MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2328 My mother only likes my dad.

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Chapter 2328 My mother only likes my father.

Seeing the oil-paper bag falling out, Tang Jinyuan squinted his eyes, regardless of his elbows, and immediately climbed to grab the oil-paper bag, but he still took a slow step.

"what is this!"

Tang Jinwu rushed to the eye quickly, grabbed the oil paper bag and heard it, "It's really sweet! It's meat, it's meat! Milk, Tang Jinyuan doesn't know where to steal the meat!"

Tang Jinwu shouted as he quickly opened the oil-paper bag and grabbed the oily chicken scorpion and put it in his mouth.

The scorpion made by Yunzhu is not that kind of salty, but it is slightly saltier than normal. It is also according to her own taste. Compared with the people in the village, it is already light enough. At this time, people Work harder and more, don't eat salty and have no strength.

This taste is just right for Tang Jinwu, especially delicious!

When Mrs. Tang ran over, Tang Jinwu had already eaten two and ate it, but was taken over by Mrs. Tang’s wife. After smelling it, Mrs. Tang immediately called her grandson, “Awen Come over, give it to you. You know that stealing is a little bit of a donkey. You don’t know how to leave a point for your brother. Your brother still wants to study."

Tang Jinwu’s unhappy things were taken away by his grandmother to his eldest brother, but he was used to it. Any good things in the family were given to the older brother. Grandma said that the older brother had a good future, and the Tang family could have a good future. His younger brother could have a good future. Tang Jinwu is also used to it.

"Milk, ask him! Tang Jinyuan does not know where to steal the meat, please ask him!" Tang Jinwu immediately rushed to Tang Jinyuan's body, turned over and over him, "Cry, look at you still hid delicious. !"

"No!" Tang Jinyuan was so angry that his eyes were about to come out.

He can't blame himself. The little bit of the scorpion is to bring it back to his parents and his brother. He is so careful that he hasn't taken care of it yet.

Tang Jinyuan was so angry.

"Milk, you touch him to eat too much! You touched his stomach and bulged! Say, where did you eat, who steals?" Tang Jinwu began to ask.

Tang Jinyuan pushed the Tang Jinwu, stood up, picked up his sleeves, and his arms were bleeding.

Chen Ying of the second room hurried over and took Tang Jinyuan to go to the house. "Look at you falling! Don't hurry up and get some scented ash, flow the blood, how many eggs can make it back!"

In this era, people were injured and bleed. Generally, small injuries will be sprinkled with fragrant ash, so that the wound can quickly stop bleeding and dry. If it is in the ground, it will pull a small dragonfly, also called a horned bud, and the edge of the blade is a plant of thorns. It can also be chewed and applied to the wound. If it is a big injury, you can only go to the hospital.

"Stand up! Make it clear, where is the thing!" Tang Jinwu said, and turned back to Ladang old lady, "Milk, look at him, you don't say anything."

Mrs. Tang’s old face was black. “Well, you and the goods. Before you eat, you will see you swaying outside the courtyard of Jianqiang’s house. When you see you, you will run. It’s been thinking about stealing people’s things! , will steal things!"

"I didn't!" Tang Jinyuan retorted sullenly.

"Don't dare say no! Didn't steal this meat from the sky?" Mrs. Tang sneered.

Tang Jinwu is also helping the side. "Yes, it must be stolen! Milk, dare to steal things, interrupt his legs!"

Chen Ying protects Tang Jinyuan behind him. "The Yuan Yuan said that it is not stealing, it is not stealing!"

"You still protect him! The shameless thing, he swears, steals people's food, and steals a strong home. He doesn't smoke him, he doesn't know what is wrong!" Mrs. Tang Angry.

"Give, milk."

Tang Jinwu has drawn a fine bamboo from the bamboo broom and handed it to Mrs. Tang.

Mrs. Tang took the fine bamboo and took it to Tang Jinyuan.

Chen Ying guarded his son and hid, but he was pumped a few times by Mrs. Tang.


Tang Jianbing, the second child who stood on the side and snorted, finally screamed angrily. He reached out and grabbed the bamboo that Mrs. Tang had smoked. He violently used force, and the bamboo was taken away by him. He directly broke the bamboo. In a few quarters, throw it aside.

"Mom, you all hit the English!" Tang Jianbing was angry.

When Mrs. Tang looked at it, she immediately sat on the ground and cried: "Hey, what kind of world is this, you can't educate your grandson when you are a milk, and your son is also arrogant, not filial, and disobedient."

"Mom, let's separate." Tang Jianbing had a very dark face. "Yuanyuan is not doing it right. Let's teach it ourselves! Besides, Yuanyuan said that he did not steal!"

Tang Jinyuan licked his lips. "There is no stealing, the scorpion is... it’s three scorpions, and you are also eating at the Sancha home!"

Mrs. Tang’s wife immediately responded and screamed: “Who is your third sister! You don’t even have three uncles from the three uncles! Then dare to call the monk three, you can’t tear your mouth away! ”

Tang Jinyuan was afraid to hide, and did not dare to scream.

Chen Yingyi gnawed his teeth: "Mom, we have already separated. The previous things are all good. I can’t see it today. I’m completely separated. In the future, the Jinyuan Jin Zhou and the two brothers will make you angry.”

Mrs. Tang’s wife squatted and began to sit on the ground and patted her legs and cried. “It’s really awkward. The surname Lin’s singer is going to ruin our home. Points, no matter what, who dares to say is not filial!"

Chen Ying looked at Tang Jianbing.

Tang Jianbing was black-faced and biting his teeth: "Min, Mom, part of the family or your son, how much is the filial piety every year, but this must be divided. The last time has been divided, now press the last time. If things move, it’s over!"

Mrs. Tang immediately rolled on the ground and cried.

Father Tang finally arrived at the noise outside, came out of the hall, and looked coldly at Tang Jianbing: "You want to mad at your aunt!"

Tang Jianbing licked his lips. "Hey, I have a filial piety and a filial piety."

"Look at you. Mom is mad at you!" Father Tang roared the second son who had always been arrogant. "You are so filial!"

Tang Jianbing gritted his teeth: "Hey, you must divide."

His eyes are very determined.

Father Tang looked a little scared, and then looked at the old man on the ground, Tang’s father was very uncomfortable.

He can see that the second son is really out of his heart, and he does not want to be separated. The second son sees the eyes of his wife on the ground is not right, and Tang’s father is also a little panicked.

I can't completely centrifuge my second son.

Father Tang sighed. "Let's go, divide it. The last time is a good one. After a while, the grain pots and pans are smashed, and it's over."

"You are a dead old man, you don't know what to do! If Tang Jianbing dares to divide, don't recognize this mother!" Mrs. Tang is still playing around.

Tang Jianbing just wanted to speak, and Tang’s father first spoke. He yelled: “You shut me up! You are separated from the Jianbing and Yingzi, or your son’s wife. If you don’t talk here, I’ll say it, divide it!”

Tang Jianbing glanced at his father gratefully.

Father Tang sighs in the bottom of his heart. He has no choice. He can’t really let the second son and his family completely centrifuge with this family.


When I was separated, the three rooms were still there. The family property was also divided into four. The big room, the second room and the three rooms were each one, and the other was the old couple and the young daughter Tang Yuhong.

This must be divided according to the previous sub-rule, which is equivalent to only one-fourth of the second room, and the remaining three-quarters can be given to the big house!


Father Tang squatted with the smoke, "three copies, one big room, one second room, and one is our old couple and Yuhong."

"This is a trip!"

The big house that had not been out just now, ran out at this time. "Before the separation, the village branch secretary Fushan uncle has seen it, and the leaders of the county and the commune are all set, and can Indiscriminately. Call me to say that the original three-bedroom, originally should be given to the mother, there will be no three rooms in the future, naturally there will be less room for the mother to support the elderly, that three-room that is not very suitable for the mother-in-law? !"

Mrs. Tang’s wife is also stunned. “Yes! I really want to divide, just press the points back! Otherwise, don’t divide!”

Father Tang was so angry that he kicked the old lady, "Hot!"

"Where is it? You have to re-divide, you have to force the wife to die, don't live, go on the hang!" The old lady began to mess around.

Tang Jianbing glanced at the wife Chen Ying.

Chen Ying took a breath and stood up and said, "On the last minute, four copies, we only need one! But there is a premise to build the wall in the middle of the yard!"

"Impossible!" Father Tang first took the lead.

Mrs. Tang still cried and hanged.

Chen Ying insisted.

Daxie Bai Xiumei said: "You are too filial to the second child. You are yelling at you."

The old Tang Jianguo also said: "You are really not like the second child. Is it so easy for you to raise your mother? Are you looking at your wife and sister?"

Tang Jianbing clenched his fists and his face was ugly.

"Mom, don't build a wall, you have to pay more for food!" Tang Jinzhou, the youngest son of the second room, suddenly shouted, "There are no three uncles at home, and that the family can still be divided into four?"

Tang Jin Zhou, the youngest in the second room, is bigger than a bag and a toot, but he is only 8 years old. His mind has always been clever.

Chen Yinggang wants to reprimand the younger son. She is not a rare thing. As long as this family can be completely divided, the Tang family's yard is very large. The new house and the old house are far away, and the middle can be divided into two yards.

Chen Ying is ironic and wants to separate. She is really fed up with this family.

She just wanted to speak, and the younger son gave her a break.

Chen Ying stunned. She is honest. She doesn't mean she is stupid. When she looks at her little son, Chen Ying immediately understands that she can't help but feel annoyed. She lives so old, she doesn't have an eight-year-old doll brain. clear.

"Well, if you don't build a wall, you can divide it and divide it into three parts." Chen Ying said.


"That's it!"


Mrs. Tang’s wife, the boss Tang Jianguo, and Daxie Bai Xiumei shouted at the same time.

I’ve already said it in the front. I only take a quarter of the second room. Now I have to re-divide it. That’s not enough! Seeing that it is already in the hands of the big house, and then dug it out, it is simply digging the meat of the big room!

Now it is Chen Ying’s turn to be anxious, anyway, either to build a wall or to relocate.

Isn't it a wall, how important is money?

The bosses are still eager to build a wall, so they also have a good mouth to eat, but also have to carry the second room.

Tang Jianguo and Bai Xiumei looked at each other and Bai Xiumei spoke first: "You are really distracted by the niece of the second child. You are not letting you build a wall, just thinking that your family is not smart, stupid and wood, if this is There is an anecdote, all in a yard, but also a sip of the slut, can you starve you? Look at you, do not understand the understanding of the mother."

"The wall is also squatting, just across the wall, it is still a family." Tang Jianguo sighed, a helpless look, "The second child, you want to separate the single, then build Wall bar."

Master Tang is very angry, but when he looks at the second room, he can only shake his head. "But the son is big, there are ideas, let's take it with you."

The second room was finally completely separated, and the next day I went to pull the adobe to build the wall.

In the evening, the second room opened the stove separately. Chen Ying made an egg for two sons and one person. Although the food was still simple, the family was very happy.

The cloud painting allowed Dudu to send a basket of mushrooms to the second room, and the second room returned a pumpkin.

Cloud painting made pumpkin cake for two children. There was no glutinous rice flour, and some flour was added. The taste of the pumpkin cake was a little bit worse, but for the two children, it was already delicious, and the fragrance was not good.

Although there are rice and noodles in the house, there are foods, but the cloud paintings will also cost the two children to buy cotton to buy cotton and make winter clothes. It will be cold in the eyes.

Now that everything in the land has been collected, the wheat has been planted, and there is no living in the field. The production team is calling for a ditches. It is also a few centimeters. The cloud painting can't go, she has to go into the mountains.

I am worried about going around and toot.

Cloud painting can't take them into the mountains.

"Oh, look at home, mother promises, must come back before dark!" said the cloud painting.

When Tang Jianqiang came over, he only had toot at home, and went out to smash firewood and cow dung.

"Dudu, you. Mom?" Tang Jianqiang asked.

Dudu said: "Jian Qiang, my mother went out."

"Where have you been?"

No sounds.

Tang Jianqiang thought for a moment, frowning slightly. "She has entered the mountain again?"

After he came back, he learned a lot about cloud paintings, especially when the cloud painting went alone in the mountains and hunted a wild boar. If not everyone saw it, he couldn’t help it at all. Believe!

Not to mention that it is a female educated youth, that is, the farmer is a strong man, and if he meets such a big wild boar, he can’t deal with it at all, and he will have to die if he is not careful.

Dudu nodded, "Build a strong uncle, you still go back."

Tang Jianqiang said: "You. Does my mother often go into the mountains?"

"No." Dudu said in a serious way, Tang Jianqiang could not see from his face that he lied.

"She is a woman, it is too dangerous to go into the mountains alone. If she has something to do, what should your two brothers do?" Tang Jianqiang said, "Now don't say so much, late, until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, if she hasn't come back yet." You hurry to find me, I bring people into the mountains to find her."

Dumb nodded.

Tang Jianqiang took out a bag of white rabbit toffee from his pocket and handed it to Dudu. He turned and left.

Dumming a moment, immediately catching up, stuffed sugar to Tang Jianqiang, "I don't want, my mother refuses to take other people's things. There is also Jianqiangshu, my mother, only like my father."

(End of this chapter)