MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2353 Husband and wife

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Chapter 2353 husband and wife concentric

This world is actually a book.

Cloud painting took a few geniuses to completely digest this thing, or that what she really needs to digest is the future of tooting and going around.

In this book, it is clear that Tang Jianqing, the protagonist, became rich and wealthy, but the two sons toot and go, their life is extremely dark.

This is what cloud painting really cares about.

Only the heroine Xiao Ruyue, the cloud painting is not in the heart.

If it was the former Tang Jianqing, then perhaps it may be confused by Xiao Ruyue, but now it is not Tang Jianqing, but Bo Siqing, he can never be confused by a woman like Xiao Ruyue.

Especially now, Bo Siqing also knows that they are in a book, Xiao Ruyue is a female lord, he will be more vigilant.

Both of them have the same plan, that is, in any case, take care of the doodles and the pockets. These two children are the most innocent. As for the rest, even if the world is a book? They don't just follow the story casually.

They are the center of the world, they have made this world, not the world limits them!

This is self-confident, both of them have it.

The next day, step by step.

In addition to working in the village, Bo Siqing will also go out to make money and earn various kinds of bills.

On the other side of the county transportation team, he gave the title of Tang Jianqing Martyr. He was delisted and his position was empty. He had already arranged a newcomer. Even if he came back, he would not be able to return to the transportation team.

This year, the iron rice bowl is a radish pit, and one more is not.

However, Bo Siqing is not a rare pit, he is not more comfortable.

The two did not forget to review, although the title of the college entrance examination is quite simple for those who are seriously reviewing, but they also do not want to be sloppy, in case it is too shameful to miss.

This spring is particularly dry.

It has not been a drop of rain for two months.

The Wuli River flowing through Xiaheshu Village has also been cut off.

Murakami is grabbing water during this time.

However, the lower reaches of Heshu Village is in the lower reaches. The Liuhe Village and Shangheshu Village in the upper reaches of the people have already given up the water. On the side of Xiaheshu Village, there is nothing.

Seeing that the leaves of the crops in the field are all getting up, they are going to be burnt. The ground is cracked apart. Many people’s wells can’t get water, and the water should be picked up by others.

Now there are two wells in the village that can produce water. One is the well of the village branch secretary Chen Fushan, and the other is the well of Bo Siqing and Lin Yun.

The people at the village went to Chen Fushan's house to pick water at the beginning. It can be used by the whole village. How many people eat water? The speed of the water from the well can be eaten by the whole village.

Several of them had a good relationship with Lin Yun's paintings. The first one came to Lin Yun's painter to pick up the water. Then other people couldn't help but rushed to pick the water.

I thought that Lin Yun's paintings would not be willing, but in fact, Lin Yun's paintings had no opinion. If I was tooting and going around at home, she would let two little guys help to press the water.

With the short manpower, the Murakami people began to read Lin Yun's paintings well, saying that people in the city have culture, which is different.

Why did the Tang family refuse to come to Lin Yun to draw water here?

Tang Jianbing and Chen Ying did not care so much. Their ability to eat and eat was taught by Lin Yun. Lin Yun painting had their grace, and it was much more ugly to worry about the old lady of the Tang family and the big house and Lin Yun. They always stand on the side of Lin Yun's paintings, but they are not good at exporting to the mother.

Gradually, almost half of the people in the village came to Lin Yun painter to fetch water. The wells of her family were dug well at first, and the water was continuously going out. It was not like the water well of Chen Fushan's house. It was too shallow and the water supply was insufficient.

Especially after half a month, Chen Fushan’s home was simply dry, and it’s good. The whole village has only the well of Lin Yun’s painter. Without water, there is no water to eat.

Even if it is to fetch water, the whole village people will continue to press the water all day long, and this water is not enough for the whole village.

How to do?

Tang Jianqiang took people to Liuhe Village and Shangheshu Village on the upper reaches of the Wuli River for consultation. I hope that the two villages in the upper reaches will open the floodgates, so that they can get a little water, people, livestock and crops. Water?

Now is the key period of crops. If we continue to lack water, then this summer's summer grain can not only reduce production, it must be harvested!

If the food is not harvested, it means that the whole team will go hungry. Who can stand it?

However, there is a lack of water everywhere, the upstream water is enough, but I am afraid that after I put the water, I will have no water.

After all, this year's weather is abnormal, no one knows when the drought will end in the end, and when will it rain?

The attitudes of the two villages above are very strong, and they are determined not to release water. If they dare to go to the people, they will go straight out.

Chen Fushan went to the commune and let the leaders of the commune negotiate.

But this year, food is about the life of the family, the face of the leadership of the commune is not enough, let alone say that the two villages in the upper reaches are not allowed to release water!

The village is very angry, not letting water go to their lives!

The villagers began to assemble and began to plan. They rushed to open their dams directly, so that the water was put down, and even if they re-repair the dam, there would be a lot of water to be put down.

Tang Jianqiang disagreed.

This took the whole village to go to the other two villages to open the dam. It is obvious that there is a fight. The village is against the village. So many people are doing nothing to do. What happened?

With so many people fighting, one thing can be a big event, a life-threatening event.

But if you don’t go, you won’t let the water go, the crops will be dry, and the people in the village will be dead. What should I do?

"The drought may continue this year."

Bo Siqing is not knowing what he is doing, but he can understand it if he says something.

"Hey, what can I do if I go down like this?" Cloud painting is also worrying.

Even though she has no sense of belonging to Xiaheshu Village, she is really unable to get up easily because of the survival problems of so many people.

Not to mention the next 30 years, in the next 20 years, many people have never experienced a life of not eating enough, but in this era, the fact that you can’t eat enough to starve to death is really there. .

"What are you doing?" Cloud painting still couldn't help but ask.

Bosi Qing hooked the lip, "groundwater detector, referred to as the water meter."

The cloud painting was a little surprised. "It seems that the engineering team will have this kind of thing. Is there now?"

"There is no difficulty in this technology, and the principle is very simple. There must be a professional engineering team, but it is difficult to find it in a small place." Bo Siqing said, "So I will do it myself. Continue to dry, a well. Wells are useless at all, and they need more wells. Now they are digging wells, not machine drilling. If you find the right position, you can get a lot of labor."

Cloud nodded.

Bo Siqing explained the principle of the water meter with the cloud painting. "In fact, the resistivity of different materials is different, such as soil, rock, water, etc., the resistivity of these things is different..."

Bosi Qing ran a few miles of county towns, and the water meter was finally ready.

He did a test first, and if the effect is ok, he will do a few more.

The instrument is done, but how can it be used by people?

Still have to go to the village branch secretary Chen Fushan.

Chen Fushan's hair was almost finished during this time.

The drought is about to catch up with the drought that was more than a decade ago. People are very afraid of it, for fear of being hungry again.

The upstream does not want to release water. It is not realistic to fight for water. It will kill people. If you really want to go to that, people will probably not care about anything.

Chen Fushan and Tang Jianqiang discussed and found the most experienced digging well master in the village. I found several places to dig wells and try to see if I could dig up the water. If it was possible, maybe there would be a rescue in Xiahe Village. Can't... then there is no way to go, nothing can be closed!

The location of the digging well is near the cloud painter.

The reason is that the distance from the village is far away, and the terrain is relatively low. In addition, everyone can see it. The whole village now only has the water well of the Lin Yun painter. This is the most important reason.

The whole village has been working hard for a long time. This well has been dug for the third day. It has been dug up seven or eight meters deep, and I saw some wet soil. I didn’t see where the water was!

On such a hot day, no water was dug, and everyone’s mood was not good.

"If you can't do it, you can grab the water! Wuli River is not just the two villages. They don't let the water go to the rivers and villages. We can't live, they want to live! Grab the water!"

"Snap the water! Grab the water!"

People's blood is aroused.

Great fire! It’s just a little burst!

Chen Fushan rushed to the company with Bo Siqing.

"Stop all, listen to me!"

Chen Fushan stood in the chair and shouted, "I am quiet!"

"Uncle Fushan, what do you want to say? Let's talk about when we go to grab the water! It's not too late, it's best to go tonight, to let his mother! Don't let you live, then don't live!"

"Snap the water! Grab the water!"

"Stay in the mouth!"

Chen Fushan roared, "I don't know if you want to grab the water. You can't stop when you fight up? Can you die? Who wants to die? Whoever wants to die will stand up!"

Everyone looks at each other.

But some people still said: "Foshan Uncle, no one wants to die, but if there is no water, then everyone will die together!"

“Look at the well first,” Chen Fushan said.

"It has been dug for three days! Digging so deep, even a drop of water has not seen. In order to dig this well, Sanwazi has folded his legs, not digging! Who loves to dig who digs, anyway, this well is not Dig!"

"Don't dig, and you can't dig out the water, it's in vain."

"I don't want to shed a sweat, I don't have any drinking."

Chen Fushan was almost mad, but he also knew that he would be calm now.

"I know that everyone is not rushing out of the water. It is because the selection is not right. There is no water in this place! Or the water is too deep, and you can't dig it."

Chen Fushan said, "I found a machine for everyone. Using this machine to test, I know where I can dig out the water!"

"Can the real machine be measured? Is this machine so deep?"

"Not going to be a lie?"

"With such a thing, can you detect where there is water?"

Chen Fushan said, "I will not work on this machine. I will build a Qinghui, let Jianqing come to find the water, find the **** and dig the well! dig a dozen wells, the water is not enough? I listen to the old man. There is still no solution to this drought for a month. The water in Wuli River has long since disappeared. The villages in the upper two villages have stopped, and they have not stopped much. They are risky to release water, and they can’t put down much. I dig my own well! After a few more days, the water in the upper two villages is running out, let them dry their eyes!"

"Bronch, if this machine can really find water, it will be fine. If it can't be found, it will waste time..."

"I promise, I can find it!" Chen Fushan said, and he looked at Bo Siqing.

Bo Siqin nodded. "I can find it, I can't find it... I will go with you to grab the water."

Since Bo Siqing said that he is not Tang Jianqing, he is a thin Siqing, the village people have always had a strange feeling for him, usually work, and he does not care much about him.

At this moment, Bo Siqing volunteered that if he could not find water, he would follow the water.

This has really surprised many people.

Tang Jianqiang bit his teeth: "Oh, I also believe in Fushan Shu! I will dig again. If you really can't dig water, let's go grab the water!"

"it is good!"

The strength of the villagers was aroused.

Bo Siqing took the lead and began to probe. From a few points he found, he chose the most likely point of water to direct the excavation.

"Is it OK here?" Tang Jianqiang asked.

Bo Siqing nodded.

"Building Qing, if you can't dig out the water... you have to go to the front when you grab the water." Someone said.

Bosiqing nodded again, "OK."

If so, then dig it!

On the first day, even the wet soil was not dug out.

The next day, I dug out a bit of wet soil, but still did not mean water.

People are actually discouraged.

How much effort does it take to dig a well? Everyone is tired and hungry and thirsty. These two days are also full of strength. They have been dug for two days and have not moved yet. Eighty percent are also unable to dig out the water. It is.

People who are eager to rush, do not do it directly.

"I don't think it's a waste of effort. I haven't dug it so much."

"That is, exhausted, it is better to find a place to thank, hungry is not good enough."

This negative emotion is contagious.

If one does not do it, the others will not do it.

Tang Jianqiang himself is also somewhat depressed. He is trying to boost morale, but it is useless.

Bosi Qing calmed his face and walked on himself, digging himself.

Tang Jianqiang and Tang Jianbing helped him to dig together, but how many of them did they have to dig?

Just then, the cloud painting came with a doodle and a pocket.

The two children carried a large basket, the cloud paintings were carrying the poles, and the two sides of the poles were carrying two buckets.

"There is no food in the stomach, of course, do not move, come to eat the mouth mat, and then dig, you can definitely dig out the water!" said the cloud painting.

The strength of the work of a group of passive absenteeism is opposite.

At this year, every household has no food. Does this Lin Zhiqing actually bring out the food of his family for everyone to eat?

She is really confident that this well can dig out the water!

(End of this chapter)

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