MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2326 He used to like you before.

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Chapter 2326, he liked you before.

The prestige of Tang Jianqiang cannot be provocative.

If he gets angry, no one will give it.

In the work in the village, Tang Jianqiang and the village party secretary Chen Fushan, a singer with a white face and a red face, the two cooperated quite well.

Now that Tang Jianqiang is angry, no one dares to say anything.

The family members are even afraid to speak.

She didn't dare to cry when she was crying.

Yan Guichang kept his head down and didn't say anything.

"Choose!" Tang Jianqiang said with a sullen face.

Yan Guichang was forced to helplessly and whispered: "I will not beat her casually in the future."

Tang Jianqiang looked at the woman, and the woman was shrinking her neck, and she did not dare to cry again. Her eyes were dodging: "Do not fight, do not fight."

Tang Jianqiang saw Yao Jiajia: "Yao Zhiqing, if they dare to beat you for no reason, just look for me and Fushan Shu! The village will be the master for you."

Yao Jiajia nodded and cried.

This is the end of a farce.

Zhang Yaqiu sighed with relief, his arm hit the cloud painting, and whispered: "Drawing, the prestige of the captain is really high."

Cloud painting nodded and looked at Tang Jianqiang. It happened that Tang Jianqiang also looked at her.

Zhang Yaqiu immediately smiled and gathered in the ear of the cloud to say: "Drawing, the captain of the team was chasing you with Tang Jianqing. You see the captain look at your eyes, hehe."

Cloud painting looks at Zhang Yaqiu: "Yaqiu, how do I remember that the person who likes the captain is you. At the beginning, you asked me twice to match you and the captain."

Zhang Yaqiu's face changed and quickly said: "The captain does not like me, the captain likes you."

Cloud painting opened the hand of Zhang Yaqiu. "Yaqiu, rice can be eaten indiscriminately, and words can't be said indiscriminately. I still have things, go first."


Zhang Yaqiu looked at the cloud painting and left, only a crappy, blinking eyes.

The cloud painting with two children just walked away, the captain Tang Jianqiang really chased it up, "Three, you wait."

Standing in the cloud painting, holding a child in one hand, looking at Tang Jianqiang, "Does the captain have something?"

"Yes, go to your yard and say, just look at your new house. I haven't been here since." Tang Jianqiang said.

The cloud painting shook his head: "No, the widow is not much in front of the door. If you have anything to say here, you will not be inherited."

Tang Jianqiang’s face changed slightly. “I see who dares to lick the tongue!”

Cloud painting did not sound.

Tang Jianqiang obviously also knows that in the countryside, the women’s gossips are numerous, even if the parties are frank, but if the outsiders are much more eloquent, people will believe.

In the countryside, it is not feasible to want to clear the self-clearing, and when there is a quarrel, for the civilized and the literate, the louder the quarrel, the more guilty.

However, in today's rural areas, when you quarrel, it is really who is loud, who will cry, who will cry, who is reasonable, you stand indifferently and let the other side fight, want to be salty and not a few words It is impossible to reverse the battle.

After Tang Jianqiang said it, he also reacted to what he said and couldn’t stand it. "That, let’s just say it here."

Cloud painting nodded, and both hands still hold the two.

Dudu and laps are very cleverly standing beside the cloud painting, and they will not disturb the mother.

Tang Jianqiang hesitated a moment and said: "I came back to know that you are separated. This is what Sibo did wrong. Even if Jianqing is a nurse, how many years have you paid for the family, everyone is also I know, Sibo Si Niang really shouldn’t have been so rushing you away."

Cloud painting did not sound.

Tang Jianqiang continued: "I am saying that I am going to find Sibo Si Niang and say, let them give you the things that are given to you."

"No need."

Yunhua said, "Jianqing is already dead. They have completely severed relations with Jianqing, and they have also broken off relations with us. Then there is no need to be confused. If the captain is really sincere, let them be forever. Don't come to me any more trouble. The key is that the relationship has been broken. After that, they have nothing to do with our illness and death, and we don't want to use the crime of filial piety to press us. This will do."

Tang Jianqiang’s face changed. "But Sancha, your mother is a single independent household. The days are definitely sad. It’s still the words of the Tang family. You can have a good care."

"When we were Tang family, the days were even more difficult." Cloud painting said faintly, "The captain, there is nothing else, we will go home first, and we must cook for two children."

"Hey wait!" Tang Jianqiang also called Yunzhu. "Since you insist, I am not forced to you. But if there is anything in the family, I must tell me that I am a brother with Jianqing, he is gone, I am ... I have an obligation to take care of you."

"Thank you, but you don't have to."

When the cloud painting is finished, he will leave the two.

Tang Jianqiang stood in the same place and watched the cloud painting go far, and he could only sigh.

Time is too much for Lin Zhiqing. After a few years, the educated youth of the same age as Lin Zhiqing, the rural women, the marriage or the marriage, have been roughened by the years. Only Lin Zhiqing, the color is still, even better.

Niang San went home, toot fire, to take a dish, and to paint noodles.

I couldn't help but ask Yunzhu: "Mom, Jianqiang Shu said that we want to help us to ask for something. Why don't you? Jianqiang is very powerful, and my grandmother listens to him."

The movements on the hand of the cloud painting are not slow, and the noodles are the main skill. "Because the mother wants to draw a line with the Tang family, if you really want to build a strong uncle, you will have something to do with Tang Jiake." It’s not clear. Let’s say, let’s not miss that.”

"Oh." He squinted his eyes.

Cloud paintings smashed the noodles, sprinkled some corn flour to prevent adhesions, and then began to cut chicken, onions, **** and garlic, and prepared to scent to make scorpions.

The scorpion is being fired, and someone is shouting at the door.

"Three, three are not at home."

As soon as I heard the voice, I immediately shouted: "It is the third brother!"

Cloud paintings are also heard.

This is the eldest son of the second house, Tang Jianbing, Tang Jinyuan, who ranks with the long room and ranks the third.

The two sons of Tang Jianbing, the second son of Tang Jian, also have the same personality as the second room. They are not honest, but the second son of Tang Jinzhou, the temper is very alive.

"Jin Yuan is coming, come in." Cloud painting said.

Tang Jinyuan carried a back cage, which was covered with a layer of gray and gray vegetables. After the gray ash was opened, there was a bag of flour and a packet of white sugar.

Tang Jinyuan put down the back cage and took things out.

Cloud painting frowns, the two rooms and two people can't have these survivors. "Where is it?"

Tang Jinyuan smiled. "It’s Jianqiang, he sent me to you."

(End of this chapter)