MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2322 Life of this age

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Chapter 2322 Life in this Age

No rice and taro are eaten, and the vegetables and meat are also full.

However, the local stomach is still more suitable for carbohydrates as a staple food. If you have to get some rice noodles, you have to find a way to make money and give the two boys a winter clothes. This is cold.

Cloud painting has entered the mountain again.

It was very obedient to go around and toot, and the mother let them stay at home, they stayed at home, and the mother gave them homework, let the two children turn over the yard, and prepare the focus on radish cabbage or something.

The cloud paintings were carried out with their back cages. When they came back, they were already dark. At noon, they were the leftovers of the two boys’ hot yesterday.

In the evening, the two boys couldn't wait, and ran to the back of the mountain to meet their mother.

Cloud painting knows that the two children are worried. Although she is very tired, she has not been dragging for too long. She just came back when she was black.

When the two boys saw her, they were obviously relieved.

"Let's eat big fat chicken tonight."

Cloud painted and said with a smile.

This year, the rural people want to eat meat, it is very rare, to the cloud painting side, but almost meaty staple food, the two children are just like dreams!

Cut the fat chicken into pieces, fry it first, add water, then add potatoes and cook.

Chicken is fragrant, and the potatoes that have penetrated the chicken oil are more fragrant.

The two boys ate their mouths full of oil.

"Mom is going to the city tomorrow morning. Do you want to go?" asked Yun.

"Yes!" said the bag.

Dudu hesitated, "Mom, what are you going to do?"

"Mom dug some herbs in the mountains, and there are a few pheasants, go to the city to change some rice noodles, see if you can get some cloth tickets, buy some cotton or something." Cloud painting said.

Dudu is a little worried. "Mom, is this the case? If it is caught, it will... you will say that you are speculative."

"It’s good not to be caught." Cloud painted and laughed. "If you don't do this, our family will starve to death. Dudu, we are doing things to live, we have not hurt others, but we have done this." But it does not comply with the policy. If possible, do not do things that do not comply with the policy, understand?"

Dudu seems to understand the nod.

Right and wrong, not so good in this era.

Cloud painting does not want Dudu to think that as long as it is to survive, it can do anything, even if it is illegal.

When I entered the city this time, the family got up earlier and the sky was still bright.

The village head is also relatively remote, bypassing the village from here, and no one has found it.

When I arrived at the commune, I caught up with the earliest bus to the county.

Before going to the car, I can go back and look for the orange leaves. I smell the taste of the orange leaves, and I really don’t get motion sickness!

When I arrived at the county, the time was still early.

This year, private business is not allowed to buy and sell, so if you want to find a breakfast on the street, it is impossible, you can only go to the state-owned hotel.

The cloud painting took the two dolls in the county town and finally found that the medicines they had collected could only be sold to the supply and marketing cooperatives, and the price given by the supply and marketing cooperatives was too low.

The quality of the herbs collected in the cloud paintings is very good. Although it has not been processed, it is definitely a good medicine. Other things are not mentioned. Days of hemp, Polygonum multiflorum, and ginseng are all good things.

Of course, she knows that there are private medicines to collect these things, but it is not so easy to find a private drugstore.

Cloud painting decided to sell some pheasants to the black market first.


This year is not only the lack of meat in rural areas, but also the lack of meat in urban areas.

The planned economy, food, clothing, housing and transportation, all kinds of materials are seriously inadequate. If there are no tickets in the city, there will be no meat.

The pheasants caught by the clouds painted very bright feathers. They were heavy in their hands. When they touched it, they knew that the chicken was really fat and the taste was definitely good.

The key is that the price she sells is also cheaper than pork. The second-class pork is 7 cents a pound, but also the meat ticket. The pheasant of the cloud painting is at least seven or eight pounds. She sells three dollars, as long as one pound of meat ticket, if If there is a cloth ticket and a cotton ticket, it can be cheaper.

Eight pheasants, Yun painting left a director Liu ready to send to the transport team, the remaining seven were sold, there will be 20 dollars on hand, there are two pounds of pork tickets, and a little cloth ticket.

Cotton tickets are even rarer and can't be obtained.

Cloud painting can only find another way.

After selling things, I bought meat buns, sugar tops and eggs as I did last time. After I finished eating, I went to see Director Liu.

"Everything is fine at home." Director Liu asked with a smile.

Cloud painting nodded, "It's quite good. There is nothing else in the countryside. This is what I caught in the mountains. Director Liu took it back and let the scorpion taste it. It is more fragrant than the domestic chicken."

"This is not very good, you still take it back." Director Liu said.

Cloud painting laughs, "My family's business is really thanks to Director Liu's help. This is a courtesy. You have to give me a chance to express your gratitude. It is not a valuable thing. There is an old ginseng here. I dug it in the mountains. Go back and fill the body for the elderly."

Director Liu saw the old ginseng and was shocked. "This has been forty or thirty years! It is too expensive, and it can be a family treasure. No, you still take it back..."

"Director Liu, you just look down on me." Cloud painted and laughed. "I can get it, you can accept it, and then I will have something to trouble you."

"There is something to say, you still take it back."

Cloud painting did not accept this, and said with a smile: "I have also taken some other herbs, I don't know where to send them. You also know that the family didn't give us a meal, I pointed to this medicine. Food, the family is alive."

Director Liu said, "The supply and marketing agency is not very good to sell, the hospital does not accept it. We don't have a drug factory here... But you ask me if I ask the right one. So, go to the Nanlin Commune. Hey, help me give my uncle a little something..."

Director Liu let people drive their past, saying that they want to help Director Liu give the uncle a little something, and the uncle's family will not be able to open the pot.

This is of course an excuse.

After going to the cloud painting, I realized that the uncle, director Liu, was a doctor. However, this year, he did not dare to go straight to practice medicine and sell drugs.

After all, rural people have a small illness and a small disaster, they are hard-resistance, but they can only take medicines and remedies according to the remedies left by the old people. Sometimes they are very ill and they are afraid to go to the hospital. Hey.

This year, the doctor is also going to be beaten to the ghosts and snakes, and there are people who dare to practice medicine. Some of them come secretly. If there is no acquaintance to introduce the guarantee, it will definitely not give you medicine.

"These herbs are all your own into the mountains?" Director Liu’s uncle, Dr. Cao carefully examined the herbs collected by the cloud paintings. “It’s all good!”

So big Polygonum, and Tianma, these are hard to find.

"It's me." Cloud painted nodded.

"It's not easy." Dr. Cao whispered, "Do you want to take money, or do you want something? I have rice noodles here, and some coarse grains."

"You can help me change half of the rice noodles, half of the coarse grains." Cloud painting said.

Cloud paintings got 30 pounds of noodles, 30 pounds of rice, and 100 pounds of sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn and other coarse grains.

"I still lack these medicines here. You look at it and recognize it. If you meet it, you will dig it. I will, or you will change it if you want to change it." Dr. Cao said.

Cloud painting nodded quickly. "Thank you, Dr. Cao, I want to ask you if there is a cloth ticket and a cotton ticket? This is going to be in the winter. I want to make clothes for the baby to keep warm."

"There are not many cotton tickets, but I can help you ask." Dr. Cao said.

"Thank you for Dr. Cao."

The cloud painting left with the two children.

This Cao doctor must not only treat rural people, but rural people can not get money and tickets. Most of his customers must be urban people.

Cloud paintings are too lazy to be studied. This year, there are many daring people, all for life, no one is nobler than anyone else.

However, I can confirm that my own things can be sold in the future, and cloud painting will not worry so much.

Dudu and his pocket are young, and one person has 30 pounds of fine grain.

Cloud painting himself carried a hundred pounds of coarse grains, saying that it was a hundred pounds. In fact, Dr. Cao gave a little more, and the back cage was full, and the grass was covered with weeds to cover it.

Cloud painting also found out that he is now full of strength. This one hundred pounds is on his body, not only can he bear it, but the key is not too tired.

A family of three returned home.

Two small ones have been hungry and have a back chest.

"Is it good to eat white rice tonight?"

There are still some potatoes and chickens, and the cloud painting has fried a hot and sour cabbage, two dishes, and white rice. The two kids can't eat too much!

After eating, I quickly ran to the dishwashing pot.

Cloud painting has not stopped, and the little ones have nothing to do, and she is really tired.

After eating, the mother-in-law sat in the yard to watch the stars.

On a clear night, the stars are a little bit starry.

Cloud painting gives two children the science of the stars, the moon and the earth, the basic common sense of the popular science universe...

"Mom, but I think the sky is like a pot, cover us up."

Yun Qiao laughed, "No, the land under our feet is actually spherical. We are all on the surface of the ball. If the earth is an egg, we will all live on the eggshell..."

"The people below are not standing upside down!" I was very surprised.

Cloud painting and the children's science about gravity...

"Mom, you are so good, you know everything."

Dudu also looked at the cloud painting with the little eyes of worship.

Cloud painting laughs, "These are the knowledge in books. After you go to school, you can learn the physics and you can understand it. Well, now wash your face, wash your teeth, sleep, and run with your mother tomorrow morning."

Running, this is the most economical way to exercise.

The two little guys were a little weaker, and they were injured before the toot. This made the cloud painting worry, she had to let the two little guys have self-protection ability.

Early in the morning, at six o'clock, the early villagers found that Lin Zhiqing was sweating with his two children.

"Lin Zhiqing, is this doing?"

"Running." Cloud painted and laughed, "Exercise."

"It’s okay to eat enough!" Daxie Bai Xiumei rolled his eyes.

Cloud painting stood and wiped the sweat. "Oh, my watch, it should be given to me."

(End of this chapter)