MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2330 Strive to adapt

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Chapter 2330 strives to adapt

"Mom, what happened to you?"

The sound of the beep sounded.

When the cloud painting just wanted to turn around, she felt the wetness on her face. She quickly wiped her face on the face. Then I looked at it. "The bowls are all washed? Then burn a big pot of hot water, you follow Take a bath, you wash your mother and wash."

It is not easy to take a shower this year.

In the place of Xiaheshu Village, the northerners said that it is the south, but it also snows here, while the southerners say it is north, but it has no heating in winter, especially cold.

Although it is not in the winter, it is also late autumn. After all, wheat has been planted. It is a little bit hot at noon, but it is very cold in the morning and evening. It is sure to get sick with a cold bath.

Because the air is dry and the temperature is low this season, most people only wash their heads once a week. As for bathing, there is no such concept at all. It is a matter of years before you take a bath. Everyone is similar.

Cloud painting can't be done, she won't feel bad if she doesn't take a bath.

Especially during the day, I went into the mountains and had a lot of activities. I also sweated on my body. I really can't stand the shower. There is no shower room, hot water has to be burned by yourself, and this bath is really tired.

Fortunately, the two sons were very sensible, and they accepted the "queer" of the cloud painting in a short time, so that the bath would boil water.

The reason is actually simple. The two children are afraid that they will not perform well, and the mother will get angry and walk away.

Dudu burned a large pot of water, the stove was covered at that time, the cloud painting was slightly separated, and the next one could be used as a shower room.

Put the big tub over, pour cold water into it, and then heat the water, the two children can wash.

“Do you want your mother to help?” said Yun.

Dudu quickly shook his head, his face was red and red, "No, we will wash."

I also said immediately: "Mom, when we grow up, we will take a bath and make sure we wash."

Cloud painting smiled and nodded, went to take the saponin powder and let the two little guys wash quickly, not only the body, but also the head to wash, anyway, the child's hair is short and dry quickly.

In the two small baths, the cloud painting filled the pot with water and boiled it again, so that after the two small washings, she could start washing.

After taking a shower, it is much more comfortable.

After the cloud painting enters the house, the two little guys are already playing on the raft, and they are more lively, and the toot is generally not moving, but the lap is always moving, and the two little guys will bother together. .

Cloud painting wiped the hair half-dry, and then touched two small hairs.

In this village, there is no need to use a bed. In fact, because there is no wood, it can't afford the carpenter's money. Simply build a house and use the adobe to build a house. Then you can sleep with a layer of straw.

"Well, my hair is dry, I can sleep." Cloud painting said.

Go out and beep immediately, lie down, "Mom, listen to the story."

Cloud painted and laughed, "Okay, today, the grass boat borrows arrows..."

Those who say that telling stories can tell their children to fall asleep must be because the story is not exciting enough, or the person who tells the story is too level. Under normal circumstances, a good story will only make the children listen to the spirit.

This is the way to go around and toot. Listening to the cloud painting and talking about the grass boat and borrowing arrows, the two are more spiritual.

"Mom, I still want to hear."

This voice, let the cloud painting think it is still the last life.

She touched the heads of the two little guys: "Say a good story, can't talk. Now, I close my eyes and sleep, my mother sleeps."

Cloud painting sleeps with two little guys, not worried about them, mainly because there are not so many covers. If she sleeps alone, she can only sleep on the straw, and there is no cover.

I must get the cloth quickly.

In addition, when building the house before, when I was repairing this, I also told the masters of the helper that she wanted to make it like the northeast and could be connected with the stove, so that in the winter, just in the stove. When you burn the fire, you will get hot.

The masters have not repaired the kind, but it doesn't sound difficult, just help her, but the flue is still not done, she has to take the time to modify the flue.

The next day, the cloud painting once again entered the city.

This time she didn't bring two little guys and left them at home to watch the house.

She has to go to the black market to sell things today, but also to sell medicines, but also have to find ways to change tickets and cotton tickets... There are also many things, and it is not convenient to bring them small.

Today I want to sell the fish that she marinated after cleaning. The other is the pheasant. The egg she left at home gave two small meals.

Fish is not too rare, but such a big fish is very rare.

Cloud painting originally went directly to the black market, but I didn’t feel it right when I didn’t go there. I walked around from the side. After I walked away, I found out that there was a picket in Chashi City. According to people living on the street, I checked it. Two or three days.

Cloud paintings are not worried about things being sold. In this age of scarcity of materials, such a good meat, I am afraid that no one wants?

If the black market can't sell it, go to other places, such as some places where you can get a salary.

There is a wire factory in the county, and the cloud draws the staff quarters in the past.

She carried a back cage with a bamboo basket on her arm and a basket of wild leeks in the bamboo basket.

When she arrived, it was not when the wire factory went to work. There were not many people, but it was also a good cloud painting. After all, if there are too many people when they go to work, there are many people who are confused and easy to get into trouble.

There are fewer people here, but it is easier to point.

The family members of the wire factory went back to buy food and came back to the cloud painting. The cloud painting smiled and talked with people: "Big sister, I am looking for a fellow villager, I will ask you an acquaintance..."

"What, there is no such person, then I may have made a mistake." Cloud painted a sigh, a look of a difficult face, "I can help him find something he can find..."

"What?" The other party is really curious.

The cloud painting hesitated, whispered: "A little meat."

When I heard the meat, the elder sister immediately glanced at her eyes and looked around. When no one noticed, she quickly pulled the cloud painting into the corridor of the family building and whispered, "Look at the meat, give the big sister a look."

When I saw the big grass carp with seven or eight pounds, the big sister had two eyes, and said: "Sister, how do you sell this fish to me?"

"Can you sell it, can't you..."

"Not selling, let's change. I will give you a ticket or something else, and then put some money on it, don't sell it."

The cloud painting seems to have been moved, but there are also concerns. "But big sister, I am so much, you..."

"I can't eat it alone, but I will find someone for you. You can rest assured that you will definitely pack it up. You first talk to the older sister, what do you want?"

The cloud painting said, "It’s cold, the dolls haven’t had winter clothes, I want to order cloth tickets and cotton tickets...”

"This is easy! You wait!"

Within five minutes, the big sister brought four or five older sisters to come over...

(End of this chapter)