show strong potential energy, so they did not cause too much fear to the herbivores.

Of course, the wolves had no desire to eat either. They just glanced at this group of herbivores and continued to walk forward.

This move by the four wolves also relieved the surrounding herbivores, especially the two leaders of the group. Although they had overcome their fear of predators, they still had a sense of fear for the wolves for some reason.

Perhaps it is the instinct of creatures to seek benefits and avoid harm, warning them that the giant wolves in front of them are not as simple as they seem, but obviously they are only subconsciously aware of this, whether they will briskly walk when they encounter a pack of wolves. set aside.

The white smoke of birds and birds slowly floated up from the distant area and floated into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming gradually slowed down the pace of the team. This was a sign that the firewood was lit, proving that there might be a human village ahead.

Wolves are reluctant to have too much interaction with strangers, but they also don't choose to avoid the range of humans.

After slightly reducing the speed, the four wolves walked straight ahead again.

After stepping over the broad lawn, there is a dense forest in front of it, and the white smoke is wafting out of it, indicating that the human village is likely to be in it.

The whole forest is relatively quiet, UU reading www.uukanshu. com loomed traces of elk and hares, but no predators.

If you think about it carefully, it is easy to guess the reason. Without the food supply from the big cities, such small villages need to rely on self-sufficiency to survive.

As a result, all kinds of wild animals and edible plants in the forest have become one of their sources of food.



Suddenly, a dog chirping in the distance gradually pulled Su Ming's thoughts back and attracted the attention of the wolves.

The four wolves looked at each other and understood what they were thinking. Under the leadership of Su Ming, they slowly walked towards the direction of the voice.

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[Restart Wolf Life: I can see the evolutionary route] []

As the wolves gradually approached, the noises passed on increased. It seemed that two creatures were fighting in front of them.

The barking of the dog made Su Ming clearly distinguish that the identity of one of them was roughly a domestic dog raised by humans.

The other's roar was consistent with that of most predators. Due to too little information collected, Su Ming was unable to analyze the identity of the person.

Just as the four wolves were about to approach, a cry sounded again.


! "

It was a young human male voice, and the other party seemed to be calling the dog's name.

But what I never expected was that this sound actually made the originally tense situation even more intense.

The predator roared, breaking the previous stalemate.