MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2338 See who is shameless

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Chapter 2338 to see who is shameless

Tang Jianqiang, who has already followed the cloud painting together, has already learned about the ability of cloud painting.

Others have become more exaggerated after seeing the skills of cloud painting.

"Lin Zhiqing, I really didn't think you still have this hand! Looking at the soft and weak, this is actually really amazing!"

"It’s really good to know how you got to the wild boar in the last time. It’s really amazing.”

"Lin Zhiqing, who did you learn from this? Didn’t you show it before?"

" Nonsense, before the establishment of Qing, the wages of Jianqing is enough to feed a family, and now Jianqing is gone, Lin Zhiqing did not rely on..."

"Less fart, focus." Tang Jianqiang yelled.

Cloud painting is not angry.

As for where her body is coming, she will not say more, let everyone guess.

As long as you can get something, no one will go to the bottom, everyone just wants to eat.


These three days, the village is inexplicably anxious.

"Fushan Uncle, Jianqiang, they have been in the mountains for three days, and it should be out now." A woman asked.

"Yeah, it looks like the sky is dark, and you still don't see the shadows? It won't be an anecdote."

"Oh, you can do something wrong, and you don't have a crow here."

Bai Xiumei leaned on the big banyan tree on the side of the road. "Jianqiang is really pickled up and stuffed with heart. This mountain is so good. Is the old Chentou’s leg hurt? It’s so easy, still Can wait until now."

"If others don't go, they will build their strong ten people. There is a wild boar collision. Maybe you can come back a few times. When the whole village is crying," Mrs. Tang is also on the side, looking good. Look like.

Father Tang frowned. "I don't want to talk nonsense."

He looked at Chen Fushan again. "Fukuyama, Jianqiang is not a fool. Who is paying attention and letting the hunting team enter the mountain? Isn't that everyone?"

"Yes, Fushan Shu, who is this idea?" Bai Xiumei began to swear.

Mrs. Tang immediately sneered: "Who is the idea? Who else can there be in addition to that Kefu's Xiaochang woman? I didn't know that the cat was holding a dead mouse and gave her a wild boar. Really have the ability, and dare to encourage the whole village man to follow the mountain, she is dying, Jianqing is not counted, but also want to kill the old Tang family and old Chen family's full strength! This kind of black heart The goblin, it is time to tear her face!"

"You are not allowed to marry my mother!"

The bag that was pulled by Chen Ying was angry and angry.

Chen Fushan took the whole village to wait for the hunting team to return, and the cloud painter's house is on the outskirts of the village, the closest to the back mountain, so everyone is basically waiting for this.

Moreover, I know that the only woman in the village who followed the mountain was Lin Yunhua, and everyone naturally waited outside her house.

I heard about Mrs. Tang’s use of extremely ugly words, and I was so angry that I wanted to explode, and I immediately yelled at my nephew.

Mrs. Tang’s wife took a sip. “The little hybrids of Xiaochang’s daughters are also screaming here. You. Mom wants to kill people, you have to get out of Xiaheshu Village.”


A pot of water was poured straight over the old lady.

"Hey, which little wild species is splashing!"

Mrs. Tang hurriedly avoided, but she was still splashed with water, and immediately began to bark. "You are a small wild species, this is a new clothes, just wearing a water..."

"Shut up, noisy, noisy, let me go back!"

Chen Fushan screamed coldly.

Mrs. Tang stretched her finger and said, whispering and cursing, seeing no one cares about her. She whispered to the villagers who participated in the hunting team. "The woman has never been clean since she was old. She dared to enter the mountains to touch the mountain gods. You also Really, I don’t persuade my own baby to let them go to the net. If I can’t get in, I can’t live.”

The people who were said, all of them were gray-faced and worried about the extreme.

Some people who can't help but start crying.

Those who refused the invitation of Tang Jianqiang, who did not join the hunting team, all showed up with the expression of the rest of the robbery. Fortunately, they could not help but persuade those involved.

"Jianqiang is impulsive this time. When he let my big cow go, I can't say it. I don't want to go to the big cow. Is this mountain good? Is it good to discuss things with the mountain god? Hey, really only Almost..."

The more you say that, the more worried families cry.

Chen Fushan is annoyed, but the panic of this time has begun to spread. If he is forced to suppress it, the villagers will completely erupt.

He has no choice but to pray for cloud paintings and Tang Jianqiang, to bring the villagers back smoothly.

The sun has completely fallen.

Originally, some children ran for a while in the shallow forest of the back mountain, and wanted to welcome the hunting team. But when the sky was completely dark, the adults all called the children back and watched, absolutely not close to the woods. step.

Dudu and red eyes.

Going straight and crying.

Dudu squatted with his hand. "Don't be afraid, my mother will come back."

Chen Ying also nodded quickly. "Do not worry, your mother will definitely come back. She has been in it for so many times before. This time, so many people follow, there is no reason to come out, don't worry, wait."

Dudu is still relatively calm, and the pocket is completely calm and can't stop crying.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the distance, heavy footsteps, complicated and complicated, and each step seemed to step on the apex of the person.

Everyone is wary.

Chen Fushan stood up quickly and flashed the flashlight into the distance.

"Who is it?" Chen Fushan shouted at the shadow.

"Yes... it's me..." People came to breathless and almost couldn't say anything.

"It's a red flag!"

Chen Fushan’s voice suddenly agitated.

It is his son Chen Hongqi!

There was no problem with the hunting team, and there was a problem with his son Chen Hongqi.

Chen Fushan suppressed the excitement of the bottom of his heart. After all, the hunting team is still alive and dead. If only Chen Hongqi ran out, it would be a big problem!


Chen Hongqi finally ran over and was tired. The stock sat on the ground and gasped with a big mouth.

"Go and give him a bowl of water!" Chen Fushan hurriedly shouted, and asked, "Red flag, you catch your breath and talk about it, the hunting team, other people, are you injured? Where are the people here? You Hey, a person ran back? Jianqiang? Jiansong? Lin Zhiqing, what about them?"

Chen Fushan’s words have not been finished yet. Dudu has quickly brought a bowl of water and sent it to Chen Hongqi’s mouth to let him drink.

After Chen Hongqi drank a few mouthfuls of water, he finally ran over. "Quickly, the village is going to help people, things... too many things, not easy to drag, exhausted... as soon as possible..."


Too many things? Can't take it?

The villagers boiled instantly.

This time, I don’t need Fushan Shu to say anything, and all of them look red.

Chen Fushan suddenly screamed: "All give me a stop, I heard that the arrangement! Now the weather is dry, Jinshanlin is not allowed to bring fire, not allowed to take the candle torch lighting, or burn the mountain, the whole village must go to jail! Village Who has a flashlight, all borrowed to take it, the woman and the child left, the young and strong labor to keep up, the darkness of the mountains can not see, the danger is very, absolutely not allowed to run! And that is, take it later Something, if anyone dares to hide a little bit for me, my ugly words are in front, and I will call you a meat star in the future!"

Chen Fushan’s prestige is still very high.

After some arrangements, he personally brought people to the past.

Chen Hongqi did not rest after drinking water, and followed the way to the villagers. The hunting team was far from the village entrance.

Women and children are not allowed to enter the mountain, but they can wait outside the forest.

This time, the atmosphere is completely different.

I was worried about it all the time. I was afraid that the hunting team would not come back. I was afraid that my family’s strength would be folded in the mountains, and the family would not be able to rely on it.

This time, it is just a joy.

The hunting team is hunting for something that can’t be finished!

How many things are there, you have to be happy.

After two hours, the sound in the forest is becoming more and more obvious...

Finally, the first person came out of the forest.

"Lin Zhiqing is Lin Zhiqing!"

"Three younger sisters!" Chen Ying shouted.

"Mommy mommy!"

Dudu and rushing quickly to hug the cloud painting.

The tears were so swollen that the bubbles were swollen, and Dudu quickly tore off the pocket from the cloud painting, and immediately took the flat kettle in his hand to drink water for the cloud.

Cloud painting took a sip, sweet and savory, and a little salty. This is the cloud painting that has been said to Dudu and I have been able to quickly replenish my body's sugar brine. I didn't expect the little guy to remember clearly.

The cloud drank a half pot of sugar brine, and it was more comfortable.

Chen Ying has also ran over and stretched his neck to look far away.

Cloud painting laughed. "Two cockroaches, the second brother is fine, it may be a little tired, just take a day off."

Chen Ying just let go of his heart, and his face also showed a smile.

After Lin Yun's painting, the people in the forest have drilled one after another. There is no empty hand, either dragging or holding it, it is a good thing.

The most eye-catching is the three big wild boars, one that looks at least two hundred pounds or more!

There are also five scorpions, three deer, pheasant wild duck hare...

The most is still fish.

With the rattan string into a string, the smallest is also four or five pounds, the big ten kilograms have, this string of a strong labor can not move!

At first sight, the laborers are dragging things out, waiting for the women and children outside, all of them to embrace, and the help is dragging and swearing...

Everything got to the brigade, it was already in the middle of the night.

Chen Fushan registered the things all day and night. The hunting team had not rested for three days, so people would go back to rest first, and wait until tomorrow during the day to start calculating and distributing.

Cloud paintings go home with two small ones to sleep.

It was too sleepy and tired, but the body was dirty and stinky. She couldn’t sleep without bathing.

Dudu had already burned the hot water, and the cloud painting was almost washed asleep.

The head was also dirty, and she also washed her head.

But before she could dry her hair, she fell asleep.

Dudu and the two little guys who took the bag, took the towel and dried the hair to the cloud painting little by little. The mother said that if the hair is wet and sleeps, it is easy to catch the wind and it will cause headaches.

The little guy closed the doors and windows and never let the house get a little wind.

Cloud painting sleeps until 10 o'clock in the morning.

When I got up, Dudu and I was doing my homework in the yard.

"What to eat in the morning?" asked the cloud painting.

Dudu and rushed to say: "The second wife came to cook the noodles for us, and lay the eggs. Mom, you sit down, I will give you a meal."

Going straight into the kitchen, and soon, I came out with a bowl of egg noodle soup and a white steamed bun. "When the mother said that the time under the noodles is long, I will give you an egg soup and a donkey." Mom, I will give you another radish."

The little guy is very fast.

Yunxiao smiled and was served by his son, and he was in a good mood.

When she finished eating, Fushan’s daughter Chen Hongxing had already ran over and called her: “Lin’s sister, my dad asked everyone to go to the brigade to gather, ready to send something!”

Cloud painting smiled and nodded, put down the tableware, and took the two children together with Chen Hongxing to the brigade.

On the way, Chen Hongxing whispered: "Lin sister, Tang Yuhong came back from the county, and she brought the object back."

Cloud painting raises an eyebrow.

You must know that before Tang’s family was so big, Tang Yuhong didn’t come back. Now, when he’s not in school, and when he’s not on school, Tang Yuhong comes back with his object.

However, the Tang family’s affairs have nothing to do with her. Chen Hongxing said to her, probably reminding me that Tang Yuhong is not good at all, and the strength of Hu’s entanglement is more than that of Mrs. Tang.

Sure enough, Tang Yuhong met in the brigade department.

Tang Yuhong wore a red plaid woolen coat with black trousers on his legs, a pair of black leather shoes on his feet, and a red scarf on his neck. It was dressed better than many girls in the city. He walked along the way to the village. The eyes of the people are on her.

The man who walked with Tang Yuhong, in his thirties, was also very stylish, wearing a watch on his hand and arrogant. Everything is good, it is at least ten years older than Tang Yuhong.

Mrs. Tang’s old lady was very upright and she was very angry.

"This is the object of Yuhong? The cadre family, look at the true style."

Mrs. Tang immediately said with a voice: "There should be no inquiries. I have to ask the wife of the family."

Tang Yuhong saw the cloud painting, and he came over and smiled meaningfully: "Sancha, the widow is not good with the two children. Although you are not my third, you can see that you are pitiful, I am not. I have the heart. Come, this piece of money is used to buy clothes for the two children. Dressed like this, my third brother is not at ease."

Looking at the money that Tang Yuhong handed over, Yunxiao laughed: "Can you buy a few feet of cloth for a dollar? If you pity us, give me ten pieces of twenty."

Tang Yuhong’s face is white. “You dare to ask! Don’t even shame!”

Cloud painting is indifferent: "Your family is sucking blood on Tang Jianqing, living in the house covered by Tang Jianqing's salary, wearing the clothes bought by Tang Jianqing, spending the money of Tang Jianqing, and driving the wife of Tang Jianqing out of the house, you are all No shame, why should I ask you for a face?"

(End of this chapter)

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